paob rwo THE DAILY NEWS miNCE RUPERT, BEITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MAJfAOINQ EDITOR MEMBER Or THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news, published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION ItATES By City Carrier, per week jj Per year - $7.00 DAILY EDITION S$HJ Sat u; day, February 19, 1944 Closing In On Japan . . . The Big United States air raid on the important Japanese base of Truk is further indication of the growth of Allied strength in the western Pacific. It may not be long now before attacks in considerable scale, more than mere occasional forays, will be delivered upon Japan proper. Certainly our forces are .closing in from various directions north, east, south and west. - Major points, taken by the Japanese in their lightning drive of the first few months of the war In the Pacific, of course, remain in the hands of the enemy. For the past year, however, the enemy has "Hitter Blames his Generals for Recent Reverses." Headline. This is just another indication that Hitler is crazv in the head. If he had any intelligence, he'd blame the Allied generals. Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pads, or machine. Watch for it! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAII Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. INCOME TAX Phone Blue 943 Forms now Available: T-l, for use If you are In business or If your Income In 1943 was more than $3,000.00. T-l, Special, for use If you are an employee and earned less than $3,000.00 In 1943. For expert advice on your Income Ketums see GEORGE ROME & CO. 177-18 Besner Block. Prince Hupert Having the proper Information with you will save you time and trouble. Bring with you: (a) T-4 slips given you by your employer, showing your total earnings and tax deductions In 1943. tb) T-5 slips showing your taxed Income from dividends in 1943. ) (c) Full particulars of other Income In 1943. (d) Receipts for Medical Expenses, Donations, Life Insurance premiums and principal payments on mortgages paid In 1943. (e) If possible, a copy of last Income Return you made out Hall Filled at L.O.B.A. Dance A capacity crowd filled the Oddfellows' Hall one evening earlier In the week to dance to) tH enntte nf Jpsn rle f?nrWc r- Vra o tlarteA Ivan Vrr tKa i li4rsra: IN rASI-PAGED HOOF PLAY very effective master of ceremonies. Mrs. Oeorge Howe was general convenor of the affair and the crowd at the door was capably handled by members of the Loyal Orange Lodge. The raffle for a chicken wa won by Ben Cook. MIDLANDS Cobourg's objective in the February food Industry's War Stamp Drive has been set at $5,000. Food stores, bakeries, restaurants and hotels ate all eo-operatin; In the sale of stamps. Roy D. Dodge, favored applicant for" the position of deputy town clerk and treasurer, has with drawn his application. Ounner Ernie Foote. a former Cobourg printer is now working maue no otiensive, neing content to endeavour to overseas with the British Press There Jc nn fonenn tn hulinvo limmvor fVmt 4tin 'r Canadian servicemen " V., l.W.t.W, IHHI, W1V I Jap still has not much fight in him and that he may i not yet be capable of some considerable moves. Robert R. McCormick of the Chicago Tribune announces he will not be a presidential candidate in 1944. We're not surprised. He's just ornery enough to deny 99.901) per cent of American voters the keen pleasure of voting against him. Easier Living Ahead . .. . ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT It being such a perfect afternoon yesterday I thought up a grand excuse to be out for most of it. I had some YlVCA Leave The postwar house, according to research work-, centre posters sent to me from ers in the construction field, is beinir planned to i)ro-ihad yesterday so what vide healthful living, aesthetic pleasure and freedom from drudgery for the housewife. The new houses! better than to deliver them in person to the C.W.A.C. bat racks and the WJt.CJJB. barracks will have improved ventilation, heating, lighting and I which are side by side and a even sound conditioning. Germicidal lamps to free homes from disease germs, movable walls to suit emergency requirements, built-in furniture, and other innovations are in prospect. ' Construction methods mav undergo chances. slreabie walk from here. And as luck -would have it 1 was lust to time to .say good-bye to Lieut. Jean Bayfield who la leaving shortly for the East. She came tip with the first of the C.W-A.C.'a Prefabrication is one of them. Many houses in the'nd has ofte thrngh mi the future will be built on the assembly line. Every pieceil f!"J5 a station and getting bedded of the house, down to the door knobs, will be manufactured at the factory and all set into place when delivered to the lot. There, several workmen will be able to put it up ready to move into in perhaps less! man a day. Vns type of dwelling is already being built by thousands for workers in war industries. Most of them are put together with wall, floor and ceiling panels of laminated plastic. Such factory-built homes are movable and can follow their owners. Thus the problem of home ownership may be minimized; when a workman will need to move to another job, he will be able to take his homee with him and so avoid suffering .financial loss through a forced sale. up down. She has been a very able second in command to Captain Hewett who will be sorry to see her go. felt slightly undressed and lm modest. I don't know much about the game as it Is played nowadays but I certainly yelled enough although I lost track or which side I was rooting for. At one stage of the game a banner Interfered with the ball making the basket and so a very noblo youth literally scaled the walls, tripped lightly across the beams and moved the offending streamer. This human fly wai none other than Petty Officer Aithur Brdokman. Cltlfccns and friends, are there no medals fof heroes like these? We had a visit today from Bur-rell Stevens one of our "Y" men stationed at Terrace. This was Burrell's first sight of the blue racuic ana nis nrsi laste oi ourf marvellous Pilrtce Rupert wea ther. He was quite surprLsed because he had already heard It falned a lot here. Just a tumor we told him, and moreover we. had the day to prove it. TIMELY RECIPES FARINA APPLkSAlCE PL'DDLXO i eggs 1 cups cooked farina 1 cup applesauce, unsweetened 1 teaspoon cinnamon Few grains nutmeg (optional) 1-3 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Separate the eggs, beat yolks and add cereal, applesauce, spices, sugar and vanilla; beat thoroughly. Fold In the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour Into a greased baking dish, set In a pan of hot water and oven- poach in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F, until set, about 35 minutes. Six servings. NOTIILNT. GREAT INVENTION ! Invention of the zero by an ancient Hindu is considered one bf the greatest advances In mathematics. IV lilt MTKKMF. f fit RT Of IIKITI'M f'OI.I'MHM l 1-KOIItTi: In ihr Matlrr of lUe "AdmlnI'lrJ- I rat Inn Ai l" ami In fh Matter nf the 1te nf Knul ttleH, Iim-mm-iI, Inlrlate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HI Honour Judge Ftuher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I a on the 18th day of February AD. 1644. appointed Admin- iurtor or the Enate or Knut Olsen. formerly of Montreal, Quebec, deceased, who Jld rm or abmrt th 3rd dt of Jannitry. AD 1944. An peruana Indebted to the Uld Estate are required to pat the am'iunt tt their Indebtedrwwi to me forthwith and all person having claims aralnn the aald Extate are reqtilred . to f lie them with me properly Verified m or before the Slut day of March AD. 1944, falllnc which dtatnbutkm will be made Mrlng retard only to uch claim of which 1 ahail hare been notified DATFD at Prince Rupert, BC thla 18th day of February A D. 144 KOHMAS A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. ymitt. UMi tlMIITHV .4rT Re: fertlffrate nf Title So. KMt-l, l flloek 1, nbn1lnn nf the "nntherly re. fmire nr re, if lrt f!rB9, Ranfe 8, ('nat l1-trlrl. Map a. WMF.REAfl aatlr.factorv woof of TIM Imued In the name of Jack-Bennett hw been fried m thla office, notice l hereby glren that t snsll, ' at the etplration of one month from I the date of the ftrrt rubtlcatton I hereof, Iwue a DroylHlonat onifl. cate of Title tn lieu nf aald lot certificate. rmleM In the meantime valid objection h made to me IA wrltlna;. DATED St the Land nerlatr nfetM Prince Rupert, BC this jeth dat of January, 1944 AD. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Regis! rr 6f Titles. ix Tin; urntMr. tntniltiT I1HITIII inil MRM , . 11 rnnTF. In the Matter nf the ".IdmlntMratl'm ,rt" and In the .Matter iif the r.Oate nf Frank lanc. Iieenei Intetlate. TAKE NOTICE tht bf ordee Of IIU Honor. W. tE. Flalier, made on the 10th daj February, AD. 1914. I waa appointed Administrator of the eatate of Frank laasc. deceaaed, and all nartlea having clalma agalnat the aald eatate are hereby rrrnjlred to furnUh name, properly verified, to me on or before tha 11th day of March, A D. 1944. and all ntrtiea Indebted to the Eatate are required ednraa Ui me forthwith. DATED at Prince nupert, BO., thla 11th day of February, A D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Bupirt, B O TIH! DAILT NEWS SATURDAY What a Basketball Game 5 YANKS TAKE 43 TO 40 WIN FROM CANADIAN ALL STARS Reporters and commentators found it difficult to find superlatives in the sports vocabulary, which would adequately describe last night's hectic, fast-oaced basketball Vame in which the Yanks won over the Canadian All-Stars. 41 to 40, at the Naval Drill Hall. A capacity crowd witnessed the engagement sponsored for the benefit of the , The All-Stars played well as a Red Cross which benefitted to unit despite the fact that some the extent of about i300. Many were turned away. In the Ttrst game of the evening the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division quintet scored Its fourth straight victory In the Area League. beating the Map! Leafs 30 to 6. The Yanks-All Star clash contained all the qualities needed of the caters were unused to one another's playing. No single player inad more than seven points, which was a tribute to their fine team-play. Latlna and d'Antremont were the sharp shooters for the Yanks racking up totals of It and" 11 mints resoectivelv. cocks fight. were responsible for 12. Banish - Although they grabbed the lead j ed for fouls were MacPhe. Zak. ?ar!y in the game and kept it for Dominate and San ter bane of All-most of the fixture, the Yanks Stars and DL'Autremont and hold What he has won although losing some Of that. 6r vice getting out a newspaper ! trailing minutes before the . Oarcellonl of the Yanks final whittle. It was a battle all Half time score was 21 to 17 t the way and the decision could : In favor of All-Stars, but the et fvrrt, ee ff fnr tjneen .tlevamlra nUrlnni I w Crippled f htMrrn and Klnmen' I hartl lea Including "Milk fr Rrltaln" fleglalereit n niter Mar f haiitlea ,H Women's league In the Women game the Air Puree Or;mHna held the upper hand lrorii start to finUli night i Sergeant Peden was leadlfti scorer, pacing the V.D.s attarX wtth a total of 15 points. Mi? gm of Maple Leafs again led her team in scoring, acquldng five of the six points. The Royal Canadian Navy bras band was In attendance and played a number of marches and popular tunes under the baton of Chief Petty Officer 8. E. Sunderland. Mrs. Charles M. Cree threw the opening ball. Comma rider Charles XI. Cree, Arnold Platen, president of the local Red Gross, and S. P. Woodside. pxeskietit of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association, each made brief speeches of acknuwlrdfeiment. Lineups: Men's Came Yanks Laeina 13. KUner . Plsr new vprv rouih ward I to give hoop fans a thrilling ( the end of the game and some j Walllngford. d'Antrewwnt 11. evening. Lightning plays, re- ! brushes between hoopsters near- Mantter. Otrzeuonl 3. HnTooih-markab'e shooting, excellent ball ' ly resulted in a flurry of flats, by 3, Page 2. handling and a couple of teams The Canadian were charged All-Stars MePhee 4. Taylor 7 which played as hard as game-, with 17 fouls and the Yanks Heathertnfton 4. Santerbane 6. Kutner 1. Zak 4. Dominate 4 Houston. Fitch 4. Lindsay 5. Women's Game Otemllns Hogue. Martin 5. McDougal 4. Peden IS. Niacin- tyre 4. Hurt ley. Voac Dalton 2 have easily tipped In either i Yanks resumed the lead in the i Kale. Edgar 1, McKay. Johnson. teams direction. i second half. I Saunders. Ilemmon. Soccer will be a great unifying A new greyhound running at Instrument m the future of tb Preston, Lancashire, has been world, the keenest lootban fol- named Station Buffet and lower in the British War Cabinet thereby hanw a tale. Preston told a luncheon prior to a match track officials purchased the dog. between representatives of Hoi- pay all its upkeep c s and race land and Belgium. "It is a game entry fees. Every penny the dog which unites great crowds In democracy," added A. V. Alexander, Flist Lord of the Admiralty, who In his .younger days guarded goal for a West Country side. He say It was a great regret that during his tenure of office at the Admiralty, the Navy, so busy on the -seven seas, had been unable to field a soccer side a the other services. The First Lord, turning to youthful reminiscences, spoke of the days when he "walked Uiree miles and paid twopence at the gate" to see Charles Wreford Brown play. j I went to the basketball game Brown, present at the luncheon. Lt ii,..v...i tr.ii ...i. wax a crreat Cnrlnthtan nlaver v mc -inrai Lijii nui iui ingiii. o i j - - My last contact with basketbaU ana wa cappea r tngiana in the im Emv Pker at the was when I played a mean game myself all togged out In blue luncheon voiced the opinion that bloomers, middy and black the match to follow would be the stockings. And at that we irlrls Ja "onana ana at igium wouia have to play on British soil. earns will be turned over to the manager of the Preston railway station so that men In the fighting services won't go without iefreshmesta. Hence the name Station Buffet. Mapk Leafs Mitfglns 3. Me i amateur for 19 years and never has been knocked out. Even tha' tug-of-war. with men pulHng all out. leaves Mm perfectly composed. Apart from boxing, he holds two Brtttsh wetght-Mftiiut titles. An avalanche of ticket appl'.n tions followed the startling con cession mat an attendance o 140.000 will be allowed for a t Bttfland-Scotland International ' secret game at Glatow ., glgar, tic Hampden Park. April 22 The pievlous wartime police nm: was 80.000 at Wembley Londo:, The concession takes the ga'e I allowances back to pre-war davs and raised hopes that the South ern League Cup final in Apr will find the allowance raised A boxer who bends six-Inch I e capacity 100,000. The accept- nails and steel bars with his bare ed crowd record lor untam came hands and who, with a rope coll- at a 1937 Scotland-England game ed about his neck, allows himself i Hampden Park when U3iiT to be the centre-pie ce In a full- wraeezed through the tum-stttea. scale tus-of-war. will comDete lit the coinine National Fire SenMe 1'IIWT CHANNM. HOP boxing championships In Lon-1 J. P. Blanthatd, a Frenrhman. don. He Is Company Officer C. guided his balloon across the N. Oreenfield. of Wombwell. English Channel on January 7. Vorkshlrc. 3-yeat-oId heavy-' 1785, hi the first crw-ehannel weight. He h&s boxed as an flight. A HOME FOR $1.00! Sl. ihiy win ih I aili'-t nrnUtiril lira ml .New (lift llmne. hx-ated In I'aftad eterireeu!ni1. tlitnrU, III'. Jut flte rntnntet Ittnn the ea, In one of the fltiet residential ill'trlM. Rnnm. ftre In Hinient, Murrit lAterlnr. taliie ..Vni af.Mt Hid tK lll'KII TlllltV NAME AnDftEfiS t.a0SU IS I FOR . . TICKETfB) BFKD TO: KINSMEN BOLARHJM OFFICE 725 YATE8 ST.. VICTORIA, Be. PR , GANGWAY! For Real Tiddley's Internallonally declarer) "Itest In the World", originated and slill Produced by THE ST. JAMES TAILORS Material definitely THE BE8T i21oz. Pure Wool) Bell Drape or Medium Pants. Delivered to Use Air-Mall. s18 .50 Prepaid To You Complete With Zipper. Any Width Bottom, you 10 days from receipt of your order. We have measurements on file of all the Tlddleys made by ns In the past 2 years or otherwise write us for our EASY SIMPLIFIED Self-Measure Chart and you can't miss. Best (Jiade Badges and Regalla-Oold or Red. Satin Silks, Dickies, Tallies, Hand-made Collars, Hats by Scully, (Always In Stock). SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THE ST. JAMES TAILORS (Pacific Coast Naval Outfitters) C33 Yates Street. VICTORIA, B.C. NAVY WINS HOOP GAME Members of the Navy entry in i he area Basketball League celebrated the birthday of their coath. Petty Ofllcer A. Uiouk-man. by smothering Fortress under a 47 to 23 count at Llltl America Thursdsy night. It was Mt of the best showing the sailers have made this season and enabled them to get a stranglehold cm fifth place in the standings. Ack Acks were unable to field a team for their game wtth Coast Battery and Uvey are rww expected to withdraw from the league due to the shortage ot . ptayeis. It la not ytt known which chit will replace them. Reserves versus Air Force game In the Naval Drill hall was Four Years Ago In This War Feb. 19. 1940 0 -British destroyer Cossack rescued 299 British seamen, pruunets aboard the German prison ship Alt-mark. which had been driven ashore at Jostng Fjord. Norway Finland announced withdrawal of Its forces on the Karelian tothmus to new positions. For HlthrliM DI.COKATIM; and PAIVTIMI Call I,KO OVKU fled J 8C7 Itordrn .HI. The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon Ladi di Fur C: lak' - T We i lar'.:o ' fur Si more r n: for Mutual Be JOHN' l , Phon, ies... ve t i i i a. . 3 i rappers ; Buyers.,, tOATj Big tlitrin W. GOLDBU Third Art rrm J. L CO ' ' ' T; VIIU KWONO Slti nor tu HOUSE Neit U VH 111 Tlh ATL All aar tutrenin flnea S IB.III ' , - w It Oainde iiratn m Fhone lei llLII 1WI UOTFI A Home AJ fr" llslei I5 I 50 Koom. IM .. , t.url I ITinrc rr' Phone Zt fft1 A r ri a Down throush the years, almost f,.nce Pi r first existed, we have served the people Til F laboratory we have always tried to keep rr.M skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the be:' c' r& As we start a new year, we ore proud .:f and grateful for the confidence you have -"3 we continue to serve you. lWwS f 14 qbbb aaaav aBaawBaVCaavgaawJaaaV daw Ciev Pioneer Druqgist i nr. hkaai.i, stoke niu. Open Dally from 9 ajn. till 9 pm- Sundays and Holidays from 12-1 D.m. snd V YYV vvv vv vvvvtvvvyyvYtvvTYvvvvvv VV t i Coal Orders We can now deliver your coal nn llirro ilnva wnrnliur hoforC (lclic pected. ALBERT & McCAFFERY B PnONR 116 and 117 aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaUAAAAAAA . ..ii