?ISBIIIH ( kJtB aIB Ml i 3 I i iKJ? t BLj f Ml t . i SERMON THE BIBLE TRUTH tu oVinnlil nnt st.'inrl in t.Vi wisdnm 1 m the power of God" (Inst. Cor. 2:5), we attention to a few discrepancies l to draw ri( ltlOi) ami n ,u ' . fJi-if dnil does mvitfi us tn use i-t p u)i.- w....v ---- - y--- , 'Clatter t: :t: G: t. Come Jet us reason together, saith ,t !. - i ' y Lean were n Eden before the ground anfllnB, was cursed when "God saw every ;w:-die IIlm(;' tiling that.Heihad made and be-n paths:" hold H was very good." One of , t w?.nt to jne recognized laws of biology W .". .that's g "any Individual Is the sum tie source tot,ai 0f the characteristics, latin dl -rputes. cn 0r dominant, of all his an- r ars and ceitors," cr something like that. come tlwy j we arc .h(w Caln 1 ' warnn , could go to the land of Nod and Kft a wife If Adam and Eve were - announcer p(,op,e eatth?., Weu, nUrmcu j niM A..ni .., v, nn w re a very ' it. fam-wh: :h were of Edn." -- tf From !our-:e. !or I ., :i Gud cre-e? yielding j whose seed v.n the same strawberry tic:, "v with all j xpt,rimenta-r- : i able In a fj overrule this "id cur most :: are setting what they wil In the land of Nod but It does. say . . and the days of Adam after . he had b??otten Seth were eight hundred years and he, begat sons, and daugh- , 1 " v4i pviv m A In I ' . wlfe out 0; tnat ,ot Xhat ,s Gen ; Prov 2j:1I, ... . . .j ,v.n fnl. -hnn. 5:5. Just rrad those four chap of Eden ters for yoitrself and notice Just r a?4 Yet we , . . .. ' v irs a ecu m u uui The Bible does not say many other things It Is charged with, for Instance, the Bib'.e does not say there were "three wise men" nor that they followed the star from the East; nor that they ever visited Bethlehem: nor that they found the Babe In a manger; nor that He was born In a manger; or even in a stable; nor that the "angels sang" Glory to God In the highest. Again Romans 7:2 does not say or suggest that the law forbade the divorcement of a woman, (though New Testament teaching does not permit a Christian to rt?jarate from his, or her, mate, even though the marriage is, "common law"). The Bible does not say "money is the root of all evil." It says I "the love of money," ah yes, "out I of the heart are the issues of , lire" "the heart Is deceitful above all things (deceiving your own selves), and desperately wicked, who can know it? I the Lord search the heart." "Came I unto me and I willslve you rest," j "I will give you a new heart wherein dwelleth righteousness." "Whatsoever will may come." (Contributed) HUSBAND'S PREROGATIVE "it is illegal ror a woman in Owensboro, Ky., to buy a new hat without her husband trying lit on first. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Times of Services Services In all churches at 11 a.m and 7:30 p m. and Sunday School at 12:15 except aa shown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Prockter, B.A.. B.D. (Blue 73a ) ST. TETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove FIRST BAPTIST Sth Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Sth Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor : A. O. Aasen (BlacK VTi) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: A. P. MacSween, B.A. (Oreen 982) SALVATION ARMY Praser Street CO.: Adjt. P. L. Oorrle (Black 269) F1UST UNITED C36 Cth Ave. West Minister': R. A. Wilson. M.A (Green 613) FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Rev. J. Llnney (Green 620) OIL AIDS SOIL Low grade fuel oil is oeing used to kill weeds in orchards where plowing Is harmful to trees; the dead weeds nourish the soil, and soil erosion is eliminated. BiiiiiKsiiiffiisS -iiiHiLK dssiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH HjBlEviPsZuutfc'' 'VhL ,;?HF flSsiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV SHE WON AWARD FOR BEST WEEKLY PAPER Mrs. Catherine Marston, editor and publisher of the Elora,:Qnt., Express, who, only five years ago after the sudden death of her husband, began a whole new career in. order to care" for her four children. She took over the Elora Express and in this short time she has won twice In succession the John W. Eedy Memorial trophy for the best editorial page in Canada for papers 'of .comparable size. This year she also took second prize in the Hugh Savage competition lor the best all-round paper in Canada. Picture shows Editor Marston working on a local news story. . HOW CAN I ?-?'? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I seDarate a water i i per one to contract it, and then immerse the lower one in warm i I water to expand it. They can 1 tVia-n tia oqHIv ccnorarpri v. nun t,att but w. glass when it becomes stuck in beet be removed very readily? .1 A unuiuerr A. Pour cold water in the up- Advertise In Ttie Daily News. V I I 1 ' ! ', I KT FOR TEN VEARS I'VE BN i L v ' i i v F 7$D C important j fMm H -.iU, u! owe YouNrrf WWLi m -T4r wiiu.l'.u nan II ,;m ' 1 11 i 1 ... i "- 1 " l i nn.M. ut t II 1 i ii ii ii i i - mi i I, I I I2( ?U'J II H H3CLI, 1 TRY IT CUT ONCE ) IT SUtUUa 1 PSSSS.'S v l1 1 rjSWi iW "GO AHEAD-- I WRITES " 11 1 i "TOED Uiaai OF THOSE NEW tJLTrrrT I 1 WRITE VOUP NAME ) ' N NICELY ) t Ml raJNTAIN PENS 'M I AT THE BOTTOM ZSZJ J WNED ra - K Vi THAT WRITES vr) f IIT 3 M OP THAT LINE ) 71 - 1 is , rw j ii i . i rm , y M'.r i m i irsN i i bhh" i v - x-irvi i i i i i u i 11 i w ! Vx mC-1 K WEDNT3DAY -1 . . . . f 31 .Vlvr Muni nl II HHT m I f-wLi I v . s-..r-r m.iam ai i V I fWsMmi 3S9 ir Port 7rii i II ,.,.,ii-n-nire I ' i I ih jryt in nr-irro to Ci c ' - u lT-1 I MOLE BIBLE FOR MP PFPMISSION T I ill HMEORHAVEME i JL ' rTl 1 i Mi hhhi ri i ss s ,s s y y a t m iii i jt i . - i i i n i 1 1 i i i " li JUSTS 'MCI . f.p!---u v Si' ' , 4f W2d .ZTVIMM I O 4 H I ill I I ZZ1 - A K IV KJAVUCh T H II r-l about it . A'M 'V k. JC5tV m - jv ? FlrER N THE ELEC'TOCij, J P EVER.X f 1 WU order, . U L CIL SHARPENER JirC2iih 1 CT f r7 LH 0r,ng are on t-rTs !f,f 9 AAlSt -cL Hl k UJI. SPCrn l II I I I 1 LSJJvJ -ij"-!, U 1 I I i- r to-7 a i is AVAVVVVVVVVVI I I : " ie:uine th ..... i i v. r.r .vvr- c i c'ir n '---vvw x o i "BiiUJl UUP I P I . II II IT HI i . . Ii k. J I I r J - Ar . I.TBTBTBTBTBTBTimV mi - J . "'M Mi ... I ' - " I r ,r C7bTITiTra m I I II io .,aye v iT.i.T.i.T.i.THMHKJJlU 7 J i . . i- j i : olav rvP am itall6ut"MB1 I WT Tll never I tU II Tl '.EATOMo I Pg I OF MY SVSTEM--WECAN m W- W"Y i hiin '. t."tf . I I w lal flV 11 1 J 1.11 I 1 "s. I I VHk -ui- 1 II ,m-u jumm. Mmt. i . -Tirr rvM .;..h.. .rvfd. "iLi3ar- i ,i . - 1 1 1 1 1 Copr. I5. Kim FuturM wc i i i Prfnrc Rupert Daflg rectos Saturday, November 2, 194C iiiJii MJJfiTsiisiisMsfeMlWsM We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS . "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 517 P.O. B.x 174 Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS , FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 AJU. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CniNESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 1!W 735 THIRD1 AVENUE WEST ALWAYS . . . Bulkley Market 1 1 1 v McBride Street WE DELIVER tiAIL Jrd Avenue Phone 18 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. PREPARE FOR WINTER... See Us for Your WEATHERSTRIP, STOVE PIPE, ASBESTOS, FURNACE CEMENT, COAL SCUTTLES, FURNACE SCOOPS JLi JL 1 1 1 1 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points ' Tuesday SS Catala 1:30 p.m. (Standard Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Standard Time) ' Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 PHONE 311 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Km Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste . . . Nouss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND I Cold Storage COMPANY LIMIT E,D PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 l 1