1 Wou'll enjoy our Orange LJelwe KKKHT'S Blend iC' ar EACH INK RAPEFRUIT AIRWAY FOOD MARKET Ud 35c IARMAIADE 116-cz Jar 32-oz. Jar 25c .45c I'DDING OWDERS IN ib b- -Contains Sugar PACKETS pYAL CITY "3 Tin:- N 25c 10c 23c DELIVER DAILY - PHONE 434 HONOR TEA air Way Food Market (KOSS INGRAM) ill) THIKI) AVENUE WEST Just Below the Daily News terns of Interest for Thrifty Shoppers ABOB COFFEE Btound JQr EEDLESS AISINS POUND fLU BAGS NABOB TEA 1-POUND PACKAGE SCOTCH BROTH SOUP 2 Campbell's Regular tins FOP. STRICTLY 69c GRAPE JUICE Sweetened, QUART BOTTLES FRESH EGGS GRADE "A" LARGE Direct from the farm Per Dozen Carton 44c 46c HEINZ SOUPS Regular tins f Af To Clear EACH JLU'" JUICY SUNKIST ORANGES 132 Size Per Doz. ; Doz. ,37c S1.0Q BEAUTY COLOR CHARM your walls, furniiiire and accessories "Deca" Transfers EASY TO AI'I'LY . . . ALL YOU USE IS WATER! Now on display at Gordon's Hardware fliridc Street DAILY NEWS ROLL Your Assistance Invited I'hoiic 311 Tlie Dally News is completing a Roll of Honor which it fuPed may contain tlfe name of everv man and woman Fte city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or. land ! ) the air. To make this list complete, it is essential to J n tlle co-operation of the public as & whole In sub-f'ng the names. I1 is Impassible for the Dally News or any one person pipue the list complete so we are asking YOU to De Ponsible for thf snhmicsinn nf tho n.ime of YOUR boy. P girl or YOUR friend. EPhc following is the information we would like you to (n and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert pc (Army, Navy. Air Force) ... Ik of Kin Itlon t XCSS ' Enlistment! 1 Discharge pualty, Nature and Date 55c 25c member, if y0U do not submit a certain person'i 'u une else may. You are responsible. I.O.D.E. LAUNCHES MEMORIAL FUND DRIVE WITH FOUNDER'S DAY TEA Funds raised by the I.O.D.E. World War II Memorial drive, which began in Prince Rupert and elsewhere in Canada yesterday, will give opportunity for higher education to scores of children of deceased or disabled veterans of the recent war who might never have such opportunity except for the devoted work of the I.OJJ.E. Indies The drive in Prince Rupert j f ATHfll If PITF Was inntlffnrnt.pri nn IVmnHor'c HIIIWl.lV ll I ImJ o - wa vuuviwi ty Day yesterday by a tea and sale In hn tnnp TT1I h.ui.l ... kuv iio.ii wxjiti was i formally opened bv Mavor H. M. ! Daeeett and to which a lar ' The funeral of the late Mrs. number of ladies, and a few Mary McLean was held Monday men, thronged In spite of a rainy, j coming at the Pro-Cathedral blustery afternoon. All four local ! OI ine annunciation, itequiem groups co-operated. Prince Rupert's share in the $500,000 national drive Is in excess of $2,500, according to Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Regent, Municipal Chapter. I.O.D.E;, who introduced Mayor Daggett at the opening of the event. In a brief address, Mayor Daggett outlined the objective of the campaign and wished the I.O.D.E. groups success in their effort. The second Memorial drive has alms similar to the one which followed the first World Wai and which provided $1,200 bur-' saries to 251 sons and daughters of deceased or disabled servicemen of that conflict, and also provided post-graduate scholarships to 148. Among graduates of the I.O. D.E. Memorial foundation are such outstanding Canadians as Matthew Halton, radio correspondent, Dr. Allie Douglas, M.B.E., Ph.D., dean of Women, Queen's University, and John L. Llndford, of Manitoba, who played an outstanding pioneer port in developing magnetic and el-ecrical marine safeguards in England during the war. Patrons of the Founder's Day tea were served at Intimate tables centred with flowers by ervlteurs drawn from the city's four chapters. Pouring were Mrs. Inspector H. II. Mansell of the provincial police left on last night's train on an Inspection trip to Smithers. SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Railings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Trappers Attention FOR MRS. McLEAN A.igil iu m it t o ouiu Mjr A aunt W. F. Lantagne and sung by the children's choir. Honorary pallbearers were Peter Burns, William Skinner, Gecrge Holmes, J. McCormack, Jack Scott and Chris Dixon. Active pallbearers were Tommy Burns. Albert Dalzell, Robert Boddie, Harry Eyolfsen, Robert Kelsey, and E. Boddie. Interment was In the family plot at Fairview Cemetery. Announcements Valentine Dance. February 14, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission 50c. Old Time Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, every Saturday. L.O.B.A. Bridge, mist and Crlbbage. Feb. 14, 8 p.m.. Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 35c. C.W.L. Bridge, Whist, Crlbbage, February 14, K. of C. Hut, 8 p.m. United Church Valentine Tea, Home Cooking, Thursday, Feb. 14th. Mrs. C. H. Hankinson, 945 Borden Street. Valentine's Dance at the Armouries, Feb. 15. $1.00 a couple. Good orchestra. Refreshments. Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club annual banquet. Knight? of Columbus Hall, Wednesday, February 27. Admission by ticket only. Registered Nurses' Tea, Nurses' Jens Munthe. Regent Cambra. Home' February 28 Chapter. Mrs. J. A. Teng, Regent Queen Mary Chapter, Mrs. Jame3 Hutchison, Regent Hill 60 Chapter, and Mrs. Moses, Regent, Galloway Rapids Chapter. The pourers' table was spread with a lovely lace cloth, centred with a large bowl of daffodils iris and gladioli. Mrs. Munthe was convener of the tea and sale. Scrvlteurs were Mrs". Neville Gerard, Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs William Noble, Mrs. S. Saville. Mrs. C. A. Brlnd, Mrs. J. R Macey. Mrs. H. M. Foote. Mrs. F. M. Kempton, Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, Mrs. Earl Becker, Mrs. W. M. Hall, Miss Barbara Tens. Miss Velma Hall, Miss Deshka Penoff, Miss Peggy Grogau and Miss Dorothy Hutchison. Mrs. M. J. Keays and Mrs. H. A. Breen were in charge of .the home cooking, while thu raffle was directed by Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Donald. In raffles, Mrs. D. Orchard Mrt eod was the winner of a centrepiece, Mrs. E. Pierce and Mrs. F. McRae won cakes and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall won a leg of lamb. Cashier was Mrs. G. R. S, Blackaby. Presbyterian, Tea, Mrs. A. Flaten. March 14, L.O.B.A. t?a and sale. April 17, Oddfellows Hall. Highest Prices Paid for Your FURS SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SIIRIABERG B.C. FURNITURE H one Black as I sr Local News Items A Truck Drivers and Swampers Union meeting, Friday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m. Metropole Hall, Third Ave. (39) Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Toombs arc leaving this evening for a trip to 'Vancouver. - Sheardown'a deliver dally. Today's orders delivered tomorrow. We're as near as your phone. (tf) AKhatada clubs Hardtime Dance, Feb. 14, Valhalla Hall. Dancing 9-1. Adi. 75c. Refreshments. (38) Mr. and Mrs. H. r. Wearmouth who recently sold their Island home across the harbor, are sailing tonight on the Prince Ru pert for Vancouver. They plan ' on" taking up future residence i in the south. A number of social j ? affairs have been held in honor of Mrs. Wearmouth, a pioneer i. local nurse, prior to her departure. A For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) Robert Walker, manager of the Hudson' Bay Co. at Hazelton, left by last evening's train on his return to the Interior after spending a few days in the city on business. Pte. W. Harris, son of Mrs. L. F. Bohm, 1443 Sixth Ave. E., will arrive in the city on the Car-dena tomorrow night from overseas where he served with the First Battalion. Canadian Scot tish, celebrated Victoria regl- years and nine months and was wounded in Normandy. Oliver Elliott or Wawanesa, Man., arrived in the city yesterday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver and is paying a visit with Sheriff and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Fifth Ave. W. Mr. Elliott and Mr. Stephens were boys together on adjoining farms near Wawanesa and attended the same school. Mr. Elliott re a successiui larmer ana is spending spending the the winter winter on on the the A The Family Shoe Store Is pleased to announce that a new shipment of Jack and Jill shoes for children has arrived. Gilbert A. L-ater of Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived on Tuesday evening's train and Is visiting here, renewing old acquaintances, while enroute to Portland, Oregon. Mr. Dater was with the Transportation Corps of the United States Army at the port in .1942 and part of 1943. A.O-N. Brother's evening, 8 p.m. Friday. February 15, Oddfellows' Hall. Members and invited guests only. (38) DID YOO GET A GOOD flights ResUI If Not, Try This Tonight When you awake in the morning do you feel vigorous and clad to be men, He served overseas three tJfTZV ot uyaitine warm at bedtime. Taken at bedtime, Ovaltine helps to relieve that feeling of nervous tension. Its special food elements, processed fof easy digestion, and its rich supply of Vitamins A, Hi, and D and the minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron help to replenish worn out muscle, nerve and body cells. So why not try Ovaltine? See if it doesn't help you to wake up fresher ana more buoyant. Get Ovaltine mained at Wawanesa to become at your drug or food store, j 1 U V i! !j I i Jj T i coast 1 . ! llll A Product of Quality 111 ' A superfine tissue, creped for . ' flgl sceater softness. Pure I PUREX : 1 f York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL smcihins Ncw and thc Hcst Free Estimates bn Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP - WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 12G Day Phone Green 937 Evenings 177 jprfnet Uupert DaUj? J3cUi Thursday, February 14, 1946 FOOT COMFORT FOR FIRESIDE EVENINGS MEANS HAVING A PAIR OF EASY - FITTING SLIPPERS! rv ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring aiid Repairs Phone Black .'MJ7. 236 Second Avenue West 11 LWAYS See Our Range of Men's Fine Slippers . . . Just Arrived. SOFT SOLE EVERETTS Brown, Black and Blue pair $2.50 HARD SOLE OPERAS Wine Shade pair $:.50 HARD SOLE ROMEOS Medium Brown Shade, Elastic Gore Side pair $:j.5 WffiZB2 We Have Done IT Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL- Cards with the black arrow Indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 ' P.O. Box 575 Beauty Lane Salon Beulah Lavlgnc (late of Modern Beauty Parlor) has purchased the Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe from Peggy Saunders and is continuing as Beauty Lane Salon Fourth Street, opposite Post Office Phone Blue 917 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 12 WHITE WOOD CHEST OF DRAWERS $7.sn (Four large drawers) RUBBER DOOR MATS 2.23 and $2,73 COCOA DOOR MATS from '. $1.23 CURTAIN RODS, 48", each 20 SEE US FOR YOUR COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS We appreciate your Mall Orders 327 Third Avenue West Phone 775 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow IWein Chinese Dishes our specialty. PHONE 17;5 Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. We Deliver Your Order MOT? ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED STORAGE and Furniture Crating HYDETRANSFER Phone 580 EASY AS 'A'-'B'-'C'-- THREE FIRSTS IN SHOE PLEASURE "A LWAYS SMART tttwr ETTEU QUALITY ' DEI urn v OMFOKT IN STRIDE LADIES! Now Is the time to complete your spring ensemble with our smart new styles in shoes. . DUY AT LUT RATE THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE " ' 1 ," hi