tfrfiuc Ruo'crt Daflp ftclus Saturday, November 24, 1945 WOMEN JOUST WITH G. B. SHAW Veteran Litterateur Has Ideas On Question of Women's Rights LONDON Nov. 24 W Different views on the rights of women are expressed in correspondence between the Married Women Association and George Bernard Shaw. Here Is what thejr said: M.W.A. to O.B.S.: We hope to obtain economic partnership be- .rween husband and wife. The present economic status of a .wife .is the grossest inequality Between sexes. Under the Married Women's Property Act a man can earn $4,500 a year and jive ins wiie uuu viiuuicii u 1 - . 9 ! .1 -wees or jess, una lie win jiuvc fulfilled his legal obligations. G.B.S. to M.W.A.: A married woman with $225,000 a year can allow her husband $500 and re- mi Mcltride Street fuse to pay her surtax. Then the man can be Imprisoned if he cannot pay his wife's debts. M.WJV. to G.B.S.: The right to the marital home belongs to the delinquent husband unless the wife and children can prove the home was not provided by the father. . It must be laid down in a new act that the mother and housewife contributes to the upkeep of the community as much (and more) as any,other worker, and she should be entitled to a half-share of the pooled earnings and Income after the housekeeping has been paid. G.B.S.: She should be entitled to a basic income whether her husband Is earning anything or not. Your argument dates from, 1960 or thereabouts. M.W.A.: Why all the women's organizations cannot unite on this problem surprises us. G.B.S.: They cannot unite even on organization. You are easily surprised. RESEMBLES WINNIE LONDON, Bill Somervill, third violinist in the Lyons' Corner House restaurant orchestra near Trafalgar Square, bears such a striking resemblance to Winston Churchill that, he was stopped by a woman in Whitehall and asked for his ,11 THOUGHTFUL AND jS APPRECIATED li All colors and sizes available in ' . I our 'fine' stock. ' & FASHION FOOTWEAR Sgplk Next to Variety Store ,A. , Dominato) A m FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 VTILAC The original four - hour enamel. The perfect finish for interior woodwork and furniture. Easy to apply, covers well, and dries quickly. You'll like its smooth satin finish and the beautiful colors in which it Is obtainable. Gord on's Hard P.O. Box 575 ware Phone 311 We serve you nothing but the best Special Red llrand Heer, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY USI RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel WANTED Working mother 'wants board, room and good care for infant daughter. Ur eent. Call 425 6th Ave. East. HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, good wages and steady position AND THAT "I must have the wrong address!" WANTED TO RENT Two un furnished rooms. Cow Bay district. Apply Box 55, Dally News: (273) WANTED Good home for two pre-school age children. Will pay good rate. Phone 925. (277) WANTED To rent by refined couple, furnished apartment. Box 47 Daily News. (272) WANTED Oil burner with or without range. Phone 66. (276) WANTED Army chaplain and wife want furnished suite. No children. Phone Green 982. (273) (273) WANTED Woman or girl for part-time housework. Phone Red 878 after 6 p.m. (tf) WANTED Night bar janitor for local hotel; good wages. Apply National Selective Service (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for small family; good wages Sleep in. Or mother's helper from about 4 to 8, including evening meal. Phone Red 879. (tf) Appiy Box 51 Dally News. (276) HELP WANTED MALE Jani tor for City Hall. Applicant must possess heating papers for low pressure boilers. For further particulars apply city clerk. (273) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Young reli able girl wants work minding children, full or part time Phone mornings. Blue 828. PERSONAL LOST AND FOUND (277) WOULD person who accidentally took blue raincoat In place of his own from Three Sisters ,Cafe at 11:30 Friday night please phone Blue 810 In day or Green 82C at night. (273) DRESSMAKING Coats and dresses remodeled. Phone Red 773. (296) CORNS Instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve the effective corn remedy 50c at Ormes Ltd. (272) DRESSMAKING, draperies and alterations. Phone Green 735. (273) FOUND Pair of glasses, Monday night, vicinity of 221 4th Ave. East. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for tnis advertisement. ' (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National portable sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery uompany Limited. Vancouver B.C. (tf) SCHOOLS ANI) COLLEGES STENOS, TYPISTS, POSTAL ullkks for Government work. You can train at home. Free Information. M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg. CN.R. Trains For the East Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. Front (lie taut Dully except Monday 10:45 p.m FOR SALE Classified Advertising TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. BIRTH NOTICE CHRISTENSEN Born to Mr. and Mrs. N. Christensen at tne Prince Rupert General Hospital, this morning, Saturday, Nov. 24, a sister for Judith, Wendy Sue. WANTliU FOR SALE 1939 "Dodge Tudor sedan. Apply Box 52, Daily News. 1 (273) FOR SALE American built house trailer. Box 53, Daily News. (274) FOR SALE Good business for couple. Box 54, Daily News. (274) FOR SALE Two-room cabin. Inquire No. 19 Cow Bay. (277) FOR SALE Four-room house, excellent condition. Immediate occupancy. 1040 10th Ave. East. (277) FOR SALE Baby carriage. Call Green 820, evenings. wn) FOR SALE 13'2-foot runabout and 4 h.p. Evinruae outDoara motor. Phone Green 708. (277) FOR SALE 40x18 swing mirror with floor base. Six walnut dining chairs, leather uphol stered. 1104 8th Ave. East. !': (274) FOR SALE Household furniture good as new. Chesterfield, two chairs to match; mahogany dining room suite, six leather covered chairs ana buffet; four-niece bedroom suite; 6x9 wine rug ; kitchen table, chairs; wine studio lounge; 10x12 linoleum: other house hold goods. Apply 1446 8th Ave. East. (273) FOR SALE Kitchen table and four chairs, tri-lamp, bed couch, set fire irons, card table. 1176 Ambrose Ave. FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, fully furnished; earase at the back. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call at 900 10th Ave. East. (272) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (275) FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET carries a complete line of Quality Groceries, Fresher Fruits and Vegetables at all times. We deliver. Phone 434. (278) FOR SALE 5-tube electric man tel radio; dresser; studio lounge; end table; kitchen table and chairs. What offers? Call at 411 7th Ave. West back door. (273) FOR SALE Roller canaries whites, blue, black and white and greens. Club rung. Phone Blue 519 after 6. Box 315 (273) FOR SALE Quebec brlck-llned heaters from $22 to $37: e ec trie razors, $8 to $15: record cabinets; hardwood tables and chairs to match: electric griddle, restaurant style; table lamps.and trl-lite lamps; table $j.ou 10 $; electric wall fans; chesterfields, new and used at very low prices. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE As going concern. One or nicest farms in Bulk-ley Valley. Situated at Smith-ers, 2 miles from town on main Rupert Highway. 160 acres, approx. 35 under cultivation. All-year-round creek on property, piped to house. Five-room log house, pantry and cellar, barn and outhouses, tftock, machinery, dairy 'and poultry equipment. Five horses, 11 head cattle, two pigs, approx. 50 chickens About 20 tons hay In barn and 8 cords winter wood. Same hands 9 years. Good reason for selling. Would consider trade for local property. Full price $3500. C. V. Symes, Box sib, irince uupert. (275) FOR SALE 29 h.p. rap diesel electric head. Boat Gony. Mc Leans noais. (272) FOR SALE Lady's leather sheep-lined coat, size 36. Brown camel-haired coat, size 14. Phone Black 614 after 5:30. (273) FOR SALE General Electric long and short wave mantel set, on Fulton Street. (272) Waterfront Whiffs New Industry for Local Waterfront Boat Owners Check Vessels for Gale New Yacht Club Caretaker's House A renewed interest has developed in the crab and shrimp industry in sheltered waters adjacent to Prince Rupert and fishermen who have become inactive during the quiet 'season are reported to be preparing to set traps in bays and inlets to supply a market in Prince Rupert which can handle a consid erable quantity of crustaceous sea food. Prices lor crabs ranging from $1.50 to $1.80 a dozen, plus the assurance of a steady market, are causing a minor boom in local sheet metal shops where galvanized crab traps are manufactured. Some crab fishermen are having the traps made with metal frames and small mesh wire netting while others are covering the metal frames with fishing net. Considerable responsibility for the present surge of interest in shellfish trapping can be laid at the door of two men whose preliminary survey of the local market convinced them that the proposi tion had possibilities which could stand development. They were John Wing and Bill Hess, who learned from fish dealers and restaurants that the sustained demand would be for several hundred dozen crabs a week. They anticipate that, with their 60-foot boat and gear, they can brine in between 300 and 1000 dozen a week. Several others shared the opinion, and so the local "crab rush." In addition, these fLshermen are preparing shrimp traps which they will put down at the same time they put down the crab traps. Shrimps, too, have a strong consumer appeal here. Along the same line as shrimps are prawns, which actually are overgrown shrimps and are generally caught Incidental to shrimp fishing. Now, however, a determined effort is to be made by Win? and Hess to trap prawns In Miller B,ay, an almost exclusive prawn hangout which, because of Its rocky and snag-filled bottom, has cost fishermen considerable dragging gear. Boat owners were down along the waterfront in considerable numbers Friday afternoon to check the mooring lines of their boats at the floats as a precaution against damage which might be caused by a gale forecast for last night and this morning. Stress on the moorin? lines during a gale Is often suf ficient to break them, either set ting the boat adrift, or else al lowing it to swing on a single line endangering other boats moored nearby. A new residence for Yacht Club caretaker James Martin Is now under construction on the shore above the floats. Construction indicates a small but tidy SAD RETURN ASHFORD, Eng., ID On his first day back at work after demobilization from the R.A.F., Joseph Thomas Greenwood, 39, of this Kentish village, collapsed at the wheel of his bus and died. SWEEPSTAKES WINNER BROKE it x S3 t BALTIMORE. Nov. 24 Q) light years ago Frank Feinberg of Winchester, Va., won $150,000 In the Irish Sweepstakes. Today he lies in a Baltimore hospital, parts oj both legs gone, and "I hit the Jackpot once," says Feinberg, "but it's all gone now gone for doctors and medicine and operations." Feinberg, a 66-year-old bachelor, was a dlerk In a store at Farmvllle, Va., that. great day in 1937 horse, came through in the sweepstakes and brought him CHRONIC BRONCHITIS v v y y u tf w tf tf tf tf tf HI itf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf V 'V tf !?Y..F?.ve oone K Templeton I ana stop tftat couch I RAZ-MAH has hslped others let it help you. 50c, II at druggists everywhere, R-U BURN WOOD Spruce, per cord $12.50 Poplar, per cord $12.50 Slabwood, 14" $10.00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET (Downstairs) tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf when Midday Sun, a darkjg tf tf tf the $150,000. He said he netted g only about $75,000 after taxes itf 1 .. - - n4 4. It.. 'tf uuu lie kuvc u "Ji m tiuaij. "No, I ain't excited," Feinberg said at that time. "I ain't excit ed. God was with me." After he received the money, Felnbexg bought a store In Winchester. Then he lost his right leg due to an infection in the toe. Last week his left leg was amputated at Baltimore's Sinai Hospital. "flow my friends are going to take care of me," says Feinberg. "They'll see that I get In a convalescent home at Winchester. My it's all gone now, all tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf y tf y tf tf y tf Have a IWade-to-Measure TOPCOAT or OVERCOAT Leading this season's Fashion Parade are the Bal Types predominating with ever-popular double-breasted style high among the winners. COME AND INSPECT OUR NEW SAMPLES cm organs We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW 01JS XT' PHONES 116 117 ALBERT , AND McCAFFERY OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G A.M, ,to 2:30 A.M. Wc specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. St t tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf I tf y tf tf tf tf tf tf tf v tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf I tf tf tf tf tf y y tf y tf tf COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRINO AND REPAIH3 GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTINO Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (E) LTD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 326 Second Avenue WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS I tf tf y tf tf tf tf tf I tf tf tf y y tf y tf y tf y y y tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf y y tf tf Black 367 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN Five minutes from the time you pose until you have your picture. 2$x25 Inches passport or luenuucauon sc. "CURLY'S" 05 3 for 50 Cth St., Just north of 3rd Ave. tf tf 16 tf Doti a itubborn bronchial coujh. (either S "WHFRF MPN R1IY" phltgmy or dry and hacking) make you 5 wnCtXCMCNDUl y choke,' gasp, wheeze, keep you awak tf V nijhu? Relieve It nowl Do as thou- . 'Cte'S,t,C,l''C'',C!,,CCie't'e,CC'f '''' PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS