r Si I. I fife Iff ptiiut R'uprrt DaiTp netas: Monday, October 22, 1945 .TALL, GIANT TULIPS ARE FAVORITES IN THIS COUNTRY Most of the tulip bulbs shipped here from Holland this fall are 'of the tall, late flowering classes which prior to the invasion were the most popular type in (his country. American srown bulbs, also, are chiefly of this same type, SANSKRIT DERIVATION India is so called because a Sanskrit word "sindhu" was cor rupted Into Indus for the Indus River. BEAT P TUBS j WITH 1 THUS gffl SIGN YOUR NAME for VICTORY THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Cottage tulips originally were smaller than either Breeders or Darwlns, and had egg-shaped blossoms with pointed petals; but in receni, years they have been crossed with the other clashes, and amor.g the hybrids are the largest varieties yet pfo The public Is Inclined to lump duced and many with large cup- ttfiiirflfflJ'! 1 11 1 ft!" W lli p & I It i iiifi 1 fc I ill all varieties of this type togi-thor and call them 'Darwin tulips," but catalogues divide them into Darwin, Cottage nd Breeder classes. This division is based upon ancestry, and there Is less reason for it each year, because the three classes ae bJlng crossbred to such an extent that, especially In the newer varieties, the characteristic differences which originally marked them "tend to disappear. There Is no reason limit planting, In a bed or border to varieties of any class, since they hnrmonlze perfectly, and bloom i about the same time. You may select ironfall three the colors that you wish, and group them together with assurance of good i 1 effect, If your colors are well chosen. The tulips will Co their part, each bulb (If of flowering size) producing a flower on schedule . exaqtly In the spot you planned; v . , lor there Is no flower more dependable in the working out of color effects. The oldest of these classes. Is tho Breeder, so called because the, old Dutch breeders grew " theni to produce striped, varieties, which were highly esteemed centuries ago. The solid colors of some flowers in each planting would "break" Into gay stripes and blotches, and these were the desired kinds. It Is now known that they were afflicted with mosaic disease carried by aphlds, and n American plantings they are rogued out, to prevent the spread or the disease. shaped blossoms of lovely color blends. Darwin tulips were Introduced late in the last century, and are supposed to have been developed frpm Breeder parents. They are characterized by soft colors, with an overbloom of white, and a remarkable color range. The blossoms are cup-sv..sped, on very tall, strong stems. A selection of the best varieties in each color would Include al nnese classes, and when planted, or arranged In bouquets tosether they are always harmonious. TO BUY k W THI gg AND rfiR 7 LIEUT. BARGER " LEAVING HERE Public Itelalions Officer of United States Army Off to Fort Lewis to Receive Discharge Leaving tonight aooard the Princess Adelaide will be Lieut. Cecil E. Barger, public relations officer of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation. Lieut. Barger is enroute to Fort Lewis, Washington, where he will receive his discharge from the army. Prior to coming to Prince Rupert a little more than a year ago, Lieut. Barger of Malta Bend, Missouri, was stationed in Edmonton, Dawson Creek, White-horse and other points along the Alaska Military Highway as a public relations officer. During early construction days of the highway he was attached to the now-legendary 477th Quartermaster Truck Company. As public relations officer of the sub-port, several thousand hometown releases, and several general releases which received nationwide recognition, were made under his direction and supervision. His latest writings include "Klondike Murders," a radio play used recently In the : U.S.O. series, "Who's Guilty?" I In civilian life, Cecil Barger was connected, as associate editor, with the Missouri Rurallst and the Kansas Farmer, two Capper publications published In Topeka, Kansas. Lieut. Barger is a graduate of the University of Missouri, the world's oldest school of journalism. FIRST WOMAN FREEMAN LONDON (Reuters) Freedom-of the borough at Tottenham has been conferred on Alderman Mrs. Jessie D. Lynch, in recognition of her 50 years' public service. She Is the first woman freeman. SFARCH FOE SQUOTR (Continued from Page 1 knew my folks would be worried about me." Pte. Colussi returned three weeks ago from four years' service overseas with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. Saturday afternoon he made an effort to climb over a low mountain to the Shawatlans power plant a couple of miles away and It was whJe he was away from the shore that the police launch cruised the area In Its first search. Without his gun he was unable to fire distress shot to attract assistance. His brother. Lino, who had taken part in the two-hour search on Saturday, stood beside him in the galley eagerly offering his exhausted brother coffee and food but Jim pleaded that he was unable to. eat much after his 40-hour fast. "I'm not hungry for. some reason, but I could certainly sleep. I'll be all right 'when I get some sleep." He was loath to be taken to hospital to have his bruised hip attended to, declared that the, Injury was not serious. Howecer, he was prevailed on to go to hospital for a check-upland rest, where he remained until this afternoon. Many Volunteers Engaged in Search Among those volunteering for the search party led by SklpDer Good of the P.M.L. 15 and his crewmen, Engineer Thomas Ward and Radio Operator Peter Humphrey, were Jim Parks, George Anderson, George Parsons, John Kllzs, Henry Smith, Joe Paradise, James Rudoskl, Frank Dwyer, Bob Parks, Harry Basso, Bruce Stevens, Tony Bus-sanlch, Barney Eyolfson, Lino Colussi, Bert Bartlett, Ole Olof-son, Bill Wardale, Albert Dal-zell, Henry Dixon, Roy Lovell, Bruce Wilson, J, T. Langridge, J. Rogerson and Jack McLeod. V came to build". .' . said Calvert 300 years ago CALVERT, famous 17th century English statesman and Secretary of State to King James I, founded pioneer colonies in Newfoundland .and Maryland over three centuries ago. "All have co-operated," said Calvert of the early settlers in 1622. Thus, many generations ago, Calvert, man of vision, planted seeds of co-operation between the Old World and the New. History has proven Calvert's wisdom . . . demonstrated today in the strong partnership between the British Commonwealth and the United States of America for the benefit of all mankind. Co-operation between nations will build the future England and America must continue to co-operate for the future security of the world. Wo of Canada Canada are are best best fitted fitted to to preserve preserve the great partnership between Britain Britain and and the the United United States States . .; ; . MOVIE SHOWS' ARNHEM EPIC ARNHEIM,HollandX5ct. 22 OW-A motion picture depicting the airborne landings here a year ago is being made by a British film company (Gaumont-Brl-tlsh) with 200 airborne men who took part in the original drop among the actors. The Army and R.A.F. are helping in the film and air transports which flew over Arnhem and th Rhine dur ing the war against Germany are flying the airborne soldiers from Britain, Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Would it 'be all right to give a dinner dance in a small home? t A. It would be difficult to da so. It is usual to have riot less than 4N to 50 people to dinner and have them remain for dancing. Q. Is It correct to say, "I have a limited acquaintance with Mr. Jones?" A. It would be setter to say, "I have a slight acquaintance with Mr. Jones." Q. What is .the proper dress for a hostess at a formal afternoon tea? A. An afternoon gewn. Advertise in The Dally News. y fa COUGHS, HEAD and CHEST COLDS for we are their mutual friend, the TUftteMB interpreter of one to the other; IlilRl Everv Canadian can helnmiamn. Vym Hvi 35 tee lasting peace by fostering co- XUK lV operation between the British 9 alL. aBfr& Commonwealth and United States JH VHP PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WORLD SECURITY BY CALVERT DISTILLERS SIGN YOUR NAME for VICTOR This advertisement sponsored by VAN'S BAKERY MAGAZINE SUBSRIPTIONS Place your new or renewal subscriptions vith us. Lowest publisher's prices on all magazines to or from any part of the world, i GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS Appropriate gift card sent at no extra charge. A McKae Btos. dependable service. MaeMm.Mt FURNITURE and DISHES INCLUDING Ping Pong Tables and Pool Tables FROM PORT EDWARD OFFICERS' MESS, PRINCE RUPERT MILITARY POLICE DAY ROOM AND PORT MLLETING OFFICE. GOODS ON DISPLAY EVERY EVENING FROM 7:30 TO 9 P.M. AT WAREHOUSE T-91, BEHIND LIQUOR VENDORS; ENTRANCE ON SECOND STREET. GEO. DAWES Red 127. PRINCE RUPERT WALLPAPER See us for your wallpaper' requirements. You will find our selection of patterns excellent and the prices very reasonable. BUY VICTORY BONOS Gordon's Hardware McBride Street Phone 311 SAW mm Carl Zarelli, Phone 37 P.O. Box I FRASER STREEl Prince Rupert BRITISH COLUMBIA' fS3 FINEST SALM m BE WIS! TODAY ORDER COA TODAY! THIS WINTER AND BE WARI PHILPOTT, li & CO. LTD. rnonc u