! r6 H m IDtiwcc Uupctt Daily J3cU)jJ Thursday, May 8. 1917 "Jerrace Plans Victoria Day ' Reopening: at Road (Stimulates . Committee in Charge With v Rupert Visitors cExpectcd r, I May Queen Standing . With the reopening of the ?, highway and the prospect that " many Prince Rupert -people will h Se heading Interiorward for that week-end, the Terrace Kins-i ninb M.iv Ouren cfclebra- ' lioij committee has been given new impetus In the planning of what gives eveW promise of be-ng an event of .rnajor attrac- Uon. said Alf YoxsJl, chairman Cf The committee, who was m The citv yesterday on a brief ouslriers trip. The .."celebration will be featured, besides the May oTueen crowning, with the official opening of the interior town's rew civic ventre In the former Army drill hall. Mr. Yox- all arrived In th city on Satur- ; qay night's tralp and returned hone-last evening. 7For-the.'convenience of motor-ins visitors, Mr. Yoxall an-i pounced that special, arrange-' ments were being made for Me. ffmund-s and auto Dirkin? fpace adjacent to the- Civic Cen- ji tre. improvements nave Deen "jf made -to" the ball field and a backstop nas Deen creoiea wnicn is-claimed 1o be the best in the jjltfltfsQuntry. .". .-; I. The--Terrace program will slarf wllh a dance at trie Civic gentre on the .Friday evening preceding Victoria Day. every hour of which frcin-morning to felght will be filled with ruch e'vents as children's races, fastball between Terrace Tigers and Prhtte Ruroert, novelty races. maypole-dance and crowning of . . . ,. . i . . queen, jiaruuau suinc ucvwvcm I', Canadian Legion ferret Terrace m K I! SMI" Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnitht nWmi .For 'reservations call or write W$ xClty or Depot Ticket Offices.' PRINCE RUPERT town team, horseshoe pitching contest, log chopping contest, tug-of-war between Kinsmen's Club and all ccmers and possibly ladies' fastball game. Meantime there Is keen rival ry between six candidates for the honor of being the May Queen, approximate standings to date being, as follows: Honey Haugland. Oddfellows, 850. Lash Cauthers. Orange Lodge. 800. Marjorie Hor.ke, Civic Centre. 780. Jean Chesher. Kinsmen. 675. Betty McCabe, Canadian Legion, 580. Peggy Laird, Teen Town, 450. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala. 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 pjn. From Vancouver . Sunday ss Coqultlam, p.m. Monday as Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pjn. Friday ss Camosun, 3 pm. Friday ss Catala, p.m. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska-Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 pm. Saturday ss Camosun, 7 pjn. "MIDDLE OF EARTH" The Meddlterraiwan Sea was so calkct by the early Latins because they believed it to be the "middle of the earth." I I I 1 j PRINCESS PROVES FRIEND IN NEED TO QUEEN Pointing to an object of interest, Princess Elizabeth stands in stocking feet at the grave of Cecil Rhodes, Matopes, South Africa, while her mother and an unidentified man stands beside her. The Princess, lending her shoes to her mother when the Queen damaged hers In climbing, continued the tour sans slippers. Kitwanga Plans j Huge May 24 Gala ! KITWANGA This interior vll-, lage Is grooming itself for wb Its residents expect wiu De ;ne greatest May 24 celebration in Its history. Celebration committee officials are David L. Wells. W. B. Morgan, Ray Morgan, Edward H. Benson, Harold D. Sinclair. Edward Tait and Solomon Bryant.' 100 IRIS SPECIES There are more than 100 of the iris. insaaHiii Rupert Peoples Store far SPORTSWEAR for OUTDOOR LIFE Rupert Peoples Store El a lit ' ' """l ,w- ! HI ! 1 H D IHBB Painting the Interior of your Home? Write or phone for VllEti valuable service which will help you choose the right COLOR SCHEME GLIDDEN "TIME TESTED" Distributed by: Paints PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Serving the North Since 1920 COAL - LUMHER - PAINTS HARDWARE Phones 651 - 652 FASTBALL PLAY STARTS TONIGHT The 1947 fastball seaion will set off to a start tonight with an exhibition game between two girls' teams Gordon and Ander son and Sweet Sixteen at Gyro Park. Schedule play In the city playground . league will begin May 16. A meeting of the newly-formed fastball commission decided last night that all players must sign a registration form and turn It in to the commission not later than Wednesday. May 14. Sweet Sixteen and High School are the latest teams to seek en -try into the league, thus bringing the number of girls' teams to four. There are five men's teams listed. An exhibition game will be held on Tuesday 'between High School and Khatadas and on Thursday between the winners of tonight's game and Tuesday night's contest. Commissioner Wally Lando", .hn is also chief referee has i listed a number of persons whom a he will contact to act as um-5 ! nires. He will call a meeting J a of prospective umpires In the near future, tm cornmissiuiier Landon's list are: George Mc-Whinney. Maurice Bridges. Dour Stewart. Mr. -igt, Mr. Wat- ( mough, Armand Boaj, Constable Ed Anderson, Mr. Cleland. GONE WITH GOLD RUSH The golden bear of California. a variety of grizz'.y, has long been extinct. Get the tiobit of buying 3 bottlel of Jovex ot a tin ONE FOR THE KITCHEN Jovex cleans and white ni sinks and drain-boards better and faster, ONE FOR THE BATHROOM Jovex keeps your toilet, both and basin sparkling deodorizes and disinfects. ONE FOR THE LAUNDRY Javtx In the wash gait lid of diil-llomi quicV!, mokts cottons and lintnl snowy whit. AT YOUR DEALER'S '7' i i wv CONQUER CANCER FUND IS GROWING tiip Conauor Cancer Fund drive in Prince Rupert continues t mnke sradual headway ana total of $1,- has now reached a CC0. it was announced toaay ny the local chairman, Mrs. J. D. Fraser. Recent subscriptions to be acknowledged are as follows: 5-00 E. Peterson Mr.v S .V. Cox z w Mrs A. C. Cromp 2.00. O. Giske 2- J. Morrison 200 Mrs. A. Sharun '2-00 L. Larsen 2-50 W- H. Lewis - - - 200 Mrs Dunn 200 S. O Wick 5.00 J. E Davies '. - 2-00 Mrs. M. Leufour 2.00 John Prince 5.00 Mrs. Jean DeClaro .'. 1.00 " Mrs F. Addison 2.00 S. Johnson 2.00 Mr and Mrs.' Sparks 2.00 Mr.--, p. Sorheim 2.00 M. Torkelsen 2.00 L. Locker 5.00 Mrs. Helen Marchildon and Mrs. W. Wain 5.00 D. Sievert 3.00 Miss R. Suden 2.00 Mrs. M. Schroeder 2.00 D. Elio 10.00 Staff of Bank Montreal ... 7.00 Mr. Murray '2.00 Mrs. Moses 5.00 Savoy Hotel 10.00 Mrs. C. H. Flnley 2.00 From Tort Clements Mr and Mrs. L. -J. Rennle .2.00 i Appetizing CLOVER LEAF ROLLS Want rl wickers ITTBeX-liuyed Members cf the teaching and maintenance staffs of all the city schools ar.d "the students of Booth Memorial High School are scdrag to be asktd to. submit to x-ray examinations when the Department of Health travelling tuberculosis clinic visits Prince Rupert in June. Decision to urge the teachers to take advantage of the x-ray service was made oy the Schoo. Board last night after city medical health officer Dr. R. M. Lane had Unformed them that such precautions are taken periodi cally In State of Washington schools. The mobile- unit will be In the city from June 2 to 18, he said. Dr. Lane recommended to the meeting that only students at Booth Memorial High School be x-rayed for possible tuberculosis since the disease starts to make its first appearance In the early teen age groups. There would be no point In having the smaller children in the elementary schools x-rayed, Dr. Lane informed the board. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ward 2.00 John Sorcnsen .,. 2.00 Geo. Leary 2.00 Mr. and Mrs.'Dyson 2.00 Mrs. A. N. Wars' 5.00 D. Dunlap 2.03 Mrs. T. L. Williams 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. May 2.00 Further contributions raised Port Clement's subscription to the Cancer Campaign to $40. Yes, Fleischmann's acfvo Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier, tastier Clover Leaf rolls. Fleischmann's works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, youH want Fleischmann's acfiVe Fresh Yeast the Yeast cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Order some today! Always fresh, at your grocer's General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED and we will give an estimate. P.O. DOX 654 , : PRINCE RUPEVI CALL BLUE 610 A. MacKenzie Furniture I -a. fM I PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY . DESCRIPTION Quality and prices riout I'lionc 775 537 Third Afcnue Yes, the worst is over but it is no time to let your coal bin run low TODAY UNTIL SAT. a !s A1 ' -. J You get speediest possible dc-lirery of your (avorite known brands of coal from us. Uut don't leave ordering too long. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS --- ... . COLOUEI) CARTOON NEWS KEENAN WYNN rxi K1KKW00Q XIV'tR CUGt CUV IUMBAR00 kit WAR ON UROWS AMHERST, NS., W The Amherst branch of the Nova Scotia fish and game association has declared war on crows Specifically, the association is after the brand of crew that occupies roosts near marshes where hundreds cf ducta nest each spring. mi iun COaiINC SUNDAY MIDN1TH "THE 0UTUV them more height 15 STItU'l'INT, COUK The firs: ,iPUn, a from vonn' two li... when they arc '5 u 20 vearl ORIGINAL HIGH HF.F Astors in ani ieni- GrepV cdies were hr-h t.eea to "An important part of my diet ever since my iint bott' has Ixen Crown Brand Corn Syrup. Now, that may be i. right for a little character like myself, but let me tell you, these grown-ups sure arc lucky what with Mom scrvin them Crown Brand Corn Syrup with o mam ct the: dishes. And she uses it in her baking, too, a: a sweetener Lean hardly wait until I'm old 1 enough to have some hot wafllcs or pancakes smothered with delicious Crown Brand. If it s as gotl as it is in my cereal I ' m in in mm luiuuiuuui op; . . . olt lor )cars tkicuirs luvc ri-timt-mended the ie f Crtwn Ilrnd Oirn Syrup a satisfactory cirrxi-hydrate acting at a milk modifier for bottle-fed infants. CROWN BRAiMD CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD.- ism hi MONTItttl T0K0NI0 Ado Monvfaclvrtri of CoiioJa Com Jlorc REX CAFE 3P V SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL! ChopSucy ChowMein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 am. to 2 am. PHONE 173 IT'S SPRING Time to repair and recondition your home CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone IELI) 561 P.O. Bux FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD nstructlon. I Phone SG3 KMiinaics given ioi a; - ..ji NUhl-Kcd . Hollywood Cafe PKINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to sp." CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop SUEY TRY OUR enow aiBiN TOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 13S 786 THIRD AVENUB wco CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS f hone on" law her I.. I i h