ft a ... . 44 THE DAILY NEWS tfciiru&rlers for Fishing Suppliei LIPSETT TROLLING PIG L-vett Trolling Pig designed for !. t a make-do Pieces !d p-- 5 pc complete. Cover $2 35 . -f Bladder 365 . j Cedar Board. ZOO Total '"v:.KET3. all wool Col-rry and white. Ueit l'" Prices c bp : Solid build. All ' -f -peciaL S4.95 BRACES Nnw DOC len DREJW ray "i , WORK PANTS. New 30c $2.50 '"i DRESS SHIRTS, all assorted colors. Prices 81.75 10 $2.45 gGE SUITS, Also Pin ?vE,h.,gh rade qual- W0IlK SHIRTS. Big ortment. Wool and Cot-nS Well made. All size,. $1.10 to $2.95 00 ,') f ' iiinf Gear Marine Hardware Ur i M.i'.-uh ins t f WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM The 5. Ia!gc on tlie arm Intliratrsf lhat tlir wearer lia volunteered for general nenice on nny Iatll front, anjvhere In the world. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Money Savers Buy Now! ' wm finished, v; . Twecda and v AH sires. Trices $4.95 10 S6.75 per wear Sice 30. 50c ; I Locals I Men s SWEATERS, Ail kinds ui choose from. Zipper and pullover styles. Reduced price. $1.95 $4.50 Chlldren'i SHOES for Dress. Straps and lace styles, All leather. Sizes 10 to 2. Clearing at $1.95 10 $2.95 Mens fine DRESS OX FORDS. Black and Brown. All sizets. Special, pair $4.95 Men RAIN COATS. All sizes. Fawn and Green Tweed Tops. rc,al $6.95 Boys LONG PANTS. Cotton and Blue Cheviot for assortment. Special prices. S1.95 10 S2.75 Men's fine DRESS CArS. T.. S1.25 Men's WORK GLOVES. Heavy leather - Jtr Men's BEDROOM SLIPPERS. All leather, well made Black and Jlrown. All sizes. Special, tJO 7 3It per pair Men's Oabardlne RAINCOATS. Made in England, Will stand lots of wear. All sizes. C9d Special V4 B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Avenue. Established 1930 A The office of Dr. J. Munthe i i . ibiiu me nwrwcgi&n uonsutate will be closed unUl August 9. Mr. and Mrt. C. A. Kellett and -nfant son left last night on a , trip to Vancouver. It. O. Vmj der Stays was among those leaving last night for Vancouver. Mrs. A. 11. Ivarton left last I night on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mm. A. II. Hill-Tout ' left last night for Vancouver on j a notiday trip. ; Mrs E. Moore left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Mr and Mrs. G. Pannei! were .t, r those leavmg hit night a ; r:p to Vancouver. Mrs . Wlek returned thh memtng from a trip to Vaneou- JC: A AU A J". of L. Union member are requested to attend a special inrvune, uarpemear uau, rri- day, 8 pjn. Speakers: Jack Bruce Plumbers' and SteamfH-te-rt Reprtwentative. and Jas. McMlUan, iRtefoaUosal Association of MnehlnkHs. 176 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ritchie and family returned to the eHy lan night from Lake KatMyn where they spent a vacation. Lloyd Menu, anfieunorr of radio station CTPR. win leave tonight lor a vacation trip w Vancouver. James Weir. 18 years of age. son of Mrs Frank Warn, born and raised in Prince Rupert. )obxd the CaitMian Active Army Jane 27. He is now m Offflia. On tario taking hU basic tratntng He is with the Tank Corp. Due to an error in announcement by the committee, a donation from Mitchell St Currie U. the Pioneers Home Fund which read $15 in the list of contribu tluns should have been (50. ITCH o. o, o. rfttscateTioi r - ... L: . I ; Mrt A.fc Tiff ! Jv! ' alft.i ir u o. o. mtscmeTiOM. DANCE WEDNESDAY. AfCUST I Dobby Reld Orfheitra oinirt:uws HALL GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNrrURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for rree Appointment 116 4th Ave. E. RED ltJ Barr & Anderson LIMITED riumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 VVVVVVVVVVVTVVVVVVTTV Ofdfngliflt NMm N if It i v4 IV i on nndwnrt .nd " urtM I url m P e km iibbt la a DuUh. Mr. and MM. A. Guyan and daughter, Patricia, were amon thoswho returned this morning from a holiday In Vancouver. Mis Alma Dybhavn returned thl morning from a vacation spent in Vancouver and Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stewart are , leaving this evening for a trip to Montreal. They will mum oy vrav nf Vancouver. Card of Thank friends for kindnesses and sympathy in their recent bereavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother. We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to Dr. Will Herein and the special nurses for their many iclndnesses during our father's recent illness. The MeLEAN FAMILY. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful flora! tributes, received from our many friends during our sad bereavement, in the death ot a loving 1 V. I f.Km, V VI I McLean. MRS. M CLEAN and FAMILY. Flowers were sent by the following: The family. Mr. and Mrs C. Balagno and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Rdbert C. Parsons. Vera and 1 Sold at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE AAAA A a AAA AAA AAA A A AAA Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) Brian. Peter and Isobel McLean.) Mr. and Mrs Wardale and fam- tty. Capt Reg Oreen. Mr. and , Mrs. E. CavenalHe and family Inverness Cannery, R. W. Sinclair. Edna and Bertie. The Sewing Circle. Albert and Betty Dal-zell. Eileen and Bob, Jessie and Lou OWdlnes, H. Ward, Thelm- and Wilfred, Kenny and Lornir, W Cummlngs. Mr. and Mrs. R. E Moore. Mr. and Mrs. K. SlatU, yjr .ml Un Jaclr Ivarsen Ar-1 CHECKED Imour Salvage & Towlna Co.. An- iitaJtfu ton Isaacson. Mr. and Mrs. M. t or Money flick lOlddings. Mrs. Sherwood. Ed- v m4 1, r, lara upseus. Air. ana . t.-i . i Kinsiar ana lamuv. mt. ana irs K. W1 -'1 ugufl : E Boddle and Bob. Manager j . , ,rnn n n r Bertha Oammon. Catholic Wo men's League. Mr. and Mrs. H. .Wursfold and family. Helen and Otawtrne, Mr. and Mrs: C. Toombs and family. Mr. and Mrs. i ... , . i n r. i 1Lm.m ; vt 15, okJiincr. vera, nruijr aiiu Mav: Mr B. Mitchlitch and Mr Hstrnrar. Mr. and - Chris ; Dixon and family. M. and Wrc I Joe BeH, Mr an ' C. C Milfc Mr and Mrs. Theo Collart and Robert. Mr and Mrs. P. Byrnes and famllv and the Canadian Fish- Si Cold Storage Co. Ltd. ACTmTIES OF Y.M.C.A, and Y.W.C.A, (By Dorothy Garbutt) The Service Wives" Club met Thursday afternoon in the ladles' lourrge at the Y with a smaller attendance than usual, only nine ladles and nine children being , nresent. However. Julv and Au- i ust are always low record months (with so many on summer mr- loujchs Mrs. Nelson donated the raffle 'irhteh u-n u-nn tov Mrs. Strand. Club members presented the hostess with a charming pair ot ear-rings as a farewell gift Mrs. Strand and Mrs, Potvin served tea. Chester Le Maistre and Frank and I would like to thank Mrs. Lock of the Prince Rupert Florists for the lovely flowers with which she has been keeping the nut Kittjmiefl. Tnev mane we place so homelike. And thanks also to those in charge of the re cent horticultural show who sent rnt nrmfnl nf rloWers to US. Now that I have all the oaas and ends of my work tidied up and time on my hanas i nave uven to U saws with a ven geance. They nearly drive you eraty but they certainly sharpen what brains one nas. I never knew there could be so many dif ferent colors looK exactly anse when cut into little pieces. I've heard of some addicts who cheat at Jig sa-w by carrying around a small pair of scissors and when nobody Is looking they cut a piece to fit. The' cads! Do you remember that oldie VoiioH "Fnhr Deai1 Father. Come Home With Me Now?" We used to have it In a book of "Select soncs for Parlor Playing" iVtruth, that was its title! and now they have polished the' old classic uo and keeping the old tune call it "Behind Those SuMnoimr Dnors " First thine you know well be dancing to "Don'C Go Down the Mine, Daddy" and "What Are the Wild Waves Say-lnr Forgot to tell you that I won al bridge the other might up at the K. of C. Hut. I played with iCPO Large. Vernon Mulig and , "A Ouy Named Joe." Vernon and .1 were partners and In spite of , the klbltlzlnir of two parties eall-ed Mac and Murphy we trimmed the other two unmercifully .What a beatlngl Local Girl Is Widowed miss neien urecn. aaugmcr oi j, AHan Morgan, late of the Llnd- . jcapt. Reg Green of this city, has say Cartage office staff, left last vm-d in action in Nor- Mrs. Norte Younaa left last flight for a business trip to Van- m-ndv with a Lancashire Imoer- ! night on a trip to Vancouver, (couver. Mr. Morgan, it Is unaer- ,lal regiment, according to word fciooa. nas purcnasea oteve King's men's furnishings business here and will be taking over about the middle of next month j Lieut, ThomaS Andrew Phelps KinT (n Art ton fn Vormindr received at the home here. The casualty occurred on Jury 18. Lieut. Phelps was 21 years ot age and was the son of Rev. J. E. i W 2 mi Anp. 5. hitj utct WRIITS TOM MINAKD With Imperial Regiment SOLDIERS, ! Lieut. Thomas Andrew Phelps. RUB OUT TlRED ARCHES (whose young widow is the former Phelps. Anglican rector at i W9 born at the Prince Rupert Lytton, and Mrs. Phelps. He has 1 General Hospital on June 27 to 8 brother, Capt. James Phelps, Sergeant and Mrs. Stuart R. wno is oversea; vntn me ocsy i Carson. Louis karsen and son desire ; Mountain Rangers. He also has to express appreciation to many mc daughter, Anne, and there are two aisters. Lieut. Phelps was with the R. M. R.'s here a couple of years aeo and volunteered to go over- iseas as an officer with the Im perials. Oeneral sympathy wlH be extended to the young widow who is a well known local girL Birth Notice A son. Harry Robert Stuart. Announcements Valhalla Dasce, Oddfellows' Hall, July 28, 9:30 pjn. to 2:30 ajn. W.O.TJit Dance, Aug. 2, Odd-feBows HaH De Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments; 10-2. L.O.L. Dance. UO.OT. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sarensonj and son, Dickie. left last ntght Orange-Ladies' Dance. Oddfel-for Vancouver on a two week's Slows' Hall, Aug. 10, DeCarlo's holiday. Orchestra. 9:30 to 1:30. law? a r bsk' ". Wv L. v 'ssmisB . i j ' aTWB4mCa.Llit II "Anyone cankvemilk ibr delicious nenrdishes! SAYS ELSIE: "Don't let lack of milk keep you, from enjoying new mealtime treats! Use KLIM Powdered Milk. Just mix with water to get creamy milk for making tasty biscuits, custards, soups and creamed sauces for vegetables and fish. Good for tea or coffee, too. Made, as needed, this milk is always fresh." Good reasons why you'll like KLIM: KLIM ij pastrtirixni whole rnHk ponrdcred. Only the natural moisture has been removed. Ail the cream is left In. KLIM keeps fresh indefinitely in its vacuum-sealed container. Even after opening. KLIM keeps fresh and sweet lor a Jong time. ioie: tx sure iu rcpiacc lid tithtly.) 3 KLIM is light, easy to carry. Saves space. Ready J for immediate use. Just follow the simple directions printed on the can. KLIM is a vital product required in large quantities for our fighting forces everywhere. Naturally the amount for civilian use is restricted. However for infant feeding if you have difficulty in getting a sufficient supply have your dealer get in touch with us. TH BORDEN COMPANY IIMITED Dry Milk Divhien - Toronto 4, Ont. KLIM Creamy milk. IN HANDY P0WDERE0 FORM PAGE THREE "G.W.G." A Famous Name In WORK CLOTHING The "C.W.C" LaDel en d garment emnres economy and long wear Our Stock or this Hign-grafie Union-made Work Clothing is complete G.W.G SHIRTS Suedejr. Driily. Denims, ?1 nrm Of" a f!0 OC l 0,LO sizes Chambrays. AH BIB OVERALLS The Famous O.W.O. Redstrap. CA .?L.JU Per pair G.W.G. COVERALLS Pr ma& - $4.50' CARPENTERS' OVERALLS O.WXI. White Duck. (f0 IA OJ.VU Per pair IRONMAN PANTS Noted for long wear. J0 OC Per pair PJ.6J JUST ARRIVED A supply of Treat-'em-Ruff" Painters' White Overalls, $1 75 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Store will be CLOSED AUGUST 5 and will REOPEN AUGUST 21 Phone 775 A Good Place to do Your Shopping Seventh Ave. Market J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 j era WEAR. IT ON YOUR ARM 327 3rd Avenue LONDON SHOE REPAIR SHOP 733 Second Avenue Across from Dominion Bid. NOW OPEN All work guaranteed quick service Atlas Boiler Works Electric. Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacfcsmlth, General Repair. Phone Red 881 FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF W LOCK Your Shopping Tour should include a visit to this nearby Butcher Shop wnere youll always find an abundant supply of the choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! i FIIV CHIMNEY SWEEPING n OIL BURNERS CLEANED Ke-openmg i AND REPAIRED Q, MARkFT PAAI) rKJVJU IYlMIIt I New equipment and help - f f assure you of a clean Job. I 1 Qafg AS EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN phone Black 7S5 , FKESh FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN nOME SERVICE INSTANT SERVICE - NO WAITING HANDYMAN Hours 6:30 am. to 1:00 am. J , j ' TZZZZ 1 1 Location Next to Y.M.C.A. 3rd Ave. NEW ROYAL KING GEORGE 0 HOTEL CAFE n Home Away From nam. SPI. Chl 01.hr. " V gmcr Mutual Benefit Rates 75c up Chop Sliey Dry feiabwood, cord $10.01 Health and Accident Asstf 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold fhnw Mcin Dry Jackplne, cord $120 See JOHN L. WRIGHT Wat" ' Special Representattve Prince Rupert, B.C. nours 10 am. to 10 nn, pm. iivnP HYDE -rinvocpD TRANSFER U6A ,Uy CoTe qwcje Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 nd Avenue and 8th Street Phono 580 Opposite Staff Dlniarf HU