hv Keeipo for All-Bran Muffins I T I Z.,M . iMsy auu vtHCT man evtri SSES ALL-BRAN MUFFINS , 1 cup atftM Hour tmoluMea ' 4 teaspoon wilt Bran to molasses and milk; r 15 minutes. Beat egg; add nixture. Sift flour, salt and k'thcr; combine with All-Bran I Fill greased muffin pans two- . Bake in moderately hot F.) about 20 minutes. la rich, satisfying flavour you i golden molasses and toasty t get together in a tender hot :hool Time is weater Time! eaters get the vote ar in and year out. Icy'rc first on the of every school-rig: gal. No matter mt yuur desire . . . ig sleeves, short eves, cardigans or ra-ons . . . we have L'm. INETTE'S BE WISE TODAY AND E WARM THIS WINTER PRDER COAL TODAY! ILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. lone 651 or 652 muffin 1 And what a delicious! mouth-meking texture! That's because All-Bran is vailed to make the delicate shreds Boft and tender. Enjoy these grand muffins with a glass of milk for a bed-time snack... or Fpread thein with jam for the youngsters when they come home from school. Get Kellogg'g AU-Bran today. 2 convenient sizes at grocers. Made by Kellogg, London, Canada. Helps keep you regular naturally I All-Bran ill LADIES' WEAR onlsen's Cafe and Dining Room ause ... It's the ungs may be arranged. KWONQ SANG HINO HOP KEG CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.ni. PHONE RED 247 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON 7 the Talk of the Town-WHY? at Pen for banquets, weddings and parties. As good as the best, Better than the rest." Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. If one is shopping and has ia certain price limit, would it be all right to tell the sales per-,son about the price one wishes to pay? , A. Yes. It saves times and is the sensible thing to do. Q. Would it be proper for a bride to have a maid of honor i and also a matron of honor? A. No; she may have which- - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit FOR SALE FOR SALE Fully shingled five roomed house and tiled bathroom, on Taylor St. Living-room with open fireplace; hot water furnace; two porches; one extra room could be easily finished. Price includes Battleship lino on kitchen floor. Could have occupancy within one week. Call at Sunrise Company Limited between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. (208) FOR SALE Two room furnished house, running water. $125 or offer- Ml Wantage Road. (208) FOR SALE 3 piece walnut bed room set complete. Call .American Signals 454. (211) FOR SALE 12 foot row boat; also Sea-Fiea racer In good condition. For Information phone 792 Local 40. (207) FOR SALE Baby buggy and high chair. 549 9th Ave. West. (208) FOR SALE Sewing machine, small folding pool table, nine-tube Marconi radio, slngje and three-quarter beds complete, dressers; table and chairs, fruit jars, clothes wringer, tools, etc. 1120 6th Ave, last. (208) I FOR SALE We buy and sell! new and used furniture at the i lowest possible prices. Electric gramaphone in the best con-, ditlon, new one sells at. $250, price now ,$4y.50. Wew iiW covering! assorted lzes, rugs from .$6.60. "Used bed andi Xinir Jr 5TMl!SLfl,L Si?:.rrH,'?,7t Used baby carriages from $6. from $1.50. New jhardwood chairs and dressers. Slightly used chesterfield bed w)th two new chairs, $95. B. C. Furniture Co., Phone 324. (tf) FOR SALE Small modern three room house, three-piece bathroom, two lots, partly furnished, quick possession. Green 252. (209) FOR SALE C o m p 1 e t e bed, dresser, table nd chairs, curtains, dishes, pots' and pahs, $95.00. ' Sold separately If desired. Two room suite for rent to suitable party. Apply 971 Bacon St. (209) FOR SALE '34 Dodge four door sedan. Cheap for cash. Phone Blue 621. (206) FOR SALE Bed complete, dresser, China cabinet.' Apply 225 9th Ave. East! ' . (206) FOR SALE Seven high school books, in good condition. Call Blue 906 between 6 and 7 p.m. (206) FOR SALE Boat, Speed Hull. 22 feet; Easthope motor; hull and motor newly overhauled. Ideal family boat. Can be seen at McLeans Wharf. Phone R.C.A.F, Station. (206) FOR SALE Majestic 8-tube radio 755 8th Ave. West. (206) FOR SALE O.K. Hotel and Res taurant in Vanderhoof. Fully equipped and doing steady business. 11 bedrooms; growing village, in good district. Price $4200 cash, clear title. Buyer also to take over stock groceries approximately $800. Apply George Ogston, Vanderhoof, B.C. (207) FOR SALE Washing machine, baby buggy, radio. Apply Valentin Dairy. (206) FOR SALE Man's bicycle, $18; good condition. Quick sale. Phone Blue 618. (207) FOR SALE 6 room house with furnished basement apartment. Phone Blue 826. (206) FOR SALE Small truck, model A Ford. Phone Green 429. (20S) FOR SALE Kodak 35, F. 3.5 lens: 2 rolls Kodachrome; 1 roll Super XX; G.E. exposurej meter; tripod; dust reflectors with stand; photo floodlamps; 1 box photo oil colors; book hw to make good pictures. Phone Blue 446. (206) FOR SALE New house with shack In back, both completely furnished, has oil stove. Two lots. Phone Red 838. (209) FOR SALE Large home,, best location, excellent conauion, fully furnished, every electric appliance. Splendid opportunity for anyone desirous of good home and Income. Owner selling because of Illness. For full information see Mrs. MfcCly-mont, 307 3rd Ave. (206) FOR SALE Miscellaneous arti cles and housenoid lurniture including chesterfield set, rhalrs email desk. bed. heater. fire screen, stool, magazine stand, electric iron, ana omer articles. 2115 Graham Ave. Phone Red 562. (206) ATIUCAN AGBIOULTtlRT MOKHATLONG, Basutoland, W Anti-soil erosion work now is being carried on throughout this district pn a rapidly increasing scale and already hundreds of acres of cultivated lands have been protected from erosion by contour furrows and grass strips. ever she prefers, but never both: 3. Should an acknowledgment be' sent when one receives an invitation to a dance? ' A. Yes, and prpmptly. BIKTHS SKINNER To Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Skinner at Prince Rupert General Hospital, August 29, a daughter, Sandra Rita. FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral service for Cyril Harrison will be' held at the Grenville Court Chapel on Fras-er Street. Friday, at 2:30 pm Bishop J. B. Gibson officiating. NOTICE NOTICE 5 bicycles remaining unclaimed at the City Police Office will be sold or otherwise disposed of If unclaimed by September 11th. H. D. Thaln, city Clerk. (200) HELP WANTED WANTED First class butcher .to take full charge and do his own buying. Apply National Selective Service AM. 186.. " (tf) WANTED AT ONCE Experienced stenographer. Steady employment. W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd. Of) WANTED Teacher for Iriver-" ness Cannery. Salary up to $1400. Excellent accommodation. Also a few other attrac ¬ tive vacancies. Apply to Inspector of Schools, Box 218. Prince Rupert, enclosing latest report, or phone 571 or Red 562. WANTED WANTED - Pot .burner type oil- burnmS heater. Phone Black 273. (208) WANTED TO BUY A hunting rifle. Phone Blue 142. (209) WANTED TO RENT House or suite, furnished or unfurnished, or will buy furniture. Phone Green 136. (207) FOR RENT FOR RENT One large room. 549 9th-Ave. 'West: -"T208) FOR RENT I.OD.E. Hall. Phone t 83 for particulars. (tf; ROOM FOR RENT 812 2nd Ave. West. (207) PERSONAL Youthful beauty and appearance of .hair yours again, with Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (208) WILL OWNER of shack on C.N.R. property In waterfront Block G, near Hyde Transfer coal shed, please communicate with W. Weiss, Green 955. Urgent. (208) LOST AND FOUND LOST Black leather wallet between 8th Avenue and De-Jong's, containing money. Finder please phone Black 607 or leave at the Dally News Office. (207) LOST In Terrace, September 1, light cream toy pom, name Giffy. Reward $10. Write H. Frieman, Terrace, B. C. (206) FOUND Car tire. Owner may have same by Identifying and . paying for this advertisement. LOST Pair rimmed glasses on path above City Hall on V-J night. Reward. (tf) LOST Black calf wallet In vl cinlty of Rupert Men's & Boys' Store or Grand Cafe. Finder can keep money but please re turn personal papers to Box 103, Dally News. (206) MONEY TO LOAN DO YOU NEED M O N E Y TO BUY COAL? Your Government asks you to get yourcoal in early . . . If you are short of cash to buy your coal, a B of M personal loan may be the answer, me cost is very low; i-4 of 1 INTEREST per Month THERE IS NO OTHER CHARGE You repay by Monthly Instalments Cash you 6 9 12 get paym'ts paym'ts paym'ts INCLUDING INTEREST $50 $ 8.48 $ 5.C9 $4.30 75 12.72 8.54 6.45 100, 1G.96 11.39 8.C0 150 25.44 17.08 12.90 300 50.88 34.17 25.81 Larger loans at proportionate cost. For any reasonable need, we are glad to advance money to people with steady Incomes. Endorsers are not necessarily required. Consult the manager or accountant of our branch in your district. BANK OF MONTREAL Branches Everywhere C7 Local News R. V. McLean of Kamloops has arrived In the city to Join tfhe) iocal school teaching staff. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, Sept. 7, 7:30 pjn. Gen-! eral Meeting, Silver March and Bingo. (2061 Miss E. Vaughan of King Edward School staff Is among local teachers returning to the city after spending the summer vacation in Vancouver. Mrs. S. P. Woodside and Mrs C. H. Collins returned to the city yesterday afternoon from Friz-zell's. Hot Springs where they have been spending the past ten days. Mrs. N. Moses of Booth Mem orial School was among local teachers returning to he city ai the first of the week a'ftsr spending the summer vacation In Vancouver. Mrs. George Hill Jr. and daughter returned to the city at the first of the week from a ( Harper leaves on Saturday nlght holiday visit to Massett. Mrs.jfor Vancouver and Victoria kill was accompanied by her where he will spend a month's mother, Mrs. Evans, who is now . holiday with Mrs. Haroer and visiting here. Canadian Legion B.E.Si. No. 27 Victory smoker. Members are Invited to attend smoker In the Legion rooms on Friday, Sept. 7, ai c p.m. special auracuons on this occasion. Local boys recently discharged or on leave from the services are specially Invited to Join us. (207) For supplying liquor to In dians, Lloyd Hendrickson and Michael Atomanchuk were both fined $100 when they appeared in police court yesterday before Magistrate W. p. Vance. On a charge of contributing to juvenile delinquency, H. J. McDonald was .fined $100. City firemen responded to two calls yesterday which both proved 3Tto be false alarms, thus bringing to three the number pf cases of tampering with alarm boxes in the first five days of Seotember. T'aro of the three calls were rung In frcm the cor - ner.il! Seventh Ave. and Fulton Street. Announcements All advertise menus n tnis column will t- charged lor . a lull month i at 25c a word. L-.BA; tea-and-sale-tf-home cooking, Sept. 12, Oddfellows' Halir Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. Kindergarten will be discontinued at the Convent this year. (208) Catholic Bazaar, October 3 and 4. K. of C. Hut. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company. Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) & 4l THERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality "CANADA'S ORIGINAL AROMATIC PIPE TOBACCO" Items St. Andrew's Cathedral Sunday School ppens Sunday, September 9, 12:30 noon. W. Slaughter, .who is with the American Transport Service here, returned to the city a few days ago from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Callaghan and family returned to t he city a few dayj ago from a holiday visit to Vancouver and Bowen Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts of this city and Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar of Vancouver returned on last night's train from a trip to Smlthcrs and into the Batolne. Capt. and Mrs. F. C. ,F)ood arrived in the city at the first of the week from Vancouver. Capt. Fbod has Joined the staff of Booth Memorial .High School here. City Sanitary Inspector M. J. their small daughter who are already In the south. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. M. Evans have arriyed In the city from Vancouver. Mr. Evans is taking oyer duties as an Immigration officer .here, relieving Kenneth Cqlbeck, transferred to White-horse. Dr. and Mrs. Neal M. Carter and Otto C. Young will arrive In the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from Vancouver. Dr. Carter and Mr. Young are coming norm on Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi mental station business. Mrs. Wright, native woman of Alyansh, was brought to the city at the first of the week from Nprth Pacific Cannery for treatment In Prince Rupert General Hospital. She had cut her arm badly wh;n she slipped i and fell against a window. ! . ' ? f f n : I" Lor. a buslnss. ... trlP 10 1 TBI1nna ri.nn. V.lm .Trn.n ACliaWb. Willi .111111 WCC I Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Robinson of Terrace who had been on a brief I visit to the city during which I they made the round trip o Stewart on the Catala. Flying Officer - Stephen L. Frost D.FX3. arrived In the city at the first of the week from overseas, accompanied by his wife. Flying CO'lcer Frost Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Frost of Massett.- They were on their way there for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joy, who are moving from Prince Rupert to Vancouver to make future residence, are leaving today by car for the south, accompanied by their son, Ordinary Seaman Jack Joy, who has Just arrived on leaye from his naval duties at Halifax. LIKE ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that I have , taken over active management of THE VARIETY STORE. Jack Mussallem. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS -Thursday, September 6, 1945 ALAM You-11 enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend "TEA. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO September 6, 1930 With th& hunting season now open parties going out are headed by George Bryant, Alex Mc-Rae, Dr. L. W. Kergln and D. H. Morrison. About 50 couples attended the dance last night at the skating rink which prqved to be as en joyable as usual. L. J. Marren was floor manager, Mrs. E. E. Stllwell was at the door and the Westholme Theatre orch'estra supplied the music. The coast and geodetic steam er Lydonia came Into the harbor yesterday and filled her bunkers at Albert & McCaffery's wharf. At a meeting of the Prince Rupert Swimming Club, It was decided to hold the annual gala on Sunday, September 5, at the Salt Lake. Calcutta is the Jute and shel lac capital of the wprld. DR. G. A. MONTGOMERY Has taken over the dental practice of the late Dr. J. F. Magulre. Open for appointments Monday, Sept. 10 9 a.m. to 5 pjn. Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Smith Block til Get a Free Pencil iTS The VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITES $!7.."0 4-riECE BEDROOM SUITES jpiI.I.OO bther Bedroom Suites, prices up to .$155.00 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITES In tapestry and velour covering, all-spring construction $185.00 & $187.50 Thank you for your Mall Orders Phone 775 327 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES. CHOW MEIN.'CIIOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 am PAGE FIVE F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tejs LUSTERITE , The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens, in 8 colors plain and blocked. Pyralite-Plastic Moulds in various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Three-Ply Waterproof Fir' and Birch Veneers Ruberoid Roofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Roofing Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and, Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for houe and general construction Ace-Te Tile Floors SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET prince Rupert Commercial, Industrial and .Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS .Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs JV10TT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave, GENERAL SUPPLIES KIDDIES' CLOTHING with Your School List Are Little Dollars" We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD