i 4 PAOETWO "How I slopped dosing constipation' 'Sure I'm another booster for wj.-BRAN tor constipation like mine. Imagine -no more rd for those nasty purgatives whu h griped, yet neipea only briefly. Believe me, eating au. bran is much better and far fentler. It's my idea of the way to keep regular " It's simple and gentle. That's the Funeral of Dr. Carson Is Held The funeral of the late Dr. J. H. Carson of Prince Rupert tool: place In Toronto yesterday afternoon. Dr. Carson died early Tuesday morning in Toronto following an automobile accident. Q. W .Nlckcrson of this city was In attendance. New Officers Boilermakers Angus MacPhee has been elected secretary of the local Boilermakers' Union in succession to James Nlcoll who becomes re cording secretary. S. K. Allen. W. White and E. Russell have been elected to the executive. Riley j Vlereck is the new guard Paint with j beauty of the all-bran way if your j cumtipation 11 due to lack of "bulk" in the diet. Here's alt you do. Eat KELukx. s all bran every day, as a cereal or in several hot muffins -and drink plenty of water, all BRAN helps to produce smooth-mirking "bulk" and prepare wastes far easy eUminatiua. The oasnfarlMg relief ccsiYwcea you it's wise to est ALL-BRAN daily to stay regular. Kemein-ber, it's a cereal -not a medicine. So get all-bran at vow grocer's. 2 handy sues. Made by Kellugg's in London, Canada. CFPR 1240 Kilocycles SCHEDULE THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 -Sound Ofr 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 Kay Kyser 5:00 Caravan 3:30 Personal Album 5; 45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 To be announced. 6:30 The People Ask. 6:45 Rendezvous with Rythm 7:00 Fred Waring 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Bins: Crosby 8:00 Major Bowes 8:30 Bob Hope 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time 10:30 Great Music 10:45 Raymond Scott 11:00 Closing announcement ONE-WAY SIGHT Both the halibut's eye are on its right side. nmm over WALLPAPER, WALLB0ARD PLASTER or other SOLID SURFACES easy to mix EASY to apply Only WHY PAY MORE? ALABASTINE dries quickly without odour. Wide choice of beautiful tints. Sold at all Hardware and Paint Stores. A 5 lb. package WM4 PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to http sKdern, using skirted pharmacist, quality, drugs, tfce t6 A ewtcMBect As we start a new year, ire ar prmsfl V. wur raeord, and grateful for the r,antuieree y& East stows ja na. May we contlnne to 3erve yoo. Ormes Ltd. Dfw. Pioneer DriazgteLs THE RECALL STORK rWSXZ U utA Zl Open Daily from 9 aura til) $ jun. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pA z4 7- judo. Fine,MildWeather,ls'ntlt? Last winter was mild too, but don't be misled. Next winter may be as cold as 1912-1943, and, if it is, the man with the full coal bin will win. Wi: CAN GUAKANTKK DELIVERIES NOW mrr not next winter Fill up your coal bins with Foothills Lump, Egg or Nut, and Hulkley Valley for furnace heating. PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. PHONE C51 PHONE CSZ ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and YAV.C.A. (ISy Dorothy Garbutt) Bruce Maclntyre telte me that there are big doings planned for the Navy on DotntnieH Day 1 Holiday some sort of special sports day. lust what he hasn't said Well what a fuss and pother To continue $ith Bob Gibson's wis an interesting spot for me. I t ;. ;yi;d my year up there. Please ay :iello' to M far we. I had a r.. :e u tter from the Winslows tell them I shall write them from India. Pass aloog my re- ard , to Major larfces, if he is Mi there, and also the Kergins. I have not forgotten the lovely ARE OUT FOR PLAYGROUNDS Mysterious as all get out he wai j At the annual meeting of the - IlmuiBl .TVutsti&M' forthcoming school year wa.s and a dither and a do there has 'held, resulting as follows: been over Um two dances that were to have been held this week. It was a case of "out again in again Finnegatk The dattee scheduled for the island fort was not cancelled far the service girls they are stlQ to come tout for the Junior hostesses. I my- President: Rev Past ITesident dinner we bad in their home. "'Pasn-Did I tell you that I had a nice ; -j ne school ev.n.iip; wiui Mrs. Mcciymont when she was in Winnipeg? 1 had bct r s.tj when I start or these ry.od Rupert folk I'll new know win n to end. Kindest re-Sard . -ur.lf Bab Gibson." FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The schedule of the Prince Rupert Area Football League (Gilhuly Cup competMon) for the remainder of the earreir season is as follows: May 19 Signals vs. Reserve. 23 R.C.A.F. vs. Yanks. 20 Reserves vs. Navy. 30 R.C.F. vs fttgnalK. I June j 2 Yanks vs. Reserve. ' 6 Navy vs. R.CA.F. 9-ftlgnals vs. Yanri j 1 13 First Round Dsmwrton Day P 1 1C &mi Ttnai Dominion Day C4ip. a-Bearf'ftnal Dominion Day Cap. Tt Wgnili vs. Navy. tl RjCAP. vs. Reserves. July 1 Final Dominion Day Cup. j 5 Kavy vs. Yanks. 7 Iteaenes vs. Signals. Ill Yanks vs. R.CA.F. 14 Wavy vs. Reserves. 15 Signals vs. R.C-A.F. 21 Reserves vs. Yanks. 25 R.C.F. vs. Navy 28 Yanks vs. &gnal3. j The Royal Northwest Mnunted Police wa.s organized in 1S93. , ! LONCEN ! ; usiihs fABRICS Better and more playgrounds for the Mhuol is to be the major objective of the as.to iatiun in this coming year and hope Mas exprrssed that other organizations and citizens Mill assist the Parent-Tea.ticrs' Association in this TIIE DAILV KH7S TIFT-' DAT E. V. Bcotu Mrs. George A. 11U1. First Vtee-pre4dent: -Oeorge Howe. SeeoHd Vtce-preaident: Mrs. Mrs. C. It. I nsu lander. Secretary: Mm. J. C. Gtlker self am going over to this dance I Treasurer: Ms. B. W. Busker, to find out the possibilities of Pf Correapoodent: 8. A. havijig hostesses. Then the new I Chiwanuati. regiment at the Eleventh Avenue i Paottcity Convemr: Mra. A. L. Clamp has postponed their dance ' Haines. until next Thursday. Now Is ah that clear! I wonder! board reque ted further information on ihe co. r i r"' B mm mum Stamp Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALKNTIN DAlliY PIIONK C57 J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Qreen 095 of Installing bicycle racks at Booth Memorial High School. Mr. Hardwlck was Instructed to .supply the board with the necessary Information. C. II. IusukuMter stated that. Annual .Meeting of J'rlnce Itu- If the meeting wished a pert Parent-Teachers' Asmj- seite of rx flfswi -minute nation. radio talks on "School rVr I Parents," It could be arranged. I shall sei my trusty spies Oas- Prte Rupert Parent-Teachers pard and Desmond upon his tatf and find out tar ysKi shortly. Ht was decided to have these I The first, -JMtery Pamita.' i . .i . . , .. .t - Association lost evening in the!"' " "J, J Boot. Memnstol High School the election of officers for the High School exHnlna4lom came in for some discussion. The mrritoi of written examinations and recommeiuUti'ins came in for aUntlOH. The prealtktit. Rev. E. W Seoit, briefly revlewetl the a.i slatlon's activities of the post, i Mrs. Ft W. Ilecker, renderntg ! annual flnAnesa-1 stattmetii. re-1 porUd that the association had donated $660 to the various schools. Tne city council advladd the assoclaUon that ILs request for Its Saturday annnal tag day t.i aooal convener for Booth Jw 00 October H was Memorial High School:: Mra. M. Braun. Social Convener for Borden letter written enroute to India 'Stwet School: Mra. J. O. Ander- Onr vnyoa. thtic far ho Kmti SOn. granieo. Mrs. Insula;(ir reported pro I great for her committee, which Is working with other local commlUeea In providing school y good. We have seen some Membership convener for wre "u""m 1 ",r Prr" ini-iin. ,nni.i .m nni r. Booth Memorial Htoh s.iu.j school and other young chll ry we are not permitted to tell Mra, WHtiam Matthi. dr";, of thwn. Fortunately, we have . ' Membership Oonvciicx for . mJOta " teneral meet small but fine group of jiassen- King Bdward School: Miss y enjoyable musical se-gers. Among them are several Moxtey. 1:UoM en including Chinese doctors and students, an ! Members Canveticr for vtoUn "Alw Marta. " by MUs Indian doctor, several Canad an Borden Street Sehort: Mrs. R OJfa Zabudney. accompanied at missionaries and a number of Webber. le Vao by Miaa Francos Americans and a few English "! seleettwi of a program Moore: DUno duet. "Poet and folk. Rather a cosmopolitan convener -waa left to the newiPeMa'U'" b Mrs J- C. Ollker crowd. In our cabin we have an executive. jand Miss K. Wataon; vocal so- American, the Indian doctor, a In meeting detWed that all;1"' Chord" and "The Chinese student and writer and n principals of tn eliv achooLs . 8ua,,Une 01 Your 8nlle." by myself. We sail It the 'Interna- are to be hottary members of tional Settlement." Such a nice the executive. iTup of passengers has helped A very hearty vote of thanks t? pas-; the time was accorded the retiring rx- At present we are - perlenc- ecuilve and fpecatJf to the a bit of the heat to come. At president, Rv. k. W. Seott. for :.-iUi we uiniu. iuJ ucate l'i his work of the post year, u; r. thins. The heat is very Following a very serious cHs bum.d and the wind s-j hot cuauon on the condition of Tin .c horn India encourage tlie city school grounds and on the I of us by saying: tins is cool great oeeu o( more piaygruun.i in comparison to what you will space it was dtx-idid that a net It seems that we are arrlv- committee should Interview thr uig Just in time to enjoy t?) the school board and council andiUUl :! hottc-l season. I may wish I present concrete sugge.siion lui Cjiud htve a little Prince Rupert improvements rn these regards ra.ii just about then. 'It was felt that something My thoughts often wander could be done In the summer ik tu you all in Ruocrt I vacat.on. The commitU-e, with i:ust things are going welL No power to add to its number, ctjoht there have been many consists of C. It. Insuianoer. changes sincS I left I hear the Rev. E. W. Scott. Miss K Mere-ruw building is under way (what dith, Mbs E. A. Mercer. W W i . i-x you have OrandtnaM It c. O'Neill and S. A. Checseman. Eu. Henry, and slano sol.) "Malaquena" and "To a Wild Rose." by Miss Frances Moore. Refreshments were served !r a committee riiniaUng of Mr Braun and two d. ii 'i '. inerc w.is a ,a;;- sentative atlendauce. "MORNING AFTKR The i a. uf tnr r i eye ui tuied tcX"-an opti :ig iu. lar'T! nM.i FOR STRAINS SPRAINS AND SORE MUSCLES 7 " .. Kl'UN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, tnird $10.00 Dry Jackplne J 12.50 HYDH TRANSFHIl I'hone 5X0 Barr & Anderson LI.MITI.D numbing and Healing Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4 th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 I I ! The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon "My Boys' Smokes' riltST SOI.ICITOUMAYOIt Cl I ELTfc.N I iA.l. KiiKiand Mayor A. & F IVuen who died recently at the age ul 61 the first solicitor to be appointeil mayor of the borough and had served 33 years on the council MORNING FRESHNESS Slai Jul Do This at Bsdtim Tonight j If tour mim tltamt yuu UuXint lirrj J ml imi (r ii.ilroi in tlx- nvtmnf. try a nip of Vnr, ImtmU (Hsltitw kM St lllime. Vrtr,. ImjHmrJ Otaliirw trlM q ! r-Wc Out frrlinc iif nrrvoaH Irawn. lit mil (! rlrrart ro ir-rn Iwlp In rrilrni.li Im Uj 1iU f uu firry. Vnr. ImimrJ ( ailing n mi It in mm if Vil-mint A. I ml l. ami l mim-raU (iakiutn, I1mIwii a fx! Iri, tiiau rrr rrib-uwJt rn util oiUM-lr. wfie anl lljr t-rlU. Try Vrtr. miTMnf Otalliiir. 5r if it il-tl't Iwlp vu In alr np fmlirr, mire iMKnan). Vrl Otallinr Uly al fmir drug r (! Hore. ntrnm nt OVALTINE Atlas Boiler Works Elertric. Oxynen. Acetylene Wi lding. Blacksmith. Oeneral Repair. I'hone Red (Ml Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) ciiimnky swi:i:riN(i OIL IllIltNKUS CMwM I) AND KKI'AIRKl) New equipment and help fissure you of a clean Job. 1'lmne Itlark 733 HOMF SKRVICK HAND Y.MAN PACIFIC CVFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 0:00 a.m. to 2'00 a.m. Ai the C-.ni.luni mated , vilUjce. ni.lMKl. iJmiiird . v' surttjl" lphJ tlit till.KrM. jl Aunly llu nttked un ih . " TIIIUO AVtlNL'E I i 11 Ott ft . . -i... .i.ift . p t llit Mory from th. Uxvlui DiJ, t,. iUSUM .io ihM Sm Up, J, jltUft Oiitdisns o.tr br, o,M ih,, .w i-sana .-saaai i sarn aaaaaaKf M. li a t t Men's Stnmu Work I'ants AH sires Men's AH WiKif Heavy Pant From up .Men's Leather (Jloves Durable and sjrone. Men's Dress Pant? From up Men's KaineoaLs Hood v:i!ue Men's Leather .larkets All 'olon , . . ... Men's Work Hoots So'id Inthcr. Front un Hovs Fnnt"-I-nrire stork. From ruin. CAPOR ClCARUlt - ' " .... riiu.M tu a a m m m - ... l-irxe KiorK oi .Men l ires and Work $1.95 b i A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE a ;no ri.ACi: to hi v Deep 8Wep Spring Filled MaUrr- A i Bcautf Rwt MatUeas. 4 0 only Slumber King Mattress. Spring Ftltc ' 4 3 Rip-Van Winkle Spring Ulled MaUa Rip Van-Winkle Box Spring Morning Glory 8firing Filled Matt re 3 I'hone 773 Send your Orders to u b7 rx I I rs - a flllNCK ItlU'F.RT OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTINC BOOKBINDINC STATIONERY t .. ii v v n V. V E It V P A V f li I IV I li - . ,,r W 4 T I.' I. M A V ' i rOl'NTAl Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone al . v m .saw v m sit. m m w-m wm -m n i ii w m m m . mm m m.r wc i SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily m Ik ..A I nnadian risn Oi v,um - a I .rn.