o i y BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Volunteers to Picket CNR offices for Contracts KKI'OUT FISHERMEN'S HALL FRIDAY ISiriWEEN 7 AND K I'.M. Demonstrate For Jobs! "J0BS.-F0R.-ALr ASSOCIATION Don WALL BOARD We have a carload on the way ORDER NOW TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY ' l'x(i lx8', rx)' and VxW $65.00 per M sq.ft. PHILPOTT EVITT Coal Lumber An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. ..v- ui i'.W. OOX Oil PHASER STREET Prince Rupert We serve you nothlnp but the best Special Red llrand Be ef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruit Complete line of (iroceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINO REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Ties, Roast Chickens, Eih and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take ot. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel SCOTTY'S (,I1 Country nacona AND CO. LTD. Building Supplies 8 A-M. TO 9 P.M. 1 IM. TO 4 I'M. Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO C A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street . FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME rhone 8G4 Two Way Tie In Top Spot .Montreal 5, Chicago 1. Busltn 3, Detroit 0. CHICAGO, W Montreal Can-adlen and Boston Bruins went into a first place tie in the Na- i tbual Hoockey League last night ! displacing the Chicago Black Hawks from the leadership. The Canadiens scored a five to one victory over the Black Dawks here while the Eastonlans wore scoring three goals to blank, the Red Wings at Detroit. The mar-Kin of the Canadiens and Bruin over the Black Hawks is a single point or half a game. Tonight the Biulns will hay.' I lie chance to assume exclusive leadership in an appatntment with the lowly New York Rangers. Hie standings to date are as follows: W I) L F A Pts Chlcaio 20 4 U 1&9 14G 44 Boston . 19 7 12 125 110 45 C:inadiens 21 3 13 123 04 45 Dstroit 15 0 15 07 105 30 Tv.tonto 13 C 1!) 110 133 32 w York .8 0 23 08 145 22 GAME CHIEFS" INVITED HERE Invitations have ueen extended by the Prince Rupert Rod and Dun Club to James Cunningham, chief game commissioner for British Columbia, and Inspector Thomas Van Dyk of Prince George to attend the annual banquet of me club as guests of honor on February 27. Catering is In the hands of R. G. Van der slpys and the piece de resistance will be moose meat provided by l-jcal nimrods who made supce.sft!l eru ditions to the interior. B. J B.(froi) is president of t!v- dub and F. W Grimble. r"ttrK;ir: LOOK SHARP FEEL BE SHARP Gillette BLUE BLADES WITH THE SHARPEST EDGES EVER HONED COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE GTfl CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . Cafe 4 In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Basketball. Even though nothing definite; has been arranged. In regard to future games, the local senior basketball All-Stars are, carrying out trl-weekly. practices. with, hopes that something, will turn up In the form of a suitable, playing floor, It has beer): rumored that one of the, stronger local organizations 1$ taking the. matter of gym shortages up with Ottawa, and wors ts. expected no later than this week-end no whether or not. anything U- to be done about the situation. If one of the suitable gyms U released shortly there wili be the opportunity oV seeing the well known New Metlakatla team In two weeks' time. Then, the local boys will go north for a return series with New Metlakatla and will play Ketchikan at the same time. Ketchikan players are very anxious to visit Prince Rupert each year and they will show here around the end of March at the latest. It looks as though the ladies may come Into their own' this year as negotiations are being carried out with the U.S. Coast Guard "Spars" at the first city and it seems there is Just the difference In style of play to be ironed out before the trip is a cinch. The' Coast Guard lassies play the more feminine six-a-side game which includes some rather strange rules .as far as our girls are concerned but they arc so anxious to make the trip they have assured coach Ed Gladding that, to quote: "We'll learn anything." The old argument of Seniors vs. Intermediates is still In the air and will continue until something is done about It. At present the Intermediates claim they have enough young blood to form a team capable of representing the city more capably than their older brothers and his column Insists they be given that opportunity. The Intermedi ates have at present the largest following any league has boasted for many years and many in that following seem to think that the seniors are trying to get out of something until they have made a trip north. At any rate- It seems that the only way the matter can be setled Is. to haye. J.he, two. teams meet .f on the right to represent the citv I and the winner take all the gate. to help defray expenses while travelling. Since this is definitely amateur sport, money other i than gate receipts should not be mentioned but liberty Is re quested to advise those tha,t have been willing to take even money on the seniors that they'd be wise to look the situation over and take stock. With all due respect to the calibre of ball being played at the Armories It must be conceded that it will take a year or two to replace men like Houston, Lindsay, Domlnato, Macphee, etc. and It I might be stated that, most of those boys will welcome replace j ments much sooner than that. They are still packing thfin , in at the Armories every Tues , day and Thursday where Car) I ZarelH's Savoys are currently the , hot shots. With no less than two men who were picked for the , senior game with the U.S. Coast : Guard and bolstered by Ted Amey, recently returned from,, the service, the Savoys should 1 take all opposition In their stride 'but Tuesday night the Iljgh School squad, who are playing i about normal ball now after a j weak show against Kayhl, took them in an overtime by ten points: This should hardly happen Judging from the line-up;! . HiWkl'I'UVIf I'V'W tWMt lillHI NOTICE OP APPLICATION TOft CONSKNT IX) TKANSPEK OP BEEK LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that oi the Oth day of March next tin uif1erslf u d tiit'iulu to apply to thr Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of. hen Licence No. 739 issued In respect of premises being part oi a ouuuine Known as rnox Hotel, situate at First Avenue In the CHv of Princes. Kupert, Province of British Columbia, upon th lands described, as Lot numbered Thirteen (131 and Pourteeuth (14) of Block Two (2) of (Section One (1) Map XL mnce rniperi ituu . Kegisirauon uw-trlct lu the Province of British Colt umbla, from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Beaudoln Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the. Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, BX1.. thU 29th day of January A D. 1940. BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vanderbeck, President. IN THE SUPREME COUKT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN TH MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OH JOHN LAMBERT. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 4th day of February. AD. 1948, I was appointed Acting Official Administrator of the Estate of John Lam bert, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are nereov required to lurnisn same properly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of March, A.D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to tbe Estate are required to pay the amount C their Indebtedness to, me. forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 5th clav of Pebrtiarv. AT). 1948. GORDON F, FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C Pot Shots of the two teams but It's that old condition that seems to show when the High School starts rolling, and In Tuesday night's PHONES MAKE RADIOS ST. PETER PORT, Guernsey, VT-So many telephone receivers and other parts were taken by Guernsey people during the war to make crystal receiving sets, enabling them 1 listen to the BC news, that' officials hays it aPla'd for' the retu of the game showed, up glaringly i when the Savoys failed to score par tnat tnR telephone sys-in the overtime while the lllshi majr' reconstructed. SHORT pionships held during the yea will be invited to participate. Bobby Locke, South African champion and one freely tipped to capture the "open," Is a certain starter and It is hoped several American stars, including Byron Nelson, the ace UJ5. money winner, will enter the field. Gordon Richards, Britain' champion rider who has brought home more than 3000 winners In his quarter century, of riding, hopes he will be able to continue In the game fpr at least another 10 years. He is now 41, "With ordinary luck I should by then bring my aggregate of winners to between 4090 and 5000." he Said In an Interview at his Marlborough home. "I believe such a total would remain an all-time record and I doubt if anyone will ever beat my record of 259 winners set up In 1932." School built up ten fast point. In closing, we might state that High School looks like the win ners In that league but then that's our; opinion. Outlook for Britain's flat-, racing season, and professional golf tournaments this, year Is the brightest: since 1939, During the first half 0f the flat-racing season, April-June, there will be 103 days of racing over 33 iCnurses, compared with 39 days ;in the perjodlast year over 10 ,courses. Sports writers are heralding the golf season as, one of the brightest and biggest In the history of golf in this country with 13 tournaments already, lined up and record prize monev oi more than $90,000 with .golferj from various parts of the world competing. Three open cham pionships will be held, from the end of March until late in Octor ber, with tournaments every two weeks-. Affer the open championship, which will be decided at historic St. Andrew's in July, will be the "grand slam" the Dunlop masters competition at Southampton In October when winners of the various cham IpO a child He spends he is. going does the figures would not appreciate and motor is it that approaching particular see children and be ready Sicfa ACCIDENTS STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient anr In. expensive. We own and operate the warehouse where . your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, phone no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. ! Corner 2nd ma Park Avenue the world was made for play. little time thinking about what to do next and quite frequently most unexpected thing. Accident indicate that most adults do the limitations of motorists vehicles. So how much less likely children will? When you arc or passing children in your car vigilence is required. When you at play play it safe. Slow down for the unexpected. Contributed by 1 DRIVE 1 CAPILAN0 6 BREWERY HO.VT JUST HAl'l'EV TIU'.Y Alt I1 Ptfnfe nuucfii SDafle j3cus Thursday February 14, 1946 AUSSIES GETTING Medical Service Available to All Income Groups CANBERRA '(K-Patients of al! income groups in public hospitals now are receiving free treatment in four Australian states. Cost is being borne by the Commonwealth government by means of grants to state gov ernments, which will administer j Richards has never won the Derby, his great ambition before he retires. "Then I want to train a Derby winner." Next to a Jockey, Gordon is one of the biggest racing pigeon fanciers in the country. "Some of the birdt cast me $450 each. They are some of the finest birds, with pedigrees tracing back over 100 years." In his spare time he operate,! a 300-acre farm, serves as a director of the Swindon Town foofball club, plays golf and spends his winters at St. Moritz, Switzerland, crling and skiing. Britsol Rovers, English football club, has introduced a novel idea by holdlns lnformalrneet-lngs of directors, manager and players at the Rovers ground where the players explain tactics and strategy to; the "men behind the scenes." The mana.r ger and players will be the teachers. CAUSED. We are pleased to. announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FREE TREATMENT- the scheme, Iyater the scheri will be extended, to'.'cpver pa payment of treatment In prlva hospitals. The project Is part of the Con moQwealth government's plai for social seryices. The .schen is operating In omy four stat because of constitutional dela. In New South Wales and Soul Australia. Provision... for tl scheme was contained In tlv J Hospital Benefits Act. passed I federal parliament in Septen ' fy ber. But the act did no.glve tl . Commonwealth go ver.n mar , authority to put the scheme ln, operation. It merely.: . gave power to make agreements wit S the states, preparatory to ti "p introduction of the plan. in thejk 1 states. Neither the New Soul Th Wales nor the South AustraliJlr governments have yet ratlfw Jr the agreements. ouuin Australia s aeiay is aw , Jf to a hitch in administration, New South Wales ls -delaylr V ratification until it receives a ft assurance in public -wards i state hospitals. GLASS IS SMOOTHEST Engineers recently "" prove scientifically that glass is spm 300 times smoother han satii . an.d about 475 fljn. smoothf than silk. m - lITED ; 47IA1 J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged; at Your;" Convenience! I SALES ROOMS) 171 Third Ave. jE., I W .4 T I! V 4 lu