FairWay Food Market Your Shopping Guide for FRI'DAY AND SATURDAY SOUP . in 2 137 JTNS fit GREEN BEANS IlKtSU Choice Quality 20-oz. tins OT FOR GREEN ONIONS urge Bunches rj ASPARAGUS rf.-.dcr Stalk:; I POUND POTATOES in DRY BELT 23c No : Quality QAn IJ.V POUNDS Wj.TORC MAT'CR vMPXYOU , ( w VERV tXCEtUNI ,..JF FJT YOU NEXT OGOR TO US ' ,,,,1;' and Healing ''"Kincers Ul COAL STOKERS Mnderson LIMITED r'Jll Ave and 4th Street finishes TOMATO JUICE Fancy Quality 20-oz. tins 2 FOR HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS Fresh Stock 1-Pound Packages We H ave Done f No. 09? PHONE 676 rc Now! . . . 23c 23c CAULIFLOWER Large White Heads EACH COOKINO ONIONS 3 POUNDS No. 1 Large 35c 25c JUICY CALIFORNIA GRAPFFRIJIT 4 FOR Nice Size )9f ORDERS TAKEN BEFORE .1 P.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET PHONE 434 it; Scrinj is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Irnn comfortable rooms i h plenty of hot water, fcr.able weekly rates to reliable tenants. f Ave and Eighth St. Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 SENSATIONAL D. D.T. INSECTICIDE BOMB Al'"esol Insecticide Dispenser contains 100 applications Easy to operate KL (lie mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs, .roaches, etc. List Price $1.05 PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE r. C32 P.O. Box 772 KWONO SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to KlngTal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 ain. Outside Orders from 3 pm. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 HOME OWNERS IT IS TIME FOR YOUR SI'IUMi KEI'AIKINO! We have now in stock a substantial quantity of Cedar Shingles, Birch and Cedar Panelling m a variety 01 Jnsul-Hriek, Building Papers, etc. "Ipott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. M'Ml... 'til A Nil BUILDING MATERIALS Phones 651 and 652 I.O.D.E. EASTER TEA IS SUCCESS Queen Mary Chapter Affair On Easter Monday Draws Large Crowd Successful both socially and financially was an Easter Monday daffodil tea and sale held under the auspices of Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, In the I.O.D.E. Hall. Marly ladles called during the afternoon at 'the hall which had been tastefully decor-ated by Miss Dorothy Becker. The guests were received by the regent, Mrs. J. A. Teng. . The tea table, covered with a beautiful lace cloth, was centred with a largf bowl of dafrodils, mauve tulips and green tapers and was presided over by Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Mrs. F. M. Kemp-ton Mrs. Moses and Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, The lea room was In charge of Mrs. H. M. Foote, Mrs. E. V. Whiting, Mrs. J. M. Taylor and Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Servl-i teurs were Mrs. T, A, McKeown, Miss Dorothy Hutchison, Miss Jean Caiderwood. Miss Pat Tum- ilson, Miss Mary Bird, Miss Mary Adcock, Miss Ethel Hcminons and MLss Barbara Teng. Cashier, was Mrs. J. E. Boddle. Home cooking and raffles were In charge of Mrs. W. M. Hall and Mrs. S. V. Cox. Directing the sale of candy and novelties were the Misses Mary Strachan, Joar. Bird, Deshka Penoff and Mrs. C. A. Moses. Winners of raffles were: Cake, donated by Mrs. F. M. Krmpton, won by Mm. James Clark, ticket No. 20. ; Ham, donated by Mrs. J. A. 'Teng, won by Mrs. W. Noble, ticket No. 15. Box of Candy, won by Miss Mary Astoria, tlckct.No. 17. Sugar, won by Mrs. Maurice Brydgcs, ticket No. 108. Announcements Sons of Norway Meetlnz. Fri day, April 26, 8 p.m. Oddfellows Hall. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 2. United W. A. SDrinz Sale. Mav 2. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, I Mrs. Peter Lakie's, May 8. ! Cambrai Sprlna Tea, May 9 Mrs. Sid Elkins, 216 5th Ave. E. I C.W.L. Tea, May 9, 2:30 to 6, iK.C. Hut. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Old Tlrrie Dance',' I.O.D.E. HalL every .Saturday. Norway Independence Celebration. May 17, Civic Centre. Everybody welcome. Program follower! by dance. Now-sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN'S iLocal News Items Valhalla Fishermen's Dance, Friday, April 28. (93) Mr. and Mrs. Cv Kellett 're turned yesterday on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Among those who sent flowers to the funeral of Mrs. Ceclle Malanoskl on. Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Duhamel and Mr: and Mrs. Frank Hodgklnson. Bert West, Terrace butcher, Is paying a brief business visit to the city. He arrived from the Interior on Tuesday night's train and will return home this evening. Rev. C. J. Smith will give Illustrated lecture at the Baptist Church on Friday, April 20, at 8 p.m. on his work as Chaplain on the Alaska Highway construction, (98) Activities oj Rup-Rec MOTHERS Bring the tiny tots down on Friday morning at 11 o'clock! It lasts for just an hour. While the "under-slxers" 1 are having the time of their life in the gym, the mothers will be Invited to the ladles' lounge for a round-table chat on child psychology. Mrs. Don Forward will lead the discussion using material provided by the Extension Department of the University of B.C. It will be just a plain, good old talk on this business of how to raise the youngsters in the difficult conditions of today. LACROSSE Conditioning classes for lacrosse and would- be lacrosse players will be a part of the senior men's class at 8:30. Down south condition of players is an important factor and everyone planning to play this i year snouid get out and get In shape. WHAT'S ON TODAY: 4:30 to 5:30 Junior girls class. 5:30 to 6:30 Basketball practice. 7:00 t0 1 8:30 Intermediate boys. 7:00 to 8:30 Intermediate ' girls. i- , 8:30 to 9:30 Ladles "Keep Fit." 8:30 to 9:30 Senior men's class. 9:30 to HMMen's volleyball. J. E. Ormhelm returned to the city on Tuesday night's train from a week's business trip to Terrace. Mr. and Mrs Fred W. Stone returned yesterday on the Prince Rupert from a tw weeks trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley G., Little and family of Terrace spent yesterday in the city. They arrived from the Interior on Tuesday night's train and returned to Terrace last evening. Robert Eby, who went to Vancouver two weeks ago to meet his war bride who arrived recently from her home in Londonderry .Ireland, returned yesterday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. It's so easy to bake delicious, smooth-tcxturcJ loaves if you use FIcischmann's active fresh Yeast. This fresh yeast is jull-strengtb. It goes right to uvrk to help you get best baking results every time.. IF YOU BAKE, AT HOME-insist.on ricischmann's active fresh Yeast. The, cake with the familiar yellow label! Dependable Canada's favorite for over 70 years. t V MADE IN CANADA f r "pi-FM.n I XI 1 lssatJ m 1 We are pjeascd to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRA!D" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them tiklay from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. anadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LJ, M I T E D PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Military Orders 1st. (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) by Capt. A. W. Burnlp AOC. 1. All Officers and N.C.O.'s will parade Friday night 26 April 46 at 2000 hrs. 2. Bn. Parade will be held at 1930 hrs Monday night 29th April 46. Subjects and Instructors are as follows: Advanced Class Drill, R.S-M. Alvey. Basic Class Drill, RJ5.M. Alvey. 3. There will be a L. M. G. Shoot (Bren) held on the open range Saturday 27th April 46. Those attending will parade at 1330 hrs at the Drill Hall. A married couple, were peacefully sleeping in the upstairs bedroom. Suddenly the wife Eby Were marrlpri tn TrplanH shmiterf In hor eleon- "r.nnri while Mr. Eby was overseas in the Lord! Here comes my husband!" navy. They spent the last two The husband .woke up and weeks in Vancouver prior to lumped out of the upstairs win-coming to Prince Rupert. daw! .''H ENJOYMENT Young folks' eyes light up when Shreddies are on the table for breakfasts And Shreddies whole, wheat nourishment helps keep those eyes bright; Because wheat, with its precious wheat germ, bran and other ingredients, is Nature's best food to keep active young bodies healthy and clear-eyed. Youngsters get their whole wheat the really enjoyable way in Shreddies. " v 1 A PARTY TREAT Dip Shreddies in melted semi-sweet chocolate. Lift out with a fork and allow to set. A wholesome food and a candy-coated party delight. Shrt(Uia is a registtrtJ traJc-muri tu ntd in Canada by THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LIMITED NIAGARA FAILS.. CANADA Weekly Auction Sale AT CLAIT BLOCK (OPPOSITE CIVIC CLNTKK ULIKJ.) SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, 2:30 p.m. Consisting: Lot of Carpenter's Tools; Beds; Dressers; 2 Radios; Typewriter; Upholstered Chair; 2 Enamel Ranges; 2 Restaurant Electric Toasters; 1 small Office Safe, and other articles. GOODS INTENDED FOIt THIS SALE TO BE IN NOT LATEK THAN 6 IM. FRIDAY. TEHMS ca'sii GEORGE J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONES: Blue I l" Bus. Kcd 127 Kcs. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED Phone 50.-I Evenings: Green 103 P.O. Box 1381 prince ftuum Dnilt Jdclttf Thursday, April 25, 1946 SMART ENDING To A Long Hard WINTER Our New Spring Stetson Hats Arc In Before you head into the dressiest spring in years, take a look at your hat. Everyone else does. A STETSON HAT will give you that look of careful grooming and good taste, so necessary in being well dressed. "THE MEN'S SHOP" LONE WOLF LAID LOW Canine Depredator of Colleymount Killed at Last For years a lone black wolf has ranged through the Colleymount district, killing cattle and sheep, also farmer's dogs, which he enticed into the woods and then destroyed. At 3 o'clock one morning last week Everead Hlckey, rancher, was disturbed by his two youn? hounds barking in the yard. Hi went to the door and could sea faintly Jn the neaif darkness a woll sparring with the two hounds near the herd of cattle. unable to see the sights of his rifle and was surprised to find that he had hit four times at a distance of 50 yards. The wolf was seven feet long. (rrrrrm TTTTTTTTYTTTYTn t UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED t SPECIAL NOTICE Commencing I MONDAY, APRIL 29 All Arrivals and Depar tures of our vessels will shot six times at what seemedlFbe on Daylight Saving merely a shadow on the snow Time with the dogs nipping at it and L ' (102) the woll, collapsed, fllckey. ,yy . IaaaIaaaa A-aaa-aaaaaaaaaI I Mothers Day Cards . . . Mother's Day - Sunday May 12th DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE FOUR STAR TRANSFER "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" Phones: Blue 00 Res. Green 8J0. Prop., L. Christophcrson (Ex-Naval Vet.) Moths Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" N. B. C. BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP OCEAN FALLS HIGH vs. BO-M-III April 24th and 25th 7:3Q p.m. Roosevelt Park G.vih Boys' and Girls' Games SUPPORT THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES l'lionc 775 327 Third Ave. The season is rapidly advancing. Be sure to take the necessary precautions in time. JUST ARK IV ED .. . ELKAY'S MOTH KILLER and MOTH CONTROL LIQUID WITH DDT : ' Will Not Injure Fabrics lG-oz. bottle, 7." Ormes Ltd. Zhs Pioneer Druggists a H300oaoioo0oMao0tHKmDDCHi0O00aoooooa0O0a0Ooa0OCH THE KEXALL STORE Prescription Specialists J I. i