i gkfnre. Rupert Daili i3eius -Saturday, November 24, 1945 ubllthM ftery afternoon except Sun-lay r Prtncs Rupert . Dally Newi Jmlted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IT City Carrier, per week IS ?er"Mnnth 6S Per. 'icar 7 00 3y Mall, per month 40 Per1 Year 14.00 MEMBER A.B.O. '.Beware the War Mongers . . . .y yhile blame is rightfully enough Heaped on the German industrialists for inspiring and inciting war, it ..might be remembered that all the contributors to Germany's arming -were not in Germany alone. There 'were many nations who had a finger one way or another in that iniquitous financial pie. It is not to be suggested for a moment that, we can get along without armament making but, henceforth, our arms must be made for the purpose of deterring the would-be ag-" pressors rather than fitting them put and encouraging them in their nefarious designs. Surely we have seen how our uncontrolled financing of the Germans and our material assistance to the Japanese recoiled on ourselves and ihe world. The easy profits looked bood for a while but there are none $f us who do not understand how Costly they were to us in the end. ', While we bring expiation to the international scoundrels who en-cpuraged and prepared Germany and Japan for aggressive warfare, wte must meticulously guard in future against any possibility of our own contributing again to the fur-tliering of such wicked works. 1 , Stop worrying about the butter shortage. You can make butter from grass. All you need Is a cow and a churn. Are We So Unmindful? . . . Prince George and now Terrace are perfecting plans for quite ambitious official community ''Welcomje, Home" receptions 'for 'their' men returning from the war services. In Terrace the village council, fittingly enough, is taking the lead in making the arrangements for what will be quitq an ambitious fete. After all, the main things needed You 11 be Surprised WHEN YOU SEE the quality the reasonable prices OP FASHION -CRAFT ...SUITS... FOR FALL THE FALL SUIT SHOWING IS NOW FAIRLY COMPLETE AND INCLUDES ALL THE WANTED SHADES IN THE SMARTEST MODELS. - Priced from $30.00 TO $36.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' are a few pal.try dollars, insignificant when what the boys did for us is taken into consideration, and a little time taken by some one to organise the thing. Surely, the city of Prince Rupert, even though it has a great many things to do with its financial resources, would be justified in taking the lead in this matter and making adequate plans to see it through to a bang-up culmination. Our community lethargy has certainly sunk to a low level if we cannot even summon the necessary energy and dig up the few dollars required to give a fitting public demonstration of our appreciation to these men. It is the very least we should be doing for them. Just found out why a modern girl ls termed a "live wire." She carries no insulation. y. .y. How About Prince'Rupert? . . . People of this community no doubt appreciate the logic of Dominion Minister of Works Foumier's explanation last week of financial consideration extended to the city of Ottawa for services to federal buildings, says the Victoria Times. The national capital very properly secures a special grant. The situation there is comparable to no other city in the Dominion. But what the people of this community cannot understand is why similar appreciation is not shown by the federal authorities for the position of Esquimalt, which cannot be compared with any other centre in Canada, with the possible excention of the Atlantic seaboard navy base. The case for Esquimalt should not depend on constitutional changes to permit taxation of government property throughout Canada, gratifying as the returns from such a system would be wherever such property is located. Esquimalt is in a position as unique, in its way, as is Ottawa. Over the years it has yielded territory 'continually to 'the forces so that now 55 per cent of the district is in federal hands without any continuing grant to replace the tax revenue it has lost. Surely the time has come to vary the text "From him that hath not ..." A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Buy this Christmas, gifts that last there is not much better than a good bed that gives real sound refreshing sleep. Here are a few suggestions: Beauty rest Mattress, Deepsleep Mattress, Slumber King Mattress all made by Simmons. Supreme Mattress, Itlp-Van-WInkle Mattress-made by Restmore. A small deposit will hold them for you. , ,. We have other gifts to choose from, suitable for your Home and Friends. Watch our window . . . you will not be disappointed. Outside Mail Orders are appitclatfd ' Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert A-CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRINO RESULTS WARTIME ROLE OF RAILWAYS British Transport System Did Huge Job In Armament Production LONDON, Nov. 24 0 British railways nave luted secrecy which for long shrouded war time operations. Their transportation role is almost overshadowed by the job they did in designing, build ing and repairing armaments. The story now is told in a 60- page illustrated; oooKiet, pre pared by the British Railways Press Office. At tne neignt of the war British railways and London Transport had nearly 20,000 of their staf In 35 workshops en gaged m production of armaments. These ranged from tanks, aircraft, guns, shells bombs and tools to two-men midget submarine superstruc tures, landing craft, Bailey bridge parts and quick release gear for barrage balloons. Now the railways have a five-' year plan for Improving their systems. This includes rebuild ing of hundreds of stations and equipping many of them with new theatres, shops and post offices. Officials say the standard of food served in stations and on trains ls to be raised. Passenger coaches are to be renovated and equipped with pre-war or better lighting. Other plans are: pre-war ELECTRICAL EXHIBIT BIG ATTRACTION By Denlse Daltroff Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Nov. 24 W The women of Britain, promised 4,-OCO.000 new homes in the next ten years, have been getting a preview of what the electrical Industry can provide In the way of labor-saving household devices. To celebrate the 21st birthday of the Electrical Association for Women, the British Electrical Development Association ar- J ranged an exhibition to show activities in which women have used electricity. A WAA.r, dem- j onsiraiea now raaar equipment works, a Land Army girl showed a gently-heated cage for chicks; nurses displayed electrically-warmed stretchers and electrical apparatus for the treatment of arthritis and other rheumatic complaints. But women visitors gave most attention to electrical equipment for the home. The chief attraction was an all-electric kitchen with dining recess, comprising electric refrigerator, stove, water heater, built-in cupboards and a tubular heater under the sink to prevent cold feet and dry the tea cloths. ' A glass china cupboard and set of wooden drawers separated the kitchen from the dining recess and both cupboard and drawers separated the kitchen from the dining recess and both cupboard and drewers could be opened from either side. The Electrical Association for Women was formed in 1924 to give housewives useful knowledge 'of electrical apparatus and instruct them in Its proper use .and how to perform minor re- l pairs. It has become the liaison between women and the producers of electrical equipment, to I give them the women's point of , view. ' Director of the association is Miss Caroline Ilaslett, one-time secretary of the Women's Engineering Society. There are branches all over Britain, arranging lectures and instruction courses and visits to electrical generating stations showrooms J and factories. One of the E.A.W.'s newest Jobs is to give information to women and young girls about careers In the industry. Thousands of women in the armed services have been working with electrical apparatus and now wish to find similar work in civilian life. PREFABRICATED LINERS LONDON, 0 In the shipyards of Messrs. John Brown at Clydebank, Scotland, a 32,000-ton liner ls being constructed with pre- fabriacted sections built In vari ous parts of the country. The new ship is being built for the Cunard White Star Line and ls the first example of the application of the new and speeded-up method to British passenger liner construc tion. speeds within a year; cheap fares as soon as staff and rolling stock are available; and extended main line electrifica tion. XT SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight North Islands Nov. 23, Dec. 7 Dec. 21 South Islands Nov. 25, Dec. 9 Dec. 23 Midnight, Oct. 12th, 14th, 26th and 28th Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there 13 a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done In your individual case. . Mr. Bill Terry is also In charge of the shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. THIS AND THAT MM W 9 Tka C Muh Ai.M SotW, l "No, thanks . . I'll wait for the local I" Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. .What are the principal duties of a lady's maid? A. She must take care of all the clothes of her mistress, and also attend to her hair-dressing, facial massage and manicuring. certain dance to a man, and the music begins, thould she seek him? A. Never; it Ls the man's dutj to find his partner promptly. Q. Is It proper lor a child to answer his teacher as "Yes ma'am"? A. No. The correct answer is "Yes, Mlsa Brown." Q. If a girl hus promised a Buy more War Savings Stamps. " BUDAPEST HAS FASHION SHOW BUDAPEST, Nov. 24 CD An Interesting use of color combin ations and the coupling of wool and fur In reverslbles for warmth against the severe Danube Valley winters were amon; features of models. shown in Budapest's first fashion show re cently. But more Interesting than the full cut of sleeves in coats and afternoon frocks was the fact that there was a fashion show at all. There still Is rubble on the streets, part of the building block ls torn away the elevator doesn't work. But Ka:a and Suil Rothschild managed to parade 80 garments throi'fh their amazingly smart shop done. In grey and dusty pink, to the applause of British and American missions here. How the sisters, Rothschild, who used to clothe wives of Hun garian nobilitv and first ladles of E?vnt. .sot the material to rebuild their shop during the last two months or how thev managed to get the furs and cloth than went into tfielT earments is a story the Rothschild sisters don't tell. HONORED BY CHELSEA LONDON, Oi Admiral Sir Edward Evans (Evans of the Broke) who was created a p?er recently, has received the freedom of Chelsea where he ha lived for 20 years. SO NOW WE'LL HAVE A BANKER IN THE FAMILY!" 'Well, Dob has finally decided! When he's finished school he wants to go to work in a bank. And r'tn glad for a lot of reasons..," He'll get a thorough training, and can even receive university instruction in banking and economics while he is working. Banking isn't learned in a day, but he'll get lots of help and every opportunity to move up as he proves himself. ThefA road to the top is wide open, and offers: r- ' " or n - taC uic4isWS' &7?. Tfs Atvflriiemfll is Sponsored by your taalr j STORAGE SPAr AVAILABLE Storaje tor A .1 - entire fnrni.v,:-. t flTnn i ti.M ""ss or convenient expensive. We own and operate the warehouse when your good are steel for complete detail, nuciung. crating. moT storage and shipping PHONE (to u innii- film.. LlllLMHI I AKHI - vuuimi & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park a Lumber f See Us or your ki iii i li rvi NEEDS M LFU .tV - - f & CO. LTD. EMPIRE CAfi (Formerly L.D.) rvmnw.piv Rpnovatea Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNC CHOW MEIN, CHOP ! 11 a.m. to 1 am. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S Old!! FINESTSAW GEORGE DAV.'I AUCTIONEER . and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO YOUR CONVENIENT ramHTTITBf; AND o.rvrn AND SHIPr'-H Phone Red 137 KWONQ SANG HlM HOP CHOP $UJ1 HOUSt 7th AVE. elCl All your patronage ODen 5 P-m-10 1 H from' p Outside Orders to i " PHONE RED 341