AY jaWARV 21, Mi K, C mm? jj, iott th xrty Utt h tan f ith tuht at thiy atlt: Wit "Royal City" la Ihr ron, , ion mint rrttlln, A 'Here Imlar fne niorro " uflrn M-ema lo ! k ' hr tlaja u ta lo " irroeer'a fe "llojal i ' I I'rulU (! Vee taUlea. lla Its mtmj CHtl'iiirn kin far U puptiUr .mnl, atwl .:h rrilrirlral auppliea, ! n'l ! Mtrrt (lie ilr-ml. IJameliliti - )' Joins 1 1" 1" " CANNED FOODS Tour jrrocer It a harried nmn Villi Untiled iiKe, Fr euttnmrrt h h to plan And Julrlf equalise v a 10 nis neart is wun one of ou Gorgeous r or & Payne wishes to announce that hejr ;!ore will be closed from January 17th, Monday, Mst January, for Stocktaking and r,j iidjustnient. Fraser & Payne tell 1 ciiuaiiciio N " ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE T 1! Kirby and 1 E. Ormhetn returned to the 1 ved in the city on Wednesday afr; x ' .? week from frctn a fur buying trip ; t:.e Charlotte Is-(Queen Charlotte Island. r sh, for Van-j Dr. D. R, T. MrCoil f Que- ' J by Mr. and crnirlsM4 CMy left last night i wb " is In the nu return to the Island aft-r A Force. a btiet visit to the city ( NOTICE Hh Street (Across from Post Office). I'hone Blue 917 I'OU . . . TJ r. r r WK FEATURE ... n - j A full line of Swift's Premium Meals at all times. A complete nnd Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET A Sons of Norway Invitation Dance. Friday 21st. Oddfellow' Hall Dancing 10-2. notici: We wish to announce that our annual Inventory will be taken nest week and that the store will be rlosed from Mendiy Ihr Mlh and will reoen on Monday the 31st. II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Mrs E II. Stmpmn of Maasett arrived in foe city Win Wednw-du from the Omen Charlotte City for a rtait to town. Leading Seaman Don Arney who has been spending leave ' here, left last night for Vancouver. Mrs. Pan) Stegavlg left last night for short trip to H. J. Olaasey of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board office, left last night en a btMtness trip to Vancouver Mr and Mrs. Mk, Oeolc returned this morning frem a holiday trtp to Vancouver. Mr. rook is with Howard ttptt Ltd. I heie. Mlis Rase Otll left last nicht j rr a trip to Vancouver Len Bremerton returned to the rity this morning from a trip 1 Vancouver where he visitrd w.th h'. mother !l Bill Ambulance Fund Pile Drivers Union $10 National Union of Machinists 10 Union Brotherhood of Carpenter 5 laHSMEB imb m w 11 SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hone 37 r.O. Hoi 541 FRASER STREET HUNCK IllTEKT m riioNi: ; 5 99TAXI i We wuh to - announce. 5 m commencing Jan. 10, Ser- " vice 7 30 a.m. to 2 30 am. We will appreciate your u patronage. 5 5 ART MURRAY and 5 g CLIFF ABERCROMBIE tProp.) TTTTTTTtTYTTVTTTTTTTTTTT ! THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business ' CHOP SUEY CHOW JIEIN J Openinic Hours: 3 p.m. tp 2 a.m. 3 2nd Avenue (Across from 3 Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 KWONO SANO IIINO HOP KEK CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST 11 your patronsre welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. rhone Red 217 THE DAILY NEWS paoe three LOCAL NEWS NOTES Eari Batt arived in the city on Wednesday afternoon from Port Clementi, -where he has been engaged In logging. He i about to Join the Royal Canadian Air Force. David Rutten of Massctt arrived in the city on Wednesday afternoon from the Queen Charlotte Islands and left la'st night for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Rutten U already in the south. f Vtrn Hirmai Tk rtruninri nrn HEAD COLDS Rtttf f roa DivtrtlS Cmi thu V?aj Put 3-punm Vs-tro-nol up esch nostril . 1 It shrioSs sv-oUcn membranes. i Boolbn IrrlUUon. J) Help fi'.iiii out nssal pauages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKS VATRONOL sj-te like new. Red leather. $99 new; sell for $50. Phone Bl.li' 305. FOR SALE Two burner electric hot plate. Phone Red 517. 19 FOR SALE Three lots with 2-room house. 10th Ave. East Apply P. O. Box 1295 Postal Station B. (18 FOR SALE Studio lounge, two occasional chairs. Axmlnster rug, end tables, coffee table, chesterfield tabic, bed complete, chest of drawers, and other household effects; very reasonable. Apply ill 8th Ave. East U7 FOR SALE Rabbits for meat. dressed, ready to cook. 45c per Dound. 3rd Ave. & McBride St. Phone 747 18) FOR SALE Faim. 40 acres, half mile from Terrace, 6 room house. Oood buildings and im 01.1) I.UMBKR Suitable for firewood at Albert McCaf-fery's Wharf. This lumber Is free to anyone but must be taken away at once by your own truck. (tf) PERSONAL WILL the party who damaged green Studebaker Sedan, Cow rinv. nlease contact H. Wil kinson, 1425 Piggott Place I Licence number known. 08) j WILL. THE PERSON INSERTING FOUND FOUND Upper set of false teeth. Owner may have same by calling nt the Dally News office and paying for this advertisement, (tf) For Income Tax RETURNS SEE U. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 S24 2nd Ave. Select Driver For Ambulance The recently established four-man ambulance committee met Vast night to recommend an ambulance driver to the city council which will decide the matter of hiring. Twelve applicants for the recently advertised Job submitted tenders ranging from a monthly salary of $125 to $450. The name of the applicant selected was not announced. Plans were laid by the com- iru.i.i'nnnM . o'. nh.riMt. 'Mlttee to put on a drive among dorkers to raise funds CHy. left yesterday afternoon on the ambulance. A tag ha return to the Islands after a,' ne' ld" h" arranged for brief visit to the city. n February 5. Sid Perry, son of Hon. H. O. Money accumulating In the Perry. ho has been with the ambulance fund today totalled Royal Canadian Air Force here $151. more than $3,000 short for some time, left on Wednes- of tne anticipated cost of the day evening's train for Edmon ton where he Is to receive a new assignment. In the course cf a routine western Inspection tour. W. R. Devenlsh. vice-president and general manager In charge of western lines. Canadian National Railways, t a vlsltoc in the city. He arftved on Thursday night's train from Winnipeg and will leave tomorrow nVjht for Van couver, lie is accompanied by hit wife. new ambulance. Armed with the necessary priority requirements. Alderman T. II. Sorenson Is at present In Vancouver negotiating for a new machine. Mrs. O. S. lianes, wife of City Engineer O. S. Hanes. left last night to return to North Vancouver after spending the past seve al weeks in the city. Funeral Notice Funeral services for the late Mr-- J O. Steen will take place :;. ihc Rrst Presbyterian Church, Pa- rfiy Jan 22 at 2 pxn.. Rev. Washington BWg. on 2nd. Ave Vacant February 1. Apply V. Peterson. No 4 Washington Bldf. '20) WANTED WANTED Trunk In good con. dltkm. Phone Black 339. WANTED TO RENT Room, shack, house, apartment, suite, cabin, bungalow, anything. "Urgent." Phone U.S.ED.. 25 Ring 3. 19 WANTED Furnished room, suite or small house for Air- force officer and wife. No children. (18) WANTED FurnLihed apartment for 2 young ladles. Apply Box 667 Daily News. (21) WANTED Furnished apartment or small house, for 30 day occupancy couple, no chll- ! dren. Box 669 Dally News. (18) plements. Apply Frank Morris. WANTED 12 back Ltsues of Terrace. B. C. ' 27 "Short Wave Craft" Magazine, in good shape. Full Phone Red 218, Mac. Johnny's price. (19) TTTTtTTTTff V TVTTTTTTTTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) j advertisement In Vancouver -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Province Box 2314, please phone 212. Uigent. iv the MTttKMr. wkt or HKITIMI (Oi l Mill X IN IMIOIUIT. IN TIIK MITTKK !' Till: "AllMIMsTHATlOV .M'T" AMI ix tiik' mattkk or tiif. estate or JACK IV IlKNNKTT. OTIII KWIM! , . .1. .KNOWN As JACK IIENNKTT, .. FOUND Some good leather j im : w:i gloves, odd hands, have bceni take notice ut by order left at the Dally New, office. I - 1 Owners may have same by 1 Britin ooiumbi t tu n u ioih nnv nir fnr thl nrtvertlsement. 1 or of Jammrr. A. D. 1944. appoint- llfi nrwt IV. IT tw. mi i l Jck Benjiett. formerly of Prim Rupert. nnuh Columbia, donuit, wfio cltrd on or 1xt the 2ivd. dT of Dncvmbrr. A. D. 1043. All prraora llvobt4d to b tM Estate are required to pny the anwunt at their IndrbtrtlnTw to nie forthwttli anrt all perttmu hnvtn elolma atpUnot the aid Entitle are reqtilml to tile thre with ni properly vertfl-rd on or be fore the 15th. day of February. A. D. 1P44. falling which dMrlbi.tkm wUl be nuMte hartint retrard only to Mich olatrna of vhioli -I ahall have bni uotlfled. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C thU lOUi. day of January 1044, NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Uupert, 13. C Rheumatic Pains Backache In 21 t 4$ Hours Pains Are Relieved You Get Rett and Comfort Again Nagglnsc pains the kind that never seem to let up that rob a man of his sleep that make, aim just a bundle 01 nerves; worn out and unable to work. The safest and most effective way to get rid of the Insistent pains and aches Is to get a bot-' tie of Allenru. Be sure you get Allenru which comes in liquid form. Take as directed and In about 24 hours you should notice a change for the better. Continue until you are satisfied with results get the relief you want and have a right to expect. It drnt matter how long you may have suffered or whether the pains are In the shoulder, arm. neck or legs Allenru .should give you fast relief. W. J. McCutcheon, Ormes Ltd., or 1 any good druggist will be glad 10 suppiy you. A. F MacSween oificiating. In- ehestra te:ment will b? made in Fair-: view Cemetery No flowers by re quest man. 742 7th Ave West. upholstery. This is a lovelypoR rent Large olllce In Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full uont'j at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees Dance, Jan. 21. Proverbs' Orchestra. L. O.L.M. 2 Orange Dance, Mon.. Jan. 24, 9:30 sharp. Odd fellows' HalL Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. Burns' Tea at the home of Mrs. George MltchelL January 26th. Valhalla Oddfellows' Invitation Dance. HalL January 23th. C.CJ". Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, February 11, DeCarlo's Or- Orange Ladies' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, February 14. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate 2c per word per Insertion. FOR SALE FOR RENT FOIt SALE-6 piece dlnnette TOR RJ,.f ?m Jor. sin"t BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE i I Public Accountant. Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shape Drenes Withont Guesses WaterpriMifinie a Speclaltl We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mall Orders Bos 99 t B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles & Men's Made-to- Measure Clothes. J Third Ave. W. Black 787 National Monuments You can now mark the grave of your loved ones by buying a monument from National Monuments at the most reasonable prices. Box 1425 Postal Station B Workshop G02 5th Ave. East, Prince Rupert "Made in Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SnOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St. rhone CSS SMITI7 & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. rhone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Llmltei B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 528 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B C. Help The Men In The Merchant Marine AND THE LOCAL CORPS OF SEA CADETS . . Buy a Membership in the Navy League Today $1.00 Membership entitles participation in a $20,000 Prize Draw Watts & Nickerson MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. Phone 315 HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS JOIN THE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA St Valentines Day (Monday, Feb. 14th) Select your VALENTINE CARDS now! COUTTS CANADIAN CARDS of course are the nicest cards anywhere. Special Valentine sentiments for the girl friend or the boy friend for sweethearts, husbands and wives. From 5c to 25c each Dennison Valentine Serviettes Package of 10 15c JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! Membership entitles you to participate in $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEST The Variety Store 1