m ''1 1 If-. K. , f a S tf. 1 ft; mm fir' ' lib - , ; . Si, : Dally Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Wednesday, February 8, 1945 Published every atternoon except Sun-flay by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupwt, British Columbia. CWA. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Pt. Month Per,Yettr By Mail, per month ". PJfear , .40 (4 00 HINCKLEY, Eng., B The ; pantomime spirit prompted 12-;year old Margaret Sketchiey to ; dress as Little Red Riding Hood while playing in Iter home in ' this Leicestershire town. The dress, caught fire. She died in '. hospital. MEMBER ABC. Xh$ Local Storage Deal . . B.C. Packers Ltd., already., the largest fish packing organization on the Canadian west coast, has further strengthened its position as the result ;of its acquisition of an interest in '-. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. at ; Prince Rupert, says Financial Post. : The plant of Canadian Fish & : Cold Storage is said to have the largest cold . storage facilities for fish in the j British Empire. It operates the year ; round and at times has handled more ; than 25 million pounds of frozen fish I in a single year. Halibut has usually accounted for about 50rt of this volume, salmon 25fc and cod and flatfish the balance. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. has for many years been under the control of Lazard Brothers, international banking house with head office in London. J. A. Boycf, Montreal, is their principal representative in Canada. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. is not to be confused with Canadian Fishing Co., another large west coast operation which operated in conjunction with the New England Fish Co., an important factor in fisheries operation in Alaska and the United States west coast. Both Canadian Fishing Co. and New England Fish Co. are- headed by Al Hager, Vancouver, who is chairman of the board. The deal is indicative of B.C. Packers' interests in the fresh and frozen product of the fisheries', which has attained large proportions in recent vears. WENSLEY, Yorkshire, Eng. US) Lord Bolton, 75, former Con-serative member of parliament and fifth baron of his line, has died suddenly, a year after his wife. He is succeeded by 44-year-old Hon. Nigel A. Orde-Powlett, a widower. - N" ifPk WW Lv - J LNDON, At Stanley J. Bell, who. began his career with the Anglo - Newfoundland Development Co. Ltd., in 1915, eventually becoming company secretary, nas joined the newsprint manufacturing group of Bownter-Lioyd In an executive capacity. WINS MANY DECORATIONS ' LONDON 0 Lt. Comdr. V. Goldworthy of the Royal Australian Navy has .added the Distinguished Service Cross to the George "Medal, mention in dispatches, and the George Cross awarded to him in that order, during 1944. He. is the most decorated officer in the Australian fleet. NEWMARKET. Eng. 0) Mrs. Doris Walter, elder daughter of the late "Solly Joel who was a gold and diamond millionaire and a well known turf figure, CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Science Magazine 5:00 Music America Loves Best 5:30 Sports Roundup 5:45 At Ease 6:00 Comrades in Arms 6:30 Information Please 7:U0 CBC News 7:15 The Soldier's Return 7;30 Masterworks of the Pianoforte 8:00 Showtime i 3:30 This Is the Story 9:00 Kay Kvser 9:15 Globe Theatre 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10-30 Hit Parade 11:00 Silent GUARD Accidents preventable accidents resulting from carelessness take a fearful toll in death and injuries each year. Be on guard against carelessness at all times . . . that's the first step in accident prevention.. It is equally important, however, to know how to render First Aid when accidents do happen for First Aid, rendered competently and quickly, is often the means of saving a precious life. That is why the vork of the StJohn Ambulance Association is of vital importance to every Canadian. Through this Association facilities are made available to everyone to learn the science of First Aid a sound knowledge of First Aid has been imparted to hundreds of thousands of Canadians by the St. John Ambulance Association. Decide now to learn First Aid. For full details get in touch with your local St. John Ambulance Association branch or write to St. John House, 321 Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario. The St. John Ambulance Brigade Is th6 serving branch. Members f f the Brigade put the instruction received from the Association to practical use rendering a First Aid and Nursing Service throughout Canada and the British Umpire. ; &t Snljn Ambulant SUPPORT THE RED CROSS CAMPAIGN IN WHICH WE SHARE UNDER WAR SERVICE REGULATIONS Complete detiiils may be obtained from MRS. KICIIARI) S. WOODS, Honorary-Secretary, St. John Ambulance Association, 860 Summit Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C., Phone 38, or by writing to the Provincial Branch, St. John Ambulance Association, 101-2 Union Building, Victoria, B.C. CENTRAL HOTEL DINING ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. 8 p.m. ALL WHITE HELP A. MacKcnzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" G Pieces Dinette Suite, walnut finish . . $70.00 0 Pieces Dinette Suite, natural finish" . . $75.00 G Pieces Dinette Suite, wheat finish . . $92.50 We have a large stock of Household Furniture and we Invite you to come and see lt. Everything for the home. We appreciate your mall orders. 327 Third Avenue Phone IIS Timely Topics from Terrace Weather Is Mild and Springlike Social Activities The weather is becoming extremely mild and the snow is rapidly disappearing. Pussy willows are out and green shoots are appearing above tile ground. It looks and feels as Is spring has come to stay. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keams left Terrace on Sunday night's train for Prince Rupert where they will make their home. Mrs. Keams Is the former Elsie Hu.h of Terrace and her husband Is new posting near his home in Vancouver. In a few days' time, Alf would have been In Terrace for two years. He expressed regret at leaving as he has become attached to Terrace and has made many friends. While In Vancouver, Alf will receive treatment for a leg Injury. A crowd was at the station to say good-bye and wish him the very best of luck. son, leit lor prince Kupert on Sunday evening. Staff Sergeant Earle Jarvls has been posted to Prince Rupert and left Terrace on Sunday. A concert party, under the direction of Miss Helen Calan- ges of Vancouver, entertained week-end. The Camp Administration Ser geants' Mess had a dinner party on Saturday evening. The remaining members of the staff of the Terrace Military Hospital held a highly success ful dance on Monday evening Transportation was provided for the guests to and from the Mrc. Anna Bcnolt Is spending a few days In Prince Rupert. Mrs. G. Lambly is In Prince Rupert visiting her mother who has been quite 111, Mrs. N. Sherwood has returned to Hazelton where she will re- FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 6:30 a.m. to I a.m. J. H. M.AIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE v VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES I!32 3rd Ave. blue 69 Prince Rnpert, B.C. sume her duties as nurse at the Hafcelton Hospital. Jack Kirkaldy arrived home on furlough .Thursday. He Is with the Infantry and has been stationed at Calgary, Alberta. Last year he was at the University of British Columbia where he was making very good progress. St. Matthew's' Anglican Church held a social on Frlcay evening In the church hall. The hall was packed. Rev. R. Hills was master of ceremonies. In addition to games, he had arranged for some special numbers. Mrs. R. de Ker with the R.C.E.M.E. They .were g0mmaux sang, J. Hepburn gave married here last summer and a recltation, Ronny 1'aulson and will be missed by their many Qer&A Toop sang cowboy sonas, Wends. Helen Prestay sang "Don't Pence Me In," June Sekora sant, "Buf- On Sunday evening Corporal falo Gals," Alec Houlden and Alf Lord, R.C.E.M.E., left for a i Helen Somcrvllle played accor dion solos. On behalf of the church, Mrs. Trumper was presented with a hymn book and thanked for her faithful work as organist and Sunday School teacher. Prizes, which had been donated by the Doy Scouts and members of the Junior W. A., were given to the winners In the games. The ladies of the Senior W. A., assisted by the president, Mrs. West, and the Boy Scouts as ushers, served a delicious supper Malor CnmDbell Dow. accom-.The evening was brought to a panied by Staff Sergeant Simp-' close with community singing. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE 'ASHLEY Q. How can I make a mahogany stain? A. Mlx 1 quart boiled lindsecd oil, 1 jtlart turpentine, 1 pint whiting, 1 tablespoon burnt sien na, 't tablespoon yellow ochre, army and air force personnel 'tabiespoon BlsmarCk brown. at performances given over the Q. How can I clean laces? A. Laces will look like new if a whi'te paste, such as Is used for cleaning white shoes, is rubbed on, and alter it has dried, brush ed off with a soft brush. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP MUTISM COLUMBIA IN r HOB ATE IN THE MATTEK OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and TN THE MATTEll OP KRISTIAN tMirrcpM nrni'mrn intktatr TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor W. E. Pteher. mode on the 16th dav ol February. AD. 19H5, was appointed Executor of the estate of Krlxtlan Knutwn. deceased, and all parties having claims against the Kalci Estate are Hereby reoalred to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or nerore me vim oay 01 I March. AD. 1945. nnd all parties In I debted to the Estate are required to ; pay the amount of their Indebtedness i to me forthwith. 1 DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C . this 1 17th day of February. A D. 1945. W O. FULTON. Executor of the Estate of Krlstlan Knutsen. ANNOUNCING EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. ...lots of lusciousness I HiiWi mmm IIIUIlll - I NO SUGAR r f(, 1 . 1 fc Klm, bonded Hoofers PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO and Sheetmetal Works m 1... Clnlra frAf4vMfV. Prompt attention to outside orders Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling - arid Coal Stofcera Corner 'Znd Ave. and Vth St. Phone Red 389 PO. Box J294 "UHJ i aiiKX - tniiijvn imviowuuh rv. rum in. mult Cor. 7th St. ti 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone a Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 55523 FINEST SALMON barr & anderson LIMITED I" FN f" ft II II WhWK VIM Wft - and - VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TC FURNITURE JLND HOUSEHOLD PACKED AND Estimates Fhone Red i Tut ncv r m m m a n i - . w.. CHOP SUET CHOW MEiX 3 p.m. (o 3 la prince Kupenw Phone 13 H.YUK I KAM Dry Slabwood. ptr tri Sawdust, per ml PHONE MO Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P-M Kindly Rive us your order before 12 o'clock noon 1 your delivery day. A Reef. All cholctd fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. IF YOiritK LOOKING FOR ECONOMY . . . here's the place to find it. Fr our prices arc always right. Come m for your needs and browse around, fr personal or household articles. You'll xjnjoy shopping at the THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc tittle po"ars"