EfW IT'S SO GOOD ) ,sw YOU JUST KNOW WW M FAVHtf DESERVES AYLM Qy . Classified Advertising - - . - ,..rtinn minimum charge. 50c. Birth N&rjcra t). jc on ,- r rjcath Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage CftTdioi flff.meilt Annmipceraenu: 12. miu BIRTH NOT I CI- to Mr and Hale) In r nn.mril TTrv3 l ice KUpt" Wednesday Septem- son Gordon Carl, 9 . Both mother and, son BIRTH NOTICE :r. and Mrs A F .vuuin, iter 6 lb. U oz. In Prince Oe-.::u) Hospital, Sep- . a. Bc'.h dcins well. (225) FOR SALE Sale Crib and radio. I (Black 972, 237 7th Ave. (227) FALE- -16-tt Turner-built :fcst like new Apply Ed - : 'i Ltd or phone after 6 p.m. (229) KALE. S;x-hcle McClary eaamei front. 2 wick It, copper hot water colls. ISi'; J, Ai.us Apts. (226) I'll- Ex: .ont buy on fi ll f ,.i two lots, 800 lit. E;:f C'jmplet? bath- i.3b.".i f jr. Full base- He' water heating unit. lv c i . ante ram- I'VsdLj house Cash or lU;t.y C",;..rt Si McCaf-lai (220) IlLS- Large 8-room house, Iftirth Ave West. Phone . teytlme (229) Used folding chairs tvi shape $1.50, dressers l owd blankets, all wool wioking stands, $1.25; ft room sets from $30: I fid wood heaters and h torn $22.50: hassocks. rug 6xl0'i price $18: -ertield in good shape, Philco 7 tube radio. 25: ' mirrors from $2: lame pn of scatter rugs, love- pgiu irom $1.65: nalnt I'M irom 40c. All kinds R and used furnltura' SALE- -53 acres river h u iwd, near Remo. Has Re of over one-half mile I way, $1500. E, T. Ken-jeral i-uwea. irn MACHINERY W better l yaliy, use the modern .si We National - oawumu, manufac DV Nat nnal 11..V1 pay I'-nitea. Vancouver. tf ) FOR RENT Mrs Sirl rul r uuiuucu uuuac- Keeping suite ana rooms. Phone Blue 638. (230 1 FOR RENT 1 room furnished cabin near Seal Cove Air Bise. Phone Blue 825. (226) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 1142 Park Ave, Phone Green 224. (226) SUITES FOR RENT Bay Apts. Apply Suite 6 or Phone Blue 815. . (226) FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 Borden Street. (fl) FOR RENT Modern 3 room furnished apartment. Centrally located. Oct. 1. Phone Blue 292. (228) WANTED WANTED TO RENT 4 room unfurnished house with range, close In, modern. As soon as possible Phone Red 240. (229) HELP WANTED WANTED 2 bright young girls with or without bookkeeping experience to. trdin as book keepers and general offfce help. Apply Box 161 Dally News. (228) WANTED Reliable housekeeper for family of 2 adults and 2 children. No heavy laundry or waxing. Large private room. $C0 a month. Phone Ited 89. (tf) HELP WANTED Mother's hejp- er from about 2 to 8. Five days a week. Phone Red 879. (tf ) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply $1 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists. (228) LOST READING Glasses In brown case Saturday evening. Pleas.e phone 355. (tf) I Ttnr.iv nrnrisrri tNHRFASK CANBERRA, Australia OD Furniture Co. Black 324 slnce tne outbreak the war' deposits m Australian saving banks have Increased from approximately $100 per head of nwulatlon to nearly $250, Fed- Statfstlclan Roland Wilson reported. 1911 Dodge Sedan FOR SALE PHONE 99 TAXI NlY 27t Wll POUND MADV KrC(rU MAMCh DDCCIhnMT HP. INDIA DEVELOPS been ordered and will be distributed to representatives In the various classes for sale to the students. Senior cards will be sold for $1 and Junior cards for 50 cents. A proposal by John Wilson, Orade 13 student, that he take photographs of the students for attachment to their theatre cards has been adopted. Proceeds from the charges made Jn this connection will be turned In to the Council treasury. Students, who brlnt bicycles to school will have to be careful to place them In the racks which j are provided or under the school steps, otherwise they will face) the prospect of punishment by i the Council. Violator? of the regulation will have their namej i taken and must answer for their misdemeanor. The Students Council Is com-1 posed of one representative from each class, with the exception of Grades 11 and 12. Grade 11 has four representatives and Gradt 12 has three. Officers of the Students Council are: President, Mary Adcock. Vice-President, John Thompson. Secretary, Lorna Donaldson. Treasurer, Ann Dumas. Members of the Council are: 7B Ralph Young, 7M Joyce Farrlngton, 71! Sheila Bennett, 8M Edith Johnson, 811 Barbara Ten?. B9 Harry Martinson, 9M Lorna Farrlngton, 9H Harry Killas, 10B Marvin Brew, 10M Joyce Tattersall, 10H Sid Voungman, 11U Arne Lien, Lorna Donaldson, J 1C Lloyd Franklin, Anne Dumas, 12 Mary Adcock, Ole Skog, Joyce North, 13 John Thompson, Class officers, listed In the or der of president, vice-president , and secretary respectively, are as follows: 7B Ralph Young, Marie Matt-sfln, Janet Wong. 7M Joyce Farrlngton, Billy MsChesney, Grace Cheeseman. 711 -Sheila Eennett, Billy Clark, Allcl Killas. HHBHHI EXTRA iiiliii vi FISHING AREAS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' COUNCIL). nas Deen elected president of Booth Memorial Students' Council. President of this year's council is Mary Adcock, chosen at elections held at the high school recently.. Activities of the council already have begun. Students' Association cards hav: 8B Marie Skalmerud. Herbert Amos, Norma Nellson. 8M Edith Johnson, Kenney Black, Doreen Batemah. 811 Barbara Teng. Alan Mo3-tad, Sonja Sorensen. 9B Harry Martinson, May Robinson, Betty Pierce. 9M Lorna Farrlngton. Christine Spenser, Helen Hamilton. 911 Harry Killas, Joan Thaln, Dick Wesel. lOB-Marvin 'Brew, Alma KnuLsen Donna Kerrigan. 1 0M Joyce Tattersall Mildred Furunes, Maresa WIndle. 1 OH Sid Youngman, Arietta Hamjlton, Betty Wong. J1U Arne Lien, Lorna Donaldson, Peggy Grogan. UC and 110 Lloyd Franklin, Anne Dumas, Rosalind Thaln. 12 Mary Adcock, Ole Skog, Joyce North. 13 John Thompson. BUTEDALE Whereniountalns rear their tbp3 so high . . Soteep and solid to the sky, Where clouds can wash them clean with rain ' . And sun soon have them dry again; Their bases jn the ocean deep Beneath the tides and swell they keep. There, hand of man has built so well And named the village "Butedale. . ; Occasslonally, a ship comes In When sorely tried by waves and wind There can the sailor have a rest. The harbor Is the very best. There children rcmp and play all day. The girls can smile, the youths ore gay, . ..3 And working men are "doing well" When canning fish at "Butedale." ANDREW WASEND. FRESH BREAD! Fresh active yeast goes right to work! No lost action no extra steps. Gives sweeter, tastier bread flavour light, smooth, texture perfect fresh- ness! ! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME always use Fleischmann's active, fresh Yeast with the familiar yel!pw label. Dependable for more than 70 years Canada's tested favourite. Wfy IS PERFECTION COCOA THE BBSJ mU? PERFECTION COCOA Js made only from the best Cocoa Beans that can be secured. with the skill of a It is carefully processed century's experience in making fine cocoa. Its extremely high 22 Cocoa Butter con-tent makes it exceptionally nourishing and gives it a superior, true chocolate flavour. m. 1.. cpn of texture assures a smooth, creamy beverage, and makes it ideal for baking, too. For the utmost in quality, food value, and chocolate flavour, ask your grocer for nrorrmnisr COCOA. Regardless of price. there is none better. Yet PERFECTION COCOA costs less! VJSrr-77 MADE IN CANADA Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE. B.C. Advertise in The Dallv News. Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News Is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, It is requested that Information be 'made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran, has been identified, In what theatres of war, If wounded, 111, etc. If Inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned In. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. NEW DELHI 17 With a vast i expanse ol coastal waters and r or the first time in manv vears a pirl student ; numerous rivers and lakes, in dla Is a plentiful source of fish. The Industry has grown consid erably during the last 50 years owing to the Increasing demand from growing cities which 41e adjacent to the fishing areas, but for lack of modern icientlfi: methods much of this potential wealth has been untapped, Experimental trawllngs show that some of the richest fishing areas of the world Co not lie far from the Indian coast. To de velop the Industry steps will be taken to create good fishing fleets able to weather the squalls of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, to train fishermen both In handling the boats and the catch, and to provide facilities for preserving the catch by refrigeration, salUng and other processes. Many provinces and states have organized fishery departments, training of technical staff has been starred and some of the provincial governments are making arrangements for the purchase of fishermen's requirements for distribution at controlled rates. Under a five-year plan prepared by the Zoological Survey of India it Is proposed to set up a fishery research institute CATHOLIC LADIES' LEAGUE MEETS Ladies of the Catholic Women's League were guests last night at the home of Mrs. R03S Richardson ac a reception in honor of Mrs. C. M. Dundin, national president of the League Rev. Father J. A- Carrol, OAI.I. was a special guest. Mrs. E. J. FJtapa trick, who Is leaving for the south shortly to be present at the wedding of her son, was pleasantly surprised with a shower given In his honor. The rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion. Following the presentations, a general discussion was car rled on pertaining to the annual fall bazaar. Mrs. Richardson, who arrived in Prince Rupert recently, spoke highly of the work done by the local branch of the Catholic Women's league and offered her support In ex panding local activity. Those present at the gather ing were Rev, Father Carroll Mrs. C. M. Dundin, Mrs. W, Lahtl, Mrs. E, J. Fltzpatrlck, Mrs. Ross Richardson, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mrs. J. Garon, Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs: L. Dolron, Mrs. M. I Dumas, Mrs. ,W. Whiff In, Mrs. B. Bouzek, Mrs. T. Yelloway, ' Mrs. O. 'OHIU, Mrs. Otto Phelf-' fer, and .Mrs.- H.- Fletcher. ST 1 r -tMMtf1" 'ill. toil")1 1 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert, LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and. Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West VORLD'S Urgist-selling brand of evaporated 'Y milt! Canada's largest! There are many brands of evaporated milk but of them all, more homemakers and mothers consistently buy Carnation than any other brand. That's a great tribute to a great product! Of course it isn't an accident. It is the result of a long record of dependable quality, carefully maintained . . .of doctors finding Carnation a fine food for bottle-fed babies; of mothers seeing children thrive on Carnation as a drinking milk; of whole families enjoying milk-rich dishes made with Carnation. For drinking or eating or "creaming" you'll find that Carnation will become your favorite milk. Carnation Milk A CANADIAN PRObUCT"CMri CW' NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away, From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone' 281 P.O. Box 196 Prince Rupert Bottle Collector also messenger service Phone Blue 737 We buy . . . Perf ex Beer Bottles Bottles WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD .GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: RlH BUio U. Res. Red 127 A&k for George ALL SIZES Whiskey, Gin and Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given " special care. taviNS CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre For That Party ... v PARAMOUNT CAFE ' at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pm. Prince Rupert Daflp fi'ctos Thursday, September 26, 1946 TEA A BAG QAGS WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE V. COLD MEATS FOR, WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET PHONE 178 TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District ; .'; f P.O. Box 1G7 TERRACE Terrace Corner Snack Bar i MRS. FLAMBLY f HUlVilVlViAUE. PIES SANDWICHES CAK.ES "LUNCHES FOR TRAVELLERS t TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. 1 Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas Mavwe jillyow prescription'. jout prescription in the skilled hinds ol I Ny el 0ruuii!. and ;eie . ill the professional (ire ind exictini standards, that the Nyal Druggists' I . ol Canada have maintained lor tm three generations. For saliJlKtion I " brinf your next prescription to US. '. j SPIac A fltg'ertJ fharmothl Awoyi On Ptffy y McCUTCHEON PHARMACY 3rd Ave. at 6th St. LIMITED CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST j f ft I t 41. Phone 79 Hollywood Cafe , I'UINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND. MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.