CTOR'S HENT 47 i Viul"R W err j ifr i t T J- K: F? ?1 i K : B Mur- Mi i ,i on the Railways, railroad in the the de- -w days : he train &, trials, a workers mii on his vice and i! luck on :..! the fu- ... Tl Aff T ,, ..I Murphy .dence to ihc evc- it a purse , Mr. and Vincent, mi Order Cana-unes, on on the Murphy at a gold v sn romance a-c bjend-i: Palooka," "rnalnmcnl o: town at ' is Tucs-3 and Lio-.. .r" roles. On Trrrace The-r: up will be emotional FtarrcU and Interesting npar.y both pic- .HI Kit,,,..!... 1 n - -""mujij ai o p.m. V IP'l,tnn. 1 n n , ... i-Tuiuiuay. " Wil ! ... ... W.AUA FALLS" ' 1U I M-ir,"nr Wink! wnrl.lt 1 i Pitts and oi.KiBiorviiie . .... .turn zz Wakely, Lec ""rsil.v Anril 2.1 V i' WtiOKY" " iur.a u)wc and Jcnn Rc-'C". RD A rr ' m W - II I I V "J w iuiiii mm w m u oiorage win . . . ftlX TP A 1 Mr. ANY TOINT DISTRICT ,n- Smith) watch chain from his crew members. Morley Stewart, a retired conductor, proposed a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. After an enjoyable evening, Walter Taylor thanked the host and hostess on behalf of those present for their generous hospitality. Mr. Murphy started railroading In Nova Scotia on the Intcr- cclonlal Railroad in 1900, coming west in 1806. 11? saw the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific from Portage la Pralrlc to Jasper. With the amalgamation of the O.T.P. and the C.N.R. he continued In serv lec with the C.N.R., woTklng out of Edmonton, Calgary, Prince Albert, Prince Rupert, going to Winnipeg 15 years ago. Terrace Mr. and Mrs. Murphy plan to eventually go to Victoria to live and may pay a visit to renew eld acquaintances of their many years' residence here. Mrs. J. L. Bethurem of Usk and her mother, Mrs. Sam Alger, arrived In the city from the interior on Saturday night's train and will sail tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a visit In Victoria with Oeorge Alger, son of Mrs. Alger and brother of Mrs. Bethurem. TERRACE D OF TRADE DISTRICT MEET- i ..e i 1. : fp.... :n mi hi Trade clinic in the Oddfellows' Hall ...i.. Ci.,i.nnnii ivlmii iVin iriinct ciwinlor 1 lit ' u liuitn, ni.ni i cui tov.iiv.in.nv- ui i ...mlinii if P.nnminrpn wrwi will Ion rl :i . , m . 1 I f i : : ;iuii on isoa i oi irate una enamour in r. U: I fnr -th acs from Pri! ::e Ru-t: addition x speakers fmithcrs, ., arc com-m as well In the r rncellinj J of Trade ..nn of the I . A 1 ccuurcs i e Tlifpfrn delegates will be staying over for that. The Vimy dance held Friday evening In the Oddfellows' Hall drew a large crowd and proved very successful. Refreshments were served toy the Women's Auxiliary. The new municipal fire truck, which arrived a few days ago from Prince Rupert, has created many favorable comments. Miss Sylvia Moirkton. whose parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Monk-ton, used to live in Terrace, be came the bride of Tom Wilson of Vancouver on Saturday eve ning. The ceremony took place In Victoria. Mrs. P. Crcgo arrived home from Prince Rupert on Friday evening. Mrs. S. Hume left on Friday night for Jasper, where she will arrange lo have her household r,.-,v.a on. to Terrace. The Humes plan to make their home hcrc Dr. L. T. Green of Smlthcrs Is expected to be in Terrace on Thursday to attend the quarter ly Board of Trade dinner. Mrs. N. Sherwood Is coming home for a visit this week. She Is nursing on the staff of the Emlthcrs llospjtal. Frank Phiscator, son of Mrs J K Gordon. drowed dead on tlp Ft reels of Seatlle on March 31. He was 55 years of age. He lived here for many years and followed prospecting. Miss EdiU Tcop has been re lieving in the post" office during the absence of Miss Jean Klrkaldy. Intermittent showers during the dav. witli heavy downpours cf rain at night, have marked the Easier holidays here. People have rommciKcd gardening. Mrs. Snilyes. teacher of Guide Three, will not be reluming to Klwol for a few days. Mrs. Gordon. Houglaiul Is substituting for her. Miss OlacljS Fisher has gone soulh to impend a few days in Vancouver. Cio- a hlau Car... SRP n a llis:llcr rcsac l'rllc l"'"orrow. US FOR Ki'niii Ai) cuuvir.ti L.II nj . ifnai, .. . and fqulnncd to handle all maintenance wm-li ----- .... .. ... , "n an makes of vehicles. Drive in touayi MACHINE SHOP AND (J A It AG K -fciML MOTORS DEALER Local News Items V". . Mrs. J. Cook Is sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. GARDEN ENTHUSIASTS Attend a public meeting In the Civic Centre Tuesday, April 15, at 8 pjn. (87) Mrs. Frank Skinner and daughters returned to the city or. the Oardcna last evening Irom a brief trip to Vancouver. Everyone Interested In OAR-! DENING is urged to attend a public mveling at the Civic Centre at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. . (87) Mrs. G. H. Alexander arrived lrt the city at the end of the week from Los Angeles and sailed last night on the Casslar for Skldcgatc where she will pay a visit with her mother, Mrs. Robert Scharffe. On and after this date, April 11, I will not be responsible for any debts made by Mrs. Florence E. Munro. Robert Munro, 1C00 Moresby Avenue. (86) Ed Fortin, logging superln tendent from Cumshcwa, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Mrs. For tin arrived In the city on the Casslar at the end of the week from the Islands, sailing on the Camosun Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Douglas Clark of the extension department of the Univer sity of British Columbia returned to the city on the Casslar yesterday morning after ppending a couule of weeks on the Queen Charlotte Islands. He will be returning shortly to his home in Vancouver. Miss Peggy Dunn of Brandont Manitoba, after visiting in the city for 10 days as the guest of her uncflc and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Benson, left at the latter part of last week to visit in Vancouver, Victoria and Se attle before returning to her home on the prarrlcs. Announcements All tvrrlirnirnt m mi column vUl lie ctiorsrtr lor ft full mouth t 25o. word. Vardcn Singers entertainment Wednesday. April 1C. 3:15 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall. Card Party, Catholic Hall, April 17, 8 pin. Rotary Tea, Civic Centre, April 17. Orange Ladles' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. j Masonic Dance, Masonic Tem ple, April 18. Sojourning brethren invited. Sons of Norway Fishermen's Farewell Dance, refreshments, April 24, 1.O.D.E. Hall, tickets at Co-op store. Women' of the Moose tea and sale. April 30. United Church Spring Sale, May 1. Band Concert, Civic Centre, May 2. Plays. United Church, April 30 and May 2. ' Guide Camp Tea, May 3, Mr& Blackaby. Novelties. Baptist Tea, May 8, Mrs. Gil kcr's. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Legion Auxiliary Sale. May 0. Mother's Day Tea Sale, S.O.N., Udies. May 10, Lutheran Church ?:00 to 6:00. Canvbral Chapter Spring Tea, May 15. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrs. Bcrncr's, May 29. United Church W. A. Tea on lune 12. KILLS a moquitors jg brdbugs HttniTTT") roaches List Price Contains sufficient DDT for-inula for 100 applications. DEALERS WANTED Write to local agency. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone C32 is HEAR Mayor Nora Arnold open "Conquer Cancer" campaign, CFPR, tonight at C:3- (It) Mrs. E. C. Stevens is sailing from Skldegatc on the Casslar today for a visit in Vancouver. Mrs. Joseph Sla.ggard is sail lng tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancou ver. Will customers who have been getting eggs from R. Munro, 1C00 Moresby Ave., please call as we are unable to deliver (86) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Acton return to the city on the Car dena last evening from a three weeks holiday trip to Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Branche who have been spending the winter at Usk, returned to the city from the interior on Satur day night's train. O. S. Reade, fisheries inspector on the Queen Charlotte Isl- Local school teachers returning to the city on the Cardena last evening from Vancouver where they spent the Easter vacation included J. S. Wilson. Miss Anne Wood, Miss Irene Peatt, Mrs. Moses, A. Hardwlck, John Church and J. Vogt. Train Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the Last' Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 djb. JUST 3G0 BERMUDAS Bermuda is a group of 360 email islands of coral formation. TO REPRESENT THIS DISTRICT Frank. Dorkerill to Oe Delegate at Important Gatherings n South Having consented to act as a sort of envoy at large for the Associated Beards of Trade of Central British Columbia and thereby also representing various constituent bodies such as the Prince R-upert Chamber of Commerce, Frank M. Dockrill, prominent Telkwa colliery operator and past president of the Associated Boards, who sailed Saturday night on the Camo sun for the south, will attend, among other gatherings, a con ference of the Alberta-British Columbia Committe and the Canadian Chamber of Com merce Pacific Trade Conference tooth of which gatherings will be held in Vancouver late in May. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at its month ly meeting tonight, and the Terrace and District Board of Trade, meeting this Thursday, will be asked to consider mat ters which It might be consid- ands, who arrived in the city ered appropriate for Mr. Dock- at the end of the week from the rill to take up at these meetings. isianos, ranca Saturday nigm I on the Camosun for Vancouver on official business. BIG SMALL FISHING Sjnglc catches of sardines sometimes run as high as 200,000 pounds. RIGHTS OF SLAVES Under Islamic law, slaves have these rights: to be clothed and fed, every male slave to be pro vided with a wife and have their orispring maintained toy the master. LONDON Oi Taxi service despite the fact "condition of the streets has been the worst within memory" was maintain ed almost normally throughout Britain during the worst winter in many years, said W. H. Cox, secretary of the cab section, of the Transport and General Workers Union. Oi -m Iff e Wards tfave 0e TIte tows we wo t y The Whites fm 76ree The prnml Iwo-prain Grapc-'Nnts flavor in crisp, fljWr form. As nourishing ns tliry are delightful to raU Two iiackupo sizes regular and giant economy. fi -Pqsfs I . H CORN mom Moose Whist Party And Dance Enjoyed Enjoyable and successful as usual was the Saturday night whist party and dance of the Moose Lodge In the Moose Tem ple. Prizewinners at whist were Mrs. Didrickson, Mrs. C. M. Lc Claire. S. Romcr and J Mostad. After serving of refreshments and presentation of card prizes, dancing was Indulged in with music by Roberts' Orchestra. William Terry was master of ceremonies for cards and Wit Item Weiss for dancing. The committee in charge consisted of William Terry, chairman; Joe Ratchford, Percy Bond, Malcolm Blair, Joseph Long and Everett Morrow. Sheriff Or Judge Commons Argument LONDON In Scotland Judges are called sheriffs-sub stitute, the "substitute" being unnecessary, and as far as Joe Westwood, secretary of state for r- , i t IIIU IMIlililU, 13 a Will" good enough In 1746 Is good enough today. Hector Hughes, Labor mem ber for Aberdeen and a lawyer. said in the Commons the judges are not in fact substitutes and the name is "mis-leading and undignified." He would like leg islation to ckninate "substitute" , and leave the judges with the title of sheriff. Westwood aid he could hold out no hope of such legislation but Hughes said the legal pro-fespion in Scotland had a draft bili on the subject. Wertwood said the matter might have been considered by the lawyers, but the term had been good since 1746. "Is the secretary for Scotland aware that prisoners have no dejection to this title?" a member asked. The House laughed. TEARFUL HUMANS A human being is the only animal which "expresses emotion by crying. Mm A Wave Tour 4(1 Viesw East L'avo nbtlcc J tlicrri at your prorcr's- tlioso YOU bright iKj packages of thp famous Post's breakfast cereals. Now ybuH Una four br your breakfast favorites in "family" packages that you can rccogn'uc quickly buy easily from the grocer's ebclf. The packages arc new and gay - the. products aro the same line quality you liavo always hadjU.udcr ibcw? trusted names. One tf the first readyktof(t eereils ililfttmeqnalleil for tnaltjf'ivreet flavor jivesi you nourisli-mrntiin concrnlrated fonm to dial table-tpoai u it a lufUcient icrj'uifc m mm Tqsfs I mm The bran yon net(t with flavor joull like. Helpi Vttp you regular and matei breatfait a deliclona cvcnU Two package ilzct - regular and giant economy. Yttar favorite tulfely-llglit com Half idelilhtfully tweet and crisp, with all tlln quick foodner(y value of finett tite corn. Two package lizea-rep" a4 lifto economy. Uj Ptince Rtipctt Daflp iI3cUi0 3 Monday, AprU 14, 1517 , They're JSew ... They're Smart ... y They're Comfortable ; . SQUALL COItDUItOY, jn Ski Designs Shades of Dark Brown and Coco SHIRTS COTTON GABARDINE, Sport Figured Sand and Wine. Sand and Green, Sand and Brown SJ.2S $5.50 iiiis.ihiaiiinniifcimj Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Itivcr) VANCOUVER Thursday at .11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write ,City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT JOHN H. BULGER - OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue It It's Kock Work CALL . . . M. SAUNDERS BLUE 939 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. f Baby Talli We're always ready to talk about jaur baby and serve his needs, too. For finest quality products visit our Tender Age Centre WE FEATURE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR BABY McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED (E. C. WALLACE, Manager) Third Avcnup at Sixth Street PHONE 7!) Da Sure of the Best Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue 1'lione 178 FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT ' THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. I'lione SG3 Estimates given for any type construction. Night Red C03 IT'S SPRING Time to repair and recondition your home CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations r.OBoK72l Thonc RED 561 3tl ;3 '! ' hi! 4 At? ;