n medcL water- xv sbockpiooL ' I. I.. -I. .a llMldfl Lateral $14.75 .i.. in i. !.... ,h.,:i vi - ". . ' Practical model lor womi mil. ltary'daUes Yellow CoW $23.75 iirr nifi rciiti -i mi JKWHLKItS Third rtTe. Opp. -Post 'Office . Julia Arthur RESS PUMPS are closing out all our Fur'Codts. . f a i ClOW urt; lic uuoniff'uui ji awi - 1 TAiiliAMM Cnn ortnern seai c.oais uacn $119.00 $129.00 C Dnm.ln.. unln. 10r,fin fl ' rw nir-nilt. S;i fl 'SSUJil 4 .m, nu t.111tfll. III Z .... ninp-oilL halo M)t.l)U t V. I II It" V ,lllLr 1 Lli M llif.1 1 V ill Lit: . I I7i I lilUI fl I F ill II .'t u -T I 1 III' I II I ate is now unaer way. .pee'oir t i r r .... 'i Specidls : t A N N E T It 'S ! LADIES' WEAR . I'KTNCE'RUPERT, K.C. $! . T mm. . vk r .TA.m ..WnUJ uisn ian arm uoiuen louacco Luiura wim, Dress Cuban and 'Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid Tango 'Pumps Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd. The Home of Good Shoes" r Of 6th and Fnltnn A L F OON A 'CY !IV dL'pr -i . ftrtAAtnll-t Chow Mein Chop Suey 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. ounnse Grocery J.H.MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW -AND USED .FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES ni 3rd Ave. BlUe'C9 Prince Rupert, B.C. . - i AD IN TTTU matt v Mrmra rTTjrttT ATTON COUNT'S. .ocal News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A We have a fine variety ol -a Canadian Legion B. E. S. L.) 'ruiip uuTtos at $1 per dozen. Plant now! Prince Rupert Florists. (263) Mrs. G. C. Oswell of Victoria, who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Is recovering satisfactorily. BABY'S Colds upset stomach, Just nib it on, ...Time-tested home remedy for relieving miseries VICKS VAPORUe NOTICE A Court of Revision to revise and correct the ' Municipal Voters' List will be held In the Council Chamber at the. City Hall on Wednesday, November 15th, 1944, at 10 a.m. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (205) Announcements All advertteeraents in this column will b charged'for a'full month at 25c -a word. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. 'PresbyteHan Bazaar, Nov. 9. C,W.L. BHdge, Whlsr and Crib-bage. K. C.'!lut,'Nov.'9. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar,-3 p.m., Nov. 10. Eastern Star Dance, 'Nov. 17. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, "Nov ember -23. iCambrai Chapter, !l.O.D".E., Fall Tea, No'v. "23, "home4 of tMrs. George Rorle, 4thtAveW. Tea and "Apron tSatej Legion Rooms. Novembers, W.A.' can ' adlan Legion. ;. ' . Lulheran'Ladles Aid fall sale, Nov. 25. United Church fall sale,Thurs day, December 7. regular monthly meeting tonight at 8 p.m. (It) Capt. W. P. Armour arrived In the city this morning from 'Van couver, being here on Armour Salvage Co. business. Attention Ladles! Don't forget Presbyterian Bazaar, Thursday, 2:30 p.m. Church Hall. (ltr John Durran has returned tu the city from Vancouver and ex pects to take up residence here again. Mrs. Durran is remaining In Vancouver for the time being. ATTENTION ALL I. O. D. E. of children's colds. No dosing to MEMBERS! Remembrance Day. Sat. Nov. 11, 10:30 a.m., Legion. Please attend. (265) t The Prince Rupert' Gyro club was in regular monthly business session at the weekly luncheon today. Presldent'Frank Skinner was in the chair :and there was a good attendance of members to engage In discussion of various club affairs. INDIAN PARLEY Approximately 500 natives are expected to attend the fifteenth aiftiual convention of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia which will open at Alert Bay November 12. It Us expect ed to be the biggest conven tion In the' history 6f the or ganization. The convention will demand complete revision of the Indian Act and an improvement in gen eral conditions among the more than 25,00.0 natives In the prov ince. Members from as far as the 'Alaska border will attend, trav elling by fishing boats and steamer. Alfred Adams, of Massett, president of the Brotherhood, left Tuesday for Alert Bay accompanied by) '. Mrs. Adams. Classified Ads News. get results. In The TJaliy Adult Dance Fflliib Formed Last night at th -Conrad Street School a group of enthusiastic adults 'met 'to 'form a dance club. Officers were elected as follows: Chairman, Miss B. Fry. Treasurer, Miss B. Hood. Secretary, Miss P.'Batt. Several rules and regulations were discussed and It was unanimously voted that a-membership fee be charged, the proceeds over and above expenses to be donated to the Conrad Street School library and the children's recreational fund which is ac tive in the east end. The meeting closed -with danc lng instruction-given by Edward Wahl. With the Forces Newsdf the'MenkandVomen on Active Service - (Contributions Welcome) Lieut. Earl Gordon, son 6f Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Gordon, is now in England. 'Writing to his parents, he tells of Intensive training activities. L. A. C. Herbie Morgan is still at -Bagotville, Quebec, but ex pects to get a repostlng soon. Son -of Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Mor gan and member of -the -Dally News typographical staff, he ts a popular local basketball player. Vancouver IslanH Lady 'Is Visitor An interesting feature of the regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the local Canadian Legion was the presence of Mrs. D. Marsh, president of the' Cour-tenay branch, who spoke briefly of the work at Courtenay. Busi ness at the meeting was otherwise of a routine nature. Mrs. A. J. Croxford, the president, in the sewing circle . . .woman to woman, from mother to daughter the battle is on against YD. VENEREAL DISEASE is no longer a hutli-hush topic. . It is a subject that comes up wherever thinking women meet . . . social groups . . . welfare meetings . . . the luncheon table. And it is nbt idle talk. Canadian women now'realize that when VENEREAL DISEASE strikes, the home is usually caught in the merciless web. The home . . . their domain. They want to know what can be done about' it. How they' can help blot out this shadow on our land. ' They art helping . . . even by just talking about it. The more intelligently we discuss-the' problem the more knowledge we will have, and the greater the community strength to solve it. .Do YOU want to know how Y6u can help? It's quite simple. First, learn the facts about syphilis and gonorrhoea , . , what they are . . . how these diseases affect one ... how'' they-can beiprerented . . . cured. Then, 'see that that 'teen-aged bdyor'girl of -yours knows the facts . . . the' truth"; That's yeitr, job. 1 Second, ste thatr club has a frank discussion about the problem. Call in your health officer, or someone else-who really knows the problem . . . and the answers. Atrangc'to havea'free;screening-of a modern, film to give you a better understanding of' what is' being done, ' and vhlt can' be done. Third.-rnake'sure'the conditions in your community are the kind which will give your children . . . and your neighbour's . . . the besrehances for health and happiness . . . NO houses Of prostitution . . . and NO unsavory places in? which' healthy and diseased young people an meerr easily. As a hOniemaker you cannot be Indifferent. Canadian hbme life is the root of our nation's life. It must'bc protected. , . YOU MUST DO YOUR SHAM! v-. rvcy FIGHT VD ON THE For oil the facti about VD write your Provincial Dcpaitment o' Health (or the new, tree booklet "VICTORY OVER DlSltASE", L33 HEALTH ) t-WElFARI tJOAl ' . 1 MORAL Wilson 5 Delegates Report fOn Quebec Meeting G. S. Stanton and Angus MacPhee, who were delegates of the local Boilermakers' Union to the Canadian Congress of. Labor """ - ! i .... a fair attendance of members. eir reports at a meetlng.pl the There was, an apron shower in support of the tea November 26 Adcock has been elected elected and arrangements were com-1 recording, secretary of the local pleted "for the poppy campaign, H union In succession to Angus 'MacPhee who has left for a Victory Bond Tdday. tary service. I T' : : I ,, J - - ' lell' it : FRONT 'Stcmtorti tf BepAitmemt r KAnowALfWRAtTii'ArrorilMM lojurltin CataJd lftU aiaiml I P. i LONDON Ji Main line rail- ; als, nine memberships fa the way and London Transport i order ol tne uruisn tmpire, o staffs have been awarded three George Crosses, 28 George Med- Brltlsh Medals mendatlons. and 127 com- Indian Handicraft Made by the hatives of the Interior of British Columbia . . . , Genuine Buckskin, embroidered Vests 'and beaded . . . , Jackets . . . ,-. ... - Camera Cases . . v. . JVloccasins, "all; sizes, If rbm . . -"'-v ' "" " - t 15.00 20.00 to 23.00 4.75 Now on display at 2.2o W9!, it NOVEMBER IS TftlE TIMK TO GET YOUIt GIFT-MAS LIST OFF YOUR CHEST EARLY t See our stock of Cards and Gifts THE VARIETY STORE Wrong OLUTt I x k n Cow Bay t We. have a complete variety of available f 'Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables', Tobaccos and Confectionery f' NOW 'OPEN FOR BUSINESS