flORT SPORT if LI who soorn any less fr ,,, f fishlrrcr for jt u- " j bass au gently .put : .,d' :e by Kay Bergman, .:, f. r Fly. Plar and Bait." and Stewart). Berg-the purists by deepening chapter of Yoatmf to worm-rout though not In the "TIPHEME tuuiu ur BPJ'T'II COLUMBIA , ths; MATTER OF THE IdMU.'KTIIATION ACT" and ttt MATTER OF THE E3TATT! ,J0 INTESTATE . kotice that by Order of of May. A D, 1947, I was mud AdminiBirnwjr ui uw Tv-i-nii Anctll, deceased, and 1,1ml nvnlnfit Ihi, E.1VH1K "- ..v ...... 'T-.te are hereby required to AD 1M7 after which claim ' , r t P6ld without rrfrrenco "i imriiCT . v.. ...... t rt rc'itnrru wi i' indeDtcaneos lu mo iffiD Prince Pupwt B.C., m. AT). 1947. CJTlclal Administrator. Rupert B.C. C23 thU jirtmcut 001 uoraen Hireet. (122) RENT -Clean comfortable :v, rca?inablc. Apply 306 Et after 5 pjn. (125) : RENT Furnished roams, ii.;, Vot (122) Borden Street. UH ROOM AND IIOAKI) 0 M ANI DO AR D Table FOlt LOSE I 4 AE and Newsstand. First is: opportunity lor 2 work-S partners. (2) Terminal of- t or store space. Location ere traffic is ready made. oply Northern Distributors. l'KHSONAL exactly the barefoot boy fashion. -inr ddou nas a eonrprehenslvp section on fly-fishing but toats in detail of minnows and other live baits a a lure lor trout and large and small-mouth bass. Its chapter on how to strike a fish neretically questions the dogma that a bass always Muses' to turn a minnow around. And it. (tf) fVDLE AGED WOMAN will ck after children afternoons evenings. Phone Oreen 588. ncludessuch odds-and-ends as how to raise earthworms and hew to thread theun porperly on a oass-nooK. Bergman's book aside from Its friendly expertuess on fresh water techniques 15 of parti cular Interest to Canadians. He devotes lengthy -passages to his expediences fishing for bass In Lake Erie off Port Rowan and on the St. Lawrenc off Kings ton; and Tor native trout in the fabulous lakes of Quebec's Laur-entldes Park. Bergman, as freshwater fish-mg expert for "Outdoor Lite." has cast his flies in every part of America. But he jays Lauren-tides Park because of Its location p.nd the management which controls It. Is probably one of the outstanding brook trout flshlntr olaces In North Am erica." He also pays aoecial tribute to the art of left-handed Philippe Ga?non, Quebec's general superintendent of parks: (tf) '.SOliAL For touchy nervous imach conditions, set fast r'!n" relief with "Golden 'mach Tablets.' The stom !i prescription for gas dis tances, acid Indigestion, urtburn, sour stomach, hy- ac.dity. Ask for "C-oldcn 'raiach Tablets" at all drug fes and drug departments. TORISTS AND VACATTON- TS! When planning your ,,;;toy remember Lake Mlyn Auto Camp, situated 1 the heart of a sportsman's "adke Clean, comfortable 'tU;, For resprvatlons write N 88, Smlthers (1231 L1STINOS WANTED Your House? We ave buyers looking for well' J"ttt 4 and S rorvm homes Or ltms Spp ARM- aONa AGENCIES. (131) lST ANI) rOUNO fD TiQsarv. npnr Honrad reet School. Owner may "aye same by calling at the 3 News and paying for this sement. (tf) drivers' O0In 30,469 tests licences conducted nerlnd. 64.3 cent of the candidates were "Incidentally, Mr. Gannon is an anzler cf rare ability and proI- Classified Advertising - - . .. ri nrf lnRfrtlnn. minimum charge. BOc. Birth NutleM. . rraroa o nut --w v uu 'Ill' lVjl.A t-t ' - MM Apply Ling the WOKK WANTED (tf) .... hniA,Art WHto 155 City. tl23J WANTK1) vted Car m , pa? all cash, after 6:30. fair shape. Phone Blue (121) Us Your Scrap Metals, jpPicc , Paid Active traa- Ccmpany Lta.. sd ms; ttf) FOlt KENT : RNT -Furnished rooms. ; 7':. Ave. East (122) : EFNT 2-roomcd furnished FOlt SALE i WANTED Waitress for for sale Model A t orn coupe, J3r wait. 1931. Al condition. Insipectlon invited. J. II. Juelfs, Terrace, BJC (121 FOR SALE Latest style "Enter prise" Range, used one month. For particulars phone Blue 370, or call at 1384 6th Ave. East between 0 and 9 pjn. (tf ) FOR SALE 3-p!ece chesterfield wlte, tri-lRe lamp, several small articles. Suite 2, Bay Apts. (123) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of June 10th, 1947 for the purchase of Lot 5, Block 10, S.D. of DX. 93U Casslar District, Map 1515, Alice Arm Townslte, together with three-roomed house and contents situated thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly cash. Qordon F. Forbes, Admlnistra- tor of the Estate of Harry ably knows more about this ? northern W)6fc trout fishing than most of us." Something new is Bergman's chapter on "splnri;g." which U thread-line fUtiing wllti a fixed spool reel which looks like a coffee-grinder and really cannot backlash. This comparatively r ew technique is gradually growing In popularity. GEN. MOTORS WIN LEAGUE OPENER General Motors opened t he city playground fasuball league last night by administering a re funding 19-7 defeat on Gor don and Anderson In a Eame that saw erratic playins on both sides. The second and sixth In nings were a shambles for Gordon and Anderson. The game and tin season were officially opened by Mayor Nora Arnold who pitched the first ball to Sgt. Lance Potltrton at bat, with Magistrate W. D. Vance catcning. Egt. rotterton hit ai foul ball. Beth teams got off to an equal start by bringing In a run in the first Inning. Motors scoring on a single by Windle and Gordon and Anderson marking one up when Duncan, who received a base on balls, completed the circuit on a double .by Kerr. The second Inning was a tri umph for Motors, with six runs brought In. Windle, Arney .and Lindsay each scored doubles, while Anton peered off a single. Holkestad off a walk, and Dom-lnato from a fielder's choice. Motors Ecored one run in each of the third and fourth innings, five In the stath. one in the seventh and four In the eighth. Gordon and Anacrson's scor ing was confined to the first four innings, one in the first, one in the secend, three in the third and two in the fourth. Anton pitched the first three innings for Motors, and wot replaced by Arney, whUe Moxley was on the mounu for Oordon and Anderson, being replaced In the seventh by Druce Bimund- son. The line-ups: General Motor Domlnato rf. Windle as, Arney 3i Lindsay M, -Pavlikis c. Larrfble cf, Bird lb, Holkestad 2b, Morgan lb, Anton P. Gordon and Anderson Dun can c, James cf. Kerr ss. Dell lb, Owen, deceased. (121) ; c E:nlth 3b R. gnth Jf. Find FOR SALE New and Used Fur- nlture and Hardware at the1 lowest prices. Office Fixtures, Desks, Safes, Rugs, Mirrors, etc. Used Kitchen Sets from $14; Used Electric Hoover; Bathroom Fixtures Basins and Toilets. Basins from $4. Hassocks from $2; Pails from 50c; Slightly Used Beds, complete, from $20: Rifles In good shape; Barber Chair; New nnijln Cook Stoves; Scatter Rugs from $95. All kinds of other useful articles. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Protection against loss. Fire, Autc, Personal Property Floater and other insurance. Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. Phone 342. (136) FOR SALE 28 ft. gillnet boat with 5 hp. Easthope engine. Phone Blue 505 after 5 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE Brooder started chicks, sexed or mixed. R. O. P White leghorns and new, Hamioshires slllnjr May 12 at 2 weeks old, 55c each. Also R.O.P. White Leghorn puets sellins May 12 at 10 weeks old. $1.30 each. Add 10c per week on all orders after above dates. Sufficient ,cpckerel3 free. Your down payment .will hold order until required. Balance due before delivery. We guarantee satisfaction and 100 live arrival. Shipments F.O.B. Kitwanga. M. Rowe, Kltwanga. (120) FOR SALE Salmon troller, fully equipped In first class condition, "Laura L. II." Length 35.8 feet, breadth 9.7 feet, depth 6 feet; G.89 registered tons, belonging to estate of A. A. Lar- sen, deceased. Can be inspect ed at McLean's Shipyard. Writ fn fenders including terms to Brown & Harvey, Box 658 Prince Rupert. Highest or any tpnder not necessarily accept MACHINERY ti- raw better lujnuci (126) nnAm miiv. use me moucm and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Llmltea, vancou B.C. lay If, (tf) Moxley p. Menzies rf. Simundson p, KAN!) IJEOISTKY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 9166-1 to Lots Twenty - three (23) and Twenty-four (24). Block Forty-three (43). Section Seven: Lots Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-two (22). Block Eighteen (18) and Lots Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13). Block Nineteen (19), Section Eight (8). City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia (Map 023). WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Joss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of The B. P. Sturtevant Company of Canada Limited has been filed In this office, notice Is Jiereb7 given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Pro visional certificate or Title in jieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C. this 5th day of May. 1947. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (141) Today MIXED "C" BOWL SCORES In "C" division of the mixed bowling league, Jokers and Ideal Detergents each won three games from Tars and Spars and Acme, respectively. Ladles high scores, both for tingle and triple, were bowled by Dorothy .Ballln-ger of Ideal Cleaners with .244 lor the former and 625 for the latter. Men's high single was mark ed up by Dan Wick of Jokers with 256, while D. Houston of Ideal bowled the high .three- game total of 691. IDEAL DETERGENTS D. Ballinger 171 2ii D. Houston 212 250 H. Schmidt , 170 S. Cronin 216 R. Suden 15J W. Fudger 227 Totals 1147 1200 1204 ACME R. MacKay 96 D. MacKay -.215 V. Ostashower .... 152 A. Ostashower 141 I. Krtst'Janssen ... 114 V. Duncan 130 Handicap 127 TotaU 657 JOKERS P. Menzles 128 G. Dell .' 11C E. Knutson 202 D. Wick 194 .256 R. McCallum 167 204 Low Score 100 135 Totals 903 1175 TARS' AND SPARS L. McMillan 165 195 in Sports MIXED "C" BOWL LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Ideal Detergents 9 3 Jokers 8 4 Acme - 8 7 Amazons 7 5 Alleycats ., 4 8 Tars and Spars 3 9 G. Freeman 144 J. Nowak 100 J. Meads 153 J. Sykes H2 H. McCrlmmon ... 104 Handicap 16 Hotals ?24 193 123 193 131 135 16 986 217 121 97 111 179 16 930 Baseball Schedule May 22 Mcose W&N J May 25 Savoy Moose May 29 W&N Savoy June 1 Moose W&W June 5 Savoy Moose June 8 W&N Savoy June 12 Moose W&N June 15 Savoy Moose June 19 W&N Savoy June 22 Moose W&N June 26 Savoy Moose June 29 . W&U Savoy W&N represents Watts and Nickerson. Team last mentioned Is to be the Heme team. Postponed games will be played Tuesday evenings. All games listed are ior Sundays and Thursdays. SOME DIVE The average depth ocean is 12.450 feel. NEW BLEND IS HERE ! New, Improved, Chase & Sanborn Coffee , NEW, IMPROVED, Interior Motorists When Driving to Prince Rupert . . Why not make "The Home of Friendly Service" your motoring headquarters? With the Skeena Highway open again we look forward to seeing many of our Interior neighbors In town. For Prompt and Efficient Service It'3 Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" r.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 COAL PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS of the 210 229 m 206 '224 ii i r Guaranteed to Keep You leaular" Naturally ) 98 119 y or dtwfrfe your money back t t Y 136 228 IvSj WiVnmkk 127 127 .IF 911 1113. (a VnTUllI (guarantee M WMl'Mnttli i Eat an ounce of KeUogg's All-Braa flS 192 178 - '1 HI 1 U,IIhJP every day. If after using just one pack- fJ J10 a HLV -",' n2iuS age you do not agree that Its continued, m 218 182 1 ls dw2&& use Is a simple, pleasant, dally precau- fl 170 190 'v 1 --!rBrk tlon 10 nelp you keep rePJlar' maU gg i ar (J 4ry a empty uai rwn w u mu. n w or- 183 ' .'bt2&J?3J. 1 lng the address of your grocer and the H S7 v HWfe'd I 'price you paid. We will refund you not JK 97 ? "wll onIywhatyoupal1 but double your m most satisfying' blend you've ever tasted WHY GAMBLE YOUR LIFE . . or those of your family and friends, by driving on smooth, thin tires? A BLOWOUT might mean the difference between a happy week-end holiday trip and a disaster you will never forgive yourself for. Replace those old tires now with GOODRICH SILVERTOWN Llfe-Savers or the new Big Mileage-Ribbed Tread. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 5GG For Your Eating Pleasure Broadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE - OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME HOURS 7 AJVI. to 5 AM. PHONE 200 T?rInrrRupcrf Daflp JQctitf Thurid?r IS:- M I I 1111 Favourite Shaving Combination the World Over Men, for the best-looking shaves, the quickest and easiest money can buy, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blades. Th?y fit exactly, and protect you from the discomfort caused by misfit blades. Gillette double edge means double economy, too. fc lookf"'"' feels"""" hen"""' Gillette blue blades With the .ftf'edges ever honed! 4 KAZ0 ': MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED : feel like loafing? Then Brown woods have the shoes for you . . . Moccasin-style casual shoe' . . . Man Styled for leisure ... cut right for comfort . , . Choose from many leathers and styles from Krownwood's extensive selection. . ? BELTING HOSE ACCESSORIES PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 SECOND AVENUE KNO I IU I X HOTEL A QUIET, TLEASANT PLACE TO LIVEj COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT' Managers: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN WE HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY FOR H. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE OIL . CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNERS ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. Box 1158 (Station B) Phone BLACK 962 FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES j4 i - S5.50TO$9'95" ' -$20 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. - AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore cafe P.O. Box 737 l!Ji i I it