PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, June 14, 1945 RUPERT'S 3 - -BIG STORES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Prince Rupert, B.C. Today in Sports CHAMPION WINS FIVE STRAIGHT , NEW YORK, June 14 O; The yorld welterweight champion, Freddie Cochrane, won his fifth consecutive fight last night since he left the Navy. He scored a technical kayo over Alex Doyle at Wilmington, Delaware, putting Doyle away in the second round. Johnny Greco to Meet Tony Janiro NEW YORK,' June, 14 Montreal's welterweight Johnny Greco is to meet Tony Janiro of Younstown. Ohio, over eight rounds at Madison Square Garden on July 27. LONDON 0i 'Skyway robbers' hjave been slitting open mail-bags and stealing valuables, including diamonds, from British Overseas Airways planes. Armed guards have been posted at B.O.A.C. fields in Britain. Baseball Scores American League St. Louis 4, Detroit 5. Cleveland 3, Chicago 5. Boston at Philadelphia, postponed. National League Philadelphia 3-5, Boston 8-4. New York 2, Brooklyn 3. Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 1. International League Toronto 1, Syracuse 3. Buffalo 6, Baltimore 4. Rochester 4, Jersey City 5. (11 innings). Montreal 7, Newark 9. American Association St. Paul 7-1, Toledo 4-6. Milwaukee 3, Louisville 6. Minneapolis 6-2, Coluiribus 3-12. Kansas City 5, Indianapolis 8. Pacific Coast League San Francisco 5, Oakland 2. Los Angeles 1, Hollywood 2. Seattle 4, Portland 3. San Diego 13, Sacramento 11. Paulsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town WHY? Because . . . It's the nicest-looking place in town. , Its 6pen for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest' ' b " Soo Suds Win Ag am Tort Edward Keeps Pace-Acropolis and Co-ops Share Intermediate Lead After yielding only one run In 13 Innings, "Squlz" Squizatto, Soo Suds pitcher, tripled in his team's half of the thirteenth inning to tie the score and came home on Larkln's single as the Suds defeated Air Force 3 to 2 last night in a senior Softball League game at Gyro Park. Winner of nine fixtures last season, Squizatto hurled shut- , out ball until the ninth, when Air Forcetled the score at one-all and Allowed only one other run in'the- four extra innings The winning moundsman gave up just six hits in the whole game as he chalked up his second victory of the year. The Air Force used two pitchers and both were effective. Mc-Leod limited the opposition to a single counter' in the first seven innings and, when Court took over on the hillock, he shut out the Soo Suds for the next five but was charged with the loss since lie allowed the two runs in the last of .the thirteenth which cave Suds the victory. The score by innings: Air Force , 000 000 001 000 1 2 Soo Suds 000 000 100 000 2 3 Batteries: Air Force McLeod, Court and Shatz. Soo Suds Squizatto and Mar-inoff. In another senior engagement Port Edward gained a crushing 2"i to 12 triumph over the Coast Battery at the Port Edward diamond. The Senior Softball "League standings are as follows: W L Pet. Soo Suds 2 0 1 1000 Port Edward 2 0 .500 Coast Battery .... 1 1 .500 Fortress 0 1 ' .000 Navy O 1 .OOD Air Force 0 2? .000 Acropolis Leads In Intermediate In one of two intermediate league games at Algoma Park, the Acropolis M. P.'s defeated the Dry Dock 6 to 3 to join the, Co-ops in first place. Fryman was the winning pitcher while the losing moundsman, Clokie. was hurling his second game in ai many nights. Score by innings: Acropolis 0 3 0V 0 10 26 Dry Dock 0 0 0 0 0 1 23 Up into the tree Jean climbs to rescue poor pussy. Fun? You bet! Susy was supposed to water the Victory Garden but she's getting pretty wet herself. She's not worried though. No time to think about clothes when there's so much to - do! That's why these smart youngsters are wearing rough and ready play clothes that can take it. Pretty loo, but what Mother likes best is that they're all so easy to wash. r . , m u y everything tor the Family at . . . RUPERT PEOPLES RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE AND WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE Zl THIRD AVE. W. Instructor Honored By Signals Class Members of the signal class of First Prince Rupert Regiment gathered at a happy dinner in Reid's Cafe a few nights ago to show their appreciation of the work of Sergeant Hankln. A presentation was made to Sergeant Hankln by Signalman Allen. Among those in attendance were Major C. J. Toombs, officer commanding, Capt. James James, Pacific Command signals officer, and Regimental Sergeant Major E. R. Macdonald. The signal class consist largely of boy members of the unit who have made good progress after a year of Instruction by Sergeant Han-kin, their proficiency being highly remarked upon by the command signals officer. Buy War Savings Stamps Batteries: Acropolis Fryman and Oar-diner. Dry Dock Clokie and Kolis-nek. The other tilt saw the Co-ops score a 6 to 4 victory over Fortress behind the four-hit pitching of Beaton. Score by innings: Fortress 0 2 0 Oil 0 4 Co-ops 0 0 0 1 4 1 x 6 Batteries: Fortress Tebb and Simpson. Co-ops Beaton and Bellls. The Intermediate League standings follow: W( ' L Pet. Co-ops 1 0 lOOp Acropolis 'i:.:fL. l,-"0 1000 Dry-Dock'. 1 1 .500 Bo-Me-Hl 0 0 .000 Fredericks 0 0 .000 Signals 0 0 .000 Barrett 0 0 .000 Fortress 0 2 .000 No wonder you get comfortable, good looking shaves with the Blue Gillette Blade! It has the sharpest most edges ever honed! It pays to ask. for Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prepare your beard with Gillette Shaving Cream . . . 33 Just Arrived . . . 20 Squares Bright lied Hcxagen Asphalt Shingles. Roofing Paper. Building Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber. Ship Lap and Dimension. F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tcx Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement 1st Ave. E. Phone Black 884 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 TUNESOME AND FUNNY FILM A merry mixup of comedy, song and romance comes this Thursday, Friday and Saturday to the Capitol Theatre In "Here Come the Waves." The name cast brings Blng Crosby, Sonny Tufts and Betty Hutton together. Susie and Rosemary Miller, twin sisters played by Betty Hut-ton in each case, decide to give up their dancing career in favor of Joining the Waves. Johnny Cabot, played by Crosby, joins the Navy about the same time, meeting up with Windy (Sonny Tufts), an old chum. They go after Rosemary with lovellght In their eyes', Th boys pull every trick In the 'bag to outwit each other with poor Susie pushed aside like a wallflower. But, in the end, she wins her man, too. The picture Is full of musical numbers giving Bing and Betty ample opportunities to display their versatility. LOOKING OVER MAJOR LEAGUES We don't nave to lock very hard to pick out the highlights of yesterday's Major League baseball play. It was this the Philadelphia Phillies finally won a game. But even then, they had to go 15 Innings to do It. The Phils edged out Boston 5-4 to break their losing streak that saw them drop 16 straight games. Their win came In the second game of a double-header with the Braves, the Boston club having taken the first game 8-3. In the other two National League games played, Cincinnati squeezed out a 2-1 win over St. Louis, and Brooklyn edged out New York, 3-2. Only two games were played In the American League. Detroit stretched Its hold on first place to one full .game, beating St. Louis 6-4. In the other American League contest, Chicago took a 5-3 win from Cleveland. In the International circuit. both Canadian clubs won their games. Montreal beat Newark, 10-3 and Toronto took an 11-3 victory from Syracuse. Jersey City trimmed Rochester 5-4 and Buffalo beat Baltimore 6-4. Here are today's games: In the National LeagueChi-cago at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia at Boston. New York at Brook lyn. In the American League St. Louis at Detroit, Boston at Philadelphia, Cleveland at Chicago. In, the International League-Montreal at Jersey City, Rochester at Newark, Buffalo at KWONO SANG KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Lumber We now have' a -stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand. FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and, see it. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. tliaAl. Atl:00.a.Bn . EOPItM fAMOus fins TMttrrtt for one. Service personnel. Box 24, Dally News. , (14-3) WANTED Late model 2 ton truck; hydraulic drum. Apply by mall, R. Jack, Billmor, B. c. (139) WANTED Furnished housekeeping suite by couple with no children. Apply Box 25, Dally News. (140) WANTED Furnished home for couple. Rental basis, Box 19 Daily News. 140) WANTED Furnished home for 2 couples. Rental basis. Notify Box 14 Dally News. (140) WANTED Housekeeping room lor quiet, respectable gentleman. Apply Postal Station B, Albert White. (142) WANTED Small chesterfield suite, oil stove in good condition, Axminster rug 9x9, and washing machine. Apply Box 22 Daily News. (139) PERSONAL WILL give good home and motherly care to infant or small child. Box 22, Daiiy .News. (140) CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve the effective corn remedy. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (140) WORK, WANTED WANTED Experienced bookkeeper (male) wants snrirp time emDlovment evenings week-ends. Apply Box 21, Dally News (136) HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper for few hours weekly. Phone evenings. Red 395. (143) WANTED Immediately, 2 experienced fish camu men. Good wages. Apply National Selective Service AM. 182. (140) HELP WANTED Competent stenographer with business training, good opportunity for advancement. Permanent position. Phllpott-Evitt & Co. Ltd. (to WANTED Competent office worker with knowledge of bookkeeping and general stenography. Apply Box 23 Dally LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold hoop screw earring. Please return to the Dally News. (140) FOUND Black leather wallet containing Army Discharge certificate, name John George Morton. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this FOR KENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) FOR RENT Six-room house to parly buying furniture. American Signals 479. Cpl. House. (140) . "IU1 - Classified Advertising TERMS hash O Classified Advertising is payable to the office at ti submittlne cotrv for Insertion, pipoo a i . "mt WANTED WANTED Room and breakfast u H ass or i FOUSALE Y?-t-l n . - 1 battprv miii.i --"."" mi ran -v mm Bt anj -w iUUllgt M5Q fUK SALR-.MI tn . ... . u"j mrm au-aciiea; immediate nanov. (2) Modem three room ho .tiuy jurnisncd; tomtf (3) Three rnnm ... ... ""8t. Ave. west, close to Mrs- , puruy lurnisnea. I A t7ll.t . in luum nouse, cio 1111. WW 6U1LC stairs avaiiab o w , immcuiaieiy, bee Ma Ml mont, 307 3rd Ave., city, VflW CATC1 1A1I w.j.. dor. A-l condittrw r rtjijr mryc nrea, Hilt lUMIfTl 4 HI TUP K ! FOR SALE - Man'iCC Dicycie, almost new, 424 8th Ave. East. uiacK 014. 1; TVin out 17 . : 1 . i nrriii 7C AmA.i : 479. Cpl. House. FOR SALE Four-room I iumisnea. no. 50 cw uati-, iuus in garani 1 .n m i- ... . 1545 8th Ave. East. FOR SALE Near 14-ft d fully rigged for sal detachable rigging, ty American Signals 470. FOR SALE -Tenders tM k ceivea bv tne unaeramtt Til nnnii rr uanrpenn i 27. 1945. for the Durctot stnrpv frame MitiaM. Si, .m T rl in TJlrwil. 11 SBT 5. City of Prince Rupert, j Cranny Avpnue. Includin! S hole black and white eikl Heatmor range. Hlgnests any tender not necessarily cepted. Terms cash. Pn lses may be inspected bj ranepmrnt with Official ministrator, Court House, Cl MACHINERY nPAnr.iNP. p. k H. 'i-yard, I foot boom; 1 yard bucket, l consin motor, compiei hanloH nrra- working I avail Leventhal & Co., Machtj Agents, Winnipeg. tv-4 ciw kctter lumber El economically, use the wm and up-to-date type Na-j Portable sawmnu, wri tnrrrt hv National Mal Company Limited, VanWJ B.C. SWAP SWAP -.30 Cal. Mauser M n.lH MSP for jS CI Woodsman. Box20DallyMI FATHER Won't Remind You but WE WILL ... SUNDAY, JUNE 1 FATHER'S DAY , Come in and sec our many assortments of gifts for Father. Call me "BILL" -CLOTHES . . . OF . i DISTINCTION" ! W.F.STONE