32.'' :K T ? 1944 Dress and Work Clothes MONEY SAYKK5 JJU1 4UWi DR . .....n finished. i!f '' Tweeds and Worst Ai. M $4.95 S6.75 ....tty.m SHORTS for i;ur ..-ar Size 30. p 50c pair Dp! .:'. oXFORDS. Ill ! Niirnul $4.50 S7.00 :,n dpxw sox. 3QC- , WU'JC PANTS SdVf . . ,riMje ntrmTS nil tot u rvcd colors. $1,75 tu $2.45 r All Wool Blue !TS Also Pin ! f:adr r d. all states. $30 $37.50 w-.irx ".ihrtb Mis V f! and Cot W ; r idr AU Ours S1.10 $2.95 Men's COVERALLS. Full cut. Big pockets. CJQ 7Cf Special, rfult OOiiO Children's SHOES for Dross1. Straps and lace" styled. All leather. ElzeS 10 to 2, Clearing at $1.95 16 $2,95 M-i . WOnK BOOTS Real buy All sizes. $4.25 fo $6.25 Men's RAIN COATS. All sizes Pawn and Green Tved Topi rml $6.95 Hoys' LONG PANTS. Cotton and Blue Cheviot for assortment Spelal prices. SL95 $2.75 tint's fine DRESS CAPS. ?r . ... $i.25 Men's Work gloves. le?tJc' Men's BEDROOM SLIPPERS All leather, well made Black and Brown. All sties Special, fin rye 0f D per pair Mens Gabardine RAINCOATS, Made In England Will stand loU o( near All Speclar ... B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. niro rtrnnr Established' I93d RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage n t.i KtrutT VU. LilU tuwj.iiuiA j! -i-iue ..f the Secretary of 8 late of Canada y is Custodian undev the Revised Reg- Tradtnrt wi'-t) Hie Enemy 1943. J. H. MAIR AUCTIONEER Offers for Sale Mr-llaneous Household Goods, Tools, Boat a,VTl t annine Machine. Khittinir Machine, '"I"U"K iuaciunes, acaies, etc SALK AT 2 P.M. THURSDAY, AOC. 3, 1911 Japanese Association Hall, Pulton Street, Itctwocn fith and 7th Avenues ave You Ordered Next Winter's Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! ''LACK YOUK OltDER TODAY WlTlt ALBERT & McCAFFERYATD. I'HOMli 110 and 117 1lace an Ad in The Daily News-It Phya Locals PHONE 8C TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND N E W S ITEMS. A Sons of Norway westing tomorrow night. Mrs. A. MatKenzle returned this morning fro ma visit to Vancouver. Bdr. and Mn. Terpsma left by train for a two-week visit at Ed-irtonton and district. D. O. Borland returned to the city this morning from a visit' to Vancouver, e is convalescing from a recent operation. Mrs. Charles Ruskin of New WMmlniter is In the city, visiting her brother. Rev. Oanon W. P. Rusbbrook. . ' A COP. Broadcast CPPR Wed nesday 8:15 pjn., LAC. Archi bald, Skeena Federal Candidate 1181' A Smart Summer Ores -Piques, seersucters, crepes etc. Oood values specially priced Star Style Wear. 180 airs. C J. Norrington w.ll leave ! Monday night to spend a holiday at Victoria red upper Van emiver Island. Mr. KolYrngton u already IB the south with the Reserve Arory. A The infantry camp semimonthly danee scheduled for Thursday. August 3. has been postponed y W.CA. hoatessf; pl a.sc unte. 1 181 DANCE rnmAT ArcrsT i Bobby Relif Orchestra onnrTixoivs' hall less. P .H. Linzey. former alderman, emarked with a laugh that this tas the first occasion in -his teowledse that a tax coHector had ever been feted and but-'eted. Presiding at the dinner, Mayot Oaggett remarked oh the esteem with which the couple wre regarded and the fine reputation if Mr Vlckers. His Worship sug- RIMY says: eed thev might dedlde to re THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE MEMBERS OF MANY CITY COUNCILS HONOR MR. AND M RS. F. VICKERS Retiring Civic Treasurer and His Wife Are Present- ed with Wristwatch and Handbag at Testimonial Dinner Present and past mayor and aldermen of Prince Rupert paid honor f o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers at a testimonial dinner last evening in the Commodore Cafe when speakers referred to the couple, leaving shortly to make their home in England, as "two outstanding citizens of this community." Mayor II. M. Daggett, on be"-. -; DEFROST iT.qu.ntly Exc.ts (rest caus.i rclrig.rator to oprat. loog.r than n.cuarf. Empty drip wali imm.diat.ly. CLEAN int.rior wills mild solution ol baking .oda and wal.r. Wlp. dry b-lot. you i.turn control to nonnaL OIL all moTing parts .T.ry six months U t.irig.ralor has op.n-trp. m.chan-lsm. K..p hing. and door latch w.U lubricated. Ui. light oil. if ,M, r: .k M th VTmt Troat. ky your liMin( aa lb llom From! Bur &iinirt Sump toJ Ortitictlrt rtfulirlf " Vacation Time... Terrace . . . Lakelse Lake New low transportation rates to all points in the Terrace area. Prompt and courteous service Write for information and reservations. ItUS ; TAXI ; TRANSFER SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT TERKACE, B.C. J( L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain. -Chiropractic! If nerves- -doubly sot Smith Uloek Green 60S Atlas Roilcr Works Electric, Oxygen, .Acetylene Welding, Dlacksmlth, aeneral Repair. l' l'hone lied 881 council hall of the gathering of 30, pre- of of criticism criticism voiced voiced by by serried Mf. Vlckers with a wrist-1 about its predecessor as all coun- watch In recognition of his faithful and efficient sCrvite to the city slriee 1919. Mr. Vlckto is retiring as city treasurer. Aid. Mrs. N. E. Arnold presented Mrs. Vlckers with a fine leather handbag. The couple will Join their mar ells had been made up of con- cientious men. Mayors and councils since the city administrator had done well, the speaker said, assuring those present there should.be no fea. for the future stability of the el ected representatives and their ried daughter in England and ( programs. intend to live in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham. Pioneer Leaders1 Esteem Mr. Ticker Mr. Vlckers recalled that it was former alderman George Casey, who in 1919 had assisted Mm in obtaining employment at Most of the men who gathered ithe city han. to honor Mr. and Mrs. Vlcker' Mrs. Vickers in acknowledging ame to Prince Rupert 30 years ! remarks of the speakers and the igo and in civic aff alf s had come t gift of a handbag said theli c know Mr. Vlckers well for his 'daughter, now in England, had conscientiousness and helpful- been educated here and taughv the daughters of a number of those present. William Wstts said Mr. Vickers had proved of inestimable va.:ue to the first council after the Ht.y administrator, serving as a : nk with the past. He said he 1943 council and the citizens renc airy owed Mr. Vickers a debt ci gratitude. Others who spoke were Aid Thomas Elliott. Oeorw Casev t H. Orme. M. M. Stephen Jume urn here and ir they did tne Black and P. n. Linzcv rf1'0!.?1; Those Present At them baCK. .lad to welcome Mr Virkers recalled the strug-!'le of early rounctla and praised nm ?fr their aeromplishments tT he ad never approved Testimonial Dinner ,. Those present included May - II. M DaetJef Aid W H Bre.t A d Ocnne H. Aid aSSplS&O HIRE'S SOUHd ADVICE FROM - 1 , w. E. Araoid. Aid. Alex Sinclair, Aid. J. 8. BBelc. Aid. Thomas Elliott, Aid. George W. Rudder- ! ham. Ex-Mayor winiarn Watt, Ex-Mayor M. M. Stephens. Ex Mayor C. H. Orme, Ex-Aid. R. A. McLeod. Ex-Aid. George Casey, Ex-Aid. Thomas McMeekin, Ex-Ald. S. E. Parker, Ex-Aid. John , Currie, Ex-Aid. T. H. Collart, , E-Ald. C. V. Evitt, Ex-Aid. Frank Dfcb, Ex-Aid. P. H. Lin j zey, Ex-Aid. James Black, Ex-) Aid.- W. AfcCutcheon. Ex-Aid. , Jack McKechnie, Ex-Aid. Alei j MacKenzle, Ex-Aid. W. JL Wilson . Murray, and Ex-Aid. Robert Mc ; Kay. i Aid. T. Sorensen. Ex-Aid. Vifi-tor Baso-Bert, Ex-Aid. D. C.1 McRae, and Ex-Aid. Dbuglaij Sutherland were unable to at teid. Mrs. J. Killas was amoni thbsi returning this morning frbm thf south. Announcements W.O.TAI. Dance, Aug. 1 Odd-feHows' HaU. De Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments; 10-2. L.Oi. Dance. I.O.OJ". Hall, Aug. 5. Orange Ladies' Dance, Oddfellows' HaU, Aug. 10, DeCarlo'i Orchestra. 9:30 to 130. LMbbbsitTW Give your refrigerator ihe best of care to keep it in good working condition for the duration. Note the following helpful hints. CLEAN condenser regularly with stlfl brush or hand vacuum. Dust and dirt act at insulation and OT.rwork mechanism. DON'T pry out" ic. trays with sharp instrument or open door longer or mor. ott.n than necessary; or plac. hot foods or dishes in refrigerator. STORE foods in proper compartments. Keep temperature between 40 and SO degrees. WINTER IS COMING... He's a. Teller:' IfyowQ com in your . cellar.! Stock up now with sufficient Coal to last you all winter FOOTHILLS COAL IN LUMP, EGG, OR NUT BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO, LTD. PHONES 051 and C32 Mlff-SEASON CLEARANCE MEWS SPORT JACKETS BmXfUf Cut TvffWdJ In Two ind Three-Bntton Models. Shades ol 6rey, Blue afid Fawn. Size 2 Ut 42. Regular to $1450 $9.95 JUST ARRIVED MacGregor HAPPYFOOr, Double Sole Ankle Socks. All Wool. Shades Beige, Teal, Brown and White. Sizes 10& to' Pair 75c MacGregor Regular Type Ankle Socks. All Wool. Pair 75c to $1 .25 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 10 ONflY BEDROOM" SUITES Four pieces. Walnut . $110.00 BtJJS 40 and 46 sizes. Genuine Slumber King Springs, all Steel, sold with 46 Beds. 3 ONLY BEDROOM SUITES 5 Pieces, Twin Beds. Size 33 . Cable Spring available In this size. STORB CLOSED FROM AUG. 5 TO AUG. 21 l'hone "j $135.00 327 3rd Avenue For Satisfaction and Performance Try ti Watermans Fountain Pen Moderately Priced From $3.57 up Choose the Pen to your liking at Fair Way FOOD MARKET HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSTANT SERVICE NO WAITING Location Next to Y.M.C.A. 3rd Ave. Open Evenings LONDON SHOE REPAIR SHOP 733 Second Avenue Across from Dominion Bid. NOW OPEN All work guaranteed quick service BURN WOOD For Sunimer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackplne, cord $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER' Phone 580 A Good Place to do Your Shopping Seventh Aye. Market Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Ass'ri See JOHN L. WRIGHT Special Representative 11CA Hays Cove Circle Opposite Staff Dining Hall