i N; ted - 'l I LV weekly .a:: ,, fc! u- fest ' ve Ave v pewc.. WHO IS pii-a- neral Notice Mg for the late I . .. CC HOU Ub .lis i F- 1 Chapel t. ' February 27. ..lW C-mPtery. HOME" HELD pa n 111 I lllll .. i'n(rliln I'arpnts Officers Sunday i P B: E .o. supervisor, i C urun, asslst- . Kuinhts of : . r s Hut yes-whm the host's were "at tvuU and Al-. j-j and air ' is area. There v. 1 tors who to inspect i 'ny a social refreshments he charming P B? .3. Mrs. J. L. Mi Wiiitam Brass A.r- h poured from :ti was centred -::c cloth and i and carna 1 v. ;p tapers. The d a- servlteurs M ''har: itie Dodl- Baiagno, Nora C: hy Peachey, Z.iia Sherman, Cii.a Blair. Norah V. iPftorjon, Jo Peter-f x' :d, Leah Basso-' Spooner. Orise La-'' i Pepper, Mary 1 P i t . . fM.. nr....... ' E.' , Bussey, Olive Ptf C ark, Joan Mll-C !K, llclea Watrln. Dci:.Tiud Sue Woods. OVr ' Miinun Ponsford, Theka Fulton, Jeannlne i L L.rp Tlr.lccnnf.!iir ; Svkc and Mrs. Kay ' Mr Helen St. John M;;A1. -.r t ere Pi lit i .i JVAPoTtD S ""ciions on the pur- ana use of Pacific Milk Den resclndprt v. ur Kff:er U out of It vrm i . . try aeain in me uemana avv Of course. CIFIC MILK and Vacuum Packed ERAL MEFTINfi iui mMii . it.. ui uic lIon 01 , ,, . pnce W'U bo holrl iu. v. .. -...v ub bin; "a. 5th Avenue, at 8 lUesday. PPhrnnr o- PUrtXViB nf h . --v uuerai convpnHnn Ca ... " 01 0lcers " "w " war, mi aV. . s support-Policies are cordially ! MlLLS, President. I News It ems jTOIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS IE til 01 bncitjbjr mta. ciiiiju iiiuuitu wtiu ... I A l-U ' tl C ub, his i is leaving vomEiib iur Vancouver rational jpiomet- v 920 ttl" ' . ... iirhl.t C ibbase at . Ol 't 1 II D.II1 (49) ill. 4U. , IXOTCii Co. Rupert ai- ;e with the i.:ce Corps i T - 1 M ndc : j C ;aaa. ixe is hndouatterii of Edmonton, Bin and dln- to rejoin her husband, Rev. J. N. Thomas of Hoda,' Colombia, South America. With Mavis and David she nas spent most of he? furlough at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold, 10th Ave. East. SHIP'S BELL IS USED AT CHRISTENING The ship's bell at H.M.C.6. Chatham was employed Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the baptism of Randall Noakes, infant son of C. P. C. O. Noakes, R.C.N at the ceremony. Notice A general meeting of the delegates appointed to consider pos sibilities for the continued operation of the Dry Dock will be held in the Council Chamber, , City Hall, on Wednesday. Febru-jary 28 at 8 p.m. All delegates are urged to at tend. H. M. DAGGETT. Mayor. Sea Cadet Orders I - "r .. . I 'i-..a.i,.U. 'CAPTAIN COOK I Parade Schedule February 27 7:05 Band anc markers to muster. . 7:10-IIands fall in. 7:15 Prayers, Colors and Divisions. 7:20 March Past. 7:30-Phyaical training. 7:50 Stand Easy. 7:55 Hands to classes. , 8:40 Stand Easy. 8:50 Hands to classes. 9:35 Secure. 0:45 Evening Quarters. 9:50 Sunset. Training Schedule Class A First period, compass; second period, gunnery. Class B First period, boats; tecond period, compass. Class C First period, first aid; second period, knots. Class D First period, knots: V.R. and Mrs. Noakes. C.P.O. second period, Morse NoaKes u bandmaster at ii.M.cs. uiass e nrst Deriod. sema- service paciic cnainam. Rev. Thomas Bailey, pnore; second period, gunnery. , national railways, is r.c.n.. naval padre, officiated I Class F First period, signal v. :ror coniernns ancj many friends were present flags; second period, rules of road. Class C First period, anchors; second period, sounding. Class H First period, sounding; second period, anchors. Tender Division First period, gunnery; second period, gunnery. Paris Fashion Shows Resumed PARIS, Feb. 26 - The first spring fashion shows ln years are A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE' TO" BUY" G Pieces Dinette Suite, walnut finish . . $70.00 0 pieces Dinette Suite, natural finish . . $75.00 G Pieces Dinette Suite, wheat finish . . $92.50 Household Furniture and we Invite We have a large stock of for the home. We you to come and see it. Everything appreciate your ma.ll orders. Phone 175 327 Third Avenue -:- 25 0 On All 1945 Diaries, Reminders, Off Calender Pads, etc. Take advantage of Uis offer-Start Now and keep a record of your personal memoirs See our window for selection We still have a large variety, priced from 34c $3.56 II NAVAL WEDDING SUNDAY NIGHT A wedding of much Interest in naval circles took .place In St. Paul's Lutheran Church at 0:30 Sunday night when Miss Swan- hlld Hougan, daughter of Mr. and Mtp, B. Hougan, Francis Lake, became the bride of AB. Lavern Lynn Chrlstopherson, R. C.N.V.R., whose home is in Sas katchewan. Rev. Thomas Bailey, R.C.N., Padre of H.MXJS. Chatham, officiated. Matron of honor was Mrs. L. Astoria Jr. and the bride was given in marriage by Lieut. R. E. K. Gordon, motor transport of-J ficer, H.M.OS. Chatham. Following the wedding a reception was held at the Astoria home, Seventh Ave. W. The couple will reside here. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q petroleum clothing? A. By moistening the spots with a mixture of 1 part aniline oil, 1 part powdered soap, 10 parts water. Allow It to remain for 10 minutes, then wash with water, Q. How can I easily skin potatoes? A. Before peeling new potatoes, or peaches, plunge Uiem In boiling water for about a half being held in Paris. A tailored minute, then drop them ln cold suit costs $300. water. The peelings will slip off - I A easily. 'Y' DOINGS kBy MARGARET WOODWARD J The second week of activity In the new "Y" Red Triangle gets away to a grand start tonight with a dance in the auditorium featuring Frank Dutton and his boys. Commencing Monday, March 5, the Monday night dance will be a regular feature, service men may bring a lacy guesi ano a particular invitation is extend ed to all service girls and Junior hostesses. Bingo will be played In the writing room under the able direction of Jlmmie Hallicus. An unwelcome surprise to us this week was the posting of Miss Jean Travers, the assistant program supervisor. She is replaced by Margaret Woodward. We ' would like to express to Jean our How can I remove vaseline I smcere apprecation of the big Jelly stains from job she dld ln helping get this new home of ours ready for you service people and friends to en-Joy. We are sorry to see Jean go and wish her success in the new posting. .Q, How can I remove grease spots from woolen goods? A. Use one ounce of pulver lzed borax In one quart of boil ing water. Bottle and keep ;n a convenient place for use when needed. You Can Depend On It . . . : 5 - When the weather keeps you at home, you-can phone us at 18 or 19. Your orders will receive the same careful attention. Our FREE Delivery Service covers the entire city on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave your order beiore p.m. on day before delivery. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE For Spring Let us give you the latest in Hair-Do or Permanent .. . . Following the course we have Just-taken in the South. PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) Phone Blue 017 Cambridge Clothes FOR THE MAN WHO KNOWS 1 MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next-to Prmes EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED ' Weekly Bridge ('Drive of C.C.F. Seven tables were in play at the weekly bridge drive of the C.C.F. Club Saturday night. Prize winners were Mrs. Jacobson and Mrs, Welder and George Howe and Mr. Dunnlngton. . Announcement Whist and Cribbage, Valhalla Hall, 8th East, Feb. 28, 8:30 pjn W.OXM. Dance ln Oddfellows' Hall, March 7, 9:30 to 1. Little Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, March 10. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat urday. Presbyterian Church Tea, March 14, Mrs. Berner's, Pacific Place. C.WX. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking and Aprons, 3:00 - 6:00. Card Party 8:00 p.m. Orange Ladles' Sale. March 28. W.O.T.M. Sale and Tea ln Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday April 5, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. St. Peter's Sale, April 26. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. tQNGER USTIN6 TABR1CJ ASK ion 'niton- Ak- . . '"yoi " S Orroti limns! Tliry'rc firm, iliunj uml tender and 3'- IS J B their frt-hh, liu-lv flauir is Mill then; vlien tliey reach MjSs y AT joiir lal.le. IlV nil taslenm! no waste tfith "Koyal City" V VTlV'Htfl " M II Caniird 1'oimIs. Tliey put a pniial plow into a meal with nALallWlrf M II V tlu ir:ipK'li.iiit!:oMlnes ami attractive color. Why not UmSftmSUa AW II II pet an extra can or tno from your proccr tomorrow? fMljtHVFnriTI M A mmMffi He,c.l,erFrS.lay i im AyLM m i irr. mm :.r""rrwa CANNED FOODS " fA B atk ifc M " " . . -I ' 1 I 3-PIECE STUDIO COUCHES in fine tapestry with storage room for blankets. Special : 5100 GURNEY FINE RANGES, all-enamel, at very low prices. 1 RANGE, just like new, $40.00 Large lot of Axes, Peavle?, Shovels and Rakes at low prices. 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD Special - 5169.00 USED CHROME CHAIRS $7.50 B.C. FURNITURE rhonc Black 321 BARR & t ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Prince Rupert, B.C. m THE DAILY NEWS ii Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1284 Monday February 20, 1845 Warning- Watch out for sniffly PAGE THREE Head Cows! Head colds canes usemuch suffering. To promptly relieve the srutTly, sneezy, stuffy distress-put a little Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Va-tro-nol works right where trouble Is to soothe irritation-reduce swelling make breathing easier. Try itl Abo helps prevent many colds from developing if used in time. I-oilow directions in folder. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL GROCERIES, MEAT, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Make this your community shopping centre SKEENA GROCERY 500 5th Avenue East Phone 581 CENTRAL : DINING M H U atn t L ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. ALL WHITE HELP POULSEN'S LUNCH 6th AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION "B" - - As Good as the Best Better than the Rest POULSEN'S GROCERY : Our stock fresh and complete, prices right: Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOPSUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S gossip FINEST SALMON LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-IIOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 1944 " INCOME TAX Returns Forms now available. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S ... JOHNNYS SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) For a Good Meal, Visit ... THE Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience Give Us a Trialand Convince Yourself V ' Ami ,3 OP! 1 ' AW. r b4' 4.' rsi ft u ? .(,. , It . 1