(ii,.. Prince Rupert toilu r-JcUisi Thursday. May 8, 1947 Social D METAL. OF ANCIENTS Certain coun'ries used iron 'as far back as 1500 B.C. EGGS GRADE "A" LARGE 28-CZ. 44C CARTONED KEL APPLE JUICE 31c M TINS GREEN BEANS ciioick TINS Phone SI.' 31c OIDQS (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) Mrs. Youngs Is President lnlerrsfrn Affairs of Women's Canadian Club .Shown at' Annual fleeting; Yesterday Continued Interest In the affairs of the Women's Canadian Club was manifest when a Uric . fcatlierlns of ladles turned out mt the Commodore Cafe yetter-day afternoon for the annual meeting. Mrs. T. Norton Youngs was elected president, sucrecd- ,'Mt Mrs. Nora Arnold who ex- -pressed her desire to be relieved mol office In view of other actl- vltles Including that of the mayoialty. Mrs. Arnold reported " on the activities of the club during the past year which, for a nurrcer or reasons, had been tomowhat curtailed. Hie new officers are: Honorary President, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. President, Mrs. T. Norton Youngs. First Vice-President, Mrs. G. A Johnson. Second Vice-Predderrt. Mrs. ArnoM Flaten. Secretary, Mrs A. L Holtby. Assistant Secretary. Mrs, M. M. Roper. Treamrer, Mrs. C. 0. Ham A.lftar.t Treasurer. Mrs. T. W. Brown. Executive Afrs. L. W. Kersln. Mrs. Edgar Saunders. Mrs. Neville Oerrard and Mrs. C. C. Mills. Votes of thanks to the retiring officers were passed by the mee -lng. Funds totalling about $50. which were considered In excess of the actual working requirements of the organization, were set aside for division between the Library Board, Cancer Fund. Mayor's Fund and the Civic Centre. Tea was served at the close of the meeting. HONOR ORANGE LADY DELEGATES Honoring three members of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association who arc leaving for the south on May 15. a delightful tea was hdd at the heme of Mrs. S. V. Cox Tuesday afternoon. Guests ot honor were Mrs George Howe and Mrs. J. P. Moller, who are local delegates to the Grand Lodje which wiU be held in Vancouver, and Mrs. Frank Ellison, who Is going south at the same time to visit friends but who wU also attend Grand Ledfe sessions. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ellison and Mr. V. J. Line-ham. The present were Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. Georte Howe, Mrs. Frank Ellison. Mrs,. W. J. Ltne-ham, Mrs. H. Thurgood. Mrs. Thomas Priest. Mr?. A. Evans. Mrs. PauKm. Mrs. H. Smith. Mrs. J. P. Moilor. Mrs. A Mc Neil. Mrs Thonnst... Mrs. Rich ards, Mrs. J Jt-'hansen. LUMBAGO (Lame Back) When your back U ti3 and sore to touch and it't an effort for you to KMp or bend, take the remedy tlut hai broucht iwtfu af relief to thoaoands TemrJeton't T-R-C'a. Don't ur7er from the raising mijrrr of LumKaro dv loncer than wxi I nave to. tiet I K I I lxtiy, JOi. l at iruiit cvcrjM bat. Yti . . . It' th perfect household work saver. Ut Perle In the kitchen, bathroom and laundry, Pert. U NOT a harsh bleach. TRIPLE ACTION THC CENTIE BLEACH Teachers Hear Of Convention Life Membership Conferred on .Miss F, A. 'Mercer A well-attended , meeting of the Prince Rupt-rt District Teachers' Association heard reports of the delegates who had be n to the annual convention of tl-JJrltlsh Columbia Teacher's Federation dunng the Easter vacation. Mrs. Moses hed attended the meeting of the Library Suction and had heard P. J. Kltley, dir ector of jc-hool broadcasts, speak on radio and education. One point the speaker made was that many listeners to the radio sub-consciously absorb and are influenced by radio programs when thry are Jur.t listening Incidentally. Children are more Influenced by the program than was sometimes realized and grown-ups and educators would be well-advised to bring considered cplnion to bear upon producers and radio nations to ensure that objection programs do not caure harmful results. J Vo?.t soke on a mathematics section program he had at- tendrd. There had beeri much dleu!on and1 a considerable It had been veiy mtsreritlne. J. S. Wllon, who is a member I of he provincial executive and had been present at executive as wr" as general meetings, reported on the buslntss ns well ai social activities. The convention had been well attended and nad teen very successful. Resolutions sent from the Pr'nce Rupert r"t'!ct had received consider-nNe attention and sumort. The policy of the Federation to limit I the sire cf classes bad been re-i affirmed. I The presentation of the Q. A. 'Ferguson Memorial Award to Dr. M. A. Cameron had been a I I'otnbje fea'turc. Another feat-u-e with an appeal to local teach-rs. was the warding of i'fe menibershlp 1ft the B. C. Ttchers' FHeratlon to Misu E. A T''e The local ossoclatlon h honored Mirs Mercer previous in this regard and now the nrovlnclal body had r.knowledged the valuable ser-v-pp glvn to the community o-"rt the teaching profession i- !nre by Mlsj Mercer. fr Wilson referred to the Im-i P" '-rs of the bill for aito-. TO STRETCH YOUR FOOD DOLLARS PKICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK DOZ. CANNED TOMATOES 19c TIN QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT J PKTS. ... 26c Fresh Produce j : : NEW SPUDS 4 lbs. for 23c SWEET SPUDS 2 lbs. for 29c LETTUCE 2 for 33c CELERY lb. 19c SPINACH . . 2 lbs. 23c RHUBARB 21bs.l9c BANANAS 3 lbs. 53c ORANGES, 252's 2 doz. 65c GRAPEFRUIT, 100's 6 for 28c BUTTER OVERWAITEA BRAND FIRST GRADE CREAMERY 2 lbs. 99c KRAFT DINNER 17 WE SELL FOR LESS! WE SELL FOR CASH! OVERWAITEA 'KlTKllTS MOST MODKRN FOOD STORE" Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers A SWEET THOUGHT MOKE SUGAR More sugar 1 These w6rds fell Ilka muilc on the homemaker's ear when the announcement was made recntly that every i three months an extra pound of ugar was to be allowed on the ration, During the past five years everyone accepted, sugar rationing as something which was an absolute necessity due to abnormal conditions prevailing in the world, but, while connlv- llng to stretch the. Ulowance as far as possible, perhaps fev stopped j thin that it might t? havlrr a good effect on us. Why? Because it was teaching us to pay more attention to the food j we need, rather than to those which we Just specially Rke, and It has mude us real-lie that we may have been let-tins sugar replace other eisen-t.'al foods to a certain extent, with the- result that our meals may have been- off balance. It is easily seen that an extra pound of sugar for each mem ber of the family every three months need not be a cause of worry as to over-indulgence, for the average Canadian will still exchange of conflicting views. ! have less to u?s than wos the cae .in pre -rationing dap. In most hemes It will simply mean that a little moremgar can bo used here and there where It has been most missed and it will allow for a few extra batches t Of cookies and mere desserts. However, can't, you see some sugar extravagant reoVoes which Ijave been temporarily shelved during the Years of susrar rationing beirrg broueht down and used, as a soecial treat, to produce one cf thce favorite iced cakes for which the younger members of the family have been coaxing? Home economists haVe brousht down from their shelves such a recipe or twe whioh they admittedly have enjoyed retest- matlc membership, the effect of affiliation with organized labor and various icports cf the different committees, Other business at the meeting. In addition to toutlhe matters, was the consideration of clauses to be added to the salary schedule already agreed 'to between the trustees and the association. Food Savings FREE! 1 Plastic Coffee Measure With Each Pound Mysore Coffee 45 c LB. SMYRNA FIGS COOKING 27c LB. We Deliver X COMPLETE STOCK OF FROZEN FOODS BURNS CANNED MEATS CAMPF1KE SAL'SAGE .t SPORK JWf BEEF DINNER' 2lf BEEF STEW 2 If BEEF STEAK, AND KIDNEY 3rr STEAK AND ONIONS ,W CHIU CON C.RNE 21 f CHICKEN DINNER 1 1 (-WEINERS ;t(tr WE1NEKS AND BEANS 2 1 SPAGHETTI AND ME.T RALLS 21 ilrtgT With corn "syrup off the ration list the home economists felt It. timely to suggest these particular recipes which call for both su?ar and com syrup. Date ,Spice Cake 2V2 cups sifted ull-purpoe flour OR cups sifted. pastry flour 1 teasroon roda 1 teaspoon salt 34 teajpoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon ij teaspoon allspice 3,'i ciro lard or other shortening cup corn syrup 2 eg?s. well teaten m cues sour milk or butter milk 1 cup chopped, pitted dates cup chopped walnuta Sift together 3 limes the flour, roda, rah and sutees.- I rame arross an intereMing rontect the other clay fponjomi hy TALMOHVK SHAMPOO. All joh do: Find n article of men J 7 fS l l.mm Cream lard until soft and lhjttt. Add sugar gradually and cream mixture until very fluffy. Stir in corn syrup. Add 2-3 cup of flour mixture and blend well. Add beaten eggs and stir In thoroughly.' Add Va cup flour mixture to dates and nuts. Add remaining flour alternately with milk, beginning and ending with flour. Mix well after each addition. Add dates and nuts and blend well. Pour Into two 9" layer pans and bake in a moderately hot even 373 degrees F. for 35 minutes. Cool before frosting. Half this recipe may be baked In a moderately hot oven 375 degrees F. in an. 8'' square pan for 35-40 minutes. Fluffy Frosting 2 egg whites k teaspoon salt 14 cup .sugar BUYS - WHYS clothing hiddrn in tUi fentenre . . . " The road .1 v. " .1.- i.n. r lm i 1 iiii.vs tiiiuun iiic nuns ui me uiuut-ii ituni $200 re in ,hf,'r proper order. Simple, i.n't it, I beliere m w w I II 1.1 - ,it. 1,1 a . juii nuum line iu iry una i annum c cunirri, .H) here ii i. If j-ou find the word that fprll an article of men's clothing in the above, oonlcnce, wnd the word 'to 'me, Barbara Hrrt, Dcpt.il, 1111 Crescent St, Montreal. The first ten correct entrlej each win $10 doubled to if accompanied bv a prchaw totrn from PALMOMVK 811AM POO either LIQUID or 10 WD Kit . . . the shampoo I o much like" brntie it Icstm hair ItiMroits anl ro very easy to manage. N-n.l as many entries you )il(s-bui don't ilclay for yoii may lie one of the tea lucky winners! JUST LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE! Highest praie from your huvban.t when he tastes a favourite dish w his) happy' "M-mmml Ju.t like mother ui to make! r' Just between you an.l me and not to belittle mother's good cooking it's even better than mother used lo make when it's the delicious Ilhulmnt t'tutttrd lHe made with CROWN IIKANI) Corn Srnirt . . . here'a the reeine . . . ileal There's something about a leaning bowl of Mvoury roup to make tired, home-irom-thc-ome hiiibandt Fit up and take notice . . . and when 4 say savoury I mean full of.cood taste completely appetising HF.INZ Condemed Soupt, For all of HEINZ Coivicnicd Sovpt are eavoury to the last sip I . . . ro when you serve any one of them delicious Tomato Cream of .. Green . Tea .. Cream TASTES BETTER Mm SCy .Cf ,'""OlT!0 mhn See for yourself how much better a refreshing cup of coffee tastes when Pacific j Milk is added. Its creamy-rich texture will Improve it so much youU never want to be without it- Try some today. At all grocers. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed ftowtvailahla! LOOK FOB THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Classified Advertising Paysl for a Mother l)jy (May 11th) siecial treat . . . Line 9-inch pie plate with i recipe pattry rolled H Inch thick. Wash 3i pound rhubarb (about 3 cups, diced) rut into 1-inch lengths and place in pie thelL In a bowl com-blne Vt cup sugar, 2 tbfps. Benton's Corn Starch" and Vt teasp. salt Add I tsz and beot welt Add i cup CROWN BRAND Corn Syrup and 1 tbsp. melted butter or shortening. Pour over rhubarb. Roll out remaining pastry and cut in narrow strips. Crisscross lattice strips' on top Of pie. Bake in hot oven (ISO'F.) IS minutes; reduce heat to moderate (350F.) and bake 30 minutes longer, or until tender. Ask your grocer for a tin of CROWN BRAND tomorrow there are so man wonderful ways to rook with it! SOUP AS YOU LIKE IT! o; llushroom io that mnrv liu.-hnni; ot yours better make the sorvins r:. ;x larjal And did you "Build B. C. Payrolls" COFFEE Vi cup corn syrup l"a teaspoons vanilla Combine all lngredienU except vanilla in toa of . double 'boiler. Pla:e over- boiling water and beat with a rutary beater iuntll mixture holds It's share Remove' f rem boiling water, add Vanilla and beat well. Spread ' bottom layer with tart Jam or Jelly and cover with a layer of ' frosting. Place top layer In post-1 Hon and frost top sides with ; 'frosting. ! Chocolate Roll 4 egg whites I 1 cup sugar 4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons cold water 4 tablespoons cocoa 3i cup flour 1 tear poon baking powder 14 teafpoon salt V2 teasipcon varttiln 1 cup whipped cream 2 tablespoons powdered sugar Beat egg whites until still and add sugar gradually, beating 'Continued on Page 3 A wftlfy tJrtrtiunt tnd informttion itrri'ct or todiy't woman You know how it Is with perfection rricclws nnd unu.nial, you discover it unexpectedly in the form ami colour of an orchid the plow of a tunfei. Tlie.e art the perlcclion of nature anil you appreciate them without poj.c.injt them. But youra for the buying it the wicntifically planned perfection of SWKET CAPORAL CIGAUETTK8 achieved by Perfection Check j. Perfected for your smoking ati.faction, 8WF.ET CAPS jiro "rjuality toted "'in a new post-war, scientific proccfs that guard each SWEET CAP stcV by tcp from ptantition to yOu. Remit: Perfection in Fre.hne, in Smhot hne, ani in Taste. Before you light np-n SWEET CAP, draw on it, and note the clean fresh taMe, the result of "quality tfJling" from plantation to you. A SUNSHINE ACCOUNT! Vacation rfnjs the golden, happy w days of mmrner- f ?2v C'V-M t i m o leisure ' . "--Tt artnt far off . . . " -I :SW. but there's rtill time to save for them if you open a Savings Account nov at the HANK OF MONTREAL 1 4 Holidays, you know, aren't nearJy as murh fun when your fund ar low-so I'm Mire you'll tw glad to know that it's simplicity itsHf to Mart a Savings Account at the 11 of M for ai little as a dollar and any member of the bank's staff will be glad to a ist you. So why not begin a " $nnhine Armwftt for your vacation? You'll' find that saving for the rummer m is a lot of fun . . . and it will add a pleasure bonus to your holiday, too! Does baby balk at thoHevegetables? Docs he splutter, pusti the spoon away or i. he iiist indifferent? Many Ormes lid TZfi Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Dally Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from S aJn. till 9 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 pjn. 7 pjn. till 9 pm. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Boast Chicken Meat pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 68 mothers mv that add- JKiT'" ing ome OXO gives 1&jSf$ vegetables new flavour and baby lovea the rhanre. 0X0 is made from prime lean leef ro brings hi extra goodnc-M and flavour to other foods and it helps build sturdy children. Try mixing rame with baby's meal and make a cup of delicious hot OXO for your-,eclf at the same time. know HF.INZ rersatile eoupi add exciting flavour to doxens of dUhes . , . dressings, meat loaves, rarebit. neroles and many another family favourite! 57 recipes for delicious soup cookery have been specially prepared and tested for you by HEINZ Home Institute gathered toucher in t free booklet "3? Ways" to Use HEINZ CONDKNSED SOUPS". For your copy rimply write to me. Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montre?', P.O. CENTRAL HOTEi Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONB II HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Slsth Street Black 289 Goes Formal Sprinjr . Wool with waisto jacket to see loul ably throujh spc summer. NEW STOCK A3 REGULAR i USE OUR COVM BUDGET P'jl No Litfrt No Cirrji.13 Ci f LOVIH CABINET j Would like to ini rtictomera that thrrl be back In business II end of May. Mr.J leaving: shortly f"a ver to purchase nf and equipment. 1 I'nouiries as to m Ink. mil new srorl done can be nuie I fice of II. fi. HELGERSql or PHONE !fl WAR ASSETS Screened Lump. sacked Mine Run Bulk HYDETRA PUOXE Wfl If your build::., nltu-e were i ; 1 would your pre--i iNSURAjfl 1 rover replaccr.- Do you rca-j'; day costs of rr...'r -niture are up Consult y-- advised c: H-G.HELGE 218 SUf' S-"1