RED TOP CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUSA'S NEWSPAPER AlA rf A. Phone nU rnone ! 11irdP!A,l3.a TAXI TAXI u 1 v n f! MrlNTYRE 537 J. KAB t" Stand) Kupert Tobacco Store (across from Ormes) DAV and NIGHT SERVICE uAy AND NIGHT. SERVICE Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Bill and Ken Ncsbitt H. i. C5. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 18. 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS v. A Iranian: Situation Near Climax -oca r; I unci.,.. .: two dallv in 11 'iop.v the Colonlt -Rrna-r earned a rc- "i' m ti! :iv.. .-...i- .i... Tin n.v set-up may -V a ; ncraj lmprovc. T MAKE DID BANK Wder Gi urgia Greece n b'.ocklne thi ,oi ifai, mt0 the .world or anbntin,, ,,in ; Sr-n bcr. Also, Bri- , . iv i uircc- ' W W.irlfl Knl. ...j .... u.wiiv una uic a) t;ihlll'nti f..j trr .... . ".mi.,, mini. f . .1 V if , 1. m mn.i- ' MIC I he;, 1'rcasury Fred 'c that these dc i"i nt 11 Ullrlng uic warlcl monetary rcn-n u h'i lMtv untn ta-n 1, , Saturday. ,, 0 m that Yugoslavia LPr cnV 11 "Plln.'? entry 1 u, .nkanrtthc Interna- ,'atlon fund .n them s had bec l"cd y March 19 224 14 40 8:34 20:45 1940 21.3 feet 20.7 feet 3.9 feet The transfer was made by It. P. Coll.lfis, Y.M.C.A. War Service supervisor for the area, who handed over the keys of the building to Mayor H. M. Daggett Mayor Daggett, In turn, passed them on to Alderman T. N. Youn.?s, president of the Civic Centre Association. Alderman Youngs introduced Don Forward, executive director of the Civic Centre, who presented George McGregor and Mrs. Margaret Homer Dixon, recreational dircctora. Felicitations and best, wishes fr the work of the Civic Centre were delivered In behalf of the Catholic Church by Bishop Anthony Jordan, and in behalf of the Ministerial Association by Rev. A. F. MacSwccn of B'irst Presbyierian Church. Musical interludes were provided during the half hour program by the band of the Prince Rupert Regiment (MO) under leadership of Sgt Peter Lien. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the public was Invited ! to Inspect the buildin, which sev eral speakers had Informed them they should look on as their own. In tnrninnover the 'building on behalf of YJI.CJV. War Services. Mr. Collins said that the build- I Ing could stand either "as a j memorial to hc Inadequacy of i the citizens or of lhe:r desire to I develon t he best In the youth of j the city." He reminded his listeners that the bulldlna was still owned by iu. r .....! nntilrtnijin by the y.m.u.a.. dui suggiwu that, whatever basis for purchase of the bulldiivi by vhc citizens was arrived at by the board of arbitration, the same basis would be used for sale of the rqulpment by, the Y.M.C.A. In accepting the keys to the (Continued on Page 5) Weather Forecast General Summary Temperatures from 40 ia 50 drjrccs prevailing ovjr nrltlsh Columbia are expected to continue today and Tuesday. However, conditions arc expected to deteriorate Tuesday with the approach of, a disturbance from the northern Pacific, brlnghv? snow to the north portion of the province with rain In the touth. Prince Rupert-Cloudy today, becoming overcast with rain tonight. Winds light, becoming southeasterly 20 m.p.h tonight. Maximum today 45, minimum 34. Tuesday : cloudy with rain, winds 3.9 feet Might. Harry S. Truman, Is shown chatting Informally with tfc. ate president's widow visited the White House after . Cc:.lcre;icc. in London. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, her return from the United MCE RUPERT TAKES OVER CIVIC! Cardenas IRE AT CEREMONY ON SUNDAY ; StrandinQ Prince Rupert's Y.M.C.A. War Service building! equipment was formally turned over for use ie citizens of Prince Kupert at ceremonies held hinldinir's iiiiditnrinm nt P'Mfl Sunrlnir Ac fated on a sign above the doorway, the vast pturc is now known as the "Civic Centre." Executives of the Civic Centre ii Association, civic nccreation inO C Jill I Board, the City Council, Rup-IIIIIJj VUli- j Rcc staff and the clergy, num- i berlng more than 20, sat on the r lormanii 14age facing an- audience of V I 1 1 1 a 1 1 V TboanfOirorTns' thTctrcnrony. pans Arc Withdrawing Eastern Portion of !n I'lry-Lcavinf Small lit force I FDON Russian troops taorted todav bclmj- with- from cai tcrn Germany thf have occupied since Dir The report came the Benin corresnondont L.udon Sunday Observer ptetl well informed Al-fi'd Gorman sources" as ii not cent of the U Russia ben withdrawn and "under would be replaced p a small force of military oria Postal ice Boosted fTORIA nrfrlnnln-? .'1 Apr.i i! ro will bo four 'rle in Victoria himl- Well Known Coastal Vessel Went Ashore in jjlassett Inlet And" Stayed There For Almost Day Leaking il'shtly near the forward fuel tanks, the Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Alex McLennan, was safely moored alongside the wharf at Port Clements, Queen Charlotte Isl- j ands, last Jiijht after having bccnefpuncl rOr-almost a day on Cook'a Point in Massett Inlet. A diver's inspection was made and it was cecicied thai the vessel could come on today to Prince Rupert and thence I light direct to Vancouver after ! discharging cargo. Fourteen passengers who were aboard at the time of the stranding were being put up at the Port Clements Hotel. They will not make the crossing on the damaged vessel. No word was available up to early afternoon as to when the vessel would arrive in Prince Rupert. The diver's inspection was Prince Rupert. While steaming from Massett lo Port Clement's, the Cardena went ashore at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Soon the Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Kana-waka was dispatched to' the scene. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Cardena was freed and proceeded to Port Clements. Tlie Cardena Avas relieving on the Vancouvcr-Quccn Charlotte Islands-Prince Rupert run .arid was northbound. Normally, she would have arrived in Prince Rupert on Sunday. CONSPIRACY ON HITLER ISrilish Foreign Secretary Reserved When Approached !tcfiardiii Commitments NEW YORK The New York Times said today in a Berlin 'dispatch that the July, 1944. attempt on Adolf Hitler's life was a conspiracy which included not only some of Germany's leading men, such as prominent I army and navy officers, but also 1 important diplomats and lcad-;crs of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The .dispatch said that the plotters established contact with Allied officials, including a former British foreign secretary, "but they were Inevitably told no commitments would be made in advance and they were left to crystallize their own determination to overthrow their own government." CAR STOLEN John Brcntzch reported to the city police Sunday that his car had been stolen from his residence at 1234 Park Ave. Saturday night. The vehicle had not been recovered this morning. CENTRAL B. C. MUNICIPALITIES WILL SUPPORT PR1NCERUPERT PROJECTS Support Fuller Use of Elevator, Shipment of Coal Through Here, Highway Improvement, Oriental Markets Move ' SMITH KRS (Special to Daily tations of the Prince Kupert Industrial Development Committee that the government elevator at Prince Kupert be fully utilized, that the Prince Rupert-Prince George Highway be developed into a class thoroughfare and that the provincial govern ment assist in tnc development of markets In the Orient for product) of northern and central British Columbia received sup-pert by resolutions passed on Frldajrat the first meeting here of the Central British Columbia I Municipalities Association. Establishment of coal bunkerage facilities at Prince Rupert were also advocated. Seme of the more important resolutions passed at the meeting were as follows: That the federal government be requested to take the necessary steps to the end that the Pacific communication system be .maintained and operated in -uch a manner that all communities and municipalities through which It passes may have adequate telephone facilities. That the provincial government be rcquestca to conduct an Immediate survey of the Telkwa coal fields and assist in havinz and at the same Ume provide larger amounts of wheat for export to the needy countries. The prime minister said Canadian farmers would be asked to plan production so as to obtain the maximum yield over the next four years. Home gardens and saving of wheat and wheat products will also be urged and the reduction of Inventories of wheat and wheat products will be encouraged. It is also planned to modify regulations concerning bulk shipments of flour and feed. The prime minister's statement also said that priorities for rail transport of wheat and for export Jiavc been established. Wheat available for domestic milling Is being reduced by ten percent on the basis of the 1945 purchases. Wheat for distilling Is being reduced by 50 adequate bunkerage facilities provided for shipment of coal thrbugh Prince Rupert Immediately. That the representations made byjhe Prince Rupert Industrial Development Committee to the fedtral and provincial governments for the full utilization and operation of the government elevator at Prince Rupert be endorsed and supported. That the request of the Prince Rupert Industrial Development Committee to the provincial government that the Jurisdiction be settled on that portion of the Prince Rupert to Prince George highway which encroaches on the' Canadian National right-of-way and that they keep and maintain this highway open at all seasons and that they be further requested that definite plans be formulated to Improve tContlnuec: on Page 6 Canada To TOO POWERFUL Help Needy TO OVERCOME ' Russia, Under Latest I'lai food Conservation rrojrram To Be Kmbarkcd Upon, Trinie Minister Announces OTTAWA Canadian will cm-bark on a food conservation program in an effort to bolster production and feed the hungry people across the ocean. Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced the plan In Ottawa yesterday. Mr. King said it is a nine-point program by which Canada hopes to maintain this made by Rayncr Montgomery of i country's large food production percent on dhe basis of amounts iduri , thc dcbatc used in mo. special arrangements arc being made to encourage lmmcdate marketing of wheat stored on farms. Three juvvnues were apprehended at 4:30 this mornlns while Joyriding in a Jeep by Constable Ecrnest Zorn. Charges may arise out of thc episode. Need Fear No Enemy, Says ."Minister MOSCOW A Russian minister has told the councilor thc Union of thc Supreme Soviet that, by achieving production figures outlined for thc new five-year plan, Russia will be too powerful for any enemy to overcome. The official, Machinery Minister A. E. Ycfrcmov, added that this will be true even if thc attack should come by surprise. ESPIONAGE STATEMENT Further Word from Premier Kinjr Is Being Awaited Today OTTAWA Canadians arc wailing for another statement Prime Minister King is expected to make on espionage activities. Mr. King's statement is expected to come during thc debate on thc address in reply to thc throne speech In Uie House of Commons today. Thc Progressive Conservative leader, John Bracken, is also expected to make a lengthy reference to thc spy ring during thc dcbatc. Fred Rose, thc Labor-Progressive member for Montreal Car- tier, is expected to be in his scat Mr. Rose is thc member who is charged with providing secret and confidential Information to Russia. He has been released on bail. I.lqUOR STORK ItORRED Vancouver A safe was cracked in thc I'culicton liquor store and .53000 taken but no liquor was removed. John Bracken Wants to Stay with Britain, Not Become 49th State OTTAWA f- John Bracken, Progressive Conservative leader, today urged the Canadian gotcrnmcnl to adopt a foreign policy which would help preserve and strengthen the British Commonwealth of Nations. Pointing to a strong commonwealth as the best hope of permanent peace in thc world, Mr. Bracken said he is one who does not think Canada can achieve her "highest destiny by weakening the family of British nations only to become eventually a 49th state in the American Union." The leader made the statement while participating in the throne speech debate Bulletins L.P.P. LEADER ARRESTED MONTREAL Three men. including (lie Quebec Labor-Progressive leader, were arrested in Montreal lat night. Police made the arrests near a St. Lawrence Boulevard Hall where a sympathy meeting was scheduled on behalf of Labor-Progressive Fred Rose, the M.P. who is charged with communicating secret information to Russia. URGE DRAFT RENEWAL WASHINGTON Members of the Unilcfi States House Military Committee indicate that failure to renew the draft would greatly weaken the U.S. Army. Unless thc law is extended the Army will have only 50,000 men on July 1 of 1917. This is half a million men less than General Eisenhower told the committee lie would need on that date. Thc draft law is scheduled to expire on May 15. PINS HOPES ON UNO NEW YORK At a St. Patrick Day's dinner Saturday night, Secretary of Stale Byrnes declared that the United States bases it hopes for security on the United (Nations Organization. Byrnes said that the United States needs., military strength to supportif necessary, the purposes and principles of thc United Nations charter. DREADFUL PROBLEMS LONDON Secretary General of the United Nations Organization Trygve Lie, de- fronted by new and dreadful problems. In a radio broadcast, Lie urged everyone to devote all his intelligence and energy to helping his fellow men. Lie is scheduled to arrive in Washington by plane today. EXECUTION OF NAZIS LONDON The Budapest radio says that three more ministers of the pro-Nazi cabinet of fcrmcr Hungarian Premier Fcrebc Szakasi will be executed as war criminals on Tuesday. Szakasi and three others of his collaborationist government already have been executed. REDS ATTACHING CHUNGKING Communist troops have attacked four cities on thc Manchurian-Changshu Railway in Manchuria but thc Nationalists arc still firmly in control of Mukden. Bubonic plague is reported to have broken out. ROSE TAKES SEAT OTTAWA Fred Rose, I-a-bor-Progrcssive member for Montrral-Carticr, who stands charged with espionage conspiracy, quietly slipped into his seat as Parliament convened this afternoon for a silting which is lo be featured by a statement by Prime Minister King on the espionage case. ATHLONES IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON The Earl of Athlonc and Princess Alice arrived here yesterday to spend a few days before proceeding to the Bahamas for a visit before returning to England. LEGION IS GROWING VANCOUVER At the opening session of thc British Columbia Command, Canadian Legion, convention here today, it was reported that member-' ship of the Legion in the province during the past year had increased by 10,000. PORTLAND WINS PORTLAND Portland de-fratcd Vancouver 5 to 3 here Sunday night, giving Portland a two-gamcs-to-one lead in thc best-of.flvc final In thc northern division or the Pacific Coast Hockey League. ILK DE FRANCE DOCKS HALIFAX The liner He dc France docked at 8 o'clock (his morning in Halifax. She carried 5500 Army men and 1500 R.C.A.F. personnel. Russians Putting More Pressure on Tehran To Surrender to Demands Persian Premier Is Warned Against Appeal to UNO American Ultimatum Denied by State Department NOT SEIZING FOREIGN TERRITORY MOSCOW It was stated in an official announcement today that Russia had no intention of seizing foreign territory. WASHINGTON American officials declare the Iranian situation is heading toward a climax within the next few days. The Russians are said to be putting increasing pressure on the Tehran government to give way to their demands. Associated Press Diplomatic Editor John High- Iran Aids Monopoly Moscow Declares it is Being Denied Oil Concessions MOSCOW, Q Moscow radio Saturday said the Iranian gov ernment was "defending the monopolist possession of British oil concessions in Iran" by re fused to grant Russia similar concessions in Iran's northern provinces. Iran had been hostile to Russia for 25 years in olt concessions. The broadcast said thc assertion was jnadc by Alexeev, writing for the government news paper Izvestia. It quoted Alexeev hjs saying under the- J 921 . Sovjet- Iran treaty Iran was pledged pot to transfer to any third power mining, oil. railway or other con cessions given up by Russia but said thc treaty had been broken on numerous occasions by thc Iranian government. FRONTIER CLOSING Reports Persist That Border Between Bulgaria and Turkey To be Sealed ISTANBUL - Reports kept mounting yesterday in Istanbul that Bulgaria soon would close its frontier adjoining Turkey. One high' diplomatic source in Sofia told a newsman that the border may be closed within two weeks. The Bulgarian Turkish border, allegedly Is thc scene of Russian troop concentrations. It was stated without confirmation that Soviet Marshal Tol-bukhln toured the region several weeks ago. ZEBALLOSTO START AGAIN West Coast of Vancouver Island Mine Reopening After Four Years VICTORIA, " James Mowat, .speaking in thc budget debate Friday, said Zeballos mines, which produced $12,000,000 w orth of gold In five years up to 1942. are starting up again and will employ several hundred men in thc spring. GERMAN CONDEMNED MEDICINE HAT The defendant Kratz. German prisoner of war, was found guilty Saturday of murder of a fellow prisoner and xwa sentenced to hang June 25. LOYAL Td HITLER NUERNBERG Hermann Goering, at the war crimes tribunal today, declared that he had always been loyal to Adolf Hitler even though the Fuhrcr may have suspected him. lie denied that he had betrayed Hitler or negotiated secretly with foreign countries. When he had come to know Hitler, he had given him his hand and pledged support "for better or for worse," Now his "neck was at stake." ; tower says a report has reached Washington that a Russian diplomat delivered a warning- to Premier Ahmed Qavam of Iran, The reported warning tells the premier to refrain from pressing any charges involving Iran against Russia in the United Na tions security council. This comes at a time when the Russians have a large concentration of troops 20 miles from Tehran. The British radio carried a re port' last night that thc United States has given Iran 24 hours in which to answer whether it will flic charges against Russia with the security council. Later thc London radio broadcast ,a denial of the report by a spokes-t man for the American state department. In Washington It was felt that , lnterntlonalizatlon of Iran's oil resources vc-ld be the only solu-r; tion for present difficulties but.., Russian forces would have to move out before negotiations along these lines could be started. In Moscow the Communist party newspaper Pravda, only morning newspaper published in Moscow todaly, reflected none of the tenseness shown in , other . capitals of thc worid concerning the present international situation. Pravda's main editorial, headed "Stalin plan will be put Into effect," was an optljtilstlc commentary predicting success of thc Premier's new Industrial program designed to boost production to record high levels. There was no mention of thc Iranian situation in respect to the United Nations Organization. LOOTING BY AMERICANS Russian Newspaper Charges Yanks With Gelling Away With Booty From Japan MOSCOW 0) Pravda, in a dispatch from Vladivostock, said that the United States is removing highly valuable property from Japan to the United States. A Tass correspondent said his story was based on reports in thc Tokyo edition of "Stars and Stripes." He said the loot re-norted to have been seized in cluded platinum, gold and silver Jewelry and other property from a German warehouse. 1 "PROTECTOR" IS CHARGED : Alleged Tcrpctrator cf Lidice on Trial as War Criminal TRAgUE Tlic one-time Nazi protector of Bohemia-Moravia, Karl Herman Frank, has lust learned that many of his f onncr Nazi colleagues arc facing trial at riuernoerg as war criminals, Frank, who Is accused of perpet rating the Lidice massacre, has been held incommuutcacto in Prague. Allied authorities were unable to question Frank about the Nuernberg defendants tyitll Friday when charges Were presented against htm formally. The date chosen was the seventh nnnlvarsary of the Oerman march Into Prague.