RED TOP CABS NORTHERN AND C ENTRATi BRITISH r COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Phone JJjtj Phone TAXI TAXI J KABPER C McINTYRE 537 Stand: Rupert Tobacco Btcte (across from Ormes) DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE DAT and NIGHT SERVICE vof f S"""3'8 M0S' S,ra,e,!i,: PacifiC Prt"''ri P, the Key (o the Great Northf Bill and Ken Nesbitt VUU XXXV. NO. 158. PRlwnii- n'rer-n-r or- nxTT,.,r- . - "" """. um o, me PRICE FIVE CENTS TURE USE DRY DOCK rffidmt of Canadian rlional Hallways Still tirrvraiiiiK ".t. to Bdvlr-t that It Is . - i.ut. 1 1 i n ! . p( ne ui r.iii.s hjiic w give df'tnltf advice as to the U5C 01 "'J uum aiiu IIP j ard but you may be assured we tiave every desire to see frauire determmed to the ual satisfaction of the resl- ,-, r Pilnce Rupert and the i-av ay a letter which has i received from R C. Vaugh- Irhaiinian and president of I'anadlan National Railways. be P' ince Rupert Chamber of imerce "we, oi course, ap- i. ... 1 1 i ...i.i.i. Mi' (lie rum i luuuun which drv dork has made In the to the economy of your i? leMer lu In reply to one li wan ;ent by the Chamber k n ! further Information Mr Vaughan following a lit tatenient that the local lard property was available her for lease or sale. IN MAUK.fc,INZ,Ih VISIT CITY n tan Mackenzie, minister terans affairs, has accepted pv.'t atlon of the Prince Ru-Chamber of Commerce to Ponce Rupert after the rnt se :on of Parliament at Mr-i j nvr Tfa will arlvten "!i?wbe definitely at a later the Minister writes. IIVIBW MMx m m mm ill mill 1HI M I J I I Ml ! 1 U II I f lllllllll I in y n n Mirr jinn iMirrn I'linr ""Mi y..L ANGELES. Howard rrted American alr- bl'i'de!- . ERrl nn-llm ...... tnrnH :rr.3ii: !y Injured y?s-whm a plan" he was fly-i nea cms a lvmse. He was a R7erev Hills hos- ntrp tie wa;. reported tO- o--m broken rib. which he attempted to make a 3 on the Los Angeles r "iub fairway after hav- n ... ui- -i-i. ...... ... 'np n nit "n uu he t afire Hunhes was w- mi, iiamva. (1TII MFMODiAt I llal lVIXIf'lla OMATinisi ikk " 1 1 i ' oi many pupils "iiuuiig promotion 10 nigner graaes as a !t of final examinations before the recent term lie ha," been announced by the principal, W. W. C. a name means "Passed with Honors" and "C" wmng losing tug and J R Morgan which " " dry dock here for :t '"'' undergoing rudder w ' leave soon to 10 w towing duty for the mt) 1 Ing Co. The 232 ;n is fell known ' c?a:it having formerly h Canadian Pacific Coast I'nnce Albert. Its 1 owners are the Badwater Vancouver. Halibut Snlo. American rt .00O. 18 and 10; Pa- 'fllanrl nnn n -i v nnu 1U, '"ladlan - u.unn n n ---, 1 Atlln. W0: Atlln. ''. 28.000- Oa. lCc-i"n prices.) u TWO PROVINCES ACCEPT OTTAWA-Finance Minister J. L. Ilsley told the House of Commons today that two provinces have accepted In principle the Doinlnion-pioviiicial relations proposals made In the federal budget. He, however, did not name the provinces. He added that another province had requested further clarification. Otheis had acknowledged receipt of the new federal proposals. ATOMIC SECRET THEFT KWAJALEIN Theft in New York of a package of atomic bomb test film labelled "secret" was confirmed today by Brlg.-Gen. Roger Ramey but he said the thief obtained only an unimportant sequence of the dropping of the preliminary dummy practice bomb. The film was being flown to Koch-ester, New Jersey, to test speed of delivery. The film was stolen from r.n officer-courier In New York. CROSS PICKET LINES VANCOUVER Some AmerN can Federation of Labor Moulders' Union members crossed the C.C.U Chemical Workers' Union picket line today to return to work in Vancouver foundries. Police were on hand but there were no disorders. AltCHMISIIOP FAVORS LONDON The Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev. Geoffrey Usher, supports British i government action In Palestine, saying It was necessary in the interests of public order and certainly since xthe discovery of great stores of arms and ammunition being held by the Jews. - . . .... j, --. ., FIRE AT COWICHAN V I C T O R I A There was a $15,000 fire at Cowichan Bay. The Maxwell House Hotel was destroyed and guests had to flee In their night attiie. The Teck Moat House was also de stroyed. OUDGET DEBATE OTTAWA The budget debate opened today with Progressive-Conservative member J. M. Mardonald the first speaker. He contended that the budget failed to correct any financial pioblems. Nothing had been done to adequately relieve taxation or encourage production. uau crunni I I I VI I JVIIVUL ANhinimrFn nun vun vkt oi liooth Memorial High fmeans "Passed Conditionally" or with supplementary examinations to write. The list of promotions Is as follows: Graduates June Berg, Llnnea Bergman. Jean Bernard, Eleanor Carr, Eddie Clccone, Lawrence Eddy, Olafur Eyolfson, James Forman, Peter Good, Donald Hartwlg, Alfred Hill, Audrey Hunter, Betty Hutchison, Frank James, John Kennedy, Dorothy Kergln, Margaret Large, Vina Lavlgne, Vickie Lewis, Walter Longwlll, Evelyn McNab, Reginald Martin, Margaret Martin-sen, Elizabeth Milton, Florence Morse, George Olafson, Bud Pierce, Emmy Schlld, Rupert Holkcstad, Dolly Slmonson, Dorothy Smith, Mary Sylvester, John Thompson. Ruth Walton, Isobel Webster. John Wesch. Promoted to Grade XII Mary Adcock, Beryl Anderson (C), Esme Campbell, Sten Dldrlck-son (C), Albert Eyolfson, Geor-glna Galrdner, George Good, Frederick Grimbie, Fay Ingram, Clarice Johnson (H), Helen Kas-per (II), Maxlne Kerrlghan, Lillian Knutson, David Krlstman-son (II), Lois Lakle (II), Forbes (Continued on Tage 2) v -v. M MM J 9 O 't -.VS ADJOURNED The esPionage A i U Gordon Lunan has .rned until Sep- tcmbe V...nd that of Prof. Isaac Iwiperin to September 30. . SCOTLANIM'ANCOUVER PRESTWICK The fiist direct flight from Prestwick, Scotland, to Vancouver will commence tomorrow morning when a T.C.A. plane hops with two passengers and special mail including greetings from the Lord Major of London to the mayor of Vancouver. GOVERNOR AT CALGARY CALGARY The Governor-General and Viscountess Alexander arrived here today to head a Calgary Stampede parade and officiate at the official opening this afternoon. HOLIDAY TOLL NEW YORK The Fourth of July four-day celebration toll amounted to 417 dead, more than half in traffic accidents. Tills was considerably less than had been expected. BUTCHERS' STRIKE LONDON Nine hundred meat drivers and porters are on strike in London butcher shops. STORY WRITER DIES TORONTO Archie Mc-Kishnle, noted Canadian short story writer, who specialized In wild life tales, died today. A.F.L. MOULDERS BACK TO WORK Will Cross C.C.L. Picket Line3 In Vancouver Foundries, It - Js Learned,-1 - , VANCOUVFR Fred Aber-nethy. president of the American Federation of Labor Moulders' Union, said that men of his union would return to work in 17 Vancouver foundries notwithstanding C.C.L. picket lines. They agreed to accept a 10c per hour wage Increase and 40-tiour week. A'.V.VAV.'.VAVAV.VW TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy s. D. Johnston Co. Ltd .'.'.VWAVWAWAV.V Vancouver Bralorne n.80 B R. Con .12 BR.X .12 Cariboo Gold ... 2.80 Dentonla .35 Grull Wihksne 13 Hedley Mascot 1.30 Minto 05 Pend Oreille 2.75 Pioneer 4.25 Premier Border 08A Premier Gold' 1.80 Privateer 52 Reeves McDonald 1.40 Salmon Gold 17A Sheep Creek l.lo Whitewater 0334 Vananda 35A Congress .10 T... Pacific Eastern .10 Spud Valley 23A I Central Zeballos 14A ! Oils A P. Con .10 Calmont .30 C. & E 1.85 Foothills .. 1.55 Home 3.00 Toronto Aumaque .50 Beattle .95 Bobjo .17 Buffalo Canadian .24 Con. Smelters 93.00 Eldona .50 Elder .53 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.00 Hardrock 72 Jacknife .17 Jollct Quebec 60 Little Long Lac 1.80 Madsen Red Lake 2.70 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.75 Moneta 60 Omega 21 Pickle Crow 3.00 San Antonio 4.35 Senator Rouyn 51 Sherrltt Gordon 2.55 Steep Rock 2.80 Sturgeon River -is Lynx 07 Lapaska .30 God's Lake 74 Negus 2.25 Juneau Water ARE EVICTED BY RUSSIANS Austrian; Being Driven Out of Ihcir Own Country by Soviet Occupants MOSCOW-Soviet Rusiia yesterday ordered the eviction from Russian-occupied Austria of 50,-)00 "German-Austrlans." Trucks were standing by ready to take l.hem Into the British and American occupied part of the country. Many of the Auitrlans are disregarding the order. MOST PARK SHIPS SOLD i Of Meet of 17C. 122 Have Now ! Been Sold to Private Owners OTTAWA Of 176 vessels I which formed the wartime fleet , of the Park Steamship Co., the government - formed organiza- tlon, 122 have now passed into private hands. It was announced yesterday. Most of them will remain under Canadian registry. Improvement In Sockeye Fishing I Preliminary reports on last j night's fishing on the Skeena River indicate an Improvement i In the .wcktve run ovpr lait -wppit twhenlhei)OUtveragesefe''20 1 n&n each. If the fair weather holds, firhermen anticipate a i gocd week if fishing. DUST NUISANCE IS CONSIDERED Latest rfatest of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the dust nuisance on Third Avenue ha"s been undr consideration of the board of works at the request of the city council. The city clerk has promised to keep the Chamber advised on further developments. It is understood the city road situation Is due for another airing at tonight's council meetln. H as DAMAGE OF $60,000 DONE BY BLAZE IN ALASKA CITY JUNEAU A serious fire visited the Juneau waeriront during Saturday night when the Juneau Dopk and Storage Co. property was swept by flames. Flalnes and dense clouds of black smoke from oii storage billowed into the air a distance of 200 feet. Damage is estimated at $60,000. A warehouse and UGANDA HERE ON JULY 24 Tfie1, Canadian cruiser H.M. C.SJ Uganda will arrive In Prince Rupert on a four-day vislf pn July 24, Mayor Dag-tt was advised today "by western naval headquarters. The.' vessel will leave on July 29. IJuring her Visit, the Uganda will be open for Inspection for ,Jwo days. Uganda, which is one of the largest and newest units cf the Royal Cana-dlapvNavy. Is under command of Capt. K. F. Adams. Search For Jet Plane Abandoned OTTAWA Royal Canadian Air orc he.Vluarters announce that he search tor a Jet alr- yian missing ior over a weefc between Kapuskaslng and Toronto.! has hpfn ohanrtnnorl lint will e renewed should further ciues pe lorthcomlng. JAP AND WIFE DEAD AS AUTO STRUCK TRAIN KAMLOOPS KB Torn! Wata- nabe. middle-aged Japanese and his wife are dead after a collision between their car and a train at a level crossing outside the city limits. Watanabe died an hour after the accident and his wife expired today to her serious Injuries. Watanabe ran a dry cleaning establishment and had lived here twenty years. B i 3 Fire -apartment building were . . .... among . ! V. .4-.. A a- J -me feuuciures wj oe destroyed. Conference Is Deadlocked Foreign Ministers Unable to Agree On Method of Sending Out Peace Parley Bids PARIS F' Tlie Big Four for eign minister's council recessed after a morning meeting today still deadlocked on the question of aendlng out invitations for a l-power peace conference on; July 29. Arguments that have' A unique, marine accident remarked Foreign Minister Molo- Lulted In the destruction by fire to opposition to sending ln-0f the 33-foot trailer Via at yltatlons for the conference un-jooose Bay, Dundas Island late trlct 01x16 oi ks for Us pro- 'Cedure were presented again to- day In face of pleas by Secre tary of state James Byrnes of the United States to have the Invitations go out Immediately. Bevin and Byrnes said hej were willing to discuss rules ot not attempt 10 noist tnem on other countries. i The ministers were to resume j their sessions late today. Love Not Soap Children's Need LOOON-Th British medical journal, Lancet, yesterday said that children of today need ed family love more than sanlta tlon. Local Tides Tuesday, July 9, 1946 High 10:28 15.3 feet ' 22:14 18.4 feet Low 4:18 6.7 feet 16:00. 9.0 feet j; HI jKL, s1l jPa i J. W'.J'''-" Hf NASCOPIE BRINGS MEDICAL AID TO FAR NORTH Eskimo women and children, like the group at Lake Harbour. N.W.T., (upper left), are among those who will receive their annual visit from doctors of the Indian health services division, Department of National Health and Welfare, when the R.M.S. Nascopie, the N. B. McLean and other vessels go to the Eastern Arctic this summer. The Nascopie left Montreal later last week. On the lower left is St. Luke's Hospital, Pangnlrtung, Baffin Island, where some of the more serious cases of Illness are given treatment. (Photos by the Department of Mines and Resources and R Rev. A. L. Fleming. PASSES TOM MOORE TORONTO- Tom Moore, who was president of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, died suddenly last night. Born in England, he came to Canada In 1909. Several years ago he retired as president of the Trades and Labor Congress and was succeeded by P. R. Bengugh. UNIQUE MISHAP CAUSES LOSS OF FISHING BOAT berthed on the repair grid at Clausen's fish camp. The owners of the boat, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dowding, are In the city today and will return south tonight to their home at Pender .Harbor on tne mneass Adelaide, their f isiJhef Kra'il rut. Ehnrf Kir tVio Standing on blocks on the re re. pair grid while having her bottom copper "painted, the Via .toppled over. The fire which was burning in the galley stove Ignited gasoline causing a fierce conflagration which destroyed the boat and damaged the repair grid. Mr. and Mrs. Dowding lost their personal belongings In the 1 blaze I Efforts of fishermen and camp workers to extinguish the fire 1 were unavailing. FOUR VESSELS AT C.N. DOCK The CHM. dock was a busy place Sunday with four vessels moored there. The Union steamer Gassier, due to sail to Vancouver via the south Islands, spent most of the day at the dock awaiting the arrival of the Oatala at 11 o'clock last night. The Gatala sailed early this morning for Stewart. The coastal freighter Alaska Prince, owned by Northern Steamships Ltd.. Vancouver, stood by awaiting teneral cargo for coast points. The Ketchikan packer, Sydney, was In port unloading several cars of frozen fish Into refrigerator cars. THE WEATHER Synopsis Rain Is general over Vancouver Island and the lower Fraser Valley this morning in advance of a disturbance approaching the southern British Columbia coast. Elsewhere in the province, skies have been cloudy except lh the Kootenays and over the northern coast where clear conditions prvalled. Another storm 800 miles west of Vancouver Island is expected 0 iearh the coast Tuesday afternoon causing continued Mcudlneps and rain over most of British Columbia. Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Clear northern portion t6Jay. increasing c.lnudlness overnight, becoming ovprcast with Intermittent rain Tuesday. Northerly winds 10 miles Vr hour today becoming siowly 25 miles per hoitr Tuesday. Minimum expected tonight Port Hardy, 60; Massett, 50; Prince Rupert, 50. Maximum Tuesday Port Hardy, 57: Mas-j sett, GO; Prince Rupert, 60. American Halibut Prices React to Equal Exchange American ha 1,1 but prices which bounder! up last week following the lifting of the O.P.A. ceiling's in the United states, reacted downv$rd .to-, day as a result of the equalization of Canadian and American money exchange. Two' American vessels sold their catches for 18c and 16c, sllghtr ly under the maintained Can'-, adlan celling. JEWS ON RAMPAGE Demonstrate in London in Protest Against British Policy In Palestine LONDON Thousands of Jews, including ex-service men led by a holder of the Victoria Cross, paraded in London yesterday In protest at British policy In Palestine. The demonstration fol-lowvl a meeting at which one resolution demanded that a halt be put to the terrorist campaign in Palestine. Another resolution called for Implementation of the Anglo - American commission plan for the admission of another 100,000 Jewish refugees from Europe into Palestine. SENTENCED FOR BREAK ENTRIES Recent breaking and entering incidents at the Smiles Cafe on the waterfront and Little's News Stand uptown have resulted hi police court convictions with jail sentences and fines. Charles Leslie Lewis was sen tenced to two terms of 14 davs' imprisonment to run conse cutively with fine of $50 or an additional one. month's lmprls-onmefU in default. John Wilson, Indian, wtos sentenced to Hday3 or-aaainonai 1 days, A Juven He, also involved' in .the Inci dents, has yet to be disposed of. BUILDINGTHIS YEAR HEAVIER Running More Than One Hundred Percent In Excess Of Year Ago Despite the difficulties in obtaining materials and getting work done, value of building permits Issued in Prince Rupert during the first half of 1946 are more than 100 per cent in ex cess of 1945. The aggregate value lor the first six months of this year has been $99,417 in comparlr son with $41,765 in the corres ponding period of 1945. The city engineer's if flee $ nla'cesn ihe ' value oi authorized tiulldimr value at $12,665 , this June' as against $13,170 in the same month last year. S. Hemmons, alterations. Sec tion 1, $2,000. F. O. Petterson, new construc tion, Ninth Avenue West, $300. W. J. McLean, Seal Cove Circle. $80. Ideal Cleaners Ltd.. McBride Street, $500. Mrs. O. H. Arnold, repairs. Section 5, $1500. Andrew Blombere. construc tion, Section T, $100. J. O. Moody, repairs, Section 1. $50. A. Alger, " repairs'." Seventh Avenue East, $250. I. F. Kurolok, repairs, Ninth Avenue East, $150. C. M. LeClalre, new construction, Section 1, $3500. N. A. S. Pett, alterations, Section 1, $500. A. D. Vance, alterations, Section 2, $100. G. H. Hicks, alterations, Fraser Street, $150. Ole Anderson, alterations, Section 7. $300; H. S. Vlckerman, new construction, Section 6, $3000. Villeneuve Has Heart Attack QUEBEC Cardinal Villeneuve was reported resting comfortably although critically in hos-Dltal todav after havlnz been suddenly stricken yesterday. He is believed to have suffered a heart attack. Last rites of the Roman Catholic Church have-been administered.