frrv ter Hi i I'" DaDy Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Ruperts Thursday, August 23, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-flay by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month 65 Per Year 17 00 By Mall,, per month .40 Per Year $4.00 MEMBER ABC. Rehabilitation Here . . . While it may be late in the day, it is satisfactory to see the city council taking an interest in the matter of reorganizing locally for post-war rehabilitation. Certainly, there should be no time lost now in taking what steps we can as a community to meet the situation which is already arising with the return of the servicemen to civil life and the release of the war workers from their jobs, a situation of which some communities have already had an alarming foretaste. One of the functions of the community organization is to make a survey of possible employment and opportunities, and to have information readily available for the assistance of those who will need it. Some communities have already gone a long way aIong these lines. A well functioning community rehabilitation organization might A Word about Priorities to Servicemen... We are "Ready for Action" at Watts & Nickerson's to give you the best and speediest service that we know how. Three to four weeks' Service on Special-Measure Orders with jour Priority Certificate. ... A Word to Our Civilian Customers. The Armed Forces come first when it comes to suits: We are endeavoring to fulfill a service to the entire community, but ask your forebearance if we are unable to supply you with your needs as and when you want 'em. THE MEN'S SHOP l Serve Yourself. . . very well do very much towards oB-" viating a good deal of confusion, misunderstanding and even hardship. It would help many people individually as well as the community as a whole. One Local Industry . . . Difficulties in the matter of material and manpower shortage notwithstanding, there is even now a substantial and healthy activity at Prir.ce Rupert in the industry of fishing craft building although a good many of the uptown people may not realize what is going on oven now at Cow Bay in this regard-to say nothing of Seal Cove, Digby Island and elsewhere, A situation whereby many fisher-men are in need of new boats and are in a healthy position to finance them presents a rosy picture for the small boat building industry for some time to come. Fortunately, Prince Rupert is fairly well equipped to carry out such work. They know how to build boats here at Prince Rupert and have the equipment to do the work. Now that the war is over, the boatbuilders will be soon in an even better position to meet requirements along this line -which may well be quite substantial. HAZELTON HAS FLOW OF TOURISTS Already Hotels Kept Full of Tourists Has Fine Attractions HAZELTON, August 23 (Special to Daily News) A mild preview of what residents of this picturesque town anticipate in the way of tourist patronage when peacetime ways return is keeping the Hazelton Hotel filled as travellers from Prince Rupert and from the east stop over on their motor journeys. Coupled with the popular optimism is a fear that lack of a planned highway maintenance program will discourage the flow of tourists to the innumerable hunter's and .fishermen's paradises which lie along the Prince Rupert highway. Complaints that tourist dollars will not roll In over a bumpy Ill-kept highway are common, usually accompanied by dire political threats. "Even if the highway is in fair shape at present, It won't be worth much after unother winter if the present neglect continues. The 'government should settle the status of the western section, then embark oh a real maintenance program but fast" is the representative comment of Hazelton citizens. In the meantime, those tourists who stop In Hazelton have the opportunity to enjoy sport fishing in the Bulkley and Skeena rivers to an extent which would satisfy even the most ardent rod-and-reel addict. Steel-head, coho, and humpback sal- pTTTTTTTTTvTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'TTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTT. ClUMHCt S Lr E Or t . . PLAY SHOES Regular Price SALE PRICE ALL SALES FINAL- $3.95 . . $1.99 -SERVE YOURSELF We have a good selection but, if you want the best, you should come early. The stock includes white and brown SPECTATOR pumps also low heels inWhite BABY DOLL shoes. SALE STARTS 9 A.M., FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 CUT RATE SHOE STORE) INDUSTRIES AT TERRACE Board of Trade to Study Possibilities Radio Booster Sought TERRACE, Aug. 23 Formation of an industrial committee to follow up on the possibilities of a brick and other industries In the district vraa one of the results of the regular monthly meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trade held In the Terrace Hotel recently. Will Robinson handed In a letter from Professor Worcester of Saskatoon University -who reported that the samples of clay taken from the airport road and made into brick provided good material for the making of bilck and pottery. As a result of this report a committee consisting of W. Robinson, H. Bernhardt and W. A. Kirkpatrick was set up. The proposal to use the provost hut as an emergency hospital for one month was postponed for a month. The board decided to make application to the Canadian T" .1 .1 y . . 1 . . 1 . ' oiuuui'asiiug vurporauon lor me installation and establishing of a booster station in Terrace. President King and D. Kerr gave a report on the meeting with members of the Provincial Public Works Department A. L. Carruthers, H, C. Anderson, Victoria; J. C. Brady, Prince Rupert, and W. R. Workman, Smlthers. O. McAdams reported for the power committee on the visit of Col. Rcbertson of the power commission who visited Terrace recently when making a survey. The secretary was instructed to mon are fighting their way against the swift currents of the two "rivers to the spawning grounds in such numbers that In the Hagwilget canyon on the Bulkley ritffer the water appears to be a solid brown with the backs of struggling fish. Catches of more than 20 fish per fisherman are relatively common, some having landed cohoes weighing from 15 to 20 pounds. On some street corner at almost every hour of the day is a fimiliar pattern of sound, laid down by an exultant fisherman. "This Is heaven. I've never seen anything like It before," mused an American officer from Port Edward as his eyes ranged over his day's catch a small mountain of steelhead, dominated by a 15 pound coho. He pro-fesed to have fished in many of the outstanding fishing spots in the United States. Flower Show Being Held Blessed by one of the "mildest climates of any point In the central Interior, Hazelton's gardens have a lush beauty at this time of year. Many householders grew their choicest blooms for the annual flower show being held today in the Horticultural Society's hall. Household gardens are richly colorful in spite of the fact that there has been no. rain for the last six weeks. The Hazelton flower show Is a gratuitous display by flower lovers who receive no prizes for' their entries but confess to a considerable amount of pleasure at seeing the cream of the district's horticultural beauty assembled In one hall. Quality of the exhibits is famous throughout central B.C. BURNS LAKE HOTEL SOLD The Omlneca Hotel at Burns Lake has been purchased by S. H. Senkplel of Hazelton who will take over operation of the 24-room hostelry about September 1. Previous owner of the hotel was Carl Anderson. LIVERPOOL, Eng. CP) A long term scheme of extensive dock reconstruction was submitted to the Mersey Docks and Harbor Board at a meeting here. FIRST BARBED WIRE Barbed wire was invented by Joseph Glldden In 1867. TIMBER SALE X37388 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the 15th day of October, 1945 In the office of the District Forester, Marine Building, Vancouver. B.C.. the Licence X37388, to cut 17,496.000 f.b.m. of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the Southerly shore of Mathers Lake, Louise Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester, vixtnri. B.C., or the District Forester at SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert write to the minister of lands asking that the hot springs near Lakelse Lake be officially named "Terrace Hot Springs." Appointment of a fall fair committee was made by president King. The committee consists of Charles Adams, S. Campbell, J. Olen, D. Little and W. Robinson. Hotel. . . . arrivals Prince Rupert S. H. Senkplel. Hazelton; Q. Normand, Prince George; L. B. Brookes, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Lancaster, Victoria; J. S. Wilson, Vancouver; C. L. Mat-tson, Seattle, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mickel, Marian, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Roberts, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ray, Terrace; R. Van Du-sen, Vancouver; Capt. A. M. Ingalls, Blllmor; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alles, Owen Sound, Ont.; Major A. E. Carter, Ottawa; Miss I. M. Dean, Edmonton; Lt.-Colonels O. A. F. Townsend, W. Norris, and S Sifton, Ottawa; H. Thomas, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evans, Seattle, and O. M. Edgar, Vancouver Rev. R. H. Eckstein, Vancouver; T. J. Both, J. J. Mowant, J. H. McMillan, Vancouver; W. H. Weldon, Claxton; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Patterson, New Westminster; R. W. Sinclair, Victoria; S. W. Ooold, Smlthers; Mrs. D. Peterson, Mrs. H. Hoftner, Miss L. Buchanan, C. Mahaffey, Among a number of Canadian Army officers now In Prince Rupert making an ordnance inspection are Lleut.-Colonels O. A. F. Townsend, W. Norris and S. Sifton, of Ottawa. They arrived Wednesday night from the East. Olof Hanson, former M. P. for Skeena, arrived here Wednesday night on the train and is staying at the Prince Rupert Hotel. He will be In the city for the next two or three days. R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing- Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave W. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada II. F. I.OVIN. Phone Oreen 074 Representative Box 526 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., BJl. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO August 23, 1920 This morning quite a stir Is being created in fishing circles' by the arrival of the packer! take back a cargo of salmon,1 chiefly humpbacks' and pinks. The canneries at the mouth of the Skeena are beginning to close already and there Is still a crying demand for fish In the Alaska markets. The interest of the Prince Rupert Musical Society is being now centred in the bringing of Mrs. Wlnnifred Lugrin Fahey to sing at a concert to be given here about the second week in The Intermediate Baseball League race is now becoming decidedly Interesting both from the point of view of players and fans. The Colts, Red Sox and Sawmill are running so close that a slight break means a great difference to one team or the other. INFANT VISION An infant cannot follow with Its eyes an object moved up and down or side to side until many weeks after birth. FOR STRAINS .SPRAINS AND SORE MUSCLES Business and Professional (Under New Management) GUNN'S BICYCLE SHOP SERVICING, SALES AND RENTING GADGET REPAIRS, ETC. 214 Sixth Street (Next to Jones' Newstand) Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 128G Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 Open for Business MARINE GENERAL REPAIRS Arc Oxy-Acetylene Welding First Ave. East We repair anything "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER ' Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver JOHN H..BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Your Window Requirements Are Now Here WINDOW SHADES All sizes, cream or green, 36-lnch size . .... . WINDOW CURTAIN RODS Extend to 48 Inches.. Each A fair selection of Window Draperies $1.10 20 i now on hand. Send In by Mall for your Furniture Requirements Phone 775 327 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert 69APPY FAMILY PROTECT ID FAMILY! TODAY you may le the guardian of a happy family, enjoying life to the full, proudi,,. for all their needs. But have you planned fully for the future security of your family? Tliis i, u problem you must face squarely now. It is our aim to provide life insurance at the lowest possible cost so that your family can have this security to which they are entitled. Tlie Family Anhiiranee Society is a non-profit mutual society whose sole aim is to protitle its members vtitit life insurance ut cost. For complete details of the protection we odor, fill in and mail the coupon below right awav, OR CONTACT: MISS MAHC.AHET E. JOHNSTON who la tUtling her brother .Mr. Stewart Johnston anil may lie ronlirlrd liy phoning Itlack 251, Mis Johntton U t lie Secretary to the .Maunder, Head OHiee, Yanromrr, II. C, anil will l tn Prince It u M-rt for two !,. I R I MAIL TODAY: All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Til E BHH IIIK r AM I LI ASSl miM.K MH.II.IT 533 (rami!! St., Wncoufer, II.C lA 4TJ3 I Centltment Pleat furnUh m without further oMitalion full particular regarding your tou-ru.t lifa tnluranc NAME... AUUKP.SS- AGE .FIIONB.No. BBBBISai I I I ,1 ibbJ family mum SOdli (i'ornirrly Kamll? ItrueftrUry Sm-ity) InrnrtMratnl umlrr thm Imw of llritimh OAitmbia Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 REOPENIN0 MOUSETRA Under New Managemol Specializing in Italian Spaghetti, Steaki ail Fried Chicken Dlnnea Hours 0 p.m. to 3 an CLOSED ALL DAI WEDNESDAY Scandanavian Records Price $1.50 Livet I Finnskosarna Norska Valsen l.nnilby Valsen - Arhnlma Valsen Kostetvalscn Ny Fiskar Vals Jamtlandsluft - Utl Yttersta Skaren Lordags Schottis Borgholms Schottis Forsvars l'olkan I Skancland Vals Fran Klaralven iMin SmalaniKlos Vastkustens Mo Hogfors Schottis En Viking Fran Ilunnclhostrand Record 3$ Jtecord 311 Record 33SS Record 341" Record 110 Record 3550 Record I Record 70fl KWONO SANQ IIINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) F. MURPHY Phone i. it m n E R General Agent A-T I. II ST Kit 1 A . .i me moaern m rrm. nnrt kitchelA . - - - h nut haiai., ninin iiu rnree-ny aieri"ut" - uircn c"cw . i trl r ituuciuiu - I Slate-Surfaced Mineral"" Roofing ,H Ace-Tex Hexagon Sh'"'" and Building rape" of all kinds , Ship Lap, Common an Dimension Lumber for house ana geu- Ace-Tex Tile Floor! " 1 Blue 10 , PAINIINU i