APRIL 12, 1841 TV pte C f!d W r Mi I. r is ession 1 ml A sidlnfr 'Mb. J. A. Frew, convenor of the recent telephone bridge, reported thl had been a very successful affair. Plans are under way for a tea and .apron sale to be held at the home of Mrs. ,C. Smith. monthly meeting Third Avenue. r imperial Or- Mm. til. J. Keron. the Regent r J Keron pre- of the I.OD.E. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE If YOU EMPLOY MALE PERSONS llurv tlH'V ll e.oHtpllvd iriih thv MllUiiruJUtU-IJp? . r i i. ..r It. mi .llrurr lEliru miur. uinoinj n mo "J." . i- l .t. W t-- M.. I. Ill, ..it.... JSllOIISI nict:iir aimis .,nmi, . Kreulaliiiiuil kKrry nnplojrrof mule employe intlt Htulo an comiilin of the lH-iiiurnU nf these tut l' -, nml forwnnl utkin; on thonc who fail ilo prinltirir hiriimrntu ohowinR nol tan.liii8 uitilrr Mi.l.illilIon Jtrpiitatlou. 2. Till' rotii1nntlM mutt le completed hy May Nt, 1911. J. "l'MIM.OVr.U" iiit'lmlr lmliilrlul nml i-nm-nirrrial employer, ami Lo Turin iM-rutur. f.MAI.I'. MPI.OYIX" include all male mtmii lurking for joh. $. A iHH.klrt, "l-MrUM lillV U UH.", hu. been m-iiI lii ituhiolriiil and .mmmerriul employer. A rrlurn jmhI rani lia pone to farm operator. (, If )oii employ nny male xrnon, nml lime not Imyii notified of tlioaunry hy looklet or jxnt rani, contact the nearwt Kmployiiient anil S-lrrthc Scnlcc Oilier uml nL for the booklet. 7. Worker In njjrleulturr, of military ape, vrho hair mil Imtii reicrted ly the Army and v. ho liatr not a PiMlMincinriit Onlrr nhuuhl apply fur ouch order tu the neureal KegUlrnr Iinmrdinlrly. L Obligation to make the examination reU on cadi and riery employer of .male eroiii, and employer mut act. i. IVimltirn are prlded for failure vto carry out tliuciuiiilnulloii.und for male employee fall-liijt tounlt hy refund to pruducodocumcnU. THE NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE MOBILIZATION REGULATIONS Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Mimutt Ltr. A. MuNAMARA. Dmttf, Kl iilxfm irrrirt. mikuiicm'c crruinMY anDF I IU JJHLLLrl J LUvllwI li Jiviu Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vepctalilcs Tobaccos and Confectionery WUMUUIII VilS UUkllVUk 'Tucalays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion nette Powell's Beauty Shop Is Now Open Under the very capable management of Miss 4l Peggy Saunders Hit Street, Arrow From Post Office I'hone Blue 917 for Appointment KeK' ?G5.00. To clear V 1 Onlu PntMiti., . ... v, v urr i'A'j 'I'AJiLiK. Uf& $20.00. To clear HLK UMPS. IieK. $11.00. To olonv Third Avenue $14.95 $9.95 ljilV(Tt .... .ajftA- mno. To clear V,U''J PI in t?..... s ci rurmiure jiorc LOCAL NEWS NOTES A St. Peter's Junior Sate, sew ing, iiome cooking. planU. flowers, varieties. Friday, 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. he Empire', of Jllll CO, Is leaving for the The Prince Rupert Oyro Cteb home of Mrs. south this week to attend thel" In regular monthly .ue East, on annual provincial convention ' n luncheon at Reld'a Oafe today. There was si ,good attendance of members with President Frank Skinner in the chair. Mrs. Jessie Storer left week-end for Winnipeg at her points east. W WW last and A Canadian .Legion iimsia No. 27. Regular meeting tonight ICKS VapoRub Tlie sum of $28.30 was real ized as a result of a sale of hot cross buns held last week at Borden Street School O M. Chrksty of Wartime Housing LImKed. returned to the city this morning from a trip t-j Vancouver. John BtkJlncioa. Western dU irtet manager of Booth Fisheries and J. C GUker. manaeer if th company's Juneau brautti arrived In the city this morntn : and will leave for Juneau Norman Freeman formerly o! the International Fishen: -, Commission stolf heif arrived 'n the city this mornl-iK Irom Si FOR A TAXI Telephone 65 Stand: Giotto Cltrar Store CFPR 1210 Kilocycles, SCIUM'LK wr.DNr.snAV IM. "4:00 Sound Oft 4 1S-0. I. Jive 4:30 Rebroadcast a. L Journal 5:00 Peter and the Pygmies 5:15 In a Frf Words 5 30 Personal Mbum 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You a Genius? 6:30 Of Things to Come 7:00 Fred Waring 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Red Skelton 3:00 Burns and Allen 8:30 Carnival of Music 9:00 Kay Kyser 8:30 Leicester Square 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Eventide 11:00 Silent. THL'KSn.lY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45- CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Jan Garbcr's Orchestra 9:00 Recorded Interlude 9:15 Richard Crooks 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Frlml Melodies 10:15Consumers Service 10:30 Barnabas Von Gczcy 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Hawaiian Echoes I'M. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 School Broadcast. 2:00 Silent. TILLIE THE TOILER Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stone- house returned home this morn- kg from Victoria where .Mr. Stonehouse, city sanitary en- glfieer, has been taking a refresher course. A new recruit to enlist In the Canadian Aclve Army through the Prince Rupert recruiting station is Edwin Harold Hend-rlekson, age 29, who has been working with the American Transport Service In Prince Rupert. Ills home address is Lac Du Bonnet. Manitoba. He i leaving for tlw Vancouver reception centre on Friday. at 8 p.m. Election of officers.! Major D. M. McKay. Indian Bring your clues receipt or mem- Commissioner for British Col bershlp card with you, you may need It BABY'S COLDS Relieve taUery Isst external!. Rub on itasonlc District Ueputy Grand Master C. H Blklns. accompar t led by four other Mason Thorn as McMeekln. W. L Armstrong I W M. Watts, WWlam Cmtk-shank, lett on iast uights .ralti for an official visi. Ui Smithe" and Terract They wU. at.leud a meeting m Sm;,hea tonigh and Terracr lomorrcw night Minora Blades Mean HAPPY SHAVING Comfortable hov at a fel tavmg thot'i the net of th Minora ttory. h' th quoKty blod in fh low prk fiW. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 193 TIIE DAILY NEW3 PAOZ THREl I . r JW III AUCTION SALE OF FUUNITUKK, STOVKS, irrc EACH THURSDAY EVENING at 7 pm. Commencing Thursday, April 1J At the Auction Room, Third Ave. (Next to Commodore Calei Terms Cash. J. MAIK, Auctioneer J. M. S. Loubser D.C. BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee U Tops) I . .i.ttisiik. I i I'll Hwt iu tti-j -imm oBR-rlj H. J. Friwm returned to Abe "ity this morning from a trip lo Vancouver. X. H.-Kcnney of .Sralthers -arrived In the city this mornln from Vancouver. He had beer called to Victoria on account .of the death of his father. Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Bulger re turned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. J. M.Buchanan and A. Hamil ton of B.C. Packers arrived In the city this morning from Van couver. J. E. Orraheim returned to the city yesterday from a business trip to the Interior as far as Smlthers. He was driven over the new highway from the south side of the Skeena River opposite Doreen to Terrace and re- ! ports that the road is in fine untfeia and ifermer ilXA, for j ahape and good for driving Cariboo, is visiting the city In 1 the course of a tour of this agency on official business lie ml', be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Pruice Rupe:t Jtotary Club to morrow. Announcements All tdTcrttsaonta in this cotumo rui be charted for a lull roonllf itiSci word. St Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale. April 13. . St Peter's Junior Sale. April 14 A Friday nightr-Aprll 14; Serera- I i4iirc' ftilintjsf txs Valhalla Bridge. April 17th. 8:30 p.m. Valhalla Hall. Navy Auxiliary Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. April 18. C.WX. bridge, whist, crlbbage. K.O.C. Hut. April 20. Lutheran Tea, April 20th. . Job's Daughters' Dance. Masonic Hall, AprU 21. L. O. B. A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. April 27, De Carlo's Orch estra. L. P. P. Dance, Eagles' Hall, April 27. Eastern Star Dance, April 28. Nurses' Spring Dance, May 2, Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Mrs. A. Flaten"s, May 3. . Tea. United Cnurch Spring Sale May 4th. For that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments 602 5th East Box 1125 Station B Prince Rupert. B.C. DON'T FORGET . . THE BIG DANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 9:30 to 1:00 a.m. I.O.I). E. HALL (Formerly Eagles'. 5th and McBrlde) Gentlemen 75c Roy Proverbs and Ills .Orchestra Everybody Welcome THAT EXPLAINS IT! MAC, I ME ASKED MY C.O. "TO TILLIE TSAV4FUL IN EUROPE KIOVM ? caVIHO U-KA -i 14 IN... A M 70 SUCCESSFUL MEALS! OxJcIng with electricity saves time no constant watching with" heat control Saves fuel no oven-peeking or basting' Prevents waste no more boiled over or burned dishes Saves titamtnt foods can be cooked In their own juices SavesVori no polishing or scraping, just a damp. doth and jour range looks like' new. And remember, oven-cooked and broiled food Is more healthy than fried Plan jour meals so that several dishes an becooked at the same time in the oven Don't scrape spilled food.offi.tbe burners as this may injure the tlement bum it off. MEDICAL MAKESHIFT For years before ihe :hermom- eter was invented, physicians measured body heat with their . hands. REID'S CAFE 725 Third Ave. West THE CHOICEST FOODS very carefully prepared Sandwich Bar Now Open from il ajn. dally to serve Soups, Hot Beefsteak Pies, Eggs, Omel- erts, Chill, Salads, and regular Sandwich list Pies, Cakes, Ice Cream Special Dinner Menu from 5 to 7 pjn. Closes at 12:45 am CHIMNEY SWEEPING OILJ1URNERS CLEANED jtvn nrniinrn New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone niack 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN IHE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pm. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Phone 775 Reddy Says: "The Mitu r to Vic lory if to buy u Ilfinl tump regularly." icsrmmjm StHIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUHIHIHIHUIIIU ATTENTION... Astoria Hotel, Jasper, newly decorated and renovated, now under new management. First class Dining Room and Lunch Counter. Meals served at all hours. 30 rooms, 15 with bath. Reasonable rates. m 13 GEORGE ANDREW, Prop. ; SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store" We handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS ' and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD; "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" BABY CRIBS, all steel, drop sides, finished walnut, roll edge mattress $21.50 10 DINETTE SUITES in different designs, finishes and colors. Priced per suite of six pieces from $S9.00 We appreciate your Mall Orders 327 3rd Avenue By Westover VMEU-.I VJOMDERIN6 WHV 1 TVIATS Advertise In the Dally News. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident Bee JOHN U ymiOHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No- 0 11 X