IK Larch 2 10" L," l j noMiNvn). Air,': a bz cr CoaU and st. . . i ,ji f l rs . . . nd rc'dved a r i. kinds of per cent . one else. COATS mini Wnm LDBLOOM r I'rlnce Itupert 1 m m m w M M JNri M K- ft. Ma fca Liirrcc BIHE RIBBON COUPONS ret wu urmct mm ANNOtTNCK.MhNT The Y MCA, Red Tvianele Club 'Moase Hall' hi been cloied until further notice for extensive repairs. Curtailed activities will carry on at Empress Hall, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized .MILK VAI.KNTIN DAlllY I'llO.NK G57 Aavertue In the Dally News. SSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE j W -e dollars have more rents " j Me have a toroplrlr variety f available ftK-cries. Fri'sh Kriiils .nwl Wtn'ljilili Tobaccos and Confectionery E.VF.RY throughout the City three times weekly T. C;r. . Thursdays and Saturdays 1 Opposite Canadian Lrion INCOME TAX 1 I'll winti ueiurna 10 i.e Hied on or nciore APRIL HO, ' 19 M 1 I'OUMS NOW AVAIIaAIM.K Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER en's Work Boots CltUli TILSONllUIMi 1 Al.MHIt'S t'Jloosc llcail KnmV TIIUKSTON'S I 1 MK'Hdiible. Ri.liil n nil ffntii Ctiri !i hlo llv ShriP tnrA I trl 1 ivv kwiv hvia '-yific or uooa onoetr DAILY NEWS I tv. ,. , O. Il.lSchmldt, press expert i.0rSni9.enT rom Bttle Cr Michigan. ?rle "i who hV? Wu4s the Dally wa sentenced to pay a flne o ew, plant for the part two or, $100 or spend two month. In Jail j three d 0 w 0 h in police court on Tuesday. . murn M , nex ca Chareed wUh keeping a bawdy be An.Jtfton, iiome Slmone Mayer was fined Hrss 8. Nicholson, manaser of $50, or one month In police j the B.C. Packers here, was elec-evurr on Tuesday. Margaret : ed'a meniber'of tie lVfoc,ef lin-Scoit. charged, with vairaacy wrv Chamber of "commerce at was awo nnea w, or one monin Charged separately In poce court on Wednesday with public intoxication. Thomas Laonan and Edward Itanta. were each fined $25, or seven days. The city ftre department extinguished a grass fire which brvke out at 11:35 Tuesday night at the corner of Third Avenue and Seventh Street. the regular la$t night. Mrs O. W. Crtpp Is leaving ueirts- montlhy meeting Rev. C. A. McKUtrtck, naval chaplain here; was the speaker (o3ay at the regular weekly luncheon of the PtUice Rupert Ro tary Club which was held in Reid'i Cafe, owlnc to. the Com m9doref the regular mefUnx place, being cUxsd down. Presi dent A. 8. Nlcjfcjson was In the cnajy: and the 'W a good at tendance of members with a few ".nyt lor Vancouver where sh- Moving pictures dealing with w.u u up luwre rcsiaence the Royal Visit to. Canada In r -owing tne recent death of , 1939 and the slnkinz of the Qer M: Ctjpps. jmaj pocket battleship Orat Spee r ;aking up residence In the ut in the WaWron Apartments vratrd by Mr. O. W. Crlptw were shown by Huko Kraunner Dr and Mrs. R. c Bamford at the weekly luncheon of tha Prince Rupert Gyro Club yester day and proved oi Interest. With President Frank Skinner In the moving to Vancouver, chair, there ws a good attend - iU" , ..n Bwrth Avenue antaf of njember and one guest O" and Mrs Uam- in vie newn of, Geor:? Dibb. foH' . : hj .- ijpen pu:- The sinner of the Uincheoo raf- chuMd b Hr ;c-; ;i ) who fie of a war saving certificate will occupy u was Dr. John Gibson. Cold Wave Coining Spoil! We will be closed tor out' week while attending ths demonstration for the new wr. -a.uoai COLD WAYE a permanent without heat, pads, ur luatitiux. Vi'atch for It! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MA II Cor. Sill .Ur. and Fulton St. Dione Blue )U THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE r . ., m 1 , l . i P Me At NNY'S fchnoy's EK BAR fnffre. i Top) h 8 COFFEE? LOCAL NEWS NOTES 8 O, N. meeting, March, 2, 8 o'clock. Thu:sday. a Fisherman Dance. Friday, damage as 0:0, 52) March J, Eajflfs' Hall, Fifth Aje. Austin Tajrlejfk, who appersd i Orchestra, before jjjuitrat$ W. D. Var In Everybody y.elfii)me. (S3) city poice cpjirt yesterday. charged wljli ppwesstm? mp& oi Valhalla whist drive than one liquor pormlt, was" re- on Saturday. March 4, 8 pjn. manded for eight tiayi' or earlier. I Vlla, Ha- j A lire yhieh broke out in the 11 D kitchen of the Three Sisters Cofe fldrilllie iflCCS j.at 7:20 last r$?ht wa put ox by . , me nre payrynent oeiore any rrnseCUllOn At Mx. Mr. L. Ofx left la night on a trip to Qwn Char Announcements All dtf rllsf menu in mis column wUl be ebsrgpd tor lull month st 24c s word. Women of the Moose Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday. March 1, DeCarlo's orchestra, 10 to2. Dry Dock Employees' Dance, March 3. Proverb's Orchestra. CXJ.F. Dance. March 10, Odd ' ben X,t,Jrf ' AT.f. duty meal U preimre ttl W a li 11 11 fry uurtinie .family H II f .IK3 I .' . .'35 1 Ami vnu imnl a .lish t ni. f7.r.i. I I mt& 24 Wm Ay - -. a ( V Moke a inint J arnin oJhh O, W jrzQj'zp t j "f.y . dly" I'ork ami H,,n,. Jffiy VjL L ' I Jfrrn Vrlc omciirwa for nil niral pUi,rr! oll, Olive iiguin "Hoyal :itj" Pork ami ll'et'n 1 a are aal lal.lc at jr grvvrrV. Hlrpdcil fflfl I 1 m Mill! a ilqiinnt l..inat,.uiirr to point tip MS5g?g M I I M thrlr ilavour, tl,ro lemler, pluiiiu U.i. TliMfe ! f "nlM,r? that Mill be the aV7T9lrLV , I liiiihlllit of any mVnl. St life neit llie mif ' fflfTW W I J'"" .,,,,r f",Tf'V. rrmrmWr U sk JwKLBlil W m.dnjoy r -,y"J :,,,. Wk 'n- BUfflM I if ; RaYAifjtTv f CANNED FOODS . . , . : rr ' j r-t 1- . r . v rr- yr -r- ; Prfoce George lotte City. PRINCE GEORGE, March 2 , First prosecution In the Prince Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams George area for violation of left last night to return to their , slaughtering regulations result-home In Massett aftr a brief Cd ia Eugene and Charlea Qa-vlsU here. ibrleUe. tradlnz as the NorUiwesi ; produce Company, bclflg fined Mr. and Mrs. J. Pauloskl and $75 by Magistrate P. 1. Moxan. daughter) Katherine left last They slaughtered livestock wjtb- nvgntior wueen unario.ue. vX out obtaining a permit from the ; Wartime Prices and Trade Board Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marchlldon antj gold gome of the meat to are" leaving tomorrow on a trio ! joe Sing, who operates the to Vancouver. icNIt. cafe at Prince George. j Sing was fined $25 for obtain- A. comm,unlcation from ths ing the meat without surrender- CJtecutlve of the newly formed ;ing the necessary ration docu- yommuntty ouncu Association , menw. P. E. Wilson, K.f " pxos-askfnj for the names of suitable 'ecuJtd for the. Board. Persons to serve on suo-comrau- tes in the proposed social survey of Prince Rupert and sug jesting contribution to the required $250 fund to carry on the preliminaries 01 tne survey wa filed at last night's meeting of tiie PrUice Ruprxt Chamber of Commerce. Cold Weather In BuIIdey Valley SMITH ERS, March 2 The first stretch of winter weather to be experienced so far during fellows' Hall, DeCarlo's Orchestral feel much colder than It really j St. r Patrick's 8 Tea, sale home I was. Ironwood equals authraclte icoal In heating value, weight I for weight. . I CEALKD TENDERS addreased to tb i undrralfnrd. axd endorsed "Tw-ldr for Whirl Repairs. Port Simpson. BC." wUl be mlved untU 3:M p.m. (Ij-lrni Duillrht Nitlns Time). ; TnirMli. xiarrh K. 1941. tor wharf ; repairs at Port Simpson, Skrena District BC Plans, form of contract and specl-i f (ration ran be fen and forms of ' tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer. Department of Pub-. lie Works. Ottawa, st the office of tie District EnKlneer. Post Office : BAiUdln. New Westminster. BC. at the Post Office at Prince Rupert. nc Vancouver. B.C.. Victoria. BC. ; and Port Simpson, BC. Tender will not be considered 1 unless made on printed forms sup-, plied 'by the Department and In ac-' romance with conditions set forth ' therein Each tender must be accompanied , by a certified cheque on a chartered ! bank in Canada, payable to the order nf the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or . Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and Its constituent companies, unconditionally guar anteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the , aforementioned bonds and a certl-, fled cheque If required to make up : an odd amount. , Note The Department will supply ; blue-prints au,d specification of thej work on deposit of a sum of 1 10.00. 1 . lu the, form of a certified bank i i cheque payable to the order" of the j ' Minister or Public worts. The deposit . will be released on the return of the ; blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be for-' felted. By order. J. M SOMERVrtXE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, February 2. iy. KWONQ SANG H1NG OOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Neit t Kin Tl lit 7th A VS. WEST All your patronap welcome Open 5 p.m. to It p.m. Tuesday II p.m. U 12 p.m. Outside Orders Irom ) yjn. 12 p.m. rhone Red 217 PKINCE KUFEUT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtup Roots, Kepalrs, n?-shlntllnf Free Estimates fhe present winter Is being itlt uur hiltl throughout this district Just sMiAttA now. DAT nut Those people who retired on Sunday night when the temperature was well above freezing without making adequate protection from freezing for motor car radiators and such like j awoke with regretful surprise on i Monday morning when the ther- ! mometer had dropped to near ; zero with an uncomfortable ! breeze of wind that made it mm gvAimi MtOHT A NO JjOININO Get Qraltine today! AND MINERALS THIS WAY" 1 yith thrte ttntfe-fooi mejU a day iocWing fruit jykt plu ' OrUin Dipft and mornin( I'm cetu'o all Ums . xfra ritamioa and ountral I need. , txpfdt quick J99d enerfr ckpfnta aod mucle baiTJ. u( rotcini. Jiul follow Ihit recipe for At I -liSi'- OVAITINE 'rxt f lOTtcnNc rooo-BtiNic " ' CFPR I: i:006ovnd .Ofi ! 4:15 G. I. Jive Tor Trrrafe 1210 KOatnlts i'&i Kay Kyser 5:00 Caravan 5:30-Personal Albua 5:4 Air Command I 8?00 CBC News 8:05- Recorded Interlude 5.15t- PjS,ODle, Enpy Facts 6.30 To be announced 5 7:00 Major Bowes 3:00 Fred Waring fcli -Front Line Family 3:30--Jack Benny tf:00 Front Line Theatr I 9:30- -Classics for Today : i&:0Or.CBC Nwa Rebrpac to :65-Recorded Interlude. 10:15 Show Time 10:30 Great Milc 10:45- Band Wagon I . . 00 Closing announcement I FKtUAV I 7:30 Musical Clock ' 7:45--C8C News 70 itolca Clock 3:30r-Mornlng Devoiipns 3:45 Novelty Tunes . 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Music a !a Carter 3:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00-rHcnry King's Orchestra' 10:307-11111 Billy ilssle I0:45t-They TeU Me ; 11 :00 Scandinavian Melodies j 11 : 15 Broadcast oi Messages . 'II: 17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Arturo Arturos P-M. l&OOr-Wayne King I2:30-r8ootllght" Bands 12:45 CBC News' 12:50ir-:Rccorded 12:55 Program Resume l:00;-One Night Stand l:30-r-School Broadcast 2:00 SUent One hundred pounds of o!df CN.R. TraifS i newspapers can. be processed: l , lT OcrUng and hockey opera- containers tor blood ,hf EaT into 200 3 8 . ,lnlP W conunaers wr oiooa cooking. pjn. Card party 1 H.n: 0ns L, had f 10 slsendid dur" .r ruT tjrpt Sunday the t- Dm KOC Hall March 17 plarna ff"' las the week-end owing to softj WA. Canadian Legion Dance 'ke but the month went out! Free China with an estimated LODi:. Hall. March 24. People Enjoy Facts Listen to C F D D ThurS(,a' V f r K 6:15 p.m. and March was ushered In with a frigid air. Eight below zero was the coldest recorded so far during U1L4 spell and while that; is not the coldest it has been during the winter it promises to be more sustained. - population oz 43o.uuu,uuu nas only 64,000 college students and 114.771 In bjgh schools. Dally' txctot Monday 8 p m 10:45 pm. Sunday. MondiT. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday . 4 p m. rrnin Trrrac Monday. Tumday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday " TJlamC A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Bay" EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN Ranges, tables, Chairs, Kitchen Step Ladders Kitchen High Stools, Kitchen Floor Covering,' Baby High Chairs, Velo to renew your walls and pictures, to decorate them Kitchen Mirrors. Phone 75. ...Naval Control Officer.) No restrictions on general charts. 327 3rd Avenue CHARTS Ave Essential for the Fishing Fleet We haye a large stock of Charts, for local fishr . ihg grounds and coastal waters. RRFTISH ADMIRALTY CHARTS DOMINION GOVERNMENT CHARTS U.S. HYDROGRAPHIC CHARTS- N'ote Uirae scale Cruris of t, 'cW oniy be obtained with pe Alaska Waters permission of. the PilQt House Log Books Books on Navigation, and Marine Engineering Tide Tables. " SHOP AT TOE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "The Friendly Store" We handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and. VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Oar Prices Are Ilight J.MfS.Loubser D.C., BJL Chiropractor jnfallaif Edocjt rbona flf Mark every grave while you ' have the opportunity, Th jr deserve it. See National Monument 602 5th East Box 1425 Station B ; Prince Kupert, B.C. 1 ' ft ..J ' .1 S v ,1 I !f V IE