ill PACE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B O, "Thursday, September 6, 1545 WANTED . Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some : easual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing ana Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal' Stokers- "Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 F Whifflets From THe Waterfront The steamer' Camosun, formerly Prince Charles, of whlcH sale by the Union Steamship Co. to Greek Interests was recently announced' in the Daily News, left Vancouver, a few days ago lor Cuba where she is to pick up 100 passengers and proceed to the eastern Mediterranean. Before being brought to this coast some 20 years ago by Canadian National Steamships, the Prince Charles plied in Mediterranean waters from Gibraltar. Coasting vessels of' the various companies, including the ships which ply into Prince Rupert, will soon be resuming their bright peacetime colors again after having been a drab gray during the war years. The welcome transformation will be carried out on some vessels. It Is expected, even before they take their annual winter overhauls. For instance, Union Steamship Co. steamers are expected to have their stacks repainted back to the usual red and black within the next trip or so. It will depend to some extent on weather conditions when work of changing the upperworks back to the traditional glistening white is carried 'out. C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Ernest Caldwell, arrived In port Wednesday morning at 10:45 o'clock. Among the 150 passengers on board were the following people for Prince Ru MARRIED AT ACROPOLIS HILL A marriage o: much lecal Interest took place last night in the chapel at Acropolis Hill when Miss Jessie Ella Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker of Smlthers, became the bride of Technical Sergeant Richard W. Brackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Brackett of San Francisco. It was a double ring ceremony at which Chaplain Llye D. Robinson officiated. The bride was lovely in a floor pert: Professor ana Mrs. E. Cor- win, Mrs. c. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dixon. P. S. Hood. D. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers, W. Goss, Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Du-four, Mrs. Weddell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson, Mrs. C. Raney. Mrs. J. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson. Mrs. E. Koester, Mrs. Fear-heaugh, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcpherson, R. Dauphlnie, L. McDonald, N. Cashman. R. Ander son, E. Wicks, Mrs. Humphries. L. iiowarth, w. Tisdale, A. Buttle, Miss Llewellyn, W. Ness. W. Gray, Mrs. Peterson and two Children, Mr and Mrs. S. C. Lampagne, Dr. Montgomery, W. Page, Mrs. M Fletcher, H. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwards, Mrs. V. Llscombe, Robert Liscombe, Miss Sewell, Mrs. F. Hamilton, Miss ZZ. Vuckovitch, Miss Lean, Mrs. Gillies and Miss Gillies, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dion, Miss J. Jenson, E. Pierce, J. Fields, J. Walker, J. Osborne. . i Men who thinh of tomorrow say 5JHOLD ON TO YOUR VICTORY BONDS TOR AY". . VICTORY BONDS have helped us to fight and win a war. They've minimized the danger of a war-inflation economy. v They've formed a backlog of safely-invested buying power that will benefit the individual and the nation when the danger of inflation is over. THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM ' !e ngth f o-rn of white satin with sweetheart neckline' and long sleeves. Her long veil was' held by a heart-shaped vHalo. She wore pearl earrings and neck-lacs, a gift of the groom, and carried a bouquet of pale pink sweetheart roses. A cousin of the bride, Miss Jtan Buchan, was bridesmaid She wore a long yellow sheer gown with matching headdress and carried a bouquet of pinW carnations. Sgt. Walter Montgomerle was groomsman. Following the ceremony the couple passed through a guard of honor then proceeded to the Red Cross 'Club where a recep- tlon was held. The guests were received by the bride's mother; who was attired in grey with mauve accessories. Her corsage was of roses and carnations. Pouring at the reception were Mrs. J. Buchan of Smlthers and Mrs. J. T. McEwen of Prince Rupert. Telegrams of congratulations were received from friends in Vancouver. After the reception the happy couple left for a brief honey moon trip to Ketchikan. The bride chose as a going awayout fit a three-niece pale blue suit with matching three-quarter topcoat trimmed with Persian lamb and black accessories. On the groom's discharge from the Army the couple will make their home in San Francisco; The bride has been employed by the Canadian National Rail ways here as a stenographer and the grocm Is attached to the U.S; Special Services office. MEN WHO TJIISK OF TOMORROW ARE PLANNING "COOKING WITH LIGHTS" Miracles of cookery performed not by the heat of a fire, but by the beat of light, are planned for the kitchens of tomorrow! Ovens lined Milli "electric light bulbs" -Mill cook jour foods better in shorter time with the even, eunily controlled penetrating beat of infra-red raB I t's better things for living such as this that your Victory lloiuh will buy tomorrow! But remember: inflation' strikes hardest after a war. Wlial our Victory Bonds will do if tee hold on to them is to kcep prices down until sup'ply meets demand.. .when a dollar will buy a full dollar's worth of goods. Think of tomorrow before thinking of cashing a Victory Bond! JEWISH HOLY DAYS BEING CELEBRATED High Holy Days for Jewish army, navy and air force personnel and civilians will be observed at the Prlnce Rupert sub-port of embarkation chapel on Acropolis Hill, beginning with ceremonies of Rosh Hashanah (New Year) on Friday evening and; continuing until Sunday. This celebration will be followed by. a whole day. of prayer on Yom Klppur (Day of Atonement) which will start on Sunday evening, September 16. . Preparation for the cere monies are being made by Cpl. Harrys Hlrschhorn of the U. S. Army assisted by Sgt. Bernard Maas of the Canadian Army. Cpl. Hlrschhorn will conduct the ceremony of Rosh Hash anah. For the ceremony of Yom Ki'ppur, Honorary Captain Eph ralm Mandelcorn, R.C.A. chaplain will be present. ' At the conclusion of Yom Klppur a banquet for members of the- Jewish faith and their guests will be held In the clvlH lan men's mess hall of the Am erlcan Army. Goods Are Free?; Cash' for Advice LONDON, Sept. 6 05 Leonard Cowley, a radio engineer who was refused a license by the Board of Trade to reopen his shop after he had been bombed out, gives his goods away and still makes money. Here Is how he does it. Av notice, hanging In his radio shop, reads: "Due to a Board of Trade or der, no cash of any description can- be taken over the counter and no goods sold. "All cash taken Is for advice only Any goods taken from these- premises are given away j free. Cash received Is for ad- viee specifying such goods." The shop does a booming busi ness on this "aavice aoage which Cowley says he was forced to adopt to keep his family from starring. VALUABLE CHINESE VASES LONDON, 0 A pair of Chi nese vases of the K'ang Hsi period brought absut $50,C03 at an auction at Christies. GFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY PJi. 4! 00 Words With Music 4115 G. I. Jive 4130 comedy Caravan 5:00 Blondie 5)30 Remember 5':45SUpper" Club 6:00 John Charles Thomas 6:30i-The- People Ask 6:45 Sports College 7:00 CBO News 7:15 Chalet Concert 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Servicemen's Forum 9:00 Music Hall 9:30 Alan Youne l6:10--Muyleal Interlude 10:15 Thomas Maclnl, Violinist1 io:30 Mystery laynouse FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock , 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News i 9:15 Morning Devotions , 9:30 Transcribed Varieties , 9:45 Yank Band stand 10:00 Marek Weber 10:15 Lynn Murray 10:30 Melody Roundup 10i45 Announcer's Choice 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies-11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11 45 Serenade lor Strings 11:00 Silent VM. 12:00-Here's to Romance 12:30 CBC News 12!45 Spotlight Bands 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Rebroadcast Music Hall 2:00 Sllenv SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday ss Cardena ; Sailings for' Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK- J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 snL UNiLvrn coats LONDC-N, O) Large stocks of i women's coati will probably be sold'ln the United Kingdom this year without linings. Manufacturers say they- have no materials for linings and thousands of otherwise finished coats are hanging on rails. The board of trade recently gave permission for half-lined coats to be sold and now tlie sale of unllned garments Is planned. Hotel. . . t . i ANNOUNCING . . . arrivals Prince Rupert William Glllens, Burnaby; W. Page, Vancouver; A. Eltz, C. Goutzer; Shirley; G. N. Macln-nls, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hamilton, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McPherson, Vancouver; J. W. McConnell, Vancouver; Mr: and Mrs. C. A. Edwards, Indian Head, Sask.; Mrs. C. B: Flewln and daughter, Port Simpson; G. M. Robertson. H. F. Meredith, Vancouver; Capt. A. R, Rlppon, Capt. W- A. Gosse, Vancouver; J. R. Crawford, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. P. Llscombe and family, Victoria; Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Holmes, Seattle. W. Neal, Brandon, Man.; W Hi Wllllscroft, Terrace; Mrs. C. M; McConnell, Terrace; W. L. Agas-slz, Kelowna; Mr. and Mrs. J Buchan, Smlthers; J. S. Camerj Hamilton; J. Hagen. Cooper River; Mr. anr Mrs. C. Alger! , Terrace; Mrs. E. M. Hall, Ter- race; Mr. and Mrs. D. Graf, DIGESTIBLE ROASTED Most nuts are more digestible" when roasted than if eaten raw. THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 CORNER SNACK BAR At TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE. Fo r BABY s: BRITISH C0LUMBI1 Fffi VANCOUVER caw:- TERRACI SKEENA AfOi TRANSPOn G. L. Brooks. Prop I When in Terras I'i Motors take cared transports The best in trampcri for less. Specializing In scrvtotl else Lake Agentitt-I etc. - All-night Co!- TERRACE MACHINE SI W. C. Osborne AND GARAGE Expert ReDairs on nil mn V. Imhoff A.M.T- Motors Tractors Road Equipment - Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric T"rV Ann itW HfT In 1 errace TIIP 5KEENA MERtf G. McADAMS, tfi SELF-SERVE GRtf DRY GOODS - LAD AModernJj WE WELCOME TO" Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but thls U enough to help baby develop. Baby n.L wise and careful selection of the oen used on his tender little hodv. In maklnB I purchases here, you are always assured of tw . NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOB B 1' bum Ormesltd tts Pioneer Druqg THE REXALL STORE phones