HOCKEY OPENS NEXT MONTH First National League Game October 1G TORONTO The Katldnal Hockey League 1946-47 season will get under way at Detroit October 16 with the Toronto Maple Leafs travelling there to meet the Red Wings. New YorK Rangers and Canadlens will get Into action at Montreal October 17. Other early games will be: October 19 Boston at Montreal; Detroit at Toronto. . October 20 New York at Detroit; Chicago at Boston. Buy War Savings Certificates ROOM AND BOARD Home away from home. 622 Fraser St.. (222) HELP WANTED WANTED Two mechanics for interior garage. References required. State experience and wages wanted. Interviews arranged. Only first class men need- apply. Reply Box 155 Dally News. (tf) WANTED Stengorapher for coal and building supply office! Apply Philpott, Evltt Co. C.N.R. Wharf. (tf) WANTED WANTED Small boat with cabin. Box 156 Dally News. (218) LOST LOST Monday night, small change purse containing gold earrings and keys. Finder may keep money but return other contents to Dally News (218) LOST Necklace between Baptist Church and Valhalla Hall. Wednesday night. Finder please return to Dallv News. (217) LADIES wrist watch. Initial "B" on back. Reward, Return tt Daily News Office. (218) READING Glasses In brown case Saturday evening. Please phone 355. (tf) LOST Brown wallet containing money and papers Thursday. Finder please phone Blue 273 after 5 p.m. (218) PERSONAL VIOLIN TUITION. For appointments phone Black 120. Mrs. Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) WILL WASH AND IRON laundry, Call 413 6th Ave. West, evenings, or phone Black 848 (218) We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Fhone 21 Third Ave. West TODj&T IN SPORT WILD AND WOOLLY LACROSSE IS WON BY RUPERT OVER UGANDA The first lacrosse match of a two-game series between Prince Rupert and a navy team from H.M.C.S. Uganda provided an excited crowd with the best game yet played. Prince Rupert scored three goals in the last period to win by 12-9 and this also gave the home team a three-goal margin to go into this evenings Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth NafiC 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Man-lags and Engagement Announcements: 12. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. A. Petersen an-; THIRTY-NINE FOOT BOAT - nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Johanne, to Petty Officer Harold Palmer, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Palmer of Vancouver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Murphy, 26 1 Marlhust Apts., 123 Carlton St., Wlnlpeg, Man., announce the engagement of their only daugh ter, Marie Helen Louise, to Mr. Albert J. Keplln, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Keplln, 1116 Princess St., Victoria, B.C. (formerly of Winipeg). The wedding will take place at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, September 26, 1946, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Blanshard St., Victoria, B.C. FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 room suite. 537 8th West. (218) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St., after 5 pirn. (217) ROOM, with board if desired, for girl at 715 West 5th Ave. Phone Green 503. (217) FOR RENT Furnished one-room cabin near Seal Cove Cold storage. Phone Blue 825. (219) Suitable for trolling, dogfish lug or river packing; 20 h.p. HD. Vivian; boat and engine first class. Apply Lipsett's. (217) FOR SALE Large, 8 -room house, 346 Fourth Ave. West. Phone Red 400, daytime. (220) FOR -SALE 7-Roomed house, fully modern, with concrete foundation and basement; 4 bedrooms. Good terms at $3,000. Less for cash. Apply Collart ic McCaffery Ltd. (220) FOR SALE 3 lots, No. 33, 54, 55, Block 27, Section 8. Sell what I can get. J. W. Men-zies, 15 Cambridge Street, Victoria, B.C. (217) FOR SALE Brick-lined and china cabinet. Green 610. heater Phone (217) FOR SALE Kitchen dinette, real good condition. Apply Suite 4, Alder Block. (217) FOR SALE 200 special-mated New Hampshire chickens, six months old. $2.00 each. Shipping charges extra. Leroy'3 Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two- and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) NV L. STASSEN JUNIOR. Bulbgrowers Hlllegon. Holland accept orders for Individual shipment direst from Holland to you on orders received before September 30. For price lists write P.O. Box 520, Vancouver, B.C. FOR SALE 7 room house with concrete foundation. Newly painted. Reasonable for cash Apply 260 9th E. after 5. (219) FOR SALE Mexican Chlwawa puppies. Three males. 727 Fraser St. (219) WE BUY and Sell new and used Furniture and Hardware. Used hassocks from $2.50. Dressers $14.50. Chest of Drawers $9 Stoves for coal and wood $35. game for the Manson Trophy, the team that scores the mas; goals In the two-game series. This will make Monday evening's game all the more Interesting as Uganda will be all out to make up the three goal deficit while the Prince Rupert team will be equally anxious to maintain Its lead. In the first period op Saturday evening Uganda took an early lead when Wlllacott scored from a pass by Langlois. Aber-crombie went close but was solidly dumped and then Wlllacott scored a second goal unassisted. It was all Uganda with the Rupert team lacking combination. DeCcsta finished a sterling run with a third goal. The local team 'got one back when Bud Schuman stickhandled his way through to get Rupert's only goal of the period. Quarter time score was Uganda 3, Prince Ru-1. It was discovered that only 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes had been played in the first period and it was agreed that the second period should be '20 minutes and then the remaining periods the regulation 15 minutes playing time each. The second period provided everything that a lacrosse game can provide. Stewart put Uganda another goal up and then Parrot beat Chappie 'from close in to make It 5-1. Abercrombie scored for Rupert from Scarfe's pass, Wfiite added another for the home team unassisted. Spring, the youngest and lightest player on the floor, scored for Rupert unassisted and then Scarf e, from Ted Arney, made the scores equal. Play was fast and furious. Schuman and De-Costa dropped their sticks and went at each other in boxing championship style but referee Skinner called on his own experience as a wrestler and boxer and put a headlock on Schuman while judge-of-play Bill Shear-down tackled DeCosta. Both players got a five-minute penalty and a 10-minute misconduct added and made their way to the "sin bin" where they discussed matters in a friendly way. Then Rupert went ahead for th first time in the game wh;n Ted Arney scored a sweet goal but Francis came back to tie it up once more and when the period ended it was six goals each. The second half began with i Schuman puttln? Prince Rupert ahead and then Ted Arney slip ped through to give Prince Ru Smoking stands $1.25. Dining I per a two-goal lead, White added room sets from $30. Rug 6xl0Vz! a third on a pass from Scarfe ' now $18. 3-piece chesterfield , ; in very good condition $6950. New coal and wood stoves, heaters. Scatter rugs from $1.65. Fancy mirrors from $2. See us first, It will pay you. B.C. , Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. (tf)! FOR SALE 1941 model 18 h.p. Palmer, new condition. Apply Black 927 or Green 975. (218) FOR SALE Boat "Addle R" trai ler, fully equipped. Apply J. Clausen & Son, Black 927 or Green 975. (218) FOR SALE Petters 5 h.p. Diesel engine and generator, with reostat and all equipment, in I good condition; also 2 h.p. gas engine. Buyer must take both. For particulars apply P.O. Box 162, Terrace, B.C. (222) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet with glass doors, etc.; also electrical attachments. Good condition. Reasonable. Drop-leaf kitchen table. Folding buggy. Phone Green 800 or call at 529 7th East. (218) FOR SALE 16" Turner -built speed boat, like new. Phone Blue 365 after 6 p.m. (222) GREY HAIR HANDICAP3 YOU. Use Angelique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (222) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Ii lHA With Minora Blades' Minora is a real money saver because it lasts far longerthanordinary blades. For extra shaves and comfort ask for Minora Blades. nrs roun DOUBU-EDGf RA209 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 SAVOY HOTEL Car) Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Baseball Scores SATURDAY National League ' Pittsburgh 3 Boston 9. St. Louis 0, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 4, New York 0. Chicagd' 0, Brooklyn 5. American League New York 4, Detroit 7. Washington 3, St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 1, caicago 0 (11 innings). International League Semi-Final Playoffs Syracuse 3, Baltimore 8. Montreal 0, Newark -4. American Association Semi-Flnal Playoffs Indianapolis 8. Minneapolis 1. Louisville a, St. Paul 2. Pacific Coast League Seattle .6, San Francisco 8. Portland. 6, Hollywood 4. Los Angeles 2, Sacramento 3. Oakland 6, San Diego 11. SUNDAY National League St. Louis 3-7, New York 0-4. Chicago 4-0, Brooklyn 3-2. Cincinnati l-l, Boston'2-8. American League Philadelphia 1-2, 8-0. Boston 4-0, Chicago 1-0. International League Playoffs Montreal 2, Newark. 3 (best of seven series tied at 2-2). Syracuse 7, Baltimore 6 (Syracuse leads best of seven series 3-2. American Association Playoffs IndianapolU 1, Minneapolis 4 (Indianapolis leads 3-2). Louisville 8, St. Paul 4 (Louisville wins best of seven 4-1). Pacific Coast League Portland 6-9, Hollvwood 0-3. Los Angeles 0-0, Sacramento 3-3. Oakland 2-7, San Diego 3-2. Seattle 4-4jSan Francisco 12-6. and Rupert enjoyec a three-goal margin, but not for long. Uganda came right back and DeCosta went right through only to have Chappie pull off a sensational stop at point blank range. Uganda were hot to be denied and LangioLs scored. Francis scored from Maple's pass and then Langlois tied up the score unassisted. During this period both teams had been short handed at times and the play ers were giving everything they had in a fast and furious session. The fourth . and last period started with both teams even. each having scored nine goals. Wlllacott went clean through the Rupert defence only to have Chappie bring off a remarkable stop. At the other end Jupp saved from Nelson at point-blank range and the' spectators were really worked up. Then a hard drive caught ChappYe on the temple and he -went down and outl Play was stopped for five minutes and he .recovered. Uganda got a goal but It was disallowed as the scorer was in the crease. White put Ruperl ahead on Nelson's pass and added an other on a pass from Scarfe. Maple went close, Langlois nar rowly missed and Parrot .?ave Chappie a teaser but it was Ru- Dert that scored next when Schuman went through for the last goal of the game and Prince Ruoert was the winning team. 12-9. Box scores: Prince Rupert G A I Chappie 0 0 R. Smith 0 0 l J. Andrews 0 0 Schuman 3 . 0 I Arney 2 ' 0 Parsons 0 0 Abercrombie x 1 1 Glllls 0 0 White 4 0 Nelson 0 1 ' S. Scarfe 0 1 Bob Scarfe 1 2 nay Spring i 0 12 5 Uganda OA Jtrpp 0 0 Brennan 6 0 Baker o 0 Langlois 2 1 Parrot i o Wlllacott i 0 McLean o 0 15 33 m DeCosta l o 15 Francis 2 0 Oram o 0 Stewart i o Maple o 1 Martin o 0 Miller o 0 Shots stopped: Chappie 3 12 12 Jupp 2 17 4 Scoring record: Uganda 3 3 3 RuDert 1 5 3 8 2 32 11-33 7-30 0 9 312 Umpire. R. B. Sknner; Judie of play, Bill Sheardown. Baseball- Local Stars Down Navy Overtime Game Held nig Crowd Tense 6 to 5 Score Prince Rupert All-Stars baseball team garnered itself a well-earned late season victory Sunday afternoon by breaking an overtime deadlock against an Improved team from H.M.C.S. Uganda, winning the 12-lnnlng feature game by a score of 5-6. The three. overtime Innings developed an intensity which quietened the usually noisy crowd and terminated when All Stars' catcher Scoop Bury brought in the winning run after Lamble got on base on a fielder's error. All Stars found themselves in an uncomfortable spot In the tenth inning when- Pitcher Jack Lindsay, faced Addison of Uganda at Sat wlthUhree men on bases. Cleveland i Previously, Lindsay had delib erately walked Thleman, a heavy; (hitter, which turned out to be a brilliant tactical move. Addison hit an infield grounder which was 'fielded by Lindsay, who tossed It to Bury, forcing out Frewer at home. That made the second down, De- castra having previously struck out The 5-5 tie still held at the end of the tenth when Worrall was put out on a fielder's cholc-? play, leaving Woolacott on third. Jeff Worrall, pint-sized Uganda pitcher with a man-sized pltch-er'sarm, was the crowd's favorite. He pitched a consistent game ?nd had good field supoort. Fred Frewer, Uganda's shortstop, made a remarkable series of ilck-ups throushout the game but, unfortunately, It was his error in the twelfth That allowej Prince Rupert to bring In its winning run. All Stars got off to a flying start In the first Inning, bringing in three runs, but did not score again until the sixth. Uganda, in the meantime, managed to tie the score at 4-all by the fifth inning, bringing in a un in the fourth, and three in the fifth. All-Stars let down in the fifth, chalking up two fielding errors that accounted for two of the three runs for Uganda. The sailors got two men on bases on hits In that inning and two on bases on fielders' errors, Woola cott, who singled, was put out while trying to steal second on a Henry-to-Wlndle p:ay. Uganda broke the 4-all tie In the ninth when Worrall brought home a run off a single, during which he stole from first to second, and again from second to hlrd. All Stars retaliated to even the score in the ninth when Johnson scored off a single, stealing from third to home. On the mound, both Worrall and Lindsay pitched the full 12 innings. Worrall struck out 9 batters, chalked up 13 base hits against himself. Lindsay struck rut 11 batters, walked two and eceived eight base hits. Box score: JJOANDA ABRIBPO A "Yewer ss 6 12 2 7 Woolacott If 5 Oecastra 3b 6 Thleman 3b ... 4 ddison cf 5 orrall p '5 'anglols lb Reynolds rf UL STARS . 5 5 46 Tohnson ss .... 6 1 Dahl 3b 6 1 Wlndle 2b 6 0 Lindsay p 6 1 Bury c 6 3 Lamble cf 6 0 'Vrney If 5 0 Pierce rf 3 0 Henry lb 5 0 xGurvlch rf .... 2 0 0 15 0 1 8 33 25 ABRIBPO A 2 0 11 2 3 51 6 13 33 25 xGurvich in for Pierce in Cth. "Battrles: s All-Stars Lindsay p,.Bury c. Uganda Worrall p, Arndt c. Summary: Stolen bases, Uganda 3; All-Stars 3. Sacrafice hits, Uganda I, Langlois. Two-base hits, All-Stars 2, Dahl, Lindsay. Innings Ditched, Worrall 12; Lindsay 12. Base hits, off Lindsay 8; off Worrall 13. Legal at bats against Lindsay 46, against Worrall 51. Struck-out by Worrall 9, by Lindsay 11. Bases on balls, Lindsay 2, Worrall 0. Hit batsmen, by' Lindsay 1, Thleman. Uganda .000 130 001 0005 All Star ,s .300 001 001 0010 THRILLS, CHILLS AND SPILLS Saturday night's game was the best lacrosse game played here yet. There was everything bumps and crashes; a fight thrown In: goalkeeper knocked out; a couple of players temporarily laid out; team coaches arguing with everyone, the referee, the timekeeper, the penalty keeper. And after the match players and officials, all In the dressing rooms, agreeing that it was the best game to date l And all the players want the same two officials for tonight's game. The star of the game was undoubtedly the Prince Rupert goalie, Chappie. He stopped five shots when the opposition was right In on top of him. He has class and it was just as well for the home team that he was In top form. Uganda' outshot pert 38 to 30. Prince Ru- White lr Rupert with four goals was leading scorer, Schuman had two goals and an assist, Langlois with two goals and an assist led the Navy, with Wlllacott and Francis each getting two goals. Ray Spring's goal pleased everyone. This lad Is about 15 years old and weighs about 90 pounds. He should be used sparingly for he is too young to stand up to heavier and more experienced players. Bob Scarfe also did well with a goal and two assists. Other recent beginners. Ted Arney with two goals, and Terry Parsons and Ralph Smith show much promise. wfllacott. DeCosta, Francis, Parrott, Baker and Langlois were !n good form for Uganda. -'AND PLAYER'S MHO CIGARETTES HAVE WETPROOr PAPER. IT DOESN'T STICK TO THE LIPS." LakelseLake CAMP Johnstone's Camp at Lakelse Lake is still open for the hunting season. The troul fishing Is still good. CABINS TO RENT BOATS FOR HIRE Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Riidge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING ' Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Em. Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George f"ATHLtm INDOORS AND OUTDOORS TUP TT3 A t KTt?f I hub irunu nave :or many jrrara unu anu recommondsd OCYMPENE - C.nada't na-tional antiseptic liniment. They A now from personal experience that Olympene ii quick relief from ttraint, ipraini, tore and aching mm. clei , , . and an aid to recovery from "Athlete'i Foot". Always keep a bottle of Olympene handy' in your locker you may need it tomorrow. SOLD at AIL DRUGGISTS a OLYMM theAmtiseptic I Prince Rupert Bottle Col We tUy- All,!! Pcrfcx Beer Whiskey, fi -uotties Homes YmM PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SQVU For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CM at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUE Y t CHOI! 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD B PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SS I UK U.UICK, 1.1 II (J I KM, LAKtllL HI SERVICE rnone lunula i a w or TENTS - PACK TRAPPER NELSON PI lf A TCDDDAAr? C T)C IMfl SH' Edmondson Awning andoau' 330 .SECOND AVENUs P.O. Box 302 : REX CAFE oppnMn nrrvtlP r-.PPf.STTK PKlKtt "' Chop Sucy - Choff Men Chinese Dishes our pW Open 8 ajn. to 2 WON'E 173 Terrace Corner MRS. FLAMBLY iiAr MA nF. mi i vi r.'iiin"" Dire CANinW HL3-V a iuu . ..,rll 1.II1MPHF.S FOR IKAVfc- tin tHn vmtn ijis"" . - - - vyii (.III- Jr . . . e TERRACE MACHINE J TP. If RACK. ISC- . . inTOKSi" and El MACHINE WORK - "CAS DIESEL and TRACTOR ' OPEN SUNDAib arm - I anil I9 r, m nor rfpai" HOPS' TERRACE TRANSFER AND (Iiaroia .J, PASSENGW3' TBTirir a An Scheduled Trips to Uh a tir.inr.fii1;iv ana annua, Hiui'""-' P.O. Box 1C7 Charter Trips to Any fart -