13 lyll"a Till fC RllUCft wulul taflo J.-UUIJJ ICtaS Aa llPawit dally ne-papr derotfd to th cpbundteg of Prince Rupert and all the communities comaVlslnK Thursday, October 24. 1913 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRT, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month, 65c: Per Tear, $7.00; By Mall, per month. 40c; Per Tear, 14.00 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS 1K AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCLVTION RUSTLING DAYS v NATURE, of course, is a quie creature, except when 'she stirs up thunderstorm or hurricane. The doings of the seasons are mostly silent ones. There is no. commotion in spring when a lilac bush blossoms. And no one, not even an interested lawn mower, has ever heard grass grow. Butterflies and birds use their wings with considerably less noise than planes, deer get through a forest with not much more sound than a fox tracking a deer mouse, and when snow falls it is not at all in its descent like winter-defendine coal going down a chute. Man, if he is lucky enough to be able to build a house these days, cannot clo it without a certain racket of hammer and saw. But big, dome-like orange roofs of pumpkins have arisen as quietly as a Japanese beetle crawling on a cucumber vine. However, nature, particularly in a time when she can be considered as resting on the fruits and leaves of her summer accomplishments, does have a slight break in her accustomed noiselessness. In September, before the silence of later frosts has fallen on field and bird, there is a brief period of what might be called "rustling days." The rustle comes with ripeness, with that serene 20 YEARS AGO October 21, 1926 A committee was established to investigate the possibility of and wholesome withering which spreads over a landscape where the sun, yellow as pasture goldenrod, is as warm at midday as a summer not yet entirely mislaid. building a fymnasium in the j would arrive in the city on Nov-city. G. P. Tinker was chairman '. ember 10. Accompanying him on 0 iuoh rana, brisk flavour. There's never a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip when you change to brisk tasting Lipton's Tea, the tea with the lively, spirited flavour . . , never wishy washy . . , always bodied. onsK Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman - S. Julian Night Calls: BLUE 270 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOP. QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Socond Class Mall. Post Office Dept Ottawa). ENCOURAGING FACTOR ONE OF THE MOST encouraging factors of late in the prospects for the development of traffic through the port of Prince Rupert is the increasing focus of attention by the people of southeastern Alaska upon this as their natural port of sea and rail connection. Southeasern Alaska newspapers are full of the subject these days, public bodies in Panhandle towns are discussing the possibilities and business interests themselves have been in communication with the railway company as to its willingness and ability to ac-cept traffic. Even under existing maritime regulations such as the Jones Act, such traffic can be readily handled in and out of Prince Rupert by American vessels and the Alaska people are, it is well known, ready to provide the ships in fact are already doing so in a measure. There should certainly be no lack of co-operation from thi6 end in developing of such desirable traffic. and other members were S. E. a Parker, Earl Barrie, Dr. F. P. Kenny and G. W. Johnstone of Announcement was made that Sir Henry Thornton, president of Canadian National Railways, Mat "Brisk, my friends keep to myself. And we all .mean Canadian tour will be his bride and the vice-president in charge operations. The Aden Maru, first ship to load grain at Prince Rupert, was due to sail for San Pedro, California, to take on fuel. Her cargo was destined for Hamburg. repeating. Brisk, I say Upton's Tea with that iresn, tangy and full- Change today to tasting Upton -s Tea. Quality Repairs Economy Prlcej at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 WANTS BETTER RADIO Editor, Dally News: After reading In the Tuesday edition of the Dally News the letter written by sonreone calling htc or himself "Hockey Fan," I have come to the conclusion It Is time for the population of Prince Rirpert as a whole to voice their complaints not only about the side-tracked hockey game but also about the bulk of the programs we are gtttlng and have ben -getting since the war finished. We got quite a number ol gcod programs then. Why not r-ow? As for the hockey game broad- east from Mapie Leaf Gardens, Toronto, I am of the same opinion i as "Hockey Fan." Personally i and I am sure that goes for j many more disappointed radio listeners that the people of Prince Rupert and district are fully entitled to an explanation. i I notice when the radio licence comes due that the CBC doesnt ask explanations ir tt Is not paid It Is a case of pay-up or take ! your medicine, although for the life of me I can't see what we are i paying for nine-tenths of the time. ANOTHER HOCKEY FAN In his book "History of Freedom of Though.," Professor J. B Bcry wrote: "The establishment of the liberty of thought and expression may be considered the most valuable accomplishment of modern civilization." 4 .4 one of f We all for to No, it has the Canadian Nobody's to make key to "I? c KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome open S p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 am. PHONE RED 2J7 WHO TO WRITE TO? Editor, Daily NCiWs: I Orchids to "Hockey Fan," who-'ever he Is. He's right when he says that many people locked forward to the Saturday night . hockey broadcasts. Tney du. Those broadcasts are different frcm anything else in radio today and the CBC's only claim I to fame. The rest of their pro-' grams--with a few exceptions i are very, very dull. I Now if CFPR could carry the 1 games last year, why not this j year? Maybe, as "Hockey Fan" suggested Indirectly, writing Irt- tcrs would do the trick. OK. Hi w I many letter? and who do wc write them to? I've ot a strep.;? right arm. I'll write a hundred if necessary. Once again, manase-' ment of CFPR, who do we write ,to? Or mayb? we shouldn't w "He Maybe we should all go in a 'hunger strike, Sneak up boys! You're among friends. YauH be among br -arr comrades If you1 can get th " hockey broadcasts back nr CFPR. Many thanks. Mr. Editor fur the use of he mace. DON GALLINGER. Richard Sephion, British Columbia manager of the Mutual Lie. Assurance Co.. who has been here for the rsast fiw day on company business, is saving by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to Vancouver .tf lime you (7 the fellows who works with vow on vour joh, tell V'rIIeW trriifclifUMv are, here in Canada. Yel "hieky" isn't quilt: the word a people who have ihe common sense and courage look at the high prices of many unessential things and say: "This price is too high. I won't pay it." isn't luck. It's character. It's what The House of Seagram heen proud to exttd as a Canadian virtue the ability of people to le moderate in all things in their thinking; in their actions ami in their hahils. just "lucky" here in Canada; we've just all helped ourselves that way. And because today's moderation is the tomorrow's abundance, the people of Canada can look forward with certainty to an abundant tomorrow. set- 'iTara umm gill nil; unw WOULD BRIGHTEN BRITISH HOUSING HASTINGS, Eng. W British house-builders have much to learn about quality of construc tion, and homes In this cbuntry are often too drab in finish and general layout, Lewis Sllkln, Minister of Town and Country Planning, told a housing confer ence. McCIacy scr u ncililxir, or man-ami w. am 1." jjjjjT 3firriret faera fcti &aay of Minimi An APPLE . . . on Saturday! Better still ...a BOX PHONE 117 GYRO CLUB'S APPLE DAY ORDER FOR FREE DELIVERY HELP THE PLAYGROUNDS "WATCH FOR THE PURPLE AND GOLD" Builder3 had forgotten how to build for gaiety and pleasure Towns too lacked opportunity for social Intercourse MANCHESTER, Eng., O! The city is cutting by 132 per cent its rate for hydraulic power from special mains charged with water at 1000 pounds per square Inch. Since 1847 the name McCLARY has stood for the f i n e s t in stoves that money can buy. See the smart new models now on display at McBride Street Phone 311 '" vourselft ? A M7S CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 ' L I 1 m TDV - life is murk yi uuine aavwitlu Urlla. : J . . uou thousands ti lUIt ArirX .... L I wuume each night. For Ovaltine acu to help male jou a i be alirt. Tint, taken am Ullboiil drup. Secotid, it suppliei elements to rebuili you sleep) Third, it alw (m Vitamin. i.J . ... ill-round health ar So wh noi tr Rood start in ih. . UWti HIP Bu. 1 B c Pa: - Don't Say Milk... Say Pacific More and r. :r r Paelfifc Ml k ti tmnnth rr "7-r.i It's sat'-sf1 tn libt. II i Pacific Milk PACIFIC Ail UUtUMU BRUEKEBSI9 n. anri u i r..rff nl . in. UIMU " MOU5cllUiU mmNITURE AND HOLD GOODS PACKED AND equina"-" or 1" II I ii v f , A V I l II I V II (Opposite i""- PHONES: c Blue H'l Re! .if vnr ticu . . itpn v 111 KT1I I FT Kfr I fill IIiL J I . nrrtC you w- roui 1U 111 IV. - . . If. .tnii nroieci i" 1"" r- , nil t v ana i-- winter comes- Philpott. j