I X Hi b ii ii ii (i 9 n H if s Si Ldrinrc Rupert Daily j3cvb Monday, October 22, 1945 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Redding JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite tost Office) Recreation HALL 5th Avenue East NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC Bowling and Billiards Recreation and Rest Rooms Hall available for : banquets, meetings, etc. Under management of Fred Ernewein l'HOVK Rlfi Hours 1 p.m, to 12 pjn. dally FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Presenting your year-round Raincoat You'll like the Rupert Peoples Store military style swagger raincoat. Just a touch of smartness in s t.y ling and a choice of colors to match your favorite outfit. RUPERT PEOPLES . STORE PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU . . . Come in and see them Box 1321 313 3rd Ave. V. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 614 ELECTRICAL GOODS Lamps silex Batteries ECONOMY STORE P.O. Box 575 Women-s-Bowling League Schedule The Women's Bowling League schedule is announced as fol lows: October 23 Annettes vs. Moose; Lucky Strikes vs. K. C.'s; Savoy vs. Variety; Boom Defence vs. Big Sisters; Ideal Cleaners vs. Bankers; Watts & Nicker- sons vs. Post Office. October 25 Orange Lodge vs. Edmunds and Walker. October 30 Orange Lodge vs. Post Office; Watts & Nlckerson vs. Bankers; Ideal Cleaners vs. K. C.'s; Boom Defence vs. Moose; Savoy vs. Big Sisters; Annettes vs. Edmund and Walker. iNovember 1 Lucky Strikes vs. Variety. November 6 Orange Lodge vs. Bankers; Annettes vs. Pose Office; Boom Defence vs. Edmunds and Walker; Watts & Nlckerson vs. K.C.'s; Ideal Cleaners vs. Variety; Lucky Strikes vs. Big Sisters. November 8 Savoy vs. Moose. November 13 Watts & Nlckerson vs. Variety; Lucky Strikes vs. Moose; Ideal Cleaners vs. Big Sisters; Savoy vs. Edmunds and Walker; Annettes vs. Bankers; Orange Lodge vs. K.C.'s. November 13 Boom Defence vs. Post Office. November 20 Annettes vs. K.C.'s; Savoy vs. Post Office; Boom Defence vs. Bankers; Lucky Strikes vs. Edmund and Walker; Orange Lodge vs. Variety; Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose. November 22 Watts & Nlckerson vs. Big Sisters-November 27 Ideal Cleaners vs. Edmund and Walker; Lucky Strikes vs. Post Office; Watts & Nlckerson vs. Moose; Orange Lodge vs. Big Sisters; Boom Defence vs. K.C.'s; Savoy vs. Bankers. 'November 29 Annettes vs. Variety. December 4 Savoy vs. K.C.'s; Boom Defence vs. Variety; Annettes vs. Big Sisters; Lucky Strikes vs. Bankers, Orange Lodge vs. Moose; Watts & Nick-erson vs. Edmunds and Walker. December 6 Ideal Cleaners vs. Post Office. First six teams to play at 7:00, the remaining six play at 8:30. MOOSE LADIES ENTER BOWLING When Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, Women of the Moose, met last Wednesday night in the Oddfellows)' HUH business included making of -plans to have a Joint .banquet with the men to celebrate "Mooseheart bay" on October 27. A ladies' "bowling learn is being entered in the City League with Junior Regent Mclntyre and Mesdames Erickson, Ballinger, Armstrong, Sammartino, Bellamy, Stromdahl and McKinnon forming the team. Plans .for the Moose Christmas Tree were also under discussion with Mrs. F. W. Grlmble, chairman of the child's care committee, left in charge. Mrs. Bond's name was drawn for the "Moose Cash" but, as she was absent, next meeting's drawing will be for $2. The home making com-! mittee -will meet at the heme of i Mrs. Sam Hougan October 24. After the meeting bingo was played and dellclow Tefrejih-ments served. JAPANESE TREATMENT WAS ROUGH WINNIPEG, Oct. 22 More than 3200 men, women and children crowded into a prison with ccommodatlon for 600, six ounces of food a day, beatings, no mail, families separated, International Red Cross representatives not permitted to visit, these' were some of the experiences of Lawrence Lawlor, general ' agent, Canadian National Railways at Singapore for Malaya, Siam, Burma, Java, Sumatra, Ceylon and India, who after being a war prisoner of the Japanese for nearly four years, arrived in Winnipeg Saturday. "The guards would go no further than face slapping in view cf other prisoners," he said. "But for the- slightest misdemeanor the internees were taken to central headquarters. From these trips they returned badly beaten, with bruises on th'elr faces and bodies." During the four years internment, not a single newspaper, magazine or book was distributed to the prisoners, Mr. Lawlor added. In fact, there was only one distribution of mall. Letters two years old at that time. ;Cut off from all news of the outside world, the prisoners lost track of the date. When the Japs came on February 15, 1942, the British, American, Canadian French and Dutch residents of Singapore were taken to the Changi Prison a? they stood, and were not given the opportunity to bring along with them clothes," bedding or other necessities of a normal life Nor were these things supplied to them in the camp. Husbands and wives were separated. Once a week they were allowed to see each other and talk for an hour. Food rations amounted to six ounces a day. It included rice, a little root vegetable, salt and tea. Three times a year they were given a small piece of fish. Representatives of the Red Cross were not allowed to visit, to see and report conditions in, the overcrowded camp. "When, the Japs entered Jahc;-c, the list defence barrier," Mr. Lawlor'said, "we destroyed the Canadian National Railways records. If the enemy had been able to get possession of these documents, they would have obtained much vital economic Information." Freed by British paratroopers on August 20, Mr Lawlor' went Minora Blades SPEED UP SHAVING Minora gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the quality blade In the 16V price field. Fitt your double-edge razor. 1 (fa t &3SVj'i i DIDRRICKSON Cow Hay sign your mm FOR VICTORY CRAWLEY AND Roatbuilders btmu--, Tm"3T TUTi THTI A. SHORT SPORT The Toronto Argonauts have announced that triple - threat backflelder Joe Krol has agreed to sign an Argonaut contract and will be available for play smarting October 27. Krol led the Hamilton Wildcats to the Dominion football title in 1943. Manager Earl Selkirk said that to a British general hospital in India, suffering with dysentry, berl-beri and pellagra. During his incarceration he lost 66 pounds. After two, weeks hospitalization, he went to Bombay where, throujh the assistance of Paul Sykes, Canav.an trade commissioner, he was given top priority to fly to Canada in a United States air transport plane. - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. L. Colussl and family wish to extend their thanks to those who took part in the search for Fte. James Colussl Sunday morning. We deeply appreciate the fine neighborly spirit of the men who sacrificed their Sunday morning in the successful search. (244) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, close to Cold Storage. Apply Box 29, Dally News. (249) ROOM AND BOARD Near Cold Storage. 1865 7th Ave. East, Phone Green 482. (244) WORK WANTED WANTED Soldier wants work driving. Phone Green 257. (248) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for small family. Private room, board and good wages. Other help kept. Phone Red 879. (tf) WANTED Janitor for part time work, apply Catholic rectory. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for apartment; downtown location. Would consider married couple. Phone 674 or Red 878. (tf) WORK WANTED Experienced cook wants work in local cafe or logging camp. Excellent pastry work. References supplied. Apply Box 26 Daily News. (244) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists. (249) REWARD for information Frieda , Stephan, waitress, 5'3", blond, 120 lbs., aged 30. Also Norma McRltchle. Write Box 23 Dally News. (246) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver. t B.C. (tf) WANTEll WANTED Oil burner with or I without range. Phone 66. (254); WANTED Half to one-Inch used wire cable. Also young male dog, spanltl preferred. Apply Box 28, Daily News. (It) WANTED Late model sedan; cash. Box 26, Dally News. (244) WANTED Four or five room furnished house or apartment by November 1. Phone 792 local 52. (248) WANTED Small kitchen range, dishes, congoleum, three-quarter bed or davenport. Apply Box 28, Daily News. (It) WANTED Furnished room for gentleman, ' close in. Box 25 Daily News. (244) - IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE" MATTER OP OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP STELLA DONEY;-DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 16th day of October, A.D. 104J. I win appointed Administrator of the Estate of Stella Doney, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said . estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 23rd day of November, A.D. 1943. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 12th day of October, A.D. 1S45. NORMAN A. .WATT. Official - Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP PETER McFARLANE, DECEASED. TENDERS for the purchase of the property of the late Peter McFarlane, known as the "Northwesterly 160 acres of Lot 1420. Range S. Coast District, will be received by the undersigned up to 5 o'clock, November 7th. 1845. TERMS: Cash. The highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. DATED at New Westminster, B.C.. the 17th day of October. 1043. J. M. 8TREICJHT. Official Administrator for the 1,-ouniv oi wM.mlnster. '405 VV' itmlnster Trust Blrig.. New Westminster DC the Argos have been in touch with the outstanding Windsor, uniano, ainieie and that Krol probably will sign today. There's a trail of gold laid down conveniently for a 'pack of hungry professional golfers in the United "State's this winter that ends' up with a total of almost $80,000 by New Year's, 1946. This trail starts on November 2 and It may see a squad of the top-notch pros flying to and fro In a big transport they hope to buy from the United States Army. The winter run starts at Richmond, Virginia, on November 2, and winds up on December 30 with the Bing Crosby pro-match amateur meet at Del Mar, California. The 1946 schedule has not been completely arranged yet but it has already been officially indicated that each tournament will carry a prize of $10,000 or more. Classified Advertising Pays! FOR SALE FOR SALE Club rung roller canaries, good singers. Box 315. Phone Blue 519. (249) FOR SALE--Engllsh pram, play pen. 433 5th West. (246) FOR SALE Four room house, 2 bedrooms, fully modern, concrete basement and sidewalks, hot air furnace, electric stove, hot water Jacket, electric light fixtures, Venetian blinds, linoleum, all newly fenced. A REAL BARGAIN at $3,000.00. See Collart & McCaffery Ltd., 353 Third Avenue W. (tf) FOR SALE Radio, General Elec tric, table model; almost new. 120 5th Ave. West. (244) FOR SALE 32 ft. trolling boat, new engine and .equipment. Apply Central Hotel, Room 1. (248) FOR SALE Living room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. Phone Green 257. (248) FOR SALE Wurlitzer. Box 24 Daily News. (252) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon on Wednes-i day, October 31st, for the purchase of Lot 42, Block 7, Section 6, City of Prince Rupert, together with two-storey, 6-room frame building located thereon. Separate sealed tenders will also be received for the furniture contents, Inclusive of electric range, washing machine and fireplace heater. Highest or "any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Premises may be viewed by arrange ment. Norman A. Watt. Ad ministrator of the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, de ceased. " (251) FOR SALE 6 -room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (244) FOR SALE Cook and Dixon's Cycle Shop, going concern. Good line or stocic; aiso amusement games. Apply Cook and Dixon's Cycle Shop, 214 6th Street. (244) FOR SALE Double bed and good coll spring. Phone Black 876 after 7 p.m. (244) FOR SALE Slightly used furniture: 1 Gram globe; 3 rugs, 12x12; 2-12 alrcolator fans; 1-16 alrcolator fan; 1 punch bowl and plate and. spoons; 8 Bar'l genuine ' oak chairs; 9 trilit lamps; 2 writing desks; 9 coffee tables; 6 hassocks; 1 record cabinet; lot of records, 25s each; 4 mirrors and frames, $1.00 each; 1 Edison restaurant hot plate; 1 $600 pool table, Just like new at a bargain; 2 Venetian blinds. Phone Black 324, B.C. Furniture, (tf) FOR SALE New modern stove, white and black enamel. 1037 7th Ave. East. (244) FOR SALE High grade office and' store fixtures, bought from U.S. Army Officers' Club, Port Edward: big size rugs, desks, electric fan, big tables, high grade solid walnut chairs, big size mirrors, electric fixtures, high "grade pool table, solid walnut smoking stands, cash register. Selling at the lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Onan electric light plants in 12, 32 and 115 volts sizes In stock. Vancouver prices. Write for illustrated folder or see W. R. Love Electric Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. (249) FOR SALE Immediately, chesterfield suite, bedroom suite, kitchen' table and chairs: kitchen range, oil burner. Phone Blue 162. (244) FOR BALE New and used nlture at the lowest possible prices. Slightly used, all mahogany coffee tables, chest of drawers, writing desks, like new, door mats at 75c, real good tables at $3.75, electric table lamps, book cases, like new at $7.00, card tables $2.25, drapes and cushions, electric range, almost new, three-piece chesterfield suite, two new chairs .going at $85.00, new mirrors at $2.50, new big size pillows at 75c, all kinds of other useful furniture at the B.C Furniture Cn. Black 324, (tf) Training-College . In Ducal Mansion WELBECK, Eng., Oct. 22 CP) Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire, home of the Duke of Portland, is to become an army training college for preparing servicemen and women for return to civil life. Training will be divided into six main groups of modern studies, including commerce, arts and craits, music and the drama, and pure and applied science. Students may choose arty subject from plumbing to architecture, and will work in a university atmosphere where privates and non-commissioned officers will mix with majors and colonels. JAPANESE FORESTS Japan is one of the most completely forested nations, rivalling even Finland and Sweden. Reopening PACIFIC CAFE Saturday, Oct: 20 ji:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop Suey Noodles VOTE AGAINST CCS. AND JAPANESE ALLIANCE How courteous is the Japanese, He always says, "Excuse it please." Then climbs into his fishing smack. As on the rivers he has left his track. He smiles and says, "I beg your pardon." He bows and gives a friendly grin, Then tails his buddies, his countrymen, He grins again, and to the C.C.F. does bow. Beware yea fishermen, do your duty now. Vote PATTULLO OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 9 A.M. to 2:30 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. Sz 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 86 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 TODAY and TUT SHOWS At 1:00 - 2:42 - 4:48 . 6:54, SUSANNA FOSTER m TURHAN BEY ALAN CURTIS Good News for Trappers.. 10 higher than last year. Also have larn "wvvu UA A UI UUUlOj i-u ;v 1U I" anywhere else. W. G0LDBL00M W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff A. M- "" I Expert Repairs on all makes of cars - Reconn Motors . Tractors Road Equipment - 1 mi nr..i. ri'.t l irWtrlS W""l ui uiesci Aceiyienc mu -"' TERRACE, BOX 202 1 BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Condltlontoil Tanks Sinks Eavestrough Si Furnace Wortl TERRACE Transfer&Ta Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POll IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 ANNOUNCING CORNER SNACK BA -At- TcnnlRt (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) "THE OLD RELIABLE" TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE