t fllllll 111? 1UM 111?- fere inexpensive, era to think that llcss can't be as say I, it all tie- clever a cook Iw f rump or chuck dare often easier some other cuts; w cooked as tie- JbQ panel they are k, as tender and PI eef Pot Roast d iuicy, a pot gs you all the of meat and etables Willi; lit . I have nut for- that many deli- are less popular 1 1 i - as juicy, as any hungry family could, desire; Try a Pot Roast next week-end. ISCRIPTION TO COOK A POT ROAST 1 lb. beef rump or chuck 1 1 sp. dry mustard 1 tbsp. Silverleaf LarJ 1 cup well-seasoned stock or bouillon (i onions, peeled H carrots, scraped Rub the meat with dry mustard and brown on all siJes in hot lard. Season. Place on rack in heavy pot, add stock, cover closely, simmer utter boil for 3 hours. AJd vegetables, allowing just enough time to make them tender. HEADQUARTERS i through the years, almost since Prince Rupert led, we have served the people. The prescription Jr we have always tried to keep modern, using brmaclsts, quality, drugs, the best' of equipment. rmes Ltd. TZfie Pioneer Druqgiats PALL STORE Martha Lagan PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dallv from n n m. till 9 o.m. hs and Holidays from 12-3 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. WILY IHKI) GETS THE. CHRISTMAS ot busy) CARDS! fls early, but now is the time to pick your Chrlst-from fresh, complete stocks, when this depart- I new designs and verses. Also new stocks of Jfor Christmas Gift giving. THE VARIETY STORE Local News It Owens, was in charge. It was dt Dry Dock Employees Welfare f 1 1 Tt.MMk Gtnff TVnlrtcr October Eastern Star Tea, Oct. 5. Hall, Oct. 6. Little Norway Tea, October 7. rjrtUftl.U Tirtll Tin i r OHH-I St. Andrews uamearai ran Bazaar, 3 p.m., Nov. 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov ember 23. Cambral Chapter, Fall Tea Nov. 23. ems THE DAILY NEWS 18. 1944 IBER PAGE THREE 19 an, Swift limed home ccono- ttlcly. wartime cooking column feature of this page. Look fot a. i-'ri.Livj iiibiiiwi i ii ; CANADIAN CO. LIMITED I premium Ham and Hacon; Silverleaf Lard; toning; Hrookfleld Ilutter, Eggs and Cheese . PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Col. and Mrs. D. B. Martyn will sail tomorrow afternoon for j Vancouver I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bond left ! Saturday night on a trip to Van ,couver. A Moose meeting tomorrow night at 8 o'clock In Eagles' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Eastman left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Vivian Wrathall left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Miss M. Astoria' left Saturday night on a holiday trip to Leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver are Miss Peggy Wonj, and Miss Emma Lim. J, Comadlna left on Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shrubsall left on Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. D. Lambe will be leaving soon for Vancouver, Mr. Lambe having been transferred to that city In the service of the Canadian Fish & Cold, Storage Co. A Meeting Good Cheer CluL, Thursday Sept. '21, Community Club House. 920 Havs Cove ave. I All members are requested to attend so that work can be started on the Christmas parcels for men overseas. (219) i j W. R. Love and Norman Moore-I house left at the week-end for u (holiday trip to Vancquver ana other points in the south. A The Well Baby Clinic In the Wartime Housing club house is now open Tuesdays, 2 to 4 pjn. Everybody welcome. E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skecna, was a visitor in the cit from Terrace over the week-end on business. E. L. Mogg, P. Smigekkl and W. J. Mogg, who have been employ-ed at the local dry dock, left Saturday night for Vancouver to enlist in the Canadian Arm. They have been members of the local reserve unit. When Centennial Rebekah re- A smart military parade captured the interest and excited the admlratory comment of people about town this morning when men of the local army units and also the Canadian Women's Army Corps marched west ward along Third Avenue down Sixth st. and back along Second ave. to the Court House grounds. The parade was In connection with the taking over by-Col. C. C. Ferrie of his new duties as the1 new local area commandant. Coi Ferrle took .the salute from a March Past in front of the Post Of flee; Col. D. B. Martyn, the re tiring area commandant, who Is being transferred to Vancouver in a similar capacity, was among the officers accompanying Col. Ferrie. There was an Inspection by Col. Ferrie at the Court House grounds before the March Past. As the March Past took place the area garrison band played smartly "The British Grenadiers" and "Col. Bogey." "SHOCKED" HIS NEIGHBORS BIRMINGHAM, Eng. A zpalous gardener who electrified his garden fence to keep people from stealing his crops was fined the equivalent of $67.50 after three neighbors complained of shocks. In many states of the United States the will of an unmarried woman is deemed revoked when she marries. The Experts Say RABBIT FOOD If the man ol j the house growls "rabbit food," at the sight of a salad, It's a sure bet that he has been fed on some pretty uninteresting greens in his day. It's time to change and turn out a salad so crisp and delicious tasting that even the worst scoffer will eat his words along with his vitamins. Work on a good piquant French dressing and don't lust make u salad of" lettuce, tomatoes and nk of the pMsl- sumed Its regular meetings last "cube's. terestlng report on Grand Lodg.. ,,! A. m(lw sessions which she recently at-. '' , ""rr M?s. W or cha rd vitamin tended. The noble grand, M, A and iron); broccoli leaves (cal- vitamins A and C; bits of dded io ho Id 7 u iar ad i'ium. be the principal feature of the ' "r " sale. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c o word. L.O.B.A. tea, Mrs. Cox's, 533 7th Ave. West, Sept. 20, 3 to G. J I m . iit.min, a on1 n clothes and children's wear will,- " ' It's important to eat raw veg-eables frequently. The Nutrition Division at Ottawa points oul that vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals when they are raw than when cooked. To continue in salad vein, did you know that tomatoes and cucumbers can go out of the salad bowl Into the frying pan and Hall. Friday, Sept. 22. Music by - Swing Quintette. " 1U"V Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. 22, 9:30 to 1:30. Nurses' Tea, Home of Mrs. O. Bryant, Sept. 28. Catholic Bazaar, and 5, K.O.C. Hall. The Agriculture Department Consumer Section makes these suggestions on method: allow 2 and one-half Inch slices of firm, ;rlpe tomatoes and one one-half 4 , Inch slice of crisp, peeled cucum- Iber, or vice versa, for each serving. Dip cucumber slices In flour, seasoned with salt and pepper Canadian Legion W.A. Dance and cook jn a sman amount of and Grand Drawing, Oddfellows ihnt fnt ,n rnvprP(i frvlnB Dan for five minutes. Add tomatoes also dipped in flour and cook un covered for about five minutes or fellows1 -Hall Oct. 26, 2 p.m. (until both tomato and cucumber . 'slices are lightly browned. CANNING CAUTION' To ge. best results from the summer's canning the sugar should be warmed before adding It to the I.O.D.E., boiling Juice, the Agriculture De- i partment consumer section says. Support this Work of Mercy YOUR dollars alone make possible the necessary work done through the human touch and the understanding heart of The Salvation Army on the home front. Give generously! Spue conlribvfw by I CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE LTD. TO ERECT BUILDING Local Business Firm Reveals Plans for Expansion At Smithers Watts and Nickerson today confirmed reports that they have purchased the Evitt Hardware and Electric business at Smithers from A. L. Evitt. In addition to hardware the purchasers intend to establish complete men's wear and household furniture departments. To take care of the new departments, plans are being prepared for a modern store building which, when erected, will treble existing floor space. James Park, who has been identified with the firm here for several years, will be manager of the Smithers store. It will be recalled that Smithers suffered a disastrous fire this spring in which several mercantile establishments were destroyed. A number of these have not re-located in the town. Mr. Watts returned to the city at the weelc-end from a trip to Smithers on business in connection with the new deal. USED BY LIVINGSTONE JOHANNESBURG Included in a medical collection on view here Is a medicine chest' in which Is a bottle of pills made up by David Livingstone, the famous explorer, for treatment of "interior fever." DUTCH ANCESTORS The ancestors of three American presidents were Dutch-Martin Van Buren, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. To warm the sugar, place it in a shallow dish in a warm oven. SCHOOL LUNCHES With j uu vuuwiijr uat.i. was ovtiuui swinging their lunch box along i with their school bag, the Agri- culture Department Consumer j Section and the Pensions Nutri tion Services have collaborated on a series of lunch suggestions which are also delicious for the factgrypr office worker who cannot get home at mealtime. Each menu Includes the three essentials of every lunch: meat (or fish, eggs or cheese), a fruit or vegetable other than potato, and milk to eat or drink. The first suggested lunch -in cludes tomato juice, home-bakea beans, buttered rolls, cole slaw, fruit tart and milk. The second, potato soup, devilled egg, carrot and cabbage salad, rye bread and butter, fruit cup, muffbi and milk. D "Build B.C. Payrolls" MILK IN MINING CAMPS it l A mining engineer talking to one of our men asked how it is Pacific Milk seems to be used in all the camps he had been In. He said that much of the furniture in "Prospect Camps" was Pacific Milk cases. The only answer we have is that these men need and use the best in all their foods. They choose Pacific. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed IBRMtiaillBIBIIIIIIDIIIII Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Phone Red 881 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street BLANCHE CURTIN IS FARM BUYER Miss Blanche Curtln ol this city has purchased one of the well known smaller farms in the TerfacY district the Giggey place on the Lakelse valley roaa. It consists of about seven acres including a good orchard. Virtue Must Be Positive, Navy Men Told By Padre Abstinence from wickedness by a person does not necessarily mean he Is virtuous, Rev. G. L. Douglas, naval padre here", pointed out during church ser vice in the Naval Drill Hall Sunday morning. "You can't be virtuous on the negative side," declared Padre Douglas. "You must be virtuous on the positive side There is no evil in the world: but only In the heart of man,he j went on. If one thinks he can rid himself of evil with nothing to take its place he is mistaken. The love of God Is needed to replace evil In the human heart, he added. Previous to the divine service, the assembled divisions were inspected by Commander C. M. Cree, R.C.N., naval officer in charge, Prince Rupert. OUT OF THE DEPTHS SYDNEY, Australia 0 Air-bags used by United States Navy personnel brought from the depths of Sydney harbor- the tug Hero sunk three years ago in a collision. The Hero had been used In the harbor for 57 years. FARSIGHTED MONARCH The Egyptian king, Rameses II, was the first to excavate a canal between the Nile Delta and tht Red Sea. VITA-VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES IN YOUR PARCELS Send them to husbands, ions or brothers overseas or to friends and relatives in Great Britain. Canada's men in the armed forcra are the best fed in the world but there may be times when vitamin-complete meals are uncertain. In Nyal Vita-Vim Multiple Capsules are six of the established Vitamins, plus liver, and iron concentrate. Make sure your menfolk suffer no dietary Vitamin deficiency. Supplement their excellent army fare by sending them Vita-Vim Multiple Capsules. Send them also to friends in Great Britain to supplement their restricted food rations. Sold only by the Nyal Drugiiat in your neighbourhood. lg PAINTING Paper , Interior Hanging fC Decorating Showcards and Signs LOKNE CORNELL Phone Blue 142 The Offices of J. M. S. LOUBSER Doctor of Chiropractic Will be CLOSED from Sept. 1st until Oct. Gth SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54- FRASER STREET Prince Rupert PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 8:00 Jn. to 2:00 a.m. The best buy in Monuments and Markers In B.C. Is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. Trlnce Rupert SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES Odd Lines to be Cleared at Reduced Prices Windbreaker Style Jackets in Wool' and Corduroy. Values to $8.50. CLEARING PRICES . . .$4.95.&,$5.95 A limited amount of broken sizes in Underwear, both two-piece- and combination. Values from .$1.00 to .$4.50. CLEARING PRICES ...... 80c tO$2.95 Per Garment Men's Wool Wincey Flannel Shirts in Khaki. All sizes. .' Each $2.95 SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Esther Tarleck from the Ll-Art Beauty Salon of Vancouver will be in charge of the Sunrise Beauty Salon during the absence of Missr Violet Mah. Specializing in Cold Waving and Hair Styling Phone Blue 943 Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton Street KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN. KATE SMITH, Proprietress 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., Teas and Teacup Reading Our Specialty, Southern Fried Chicken and Steaks , . . ill i it; Hours 2. p.m. to 2. a.m. Party Reservations Your patronage appreciated 703 Fulton Street :: Phone Blue 882 Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban and .Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid Tango Pumps Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd.. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business- CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert' Hotel) Phone 173 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Black 7JI nOME SERVICE nANDYMAN MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite. Canadian Legion