lint with mm er WALLPAPER, WALLBOARD ASTER or other SOLID SURFAfK Only WHYPAYMORE! ALADASTINE m j. dries quickly without odour. Wide choice of beautiful tints. Sold at all MIANS AT AZORES up 1 jipurtunlty I u- batUrd iter hold V 'A score- limther In k phrase Engllnh T villi Can-u the : every Fayal p sat m the .npled the In iiev spun hirh. In-' : V.-.ers did I .ibly SO. 'ign come flashed nad si-:u dawn xo.;ng 00 sentinel. a m look .;fn-. lad 1 ; . if Vr.n A 51b. package W44 Hfru .- ore, . to be parcelled and called for tomorrow. And they had paid for them too. We sailed pajt the U-boat lslrs In the Bay of Biscay, through the hunting grounds of the Focke-Wulfs and Junkers, but we saw neither hide nor hair of the much vaunted un-terseeboot or Luftwaffe and into Gib bay we steamed on a eJoudless Sunday afternoon. MIT MirCM AT .fJimtALTAK There really isn't much to see OlbralUr now. The ratings climbed the Rock with a former Vancouver clergyman. Rev. John If. Ogtlvle, as their guide; toured the bay with the same co-operative padre; bought their fresh fruit and souvenirs: sampled Spanish beer, and were back on board long before the 3300 hours curfew. So there was feeling of relief when we received alinj order orders that wnt Prince Robert through the Mediterranean to rendezvous w::h a convoy bound for Blighty you realize that more Cana ls smoke Picobac than any ner Pipe tobacco? Tie Pick of Tobacco in MiiV.i.. . 4 Pleccs- CAIITMrriM AMTAfllA - " f w w I I a l 1 1 I v r i w ri inw iiti inr I Trv rUKINI I UIL L I U. w.unut, from u R chest. . ...r-w - "tlench r "cauirully Matched Walnut. t tllUI 'TTAlt It.. 111 0.00 $39.50 COUCHES- $:r.oo ' $23.50 STUDIO b . , - w.MLia ill ,iv iv i :i i 327 Snl Avenue LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Sons of Norway Dance, Friday nth, Oddfellows' Ilall. Dancing fjom 9:30 to 1:30 a.m. De Carlos orchestra, (65) Bruce Slmundsen is among local boys now on active service in the campaign In Italy. A picture from the Department of National Defence which has been put up In the Dally News window shows Bruce and other Canadians relaxing In a Beaver Club canteen near the front. Another picture which has been received shows Pilot Officer Victor Dell of this city with a group of other Royal Canadian Air Force officers under the palms in India. Men,30, 40,50! Want Norma! Pep, Vim, Vigor? Trr OMm Twin TatWo. runiii taain. nm. f t nimmt iKrrm. ... w,m& frr4WM . ' mum mmJm ft.'.. It M. .fc J k I r immmmi Announcement All adrmlemrat in thla column m b rtisnM for s full month at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees' Dance. Friday night. March 17. Proverb's Orchestra. St. Patrick's Tea. sale home cooking. 3 p.m. Card party 8 pjn. K.Q.C. Hall. March 17, Whtt Drive. VaihaWa Hall, March 18, 8 pjn. Valhalla Danee. Oddfellow' Hall March 24. W.A. Canadian Legion Dance I O D E. HM. March 31 Little Norway Tea. Lutheran Church, March 2 8t Peter's Sale. March 30 Presbyterian Spring Sale. April 6. Queen Mary Easter Monday Tea. Mrs. Parkin's. St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale. April 13 Eastern Sar Dance, April ,28 ASt. Patrick's Tea, saIeo home, cooking. K.O.C. Hall. A Special Olrls' Club wjlt be started tonight In St. Peter's HSU at 7 pjri. A"tralhed glrjs' worker will be In charge, All girls interested are Invited to attend. Successful students who took recent Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations here in-eluded Bernlce Eastwood, Orade 5 hUtory honors; Gwendolyn MCKae. Orade 3 first class hon ors, and Mary Adcock, Orade 3 pass. They were candidates from St. Joseph's Academy here. A Red Crost Knitters Please return finished sweaters to workroom for shipping Friday. (It) .At a meeting of the Boilermakers' Union the action of a local Concern in disnlnvlnff a notice that no Asiatic help was. empioyea was condemned. It was felt that this was an tllus-1 tration of race prejudice which! was contrary to the pritdples j for which the Allies were fight- j ing loaay. Major B. B. Moscovlch of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon bf the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. His address was appropriate to the Social Hygiene Week campaign which Is now going on. President A. S. Nlekerson was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members wKh a few guests. The sense of the last elntie of a letter from Oeorge Oakfy referring to suggestion that Indians be barred from the nro- poed swimming pool in Prince Rupert was marred bv omission of a couple of words. The clause was "To discriminate against an entire racial groun is not onlv j showing a lack of faith In dem-ocratic Institutions but also a resort to methods practised by enemies of this country." The VOrrit loft nut n arm AnAaM. - www nviv vttvllMCS. of" 4 THE DAILY NEWS T Ion f D t - - I t t "' ucauicc lit'iutr, uaugif ter.of Mr. and Mrs. Al Berner, overseas as a nursing sister with me itoyai Canadian Army Medical Corps, Is now in Italy, A short circult'ln a fire alarm siren situated on the roof of the armories, on Sixth Avenue West, caused the siren to wall for several minutes at 7:30 this morning. The noise served as an alarm clock for residents of the central part of town. Charged separately with public intoxication, Jack More, and Andrew Kowalchuk, were each fined $25, or seven days by Magistrate W. D. Vance in ctiy police court this morning. CFPR 1210 SCHEDULE Kilocycles THURSDAY Ml. :00 Sound Of: 15-0. I. Jive :30 Kay Kyser :00 Caravan ' :30 Personal Album 45 Melody Roundup 00 CBC News 15 People Enjoy Facts 30 To be announced :00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family . :30 Bing Crosby :00 Major Bowes :30 Jack Benny :00 Front Line Theatre : 30 Classics for Today :00 CBC News Rebroadcast : 15 Show Time :30 Oreat Music : 45 Band Wagon :00 Closing announcement FKWAV AM. :30 Musical Clock 45- CBC News 50 Musical Clock :30 Morning Devotions 45 Novelty Tunes 00 Morning Visit : 15 Music a la Carter :30 CBC News : 35 Transcribed Varieties :00 Henry King's Orchestra :30 Hill Billy Music : 45 They Tell Me -Scandinavian Melodies : 15 Broadcast of Messages : 17 Recorded Interlude 45 Xavler Cugat P-M. 00 Wayne King 30 Spotlight Bands : 45 CBC News 50 Recorded 00 One Night Stand 30 School Broadcast :00-Silent j 4S TMf GOES BY V Oif makes hrr, "n lMrV m The other must trait. WK- . f l JPn HtfgMfiv v 1 lour Rrocor's quoin f "Kovnl City" 1 " J Canne.1 Friilln nn.l VepelnMrs U HinliAl, V --t M jou not iind it's nflcn tf (i eae "fimt I Lfe I m come, first Kenwl". Of ,-oupr, lie tun sf M supply jou mIuu liIs.Khks ro rcucHc.l Agkla s:. 1 liut Hint mrniiH you'll he kepi vullliiK for sVrsrV M V n day or two. So hIioii "Itoyul City" MfrW W V Conneil 1'oo.Ih arc on your slioi.i.lim list. tBMBsL i 7 f iiinko n xilnt of ItciiiK rnrly! twkmSHKm I I ii C.N.R. Trains t'nr tli Fast Pallf tierpt S'mday g pm fruiM thr rat Dally except Monday . 10;4S pm. For 7rrae Sunday, Monday. Wednwtdaf. Thursday and JYtday . . 4 p.m. From Trrrar Monday. Tunday, Thursday T1day and Saturday 11 ajn. DOTHISFOR Night V Coughing vim a com stuffs up the nose, cauae mouth breathing, throat tickle and night coughing;, use this time-tested Vlcki treatment that goes to work laataatty... 2 waya at ac I At bedtime rub good old Ticks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Then Hitch Iti rtw TRSTMft. stimoutmg action bring relief from distress. It romura to upper breathing passages with soothing medicinal vaporx. It STIMUUUS chest arid back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultlca . . . and It keeps cn working: for hours. wkila jru alaap to ease coughing spasms, relieve muscular soreness and tightness -and bring grand comfort 1 Try it tonight . . . Vlcks VapoRub. MIMKII. t(T (Form P Certificate of Improvement. NOTIfK Last Chance No. 1. Canary No. 3. Canary No. 3. Canary No. 4. and Eagle Mineral Claims, situate In the Portland Canal Mining Dlrlslon of Caaslar District on the west side of American Creek and about 17 miles from Stewart. Take notice that t, W. H. Forrest, acting as agent for Wm. H. Tolln Free Miners Certificate No. 2092-E intend, sixty days rrom the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificate of Improre-menta for the purpone of obtaining Crown Orants to the abore claims and further take notice that action, under Section 85. must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvement. Dated this 37th day of July. 1943. OOLACHANS FOR SALE at Boat Elsie" at Cow Bay Float. SIMON C ALDER. Mouse Trap Cafe .Mrs. Deildal and Mrs. Johns Hours 12 noon to 11:30 pjn. Sundays, 4 to 12 p.m. Super Coffee. Hamburgers and Onions, Home-made Pies and Cakes DO.VT FOROET . THE BIO DANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 18. 9:00- 12:00 p.m. I.O.D.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBrlde) Gentlemen "5c Roy Proverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Mack 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN J. M. S. Loubser DC, B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 oday, as always, the 'Salada' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas. "SALADA TEA For Fishermen and Outdoor Workers PURE WOOL WORK GARMENTS KERSEY SHIRTS Both Button and Zipper Styles. CC All sizes. Each JJ,LJ FLANNEL SHIRTS Pure Wool Wincey in Grey and CO 7r Fawn. Each .r... Wool Wincey. Khaki. CI flC Each )UJ HEAVY PANTS Our stock of Humphrey Tweed Pants is complete. All sizes. Priced from, per pair $1.95 to $8.50 " r m I' ll Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown In us. May we conUnue to serve you. Ormes lid. Uu9 h'oneer Drtu&ists THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 ajn. till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-5 pjn. and 7-9 pjn. Sewing! Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. Place yoir orders with . . . SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store We handle HIGHEST ' ' and VAN'S Also Fresh Fruit Our Prices HHY ! f'-fY I ' QUALITY MEATS BREAD and Vegetables Are Right C 4 ' '1