I, Ik. flPT .1 PAGE FOCR THE DAILY NEWS Tinnduy. iaiT 5. 145 Ldfcal News Items The Mobile X-ry Unit IMimasea ffiimi tar tale of Christmas Seals. s--Mr. and Mo. JetBSerfy Of G A. Bryant, city in re rehiring Prince Raprrt. MIS. J. IX Smith has arrived h tfce dtjr troat Dug. Alaska, for a brief M with her par- Mr. and Mrs- P. W. JL V frown Ann at Tart Intend en the toner ! Mat. Bert Morgan and Bkaard, and granddaagfater. Jul Weave, are leaving Satard&y night for Francois Lake to uk saaamer. Mrs. Uor- t' daughter. Mr. J. Wesse. and the lau s little daughters are already Francois Lax PRINCE GEORGE to VANCOUVER 2'i HOURS Iave Prince George Daily 100 p.m. ao mounts miqciud fet fwtiitt WoriMSod, M -t, frmct Rpt . INCOME TAX Rft urr., Prepared See It E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone tZ See oar stock of household fornitare and noreitfea. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AKD AUCTIONEER C32 Third Ave. Phone Bine C9 COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 520 KWONG SANG IIINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE.. WEST (Next to King Tal) I 'All your patronage welcome Open 5 pan. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pm. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 217 WE HEAR Cars arc Jtut around the corner WE HEAR YOU want a shiny new car . . . WE KNOW Ford Cars are best for economical driving . . . SEE Prince Rspert. BjC C. E. Saunders is fcavtag ght on a aoMf ti to Van. T WcracB's Ley Ion Aaxfftary lateiiag Wit1!: at S o'cteck. h. J. & BUek h tearing te ar wmww to a tefcbr. Constable Ernest Bradley of the a C. Pottee Mama detach, mem leaves tonight on prtener escort date m Yaaeovmr. A Officer, and meber, of next. Evening service. It- . Dr. & G. MSat of Terras iu a visitor in the city yesterday.! leaving last aisjBi to return b the interior totL Mia Jean Krante of the Prince Rart Daily Sfm staff is tear ing tonight for a vacation trip so Vaoeaover and Cnlgnry. : Mrs. B. R. Didds and dnngh-' :er. BSUh. are leaving teiigh; I cn a two-months homlay trip to j Taneoover and Victoria ; , ... .... . , ! A Ai. children tag- for Ottb; fuajsraaoos p lease meet at Union SteftHMttiDs office Saturday. Jaly 7. Morning taggers 8 sa, afternoon taggers 13 noon. I56 Nursing Slater Ida lUakinsoo. I n-U.LC., leaving tomght to , retnrn to dntr at th aint rtr ; military hosotial aimi attr ; speadmg H weeks Uave with her hoabaad. Dr. c. H. Hankin-' aon A St. Peter's Oongregational Picnic, Friday, Jaly 5, lata Boata leave Seal Cove at 10 ajn. and 2 pat, calling at Yacht Chvb i AH members of congregation welcome. Miss Betty Hood, pathologieal Uboratory technician at the Prince Rpert General HprUl. , ie:i at trie mat ox me week for m montirf vaeinn trt tr. Vancouver. Seattle and iW. where in the sooth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert BffioU of Smi'Jiers are visitors in the dty today and will leave tonight or. a mp to Vancouver. Mr. EalioU has been in the boot and shoe basinea at Smithers and was recently barned oat. He is re-baQding. Judge 7t. E. Fisher leaves Monday on the Princess Lomae on bis annual judicial trip to AUin in the extreme northern part of the province. Joege Fisher wul travel by boat 8 Skagway. by train from Skagway to Carcross, flying from Car cross to Atlin. He expects to be away far about two weeks. Announcements All kdmtlannents m Rkls Tnrrwn m b? cixjijwi tar a fun nontn tl zsc a won. Nary League Auxiliary Tea, Mrs. Winstows, Jnly 5. Dominion Day celebrations, Saturday, July 7, Port Eating-ton. C.C.F. Strawberry Tea. Oddfellows' Hall. July 18. 2 to 5. Presbyterian Tea. July 25. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. Dance. Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for alL GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough ti Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor 7th St it ted Are. W P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 881 Today in Sports Sport Chat In wc: petition so fierte the final mst decided the tri. the hard-fightzo? Calgary High'-acd-ers -von the 2rd Canartisn Divi-m labiad sports eharnptoc-raia. held in the Marine Stadiur-. at boeib-btuted Wilheisishaven before severa, aondred Canadian soldiers. The Tinners plied up 155 points, j cut two more than the .second-place Essex Scottish ' Regiment, and (aiaafietl v res- resent the division in the Cana- dian Army finals later this The shattle relay, fas? event on the card, provided the . K.amw " 1 1 I tj aura kU- rarr'i imiwd 19 of a mf ; 2 points. Ustta of the diTiswn emir : Canadian amy rreap in Ger- siny ease froo tsiles r9Bnd i the nenhvestem section of Ger- imany in Jeess ad traezs to, either cespete or vrateh the events on a san-balhed fieid 1 vrhere race Naxi naval parades " beM rr Ms! -On a Btw Matthews. C-BX.. DSO . ED. j took the jarite at a ntarefa past j following the set and present-; .nl jiatHt hr 5 -- auxiliary service organizations, i Third asong the nine caapei- ' ing anits was the Toronto Scot- ash Regtaent with i ajinu. five rsore than the fsorth-plsa Soo!h Sooth Saikitehewan SaiViihan Regfcrent Rrnt t?: laniry iea TO Illta wja I; P and the Fifth Heid Pgi- tsert 51x111 ,rtUl, 127 Other if1111- f5-- Second Anti-Task Regiment.! regiment ce MaMonnegre and .. Teams were made p of 18 , men each and every member of f every team Ksu , , competed nui).Tkcu in u each rata . event agahvt minimum I tnanmnm standards t an bv I - roaic; w. f. lowers, iLXKiapore. -s. w. iM. , TESFL, ?m"Ia,Ul: U J doo. Undy. 'S.fJ !Oat: W. atoeTEgremont. ?T J" tlUl . , Alta. and L. L. UghUoofrand r " ondv " 3 competitor made the j maximnm standard he wa, given . i . . .. , ard was reached. No points er ! awarded for performances below the mirrtmnm standard. j lowna. B. C: W. J. Fish Chat-Members of the winning Cal-; ham. Ont; G. E. Weir, London, gary team were Ueat- J. I Four- Ont; R. G Cross. Windsor. Ont.: nker. Piacher Creek. Alta.; CpL , J. Tomko. Windsor. OvU,; M. H. P. A. Wiggins. Manor. Sask.; Harris. Toronto, and G. G. Me-IOpL R. D. Rhodes, BeOevne. 1 Lean. Brantpton, Oat. n- Softball SENIOR AND INTERMEDIATE LOOPS PLAY - A, .six -ran rally by Is. r. the last inning fell ahor. :f .Vs mark and the Coast B&' gaiaed an ll-S rirtory - .. Area Senior Softball te-izis game hut night at Quo P-i The score bv innbm . t- Va vv r rvu. Rat n noa , - i, D, . . . - v Bauery - J'- ;ray arc sstmien. . Pre f. ed B-lfe-m 19 to 5. The vr.r. -' ners counted six rant, hotr . the first and fourth inni.-.g- 21 .the taird and tn ir. -.he fifth inning but shot out -r. B-Me-Hi dab in a thr ir. Blag to esnetge a athe vr.r-ntng pitcher. Score by innings: . iTeeerJet (tt K 2-1 Eo-Me-Hi - MS 930 0-5 CIX- f!lrkes Strrlr Weeded W J.J 1 O lie i enniS Champ 1." fer m4 e,D tain says says tcere tcere are six easer- t&l and fandamental strokes :n tennis neceMary for a player to have at his command in order to become a champion- They 1 - i m mm n f ti ii w T . backhand drive, forehand volley backhand volley and the smash, , . , , m - - V. f. l; Sl2Tf T AIte ; Bart-h Prairie. Alta. Tw CulH.k - i ii mwwni ki uieuiucia Uansen. Windsor. Ont : A. M iStriooff. Barbarian. Sast. and , seven privates. P. R. Bianco Ke- When you ask theBofM... you do not ask a FA V0 UR TVTHEN the houtcwifc calls at the y grocery store and orders a stippir of provisions, she is not asking a favour... she is buying good for which she will pay on delivery. . . purely a matter of business. So with your bank. It is a business proposition just as much as" the grocery store. The grocer deals in groceries . . . the banker deals in credit. And as the making of loans is one of the principal ways by which his bank derives its revenue, he is as anxious Baivk of Montreal Kvrlwr tritb QiuJinj in ntry lintt 1117 Prince Rupert Branch: G. R. S. BLACKABV, Manager Stewatt Branch: IL E. V. WOODFORD, Manager Sleepers and Diners in "Home from LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES In the Nationai League Brook -Tr. ipli: a doubie-header vr.tr. C-ndnnati yesterday winmn 5-3. losing 4-3. St. Louis Cardinals defeated New York Giants twice 8-4 and 19-2. Chicago Cobs won two games from Boston Braves 5-3. and 7-6. Pittsburgh Pirates and Philadelphia Phillies split a dooMe-beader the Phils winning the first game 7-6 and the Pirates taking the second 13-0. In the American League. Detroit Tigers and Boston Red Sox split Boston winning the first 4- 3. Detroit winning the second 5- 2. New York and Cleveland spUt the Indians winning 4-2 and the Yanks winning 3-2. Washington Senators defeated the Chicago White Sox twice. 5-4 and 11-2. Philadelphia : Athletics and St. Loms Browns broke even, the A s winning 3 -2 and the Browns winning 6-5. In the International League the Montreal Royals soot with the Bafialo Bisons. Royals took tuc ins bum? 9-i oat am me . Iteeond 4-1. Syracase CbJeis ! for a loan to stlThis credit as the grocer is to sell his groceries. And like the grocer, the banker naturally wants to know that he is going to be paid for his goods... that his loans will be met when they fall due. That, too, is only good business. When you have occasion to ask for a loan, look at it this waj, Come to the Bank, not feeling' that you have to ask a favour, but to offer the managera sound business proposition which will be of profit both to you and to his institution. MY BANK I i n. RESERVED FOU HEROES Xobod? looking at tb TOiles tha: t inX c3ce oil cn these sokUers digging .ito a chicken (Lr.r.er a Lner cr watching the reunion of this airman with the two-and-a-haif-year-oid son he. had seen only as a r.ew-born infant could complain about the switch -over of sleeping and dining cars from ordinary travel to jpeed the return of active service personnel (rojn the war. Baseball Scores TUESDAYS SCORES National League Chicago 24. Sotou 2. Pittsburgh 10, Philadelphia 3. St. Louis 2, New York 3. Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 1. American League .Sew York 2, Cleveland 5. Boston 4, Detroit 0. Washington 12. Chicago 2. Philadelphia 1, St. Look 2. beat Baltimore Oraks 19-2 and 6-4. Toronto Maple Leafs, swept doable-header from Rochester Red Wings 4-1 and 7-3. Jersey City Giants beat Newark Bears 7 -3 in the first game and Newark took the second 6-3. j Here are tody's hueball games: National League St Loots at j New York. Cincinnati at Brook- tyn. Chicago at Boston. PitU-j burgh at Philadelphia. I American League New Yorkl at Cleveland. Washington at Chi-! eago. Boston at Detroit. Phila- i deiphia at St Louis. International Leaene Sv. Jark at Jersey CSty. Montreal at uanam, Toronto at Rochester. Baltfeaorr at Syracsce. at mum rti the War" Specials International League Buffalo 4-8. Toronto 2-9 Baltimore 7, Newsrx 3. Syracuse 4, Jeney City 9. American Association Columbus 2. Toledo 1. Indianapolis 2, Louisville 8. Minneapolis at St Paul, postponed. Kansas City 3, Milwaukee 10. Pacific Coast League Seattle 7. Los Angeles 4. Hollywood 5. San Diego 7. Portland 0. Oakland 3. San Francisco 3. Sacramento 7. WEDNESDAYS SCORES American New York 2-3. Cleveland 4-2. Boston 4-2. Detroit 3-5. .Washington 5-11. Chicago 4-2. Philadelphia 3-5. St Louis 2-4. Nationai St Loms 8 19. New York 4-2 Cincinnati 4-3. Brooklyn 3-5. Chicago 5-7. Boston 3-0. Pittsburgh 6-13, Philadelphia 7-0. International Newark 3-0. Jersey City 7-3. Baltimore 2-4. Syracuse 10-0. Montreal 9-8. Buffalo 3-4. Toronto 4-7. Rochester 1-3. American .UaociatiOB Indianapohs 5-10. Louisville 0-5. Pacific Coast Seattle 2-5. Los Angeles 4-0. HoBywood 3-3. San Diego 2-;. Portland 6-3. Oakland 2-2. Stm Francisco 5-3. Sacramento Free Delivery MONDAY To East TUESDAY To West Section Kindly giTe us your order your We serve Special Red fresh and cocked meat fruits complete line TERMS CASH, ALL RUPERT PHONE 21 You get slicker shaves andsa money too, with .blue ciiiiette Sades...inaicf stlhaiuenoiga to outclass, so t stay sharper It psys to askhr Blue Gillette Blades NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away Fr - n Rates 75c 50 Rooms. Hot ar . f d water PRINCE RUPERT B C Phone 281 P O Bilf Commercial. I: r ii and I Marine K-s.-tr. . .j i HJXTTRICAL roXTRACTOFJ Electrici! Supplies Home Wir;i;g &: J Tti.ydn j MOTT ELECTRIC! L I M I T E 1) Office?! in Vane r and New Weitn:.:. Phone Black 367- 321 t'.i Avel Throughout the City WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Section THURSDAY SATURDAY . FROM 2 TO 5 PM. before 12 o'clock noon during delivery day. ' Brand Beef. All choicest fresh vegetables and of groceries. PRICED FOR ECONOMY BUTCHERS BEST SELLERS IN BOOKS As selected by the New York Times Booh Review Fiction Great Son Edna Perber The Wine of San Lorrnio Herbert Gorman Prides Way Robert Molloy Captain From Castile Shallabarger Commodore Hornblower C. S. Forester .Young Bess ... Margaret Irwin The Cleric's Secret Warwick Deeping Between Heaven and Earth Franzz Werfel The Troubled Midnight John Gunther THIRn AVE W. Author pr,' J.65 2 1.01 1.15 Ji5 A. J. Cronin Elisabeth Goudge JJ!5 Author Ptlff SJ.M 2.85 R. Hayek J.15 2.25 & James Thurber 3-25 i.;s mj 2.;s 3.15 2.T3 Of Lena Cejr Marcia Davenport The Green Years Green Dolphin Slieet General Sad Sack Koad to Serfdom Generation of Vipers .. Wings of the Morning ... The Thurber Carnival . The Min of a Nation Lin Yutang I Never Left Home . Bob Hope Anything Can Happen George and Helen Papashvlly Solution in Asia Owen LatUmore Apartment ln Atii- ns Glenway Wescott Blessed Are the McW Zotii KossaK