YBE IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS? it GIN' PlIAS-tht "utisfection of ... hack'' kidncr remeiir. tilN htlp to soothe, and lone up Ellli hU kidneiffr-iidinj inem in rcmov- liuurotu rex. Rtgular tlz, 40 Pill, Lorg tin, 80 Pillt (In U.S. ak Ur "Gin. PilU") tddly, Stuffed mmals in gay A wide Iolors. election for six- vnute-old to six- lear-old toddlers i I WEE TOTS' ! SHOPPE The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S I "3 NEST SALMON NNOUNCEMENT OUR STOKE WILL CLOSE DECEMBER ?, RE-OPEN JANUARY 2, 1946. LIO FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C A. MacKen!e Furniture 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS i COCKTAIL TABLES In beautiful walnut, blue glass tops; i) for serving coffee and an Priced at CEDAR CHESTS Made from Patched veneers lined with Tennessee cedar, with its frag- aroma. Just arrived. Priced at 513.00 to $G5.00 n tmsf - . RAMP TABLES Walnut veneer, f -gti Priced at BOOK CASES Walnut; made pat ( appreciated. Priced at Prompt Attention to out - of - Ell0"c 775 327 -m- fc S(,"NAKI) LENTIIEKIC F'KOTIIY C.RAY M'ABETIf AIMll'W iu)xi,t I CI EX LELON'G Wl.. inese are now In stock . . PlOp EART.v pnn wv . a 2?u Pioneer pREXALL STORE nONDF.n NlNCE RUPERT and Sheetmetal Works ptmetal work of all kinds - Sinks Prompt attention jEE ESTIMATES 7tb St. & 2nd avp. w p CATHOLIC TEA, BAZAAR DRAWS LARGE CROWD In aid of Annunciation School Christmas Tree fund, the Cath-o.ic Women's League held a successful tea and- sale of home cocking in the Knights of Columbus Hall Thursday afternoon followed by a bridge, whist and crlbbage party in the evening. General convener was Mrs J J. Oillls, C. W. L. president. Convener of the tea room was Mrs. C. P. Balagno, assisted by Mrs. P. Lyons, Mrs. St. Amour, Mrs. J. N. Forman, Mrs. A. Tur-geon and Mrs. L. Amadlo. Pour-?rs were Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. J. A. Smith. In charge of the home cooking bi;.th which was well patronized was Mrs. Leo Doiron assisted by Mrs. j. Bouzek, Mrs. J. Garon and Mrs.; J. Yalloway. Mrs. J. L. Blain was cashier. In the evening an enjoyable card party was held with 27 tables in play. Master of ceremonies for bridge was Charles Rimmer, with Mr. Agnew In charge of the whist and Miss Francis Moore directing the cribbage. Refreshments were served by a committee convened by Mrs. P. DeJong assisted by Mrs. Tur-cotte, Mrs. R. Young, Miss Nora English and Miss Marv Astoria. A highlight of the evening was a presentation made to Mr. and Mrs. William Brass who are leav-: in? the city tonight to take up residence in the south. Rev. W. P. Lantagne presented Mrs. Brass with a beautiful set of rosary beads and Mr. Brass with a Morocco leather wallet. Mr. Brass made an appropriate reply to the presentation. Following were the winners of the card games and raffles: . Bridge Ladies' Mrs. C. Jackson. Mrs. 'Lester Franklin; men, OlUis Royer. Cecil Jackson. Whist Ladies, Mrs. Julian, Mrs. it. Dahl; men, D. Coady, C. Wagner. Cribbagp Ladles, Mrs. Cliff, Mrs. C. Rimmer: men. F. Ple-mentos. E. J. Fltzpn trick. Raffle winners were: Ham N. W. MrLean. 1891 Seal Cove Ci-r-le. ticket No. 336. Bnz nf n-rnepries Mrs. J. Ho-gnn. Voncnuvrr. ticket No. 440. Mrs. E. J, Ftrnatrlck was in chame of the raffle. ... sparkling wines at the festive $29.75 beautiful walnut select i selected tops (Duncan Fyfe - S1G.50- by Honderich. Furniture S38.50 to f 42.50 town and till mail orders. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert lO .'.A A n A A If A A by... a A A A LKIOII X VITA RAY CHANEL 3 AlllMI'NJVI,' IMVAIII1 A -: a IIAHRIETT HUBBARD AYERS x . others arriving shortly 2 nnnn SEl.EfiTinN A - -' JS A A A A Druqgists Phones 81 and 82 ROOFERS ROOFING CO. - Air Conditioning Eavestrough & Furnace Work to outside orders WORK GUARANTEED o. nnr 72S Phone Blue 964 MARRIED HERE Of interest In Burnaby and Prince Rupert was the wedding recently of Miss Hazel Olena Jensen, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Jensen, 508 Green Street, to Ernest Clark McBratney, R.C.N. V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. McBratney, Burnaby. Here are the happy couple at the reception at the home of the bride's parents which followed the marriage ceremony performed by Rev. A. F. MacSween In First Baptist Church. Business and LEO OYER DECORATING and PAINTING Phone Red 395 Box 758 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, .Canada H. F. I.OVIN, Phone Oreen 874 Representative Box 626 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE ' Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authprized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes' Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE mail tjour qUsses to COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LX2 Ml SEYMOUR ST. VANCOUVER.B.C YUE KING'S CAFE for -coffee while at NEW HAZELTON Lunch Counter Jor Meals Professional Expert SAW FILING All kinds of saws sharpened. For prompt service leave saws at Prince Rupert Supply House 334 Second Ave. If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS - Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements ..1 donjt.take work. I. cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H.J.LUND Painting Paperhanging UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating, Engineers ' Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Westholme Rooms, 2nd Ave. PIANIST - TEACHER with concert and radio experience will take pupils. Phone J. FRANKY, Green 975 during business hours. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also Cement Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks, Driveways and Septic Tanks Phone Green 482 ' Immediate' attention Local News Items ARROW CABS start operation noon Saturday, For prompt, modern service Phone 640 K. E. Klefer. YY. J. Bolam. (It) Jack Goold of Houston has been spending a few days in the city. He drove as far west as Cedarvale where snow conditions forced him to leave the car and come the rest of the way by train. John Stroychovrch was fined $100 with an option of two months In Jail when he was found guilty by Magistrate Vance, yesterday of supplying liquor to an Indian. MLss Nancye Dawes left at the' first of the week for Salt Lake City where she will spend the next three years continuing studies In psychiatric nursing, first taking a course at the University of Utah and then entering the Salt Lake City General Hospital. A The W. A. Canadian Legion Sewing Club will hold a tea Thursday December 6th for Bundles for Britain. Raffle of yacht will be drawn by the' Mayoress, Mrs. H. M, Daggett. All members please return raffle books to Ranee & Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. William Brass and son, Peter and William, are sailing tonight on the Venture for Vancouver. Mr. Brass Is retiring from the service of the engineering .department of the Canadian National Railways and expects to take up future residence In the south. NOTICE To members of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association: Will all members who have Shares or Bonds In the Association, and who have not received their Certificates or require any Information regarding same, please call" at the Head Office, Cow Bay. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association (278) Announcements All advertisemeiixs it tms column will bo charged for a full montb at 25c a word. Help Norway drawing and dance, November 30, Oddfellows Hall. Canvassers turn In books before November 27. St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, December 1. Women of the Moose Dance, December 5, Oddfellows' Hall. United Church Bazaar, December 6. ' W. A. Canadian Legion Tea and raffle Dec. 6 from 3 to 6. Public Dance, St. Peter's Par ish Hall, December 7. Jean De Carlo's Orchestra. 9 o'clock. Eastern Star Tea, Dec. 12, Mrs. C. A. Berner's. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree, Dec. 22. Legion and Aux iliary members with children 12 and under, please phone Mrs. Morrow, Black 752 before Nov. 30. Canadian Legion and Prince Rupert Regiment (M.G.) ' New Year's Eve Party and Dance 6th Avenue Armouries. Ad mission by invitation only. CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENT Par Fractional. Eve No. 1 Fraction al, Eve Fractional, Atlln Fractional, Polaris No. S, Polaris No. 6, Polaris No. 7. Polaris No. 8. Polaris No. a, Polaris No. 10, Polaris No. 11, Polaris No. 12 Fraction, Polaris No. 13 Fraction, Polaris No. 14, Polaris No. 15 and Snow No. 9 Mineral Claims. Situate In the Atlln Mining Div ision. Where located: Tulsequah River Valley about 5 miles above (unction with Taku River. Lawful holder: Polarls-Taku Mining Company Limited. Number of the holder's free Miner's certificate: 67689 E. TAKE NOTICE that James T. Underbill. F.M.C. 2311 F, Agent for roians-iBKu Mining company Limited. Free Miner's Certificate No, 67689 E. Intends, at the end of sixty days but not later than one year from the date hereof. . to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act," must be commenced before the lssuanco of such Certificates of Improvements. Dated this 15th day of September, 1945. (OU-18-25 N2-9-16-23-30) Minmrs sai.i: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT IIOLDEN AT PRINCE HUPERT Till: HOHKMCN'S (O.MI'IAMATIOX DO Mill VS. (iioiKii; Thompson Pursuant to a Warrant of Execution, to me directed, against the roods of the defendant, Oeorce Thompson. I have seized and shall offer the following goods for sale on Thursday, December 20th. 1945. .at the office of the Sheriff, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C., at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon: 1 Sawmill, located on a spur of the C.N. Ry., about ll2 miles east of Shames, D.C together with all machinery, tools, camp and camp equipment, logs, trucks, sawn timber, logging equipment and Incidentals, belonging to the said defendant, and also one 2-ton truck located at No. 1363 Sixth Avenue East, Prince Rupert. BC. An Inventory of the goods may be Been at the office of the Sheriff. Arrangement for Inspection of the property may be made with the sheriff. Terms of Bale, Cash. The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff. Dated' at Prince Rupert. BO this 29th day of November, 1945. T3 Shop for food and staples Saturday afternoon at the Country Store booth, Anglican Bazaar. (It) . Able Seaman Edward Dawes and Bronsun Bussey of this city, stationed at Halifax In the Royal Canadian Navy service, have now joined the frigate H.M.CJS. Charlottetown, which Is at present at Sydney, Cape Breton. Mrs. Martin Miller, who has been relieving as desk clerk at the Prince Rupert Hotel for the last three months, leaves on Monday w return to her home at Terrace. Mrs. H. B. Campbell of the Prince Rupert Hotel staff, who has beeri spending two weeks' vacation at Vancouver, is expected to arrive back In the city Monday on the Princess Adelaide. . fere fed In no other case is the quality of milk so important as in that of the bottle-fed baby. And more and more such babies are getting Carnation Milk formulas even tiny, premature babies and twins and triplets and quadruplets. Remember that Carnation is just pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness. Dut it has 'special advantages for babies. It is more digcstible-and absolutely sae-bc-cause of heat treatment It is uniform because of homogenization. It has extra "sunshine" D. Write or free book "Your Contented Baby". Carnation Co. Limited, Vancouver, B.C liuy Your CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW And Save ! Men's Fine Silk Ties From 75c , $1 Men's Scarves Of very fine material and nice patterns. From to $2 Men's Pyjamas From $2.50toS3.50 Men's White Qrt CA Shifts at VttfU Men's All Wool O M Sweaters. Men's Fine Blue Over- Boys' Tee Shirts From 65c t0 85c Boys Sweaters Large stock to choose from. 81.65 10 $2-55 Boys' Wind- 0ft breakers Boys' Overall Suits $i.50toS1.75 Boys' Pants Cotton and wool. From 82-25 toS4.50 Boys' Suits Of wool mixture. $7.45 $8-50 Boys' Donegal Suits All wool. From $16-50 B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street Ptintc Kupctt Dailp J3tliiS Friday, November 30, 1915 PI LAW U R RICHNESS STR ENCTH jprA.'jiff Mil 1 MK SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS CUT RATE RST 3&3 V TCS-? Quality Style ARROW SHOES FOR MEN Quality and Style at Popular Prices Now Featured at the SHOE STORE We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA 1JLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage C 0 M P A N L I M I T E D PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' it; 11 m