Brcre r.Un Chal laioii Workmen; ItMillm Agalnl initiation 04;: M: A w pre ttbor murt d lodg" of the .'i!l Of e piatform ' take a m bouth Vancouver. A;rreri San " an opera - 'riay to re- rcceived while y dork early ; v a ycuj ,s old. Vancouver on ' ; up treatmen: some time r i'-c Rupert A ' ':afle rve ' bc.rn at Port x t the greater a fisherman umr to Prince ' fmpioyment at. by his wife and j Phoebe, age 13; D. Lone In Vnn. 1 fc'"iher and sister, Murgarci. in Prince IT FOU TAT TE R.CA.F IN NOR- j 29 t, Each timA 1 "idrd or tmv r.i t..f.rid in Normandy. itr tfl 'mediately ' 1 drop shells but they f. lust before an P aDt Paul r,r..j rA Klneston rn 'nno- IVi T . i!:led nhnt o nen aircraft io..j i"n ... vi . I POn.e(1 upso 'Ud u ann aha a sen nr ffi .JW ly firing since ana" thpn nav mur5em WC d0n1 Jlkc h. grinned the 1100 American Planes Strike Important Leuna Oil Plant LONDON. July F -Eleven hundred American heavy bomb-era struck Germany's mighty Leu na otl plant at Merteburg today. They ate) Muted Dremen following a alfht In which 62 Brit ith and Canadian heavy bomb-Inc ptoses were lost in attacking StuUfart, Hamburg. Frankfort and flying bomb bases Canadian lost 23 bombers, heaviest toll In a atnele umht s t vrment u operation d.-Am of a The Canadian bomber group 1 rid for all sent more than 1000 airmen Into r., rd after R renewed battl-' -n Hamburg In W Druc. concert with the RAT United: j irtieymen F.'ters in Kiirnre of in car R.C.A.F. MEN HELD FOR THEFT OF PLANE PARTS .at might of Florence !.e locaUtyl They have knocked their way 'd, into the last mountain line, only meeting, five miles from the hiatone cuy dent of the uncll. con- t union men J 0 1 II litllli u 1 .; Bt Vln ROME July 20 -New Zea-lander of the Eighth Army have ' U...J .K Mill 4fffWM WkUth The Llmnr but finally tneae were naivea and Allied positions in the hi Us were being firmly new Committed for Trial On Double Murder VANCOin'ER. July O Alex Ruaan was committed for trial today charged with murdering hit wife and Mrs. Mildred Preston, her stater. Fred Remlaoff and Jack Preston allegedly were wounded by shots fired by Rusan after the death of the two women. Bloc Populaire Wis 'And Civil War QUEBEC. July 29 Premier Adelard Oodbout. sneaking In the provincial election campaign last night, said that support of the Bloc Populaire party might lead to civil war. School Opening Being Deferred September 4 a lion day for the the Skeena (liver highway was approved last night by a meeting or the local hlthway committee Mhlch frit since that it wai Labor flay, It would be more convenient for people to tiavel to Terrace from distant centres than at any other time The Terrace committee will be contacted In the hope of obtaining their acceptance Robot Bombs Fall Thickly LONDON. July 29 Robot bombs feU like "artillery bombardment" In London last night admittedly doing considerable damaee and causing numerous break-through provoked casualties enemy counier-aivacsa Warns Canadians To Cpal Up Now OTTAWA. July 29 lion C. D. Howe, minister of munitions and -urolv. yesterday again warned Canadians to lay in full supplies if coal now If they faiied to do so, they would probably find when cold weainer camp um umi r "f" Jrc b eocealavaUabte. .tmM.t Mother India Is . Too Hot For Nips KA.ST) Y Juiy 29 9 -Japanese j in flight from northeast India to j Burma baies are reported to be retreating so rapidly in some sec-1 Hons that only demolitions and . the monsoon are delaying the j Allied advance The enemv fled so rapidly south of Impahl on the road to Tiddlan In Burma that Britisn forces lost contact with than. It HO I M EST PIT TO CAMP Local Reserve Unit Leaves For Training at Gordon Head Prince Rupert Machine Qun Kcciment officers ;ind men leave tonight for Gordon Head near Mc-toria, attending summer training camp for the first occasion in a body. The camp period will be for some- ' thing under two weekt, the drill being designed to put finishing touches on local ncnuquaners training wntcn nas oeen carnca uui. net. The regimental band will accom pany the battalion u camp. rtMiilar oarades of the local Re serve unit will be suspended un-Ul September 15. when the winter courses will commence with considerable change in the func tion of the unit being piannea. Lieut. Col. O. C Oswell EU., officer csrnmanaing. win icsu the regiment to camp. Others proceeding are: Captains J. R. Hall. R- O. Large. C. J. Toombs. Lieutenant B C. Moore. W. A. McBroom, T. W Brown. J. H. Engelcke. C. J. Norrlngton. A. Osushower. H. a nnnrtrr o. A. Hunter. T. N. REGINA, July 29 - So thaMyounESi A. s, Nickerson. R. H. pupils may continue work on the , parkpr R & MonUdor, J. A. fer the opening of High Schools In Rcgina to September 25. MACKENZIE KING PROMISES FEDERAL ELECTION IN 1915 OTTAWA, July 29 (CP) Prime JMinUtrr King has announced that the general Dominion election will not be deferred beyond the federal government's term expiring next year, even if the war con tinurs. Coincidental with this statement came the passing by the lloiive of Commons of (he Family Allowances bill by an unanimous vote. T.nt- nnd W. D. Mackay. Rcclmental Scrgcant-Major E, R. Macdonald. ! Company Scrgeant-Majors A. E. Smith. W. J. Scott. E. A. Oardncr. J. Davidson. C. H. t,m- ,llQuartermastcr - Sergeant W. Broadley. Sergeants T. E. E. Meehan, Peter Lien, R. E. Judge. J. Armstrong. W. Conway, C 0. Ham. J. E. Morris. O. u. none. y Stcgavlg. E. A. Janze. o, . Johnson, W. V. stone. v. w. der sluys. W. A. Noble, A. W. Allaire. C. 8. Elkins. P. A. Bond. H. M. Ferguson, E. L. Mogg, H. J. Graham, D. Owens. C O. Brechin. J. P. Carr, A. H. HU1-Tout. , . Corporals W. F. Oalrdner. D. J Lippett, J. H. McOla-shln, F O. Bird. S. M. Currie. N. S. K. Brewer. P. D. Kelly. K. Launer. J. K. Dopson. W. Porayko. W. Wain. Lance-Corporals W. E, Dell, K. Launer and L. V. Astoria. Privates J. N. Bayzand. L. F. Brcwerton. J. Reynolds. D. A. Careless. W. J. Carey. J. K. Carson. A. J. Daly. A. J. Douglas. F. W. Duckworth. W. Green, R. Gruenke, D. Healy. H. J. Lund. A. D. Masterton. P. E. Phinip- son. R. Simpson. C. Stromdahi. S. W. Swift. C. H. Todd. L. C. Anderson. M. C. Dandall. R. O. Franks. W. J. Holt. R 3. Hun-dclde. M. Karasosky. E. W. Park-house. D. J. Parent. E. Pren degast, B. J. Rivers. W. A. Smith. D. W. Wilson, a. A. ueb-hart. C. B. Brunton. J. S. Col- llngwood. J. F. Collins. F. B Dyer. H. W. Harper. N. R. Hebb W. J. Mock. H. J. Schaeffcr. J A. Stewart. O. W. Watmough. R. L. Lcclaire. O. A. Nelson. J Rpss. N. R. Stromdahi, J. Trot-tlcr. Bandsmen J. Addison. A. T. Clark. O. Eyolfsen. V. O. Houston, J. E. Kcrmode. R. E. Patterson. M. A. Tcne. D. Wana- Al! TED SUPREME HQ. July 29 - AmTi-dii! have captured Cou"aiM-(s driven westward to the jea. just .south o! that Normandy road centre and pressed on at least six miles to the south in 'm new threat to Rommel's ! Tt'rer after NOT POISONING VANCOUVER Vancouver Pacific Command announced today between 50 and CO soldiers of a Vancouver Island unit, herr to take part in the Army Date exercises, were hospitalirrd last night suffering from upset stomarlu. Suggestion that it wa ptomain poironlng was denied as the men were happy and hungry again after an hour. .MARSHAL ROMMEL HEAD? LONDON Reports from two sources told two stori about Marshal Rommel. The fint wa that Narl prisoners told Americans the Sari general was .wounded July 11, while I'renrh woman operative reported wounds. he had died of his maker. F. W. Cracknell, W. Dud j LONDON, July 29 While tome die. W. Hastings. W. M. Martin, ministers were acclaiming the L. O. McCorkell. O. Lavole. Boys: M. Bates, R, J. Allen, M. Allen. A. Korhonen. O. T. Lewis, W. J. Mclntyre. C. Nelson, O. Olsen, S. Peachy, R. P. Perry, F. E, Warne and N. V. Youngs. HOUSING PROGRAM OTTAWA Finance Minister Ilslry outlined to the House of Commons proposed legisla- . lion to establish a government loan program to assist in home construction by individuals in cities and in the country. CONNIE SMYTIIE HIT TOKONTO Major Connie Smythc, Toronto hockey club manager, was reported wounded in Normandy. SMASH HEADQUARTERS LONDON Allied planes prartiratlv wiped out a town on the Brest Peninsula, reported to be a Nail headquarters. BUSS BOMBS AGAIN LONDON German flying bombs again caused damage tit hrtjuthern England today. Gandhi Plan Is Discussed proposal of Mahatma Gandhi for a setlement of-the, 'Indian question, Rt. Hon. L. M. C. S. Amery, Secretary for India, declared U U.S. Navy Personnel WASHINGTON, July 29 (API The Navy has passed its Sept. 1 goal of a force of 3.400.000 and is nearing its expected year-end peak of 3,;00.000, it was disclosed July 15. On June 30. records showed, the Navy had 3832.331 in service, including 2,937,311 in the Navy Itself. 475.835 in the Marine whole delence of Interior France. I Corps, and 1G9233 in the Coast Thus far 5000 Germans have uuara. beh taken prisoner and Ameri-1 Wnee en, several tnousanas cans are within la to SO miles ' nave wrn arnica uuuugu uiuut- couth af their lump-off line options This gives the nation a tasi Tuesday icoHmnra Army ana nary more tk. nritfeh and Canadian ! than 11,300.000 strong since the root to mattcrately quiet. Army previously nad reacneo its ged it out today with Oerman and Panther units and a fierce battle sent the Nazis fleeing. The enemy's stiff counter-atiack was made In an effort to keep open an escape gate. Bulletins LABOR RKFRESHNTATION NAIROBI, a The government has welcomed a recommendation that Africans from the main labor-suppiyins areas sit on the central wages board board and and the turbulent Kootenay river ( and set off a blast that blew away a protective part of the tomb, revealing caskets in their resting place below the ground. The guards were brutally beaten by attackers who escaped without being identified, Provincial Police stated. Conflicting Doukhobor factions have long caused unrest in the West Kootenay. necessitating police intervention on numerous occasions. $15,000 Made At Carnival JUai todajfcthat the net oroflt at the recintiCfv!e Centre Carnival was approxi-1 mately $15,000. making the total ! cash assets on hand, principally ' in Victory Bonds, of slightly over $75:000. ine umc centre ajwcuuuu is considering theS Selection ons now awaiung irom wiiawa a two suitable Africans as mem- permit to build a swimming jbers or the board. ,j pool as me immeuiai ouj;wc. Blitzed British Want Safety ' Put Into Plans For Future j LONDON, July 29 While widespread haphazard destruction by flying bombs goes on day by day in 'London, the House of Commons has been planning !the rebuilding of Britain. The average Londoner, however, reading today of political party wranglings over questions of land ownership and valuation, is more concerned with nutting first IhuiBs first and is asking. "How lare we going to prevent war?" For if the new form of re-, mote -con trolled destruction now ! operating in the shape of German robots is not halted, then, 'the argument goes, the people"? i parliamentary representative i might as well start burrowing underground to build the citir. of the future. REACTION OF CO.M.MOS I OLK This view is not Just cynican It stands out here today as the practical, eommon-seuse reaction of the ordinary folk whe are bearing the brunt of this new development in warfare. You hardly can fail to appre ciate the lesson of the situatlot when you happen to be inspect ing a new model or the pre fabricated house of the future just at the time flying-bomb explosions' intermittently shake Its very foundations ana ciouas of black smoke on the near horizon indicate that still more homes have gone down in rub bled ruin. The first and transcending task seems to be to Insure through collective action by peace-seeking peoples that every corner of the earth especially the vast undeveloped and hitherto unsupervised spaces of the globe are safe-guarded from potential use as base:! of long-range weapons which again might tempt aggressors. The immediate impact of this new type ol warfare Is bad enough, as Londoners know. But its potentialities are far worse. The hope is that the Germans themselves In the final stages ot this war will prove to have set the world on the way to nnai was not even a starting point for banishment of war an agreement. s It u against this backer und that the House of Commons has been debating the Town-and-Oountry Planning bill which aims to pave the way for shaping the British cities and countryside of the future. TERRACE TWO RESIDENTS Local Tide Sunday, July 30 High 9:21 15.0 feet 21:16 182 feet Low 2:49 7.1 feet 14:34 9.0 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NErVSlWl$ No W PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS ussian . A jfPtffAM Big Guns In , Range Of I Warsaw i " r lifii i II UN I v ' I V. V 23 in Wide Suti t i n . tmo or &ev ro nts LABOR ... . r til MAKt ,.1 S' APPROVE LABOR DAY I'OR ROAD OPENING SUPERFORTS HIT MANCHURIA IN DAYLIGHT RAID WASHINGTON Juiy 29 I 8 superfortresses made a daylight attack on industrial targets In Mukden area of Manchuria, il baa been officially reported , No details of this raid have been made available. Thla attack was the first of daylight raid against the Japanese inner aone. previous operations of giant bombers having been conducted at night ! Hollywood Movinjj To victoria July 29 -seven w ,-..1. n CA r. nhrr being ,hrid , Vancouver Island r jon a rnante or men 01 ovur begin-proof airplane gas tanks, elee-Br jce cited itrteal and aircraft part, and on uie action :, turning VANCOUVER, July 29Metro Ootdwyn-Mayer motion picture other material. studios are planning we lumins They were remanded until, of the technicolor pleturCSor .ri vvu.v I of Lassie- seaoal to the much- It is charted titer sold the i loved "XAMie Come Ifome" film and matertaU to civilians Most of 00 Vancouver Island tor iwn forma-! iji- nrooertv has been recov- to three weeks, commenetnp f hiaiered. matter 1 " por r of la 4. stttttj a nn : addres g araza Kh-uld prevent b" om t s : tha" A po .a' jh ' A .ta. nr m . ' .11 Syd-2 ' be- i Enemy Line Cracks at Florence I August 7. I Location for part of the pic ture win be Patricia Bay alt station. HAL Canadian SALES Parma. 40.000. 18 and 16'i Co-op ' NEW ZEALAND ERS TAKE PRISONERS AT "ASSIO Two New Zr-3ua'.& copier one hoidj ig a cub maebfne-run the iti-r f,riEering the trigger of hi.-, pi.rtoi. hold a dozen Nazi paratroopers at hay aiier the latter were captured during the shifting battle for Ca.vslno. Yanks Take Coutances And Win Tank Battle Germans Withdrawing Entire Western Wing Of Invasion Front 20,000 Nazis Reported Hemmed in Against Western Bus River Unable to Escape VERIGIN TOMB DYNAMITED AND GUARDS BEATEN NELSON, B.C.. July 29 The rnintHltr thrtinr! tnmh of I Peter Verigin I and Peter Veri-! g:n II was destroyed by a dyna mite blast today at Brilliant. Doukhobor community, 20 miles west of here. MOSCOW. July 29 Big guns opened up today On Germans in Warsaw suburbs, while advance cavalry and tanks pushing from the southeast were In sight of the Polish capital. German radio said Russians, in virtually cutting of the Bal-. tics, had penetrated Jelgava, 21 miles south of Riga, Latvia, but were later thrown out. German DNB Agency said "Germans are about to withdraw entire western wing of Invasion front to shorten line." About 20,000 Nazis are believed 'to be hemmed in against the Three men overpowered two! Western Bug River with escape men guarding the tomb. Just off virtually impossible, the Nelson highway overlooking1 Japanese On Guam Die By Thousands Enemy Ships Destroyed in Allied South Pacific Aerial Raids PEARL HARBOR, July 23 American forces thrusting into Jap-occupied Quam advanced SOO yards to two miles along the entire beachhead after aearly doubling the enemy losses by slaughtering 2000, conn t e r-altaclfng ' A : Japanese. Invasion of Tin lac. 130 miles to the north, by other VS. marine units turned into a Jap rout. Marines captured eight square miles as the Nipponese garrison of that island fled in disorder. BOMB 17 MAJOR ENEMY POSITIONS ALLIED HQ NEW GUINEA, July 23 tt Allied aircraft sank two Japanese ships, set the third afire and destroyed numerous smaller craft in a day of successful raids against 17 major objectives across Dutch (New Guinea and adjacent islands. COIFFURE PROTECTORS When the designer of the peak khaki cap worn by girls of the Canadian Women's Army Corps created the headgear. It was styled in such a manner that a strip around the cap could be converted and pulled down over the ears In cold weather. However. C.WA.C.'s stationed In Fort Osborne Barracks, Winnipeg, have discovered a dual purpose for the lug3 on their caps. They are used to protect coiffures during visiting rains. CALLED BY DEATH Hoffmeister Gets Mra. L. Neuhauser. who with her husband and family has lived at Terrace for the last 20 years, died Sunday. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters. ' Edward Hamer. 72 years, a resident nf TVrrarp for manv years, passed away Sunday. A native of England, he came I to Canada many years ago and engaged In market gardening. Mr. Hamer, Is survived by two sons in the Royal Canadian Air Force. I Rupture Between Turkey and Axis ANKARA. July 29- Trit re are again reports of an Impending rupture between Turkey and the Axis, first In the way of severing of commercial relations and later ; diplomatic. 1 Mistreatment Enquiry Asked QUEBEC. July 29 The Quebec city council Is still seeking an investigation into alleged mistreatment of French-Canadian home soldiers in British Columbia Second D.S.0. Bar OTTAWA, July 29MaJor General O. M. Hoffmeister of Vancouver has been awarded a second bar to his Distinguished Ser vice Order, it is announced. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTT1J I Wanted i Men and Women To Handle Fish 3 Full-time workers urgently needed. Can also use part-time workers during days. TELEPHONE 321 or apply In person to: CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE COMPANY fr t s a a