UN H THE DATT.Y PAOK FTVB '' " SBJS ptl )n. trill hr irrn In El inirfc't putiuttiuH. ml A-f iFnjoy Facts Tharadtj 8:18 p m. flSSrS8.S9 I STRENGTH lANES 1 1 okJ r 'ii i.l vltaljkf in feon l'iiiTiNK'ljuilj'i; VaiinwM iSaHinr "I.. I. r.Ml I il .....I. , ai l-rr nml -Hy 1 OssMaa 1 I'-nI . l-,n. ills ' ' "' . II,. mi.l I), .il "'I Irua, ,N.n, ' eonuhM SMUS 1 I r l-furt.. " ' ' ""s N lllaw ' 1 '"" 1 H li itliull,. ' ' H tlllnr ..uuliL " ""r drag ,., fN, T.TTWF -'iNO fooo (jKir V 1 MB'nSCWHE! BQQQbIssbpsIb Here and There AM. I.WU tM A. IKWK. Australia. ' Wir ri tlw Ration! Cominl ulon Ml about profiding special cloili-I ig (M'JfMiiu for oiu-stz? clilldreu ' ;niek in.irty snu:-i Tin big j . :t a South AuTli'.iiiat' boy : ,'bd al ifl is six iff i Nee Inehe- I i I aid wetuhs 2111 poortd.v 1)111) I HUM III M.I ( londck r Netherland direct In Lundi.u reimrt more i than 200 Dutch regular arm" "Ulcer- died in a Oerinan 0OH ' itrnlii Map oJ hunger Tli"y lasted Id .1 ttouy oi boo win g fused to " vulutitn r" for ( rrcd ) r tnd w (1rim led to r I maj villi mi Ill vhiaci hi kmi ii -. KXCDTflilAl ' Kii'tluutl, -p i !': . : Ml iffilk v ! i ii t! 4J hare ehal- I .. it, ol Uillaln lii bc.i . ,l I.K'llllS IdOld Ml 'l U .Uo'i They have kuiued VM: ;riu. f. I.ir In i tln.i- crvic ... o. j.i. .i .i Cm h m j Ui'llU I .M MM i S.m M U on i( i 1m Br.. i i -!i'i i to inlro . n anil ao Ko n lir lion '( i a ,Ut-V Tit Lricedri. I ' M Kill.. 1 1 k CFPk M bill II I ill RMII M Y W Hound Oi: It, U 1. Jive M K.i i r 00 -Caravan .in ParmtiaJ Album s m hosmdisu w i Bl te. 15- -Heoplr Kiiio , F.u t.i 30- To ue rni)inei d u f ied Waiii.r tft Fru.i; Line Kamily 40 Biiix i ro ui 00 Major Bovk , 30 Jurk Benny nu rtluu L ne Theatre 30- (. la.--ii fm IikIhj vU l BC Nt - Rl bioaUi Ul IS Bho Time Oreal Muiic bui.a WaiiU DO i i ... aiiiiouiu rnieni I l. in M Mo lea I Cloi k B '.B r.-.s M) Mil ical ctoch Mi. niov levuiion. uV Now ci r . lilies 00 Mi i Viiil IS Mn i I I HI II I 9 30 CBC .v HS- rraiucrlbed Vaiu-n 10 on Hem y Khu Irbhi An o so Hill BiU Music I 19 I In Tall Mi 11 oo RcandlnaVUui MeloClea I 15 Mroadcast of Massate V- -urned Interindi II 46 Xnviei Gssjal r m i 00 Wayne Klnp 5 H Mi 1. 1 He 111 Bands -in News U Ml Recorded I 00 or e NHhl Stand 1 30 School Broadcast 00 Silent ill I II WWW N I I BSIT In the First (irea: Wur. eaeli oidlcr accepted by the American Ann.v had t0 ha VI u minimum of t eth, HC'S DOING BETTER SCHOOL WORK with this BETTER BREAKFAST Vounu iclls bum up lot of nrgy In u day. They muil have planty ol good no ing lood. So gi' rtisis a b0er hiakfasl . . 8iv thm Nubuto Shrc.lil'd Wh.ul. Mad I'om '100 Canatlian wholf wheal it contains the ential enigy-buildem cai bohydrales, pio- und the mineiul iron pho.phoon. Nobio Shiedded Wheal II ieudy cooked, iody lo eol. Try tht tasted, piocticnl icipe found In veiy puexuge. THE CANADIAN SMUIOOin WMIA1 lOMfANl lID V M POP1 I t LONDON yon than 23.000.000 au. rwmm by Canadian service men at Y.M.C.A. w hil. cd a tiona: and o.hcat events In Brl-dn and Jw Mf diUiianean area in tp untied during 103. the TV overseas aommtth was old ItHlUltf Th- Canadian T" ' has been fuiietinilng MMM four year HA IIOKKOIt I II.MS :- vdni-.v Amtraflis 1 under leai Nation prepared In Ho . Sjv h WaV- children will not ; le ullowrUi io ste horror films Mid oDmta ulirli nuj u u n M I cd a uiuutBwfc. A research bur. I tau Li tn be established to record ;he iffeet of films on cliUdren. mi im AM nun 01 BK8A3 niw D&.'.ai. ui at j eriek .i v. s M i .. ha Joined a On rah a reglnniV lie is one of the ftril America. . o serve villi tbr fam d Ihfpal- i It UooajS Vh0f trui'i.a. J ta,: m Is she Kukri hall knife, .all . xe ro i:r:isf. i onmti i i mis LONDON, V The annual nia- oi Britain f, Laboi ' i v will be held in London lien: May 2D u June 2 Tin- part 0 UtU0DU i.s to be a-viscd. la I7J6. the Chinese niolishnt' an encyrloiM dia of 5.')'J0 vol-UBOM, containbiK standard Chi-liejat ork.s trout 111 hc u, non AD. M:i 't-adiii in tht dark has t i indi - ii. u, Uhe devel-W .it ( ., : irc&cem plnsli'-lie t.iai a..,v. under th" ': ' 'h - ii a: u,tra Vioie'. ..... Prison'- Iff " i i . mm iv h i asi iii 1 1 --v v - 'i PtsBr;?Jao THE CANADIAN REV CROSS CAMPAIGN ENDS MARCH $10,000,000 NEEDED He Cashes In On Freak Bet OVDNSK, Australia. Mar 0 'I list befij-c th? spriat raelr." hi Sydney wo boohutadters wcr.-di-cuojiiiis pro.?peets. One tan-Pi ! i tyoi ., eailad Uajp Topic The othei pooh-POCOCd its chanees. j Wlii.1 v. :l. you lay me?" askei! I the first. ' A ound a week for life, all t r.othiut! said the oth-r. Main Topic won. and the winner Is co!!ec ins. HU only eicre' it; that he is 70. and "won't en-)y it long." I icidt-titaUy he claims to "oe th; bSsKest b'.'y.:.Tiakjr In the Help the founded SOCIETY 15th 1 1 ii r , r r Wrens Are Peaceful FiHty Girls on Trans-Canada l'ur are Proud of The.ir M-lacd On and Off Stage By ENID NEMY Canadian Press iSu.fi vVr'.er The 40 am active Wrei.s now tourinic Canada in the Navy Show which in comlna to ITince Rupc.t are determined to prore "Just for our own satisfaction'' ,.ha: women can ;;e- along 'jo-ijitiier. Tneir eompleie iucce.. thui far pJaaaantly surprised, them for they admit ruefully, we 4tdn t think n wan possible,' bu. ) i he male menio;sof the show the f ishih wiitider of the odd. Forty woown and no .uah- i!ln now I've seen every-i...;t," iriurnuired one hardy ;haktng his had In am- r.ncnt re r-ally byome exprrtf i i.ic art of give and take." .. d p-ti... bljr.de Sue Mac-4u ot 'focoiito, while. Bar-afa Chauvin. of Montreal, add-cd: We re quite proud of our perfci record and we intend k ketp it that way." i n' show ravels m a eels: i i a Uaii and is a veritable ine on wheels" complete to .i ia.. detail. Sub-Lieu; He- -a-y Y iule of Ottawa is in , ... . pi uf . i i Wn . I mi rind ' eflicieut in her navy uniform ' t.i'-.jinp hat she acta as a.i-' Bother, trienu and cor.- ataBt I see Una; the airbs dresi " uiiojjjii. don'; s.y out. . MSd a variety ol ether aid. It reaUy hasn't bten dii.icuit because is sj a - .(...ivt- So far hen ha3 been ve y htUe disctp-..linf. L's amazing but true. i- a-u..: .-o busv rhere L'.n'i '-h UOV ,-f: o break rules." r.ims bavb I ( OT0 I DO The s::ls rroru a a pait ct the Oiwlnlon, can j a. bit ol home v ith them. Sue Mail jiiald's aMtpMt, a ieday bear naBsas Junior. l one v.: :ht t -Hipe favo.Kes Beuy Slua of bumor-i ... t ISinxi i, ; rabbr :.i n.-r -tail aci and two ali h ' :. jit . ivared" u e guarded zealously by all the girls. . j '.:.- flopped out into ju . recalled Laura Cook-..... who calls bot i Saskatoon nd Vancouver home. "They floundering around heip-Bb4i o.neor.e appeared miI rescued them That cured ol care,s.'iess." H: .,'ii! Tas.se. of Toron- a 'pecMi attraction in I is .and Jact a ; ..- ol V i C -S Wevbum " - ; t'.- a : . nn. pany. Theirs was the first show romance. The group lUa Its cO Jliopii-lites. too. Anna Lalgh. - In five languages, is truai fip and. Joyce Lambeii;. New Vork hxs livinl through South .ilea's revolutions. Louise Ihirr..-i Toronto, Ui- Wrena dascinc ..uct.:;. was a meuiber of the .lined "Kockettes." The girls atrrec that lourintj ic cjtrntry with Meet the iavy" i-- an t-xjierteiice they wi" iiever forget. "Its niarvtllous. " lid Ft ankie Conly of Saint hn. N B . althuuiih I d.n': ..'e how I'll evei be abie to settltt v:i in one place ." '.M.S.Loubser ILL. IS A ""tor CM BiBmiii MVI( ES to uiiiiu'ei. Viitorla and iviMiinls. Slcwn and North tjurni Charlattc ItUanda lull inl... matlun, JlckeM and Reservation! r'KANR J. SKJNNn I'rlii.r Kupe't Agent third Ave Phone MS m sMB vMbh . mmwi -srt s IViUH 111 Pamt with b0Bb t over WALLPAPER, WALLBOARD PIASTER or other SOLID SURFACES lAsy to mix EAS to apply CiiLY WHYPAVMCS&:' ALADAST1NE cities quickly without odour. Wide choice of beautiful tints. Sold at all THE MARKETS W.lte. lb. 09 Golden Yei'.ow, . TO Meat Umb Shoulder, lb 27 to 35 .aeon." sine. beL arbde sliced package?. M. slab .... . 45 b tinrt srade. !b 42 K ..tasa. Roll, lh 44 'o.t. art salt it. . 30 ' il, loin. t 3t Veal Chi.r. lb. , 5 and .40 Bcof. pot roast H J5 R Steak lb 0 and .45 .- b les lb. 42 1 irrrh Chew. lh. 35 to 40 Em Cfide k si " r;cufied. Box. .47 fail, a rjiedlum. dca. .45 Nats in SbeU .:.is lh. U7 P-ana:s. ".b . a V.'alr-ite) !b. . .. . 61 Mllfc . '-d'eil MU1.-0B. tir. rirafl Craoefrut. Calif. 10 ano 4 lor j I ! i .r.s. doz. .35 and 50 :TTM. Navel doz. .35 to .87 Aoples. lb Jking Apples lb. . Butter F'Oit Grade . Lard Pure. IB. -' Veeetaules ' Hikit.E Onions. Nc 1 Okanogan, i lbs. 25 e lar.lah Onions. Ib. .10 S Jliiach 2u ueet-. local. 3 lbs. .25 Parsnip local. 3 lbs. 25 1 urbi'is yellow, Ib. ... 05 titn.ps white, local, !b .05 J'ltni .ies 5 IV i-.i ' Carrots 2 lbs. 25 rohmioes, Hothijvsc a 30 scet Piratijev ,y: :j li.'ipwer each 15 to 40 itbtodae. lb. 09! itui e each . 15 .: .-.s ; ''.,.: " lbs .44 kur liTs, 1 I haid wheat l 85 lUU 1.8C Fkitir, 24' 95 51b. package Mutual Benefit el Ith and tieidri.' See JOHN I. vVKICBl Phone 741 I Pioneer Rooms No. S i SAVOY HOTEQ Carl Zarelli. I'rurj. Phor.e 37 P.O. Box d4 FRASER STREET Prtnce Ruoen III' QUBltl British Columbia's 'JU"'05''k Finest Salmon Ml peraon DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your AsstatBacc Invited I'he Dally iS?wa Is compiling a Roll of Honm wtiicti ls lioped may contain the name of every man and wOtfJhV. oi this city to serve wtth the armed force at sea, on lau, and In the air. To mak. this list complete, It Is essential Is o'ain the co-operati"n o! the public as whole In sub '.tint iiie pames. bo'Mbie for the Dally News or any one nerson : 'h list complete so we are asking YOU to be fi!p for ; subaiission of thv name ot YOUR boy H '. ReT) oi YOUR friend. The following Is tlie information we would like you rn RU In and send to- ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally New Prince Rupert Mime - - -. s-tvke i Army. Kaey, Air Force) Neitt ol Kin - Relation Addreas . . ,, . I tare ot Bnllstment ... Date of Discharge .. iff Casualty, Nature and Date Remembar. If YOU do not submit a certain name, no one else may. You are responsible