AT.ADA TEA oal Orders fl'ecan now deliver your coal order, Please UBS three days warning before delivery cv ALBERT & tfaCAFFRY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 11 FREEDOM ' is your dividend! On the hatttr (rontt of the world, thousands of Canadian Wn and women art gallantly fighting a war to Insure freedom Tor EVERYONE. They're ready lo (Ire their Uvea, all you're being aaked to do It lend your dollar. You'll be anilout to share the freedoms ... are you willing to share the eot? rn victory nusT-iti;V victory honds ELIO Furniture Store Third Avenue, odel Aimlanes i We have a complete assortment of Model Airplane Kits from 5c to $1.75. These include the Ilell-Aireohra, Mus-tanjr, Mosquito, Hurricane, Spitfire, Soaring Seaplane and numerous other designs. X 1 ts jw m mm w l. Sf FW W SW ' W m JUUCJ U UO. CTMW COAL! sWks of Foothills, Alberta, and Bulkley Valley Coals now on hand irte rim,- , . ... . i,i jo nonce Deioro ueltvery is expectm will be appreciated. . PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Kl OFFICE SUPPLIES MINTING BOOKBINDING fclK STATIONERY ",KTI1)AV EVERYDAY FOUNTAIN rilONE 652 Printing Company 6AU ds I'ENS 0ck. 3rd Street Phone 234 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Alfred Rlvett of Vancouver arrived yesterday to. attend the i funeral of hi brother. He Is the , guest of hi ilater, Mm. N. E. Arnold. A Womerj'i Canadian Club nomination of officers, Council Chamber, City Hall. Tuesday, April , ?:30 p.ra. Election of olficera, Wednesday, May 3. Alex L. Charlie, who has been working for the Vanar&dol Lum- V - n. . i uc i nmr irrrace. nas now rnoyed to Amsbury to work for the General Construction Co. as a mechanic. All members are requested to attend a special meeting of the C.N.R.A. Lawn Bowling Club to be held in Canadian Legion Rooms, Monday, April 24, 8 pjn. Important matters to decide. Private Ford Moron, who is home from Italy where he took pa t In the Battle of Ortona and ! 4hcr engagements in that cam-1 ralftn. will be n Victory Loan speaker over station CFFR Among thaw leaving for the j south last night were Mr. and ! Mrs. Albert Dalzcil of Seal Cove. I Mr. Dalzell, who has been with MeLean's Shipyard for the past six years, plans to make his hime In or around Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Erie A. Hart and family left last night for Vancouver, where they will take u" residence. Mr. Hart has been tilth the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. here. W. C. Cranston, Canadian National Express superintendent from Edmonton, left last night to return to the prairie city after a business vUlt here. last week. M Oilchrtst Is now accountant for the B. C Spruco Mill at Hoiberg on the west coast of Vancouver Island. FUNERAL NOTICES The' funeral of Mr. HenrV Rlvett will take place at St. An April 26, at,2:3Q pjn. Canadian Legion, K.K.S.L. All Legion members are re quested to attend the funeral ot our late comrade. Henry Rlvett, I veteran of the Boer War. Funeral ' 1 111 V- - U 1 - ft C f 1 n drew's Cathedral, Wednesday, Aprl 28, at 2:50. Fall In Legion Hall at 2:10. Announcements All slvrrtlaemenU m thU column will be charged tor full menth at 2So a word. Dry Dock Employees Dances at the Staff Dining Hall are cancelled until further notice. L. O. B, A. Dance, Oddfellows Hall, April 21, De Carlo's Orchestra. L. P. P. Dunce, Eagles' Hall, April 27, Eastern Star Dance, April 28. Valhalla Dance, April 28, Oddfellows' Hall. Machinist's Dance, April Oddfellows' Hall. May Day Celebration meeting, speakers and music. Booth Memorial School, May 2, 8 pjn. Nurses' Spring Dance, May 2, Odd tellows' Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea. Mrs. A. Flaten's, May 3. United Cnur.h Spring Sale, May 4th. Women's Auxiliary Canadian m a l a 1 Legion Pance, May o, uaaiei, lows' Hall. Jean De Carlo's Or chestra. Refreshments. Cambral Tea, May 11, Mrs, Munthe's. CCF. dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 12, De Carlo's Orchestra, p;30 to 1:30 a.m. Concert by Drydock Male Choir, May lSjmdJfl. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May 18. Mr. and Mr. W. V. Mulvlhlll of Skagway were here yesterday Dogs Smother In House Fire THE DAILY NEWS returning to the Alaska town after a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. Cliff Rogers, president of the Yukon and White Pass Route, was here yesterday on his way from Vancouver to Skapway on one of his periodical business trips north. Malcolm McLeod, president of the Shipyard General Workers' Federation of British Columbia will arrive in the city this Fri day from Vancouver for a visit heie on organizational work W. D. Oordon, superintendent of the river division of the Yukon and White Pass Houte and Mrs. Gordon were here yes terday going north to White- horse for the season after spend ing the winter In Victoria and Seattle . A fire which badly damaged the Interior of one of the rooms of the Home of Mrs. R. Parkinson. Market Plaie, and caused the death of two small house-hold dog pets by suffocation broke out at 11 o'clock on Saturday night. The blase had gutted the Wtchtn of the Parkinson house. iehlnd the Court House, before I he fire department were able lo subdue it The bodies of two small dogs ets of Mrs. Paiklnson, were found in the damaged building after the fire was put out. I( w believed that they were suffo--aled by the smoke as their "tles were not scorched. Mrs. J. P. Cade, who has been Cause of the fire Is believed to vlslUng her farm'at Kltwanga, have been faulty electric wiring left on last night's tram on a trip to Montreal and Boston- 1 William oilchrtst, formerly 01 this city and for several years a resident of Vancouver, arrived yesterday morning from the south to attend the funeral of his old friend, the late Henry Rlvetl. who died" at the end of fxteni of the damage to the tuiHUnj has not been deter mined. 'V.?, Trains tot Ike rati pwV ttjrpt Sunday 8 pm ' vm A he fJkht - tit earept Monday 10.4$ pm. ssMl IssH UUCHJAT,TAtK,r Of IMBARRASSMINT U' bo easy to enjoy aU- LABOR-PROG PARTY WILL TAKE FIELD your plat are Md In place by this r,conJc1cuahion"akiitiV'formula. I. Dr. Wernet'a vent sore gums. Powder lets you , Economical: enjoy solid foods, small amount avoid embarraaa- 1U longer, ment of loose, Pure, harmless, plaU.Helpsprc- pleasant tasting. EI Viewing a federal election as probable within the next five or six months, the Prince Ru-j pert Labor-Progressive Club laid ' plans at a special meeting last night to act as hosts to a nom, : InaUng convention to be held Sunday. May 7. at which an LP.P. candidate will be named to contest the Skeena federal riding. . . " Naval Wharf P For Vancouver OTTAWA, April 25 O Navy Minister Angus MacDonald said today that plans were being drawn up for a $2,500,000 naval stores wharf and warehouse In Vancouver where the Second Narrows bridge Joins the north shore. German Thrusts At Anzio Have Been Repulsed NAPLES, April 25 Q Two German thrusts against the Anzio beachhead were repulsed i around Carano In the central sector as Allied air attacks con tinued today. PURCHASE PROPERTY Overwaitea Takes Over Building ' at Present Occupied by Ranee and Hardy. Overwaitea Limited has purchased the McMeekin building on Third Avenue near Fulton Street, now occupied by Ranee and Hardy, and, after completely remodelling and modernizing the premises, expect to move In by early summer, It was announced today by W. A. Jarm-son. local manager of Over- waitea. Overwaitea Is dropping its present premises. . "Prince Rupert will have a real, modern food market after we have completed the remodeling of our new premises," Mr. Jarmson said. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blanchard and family of Tacoma were here yesterday morning on their way to 8kagway where they will pay a visit with Mr. Blanchard' mother, Mrs. Alex Blanchard. TIMHIK MI.K X3SSII, Sealed ttndrra will be received by the UltUter ot Lands at Victoria. B. j O.. not later than noon on the 23rd dav ot War. 1844. for the purchase of Licence TCS3841. to cut 19.930.000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on tvo area altxtutd on Skedans Bay. Ltjtif Itaup- Qwen i.nar:ow.e OrhiTJ J?r mte aHowed for rettabral of turj5er. T " nirthar yanlrtilafa-jd, the Chief vottUrr Victoria BC or pliUlc Fnretter. Pnv Bufirrt BC , , . . . r- THE FI'mENf. rqiKT nKITl-li im.mmi or l THE MTTf ft 'V Till. ADMI- IHTRiriON Ml IMi IV THE MATTIK OI THE ESTATE tV CTIAKLKY UTTII .MII.U.H. .lher'M- known CHAKI-ES Mil M R. Dereaed. Inlelate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order Of Honour Judge "liher Local Brttlah Columbia. I wai on the 5th ; lav nf AprU ASi. 194 appointed! Umlnlstrawr of the EsU-te of Char-y Otto Miller, otherwise known aa Charles Miller, prceased. ho died I on or about the 27th da- of Teb- I ruary A D 1944 AU personr Indebted1 to the said Estate are. required to nay the amount of ihelr itdebted-nesa to me forthwith and -U per-1 eon havtnc clairns aralnst t e aaUl Estate are require! to lue then witnr me properly Terlfled on or before the 15th day of May A.D. lSft-jWJV ng which distribution wUl be tiade' Sarins; regard only to such -clalm- 4 watch I shall, have. ,ben notified. JATED at Prince Rupert B C this th day of AprU AD. 1944. v NORMAN A. Official Admlifcsmtfr, Prince ... 5 V I II Vvif "When the dally round of houseteork Makes me feel forlorn and flat, The remedy I know MWMMmU mmW 'IH rn is if liny ti imirininj, ,,ii. isissssssssssa 11 i i m i5, r 7 i ((uality... Marks These Style Right , TOPCOATS "Itf SMART TWREDS FROM SCOTLAND , and the- ISLE OF MAN $27.50 to $40.00 page rm. rfcpft PUT VICTORY FIRST sVOTSVsssssm KsuJBsiHSHSiH ism. s m m sm FINE WOOL NAVY GABAHDINES.f i i Ml Beautifully Tailored II.UU I jS When menu-planning gets me dotrn, C . 1-----;. fth'VKTTf I a i aii " v v ' """" '"vifjiy' Mm j 6 lull - -mW '-"'A i4 1 YoiiiloirtlinvctofcarrlilonKforilellcIoiis , t m kHU J frullami.lteKCtahltouihlrnjoyinentto " I II M jour nionls li-n joii put Koyal City" tf1555! I V v M (Jniinrtl Fom1s on your proccry list. They Jt&. J II J m liato the un-weetciMtl, panlcn-frcsli K M I V S makes tlirm the ncrlYct ikw-S'Sriim m m nccoinpanlineiit ton meal and that rxtra i f-wm7lJ W pMilnos vhich you only iiml in liiasl mmyUklir$m W ipiallty ranncil AmmU. Your family hIII JtinaBHLv 1 4j f V have n royal treat vlien you serve "Jtoyal fmdJMW'J I City". Flan to hnvo tlicm often. PrLt V J F&yalCity wr CANNED FOODS 1 ir .if d IT'S UP TO US TO DELIVER THE GOODS H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. GOODS and LADIES' WEAK A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" T! 15 Kitchen Tables 1 White Wood, Drop Leaf. Each BUY VICTORY BONDS f7.90 Phone "75 37 3rd Anue UP FOR VICTORY Prime Minister Churchill stated the other day, "Victory may not be so far away, and wilt certainly not be denied us In the end. but the task is heavy, the toil is long-, the trial will be severe." You can hasten victory you can lijhten the task and the toil by signing for more bonds this time than ever befoie. ' Put Victory First : BUY VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUTERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLOMBIA Place an. Ad in The Daily News It Pays ' Life 5 1-1 i r V; if J' (-.T