Classified Advertising nrofrf n '' insertion', minimum chare riv. , afcudiof ThanM, Death Notices, Funeral Notices', Marrlace "jje; t""- ,d Engafament Announcements; $2. k cf $2ff will be paid for f"' n .iodine to re STrf . quantity of 1A JE jOOfertlxC shlplapand ht registers rromtu f, n Kinflhan Island 'Vk between Derrmber 15, and January 1947. R. port Edward, B.C. tmt ttlt WANTED cafe on attractive IlncMte Linisslor. basis. Phone Red - oil rjNTD-Sun earner ior out ... . iui XT..c f Armlv JJJ-Malds for Prince Ru pert General iukphui, ntniij Hospital. IW WANTED for kitchen & tannic wont ut miuci uay an!tftr. Native ana wmie ; flw-'j" ... , , .DDlicants win oe consiciereu. indicants should be 18 years L older. Apply by phone or L letter to the Superlnten-L (100) " xfoHK WANTED fORK WANTED-;,ttrt - .Would look children for working mothers. Phone Black C15. (113 KfiK WANTED Truck driver ictperienced) seek employment Phone Blue 548 or write la 231 Dally Kows. (110) WANTED TiNTED Couple desire fur nished lulte, immediately. Please phone 701. (111.) SEP Us Your Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Active Trad-inf Company Ltd.. 335 East Cordova 6t . .Vancouver, B.C. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD 100 M AND BOARD Table meals. Home nway from home. Uen preferable. G22 Fraser Street. (125) I OK KENT FOR RENT Sleeping room, wn only 742 7th Ave. West. Call after 6 p.m. (113) FDR RENT Large light house wping room. 658 7th, Ave. tut '(110) fOR iftENT Furnished rooms. W 9th Ave West. (Ill) MRECT One'room furnhh- d cabin 953 3rd Avenue after 'Pa. (108) ICR RENT - 3 unfurnished rams. 258 llth St., off Second Avenue, (110) FOR RENT - Furnished house keeping room and one sleep- room, 801 Borden Street. (tf) WR RENT -Suite In Vernon Apartments for couple. Phone iBlue 815. (tf) 'RENT -5 rooms and bath- "on. monarch range, and JJrtwi. Apply 1U35 1st. Ave. (100) PERSONAL UWU. AGED WOMAN mill to lifter children afternoons r evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) ENGINES 'MEDIATE nr.T.TVKPV 'MAN GAS ENGINES 2-cyl. "hp. Latest features. Enclos- "Mteh, duaj ignlUoni Bosch :"suew, etc. Gas Enclns J. VIVIAN ENGINE 0RKS (LIMITED.. 1100 W. AVO V B.C. lew 1526. (117) "STINGS WANTED PIiNrj Your tt,.,.-.o . 'i'ir "-'"-'-' nc hat. l. kS'i )ooklne for veiv- . 1 and ....u 5 j room room hYmw ARM-(131) AGENCIES. bri!&me COURT OP ITI3H Cni.timtnt. SR'ClSR PTHE ESTATE OP " EFPWSON ANT! K!RATI0N ACT" i?.5,t1 da ir .W' E' p"'h', ade ip' .of Aorll. a n ioit t kno?.?P le' Chrlstophersen. ''"O Chru-chrutopnern. to it Mm. "nty required I !." Oh ."Jn?- ProperlV verlfiPl An .,..'ore the ai.f h.. i k. ""inn r ; ''"1 reierence ,,?C"ti"d'bl to the FOR SALE FLAT Scow, wooden construc tion, 50' long, 18' beam, con-. dltlon poor, declared sur.!u.s by Dept of Transport at Dig-by Island, B.C Ship Sal-s Division, War Assets Corpom-tlon, 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. wljl accept pliers to purchase, "where j.-as Is." Purchase price payable In full on acceptance of offer. mo) FOR SALR-Wrecklng 1028 Poiv tlac parts, good engine and new tires. Dan's Service Station. (108) FOR SALE 32' trolling boat, completely equipped, neto fur dies. Can be seen at McLean's Floats. Apply 1501 8th East. (110) FOR SALE Double desk. Memo Laren's Music Store. FOR SALE -New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen Sets' from $14. Slightly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Pails from 50s, Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges. New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugs, lovely de signs from $1.05. All .kinds of other useful articles. Come In and look them over. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Onj cot with mat tress, two wicker chairs, on chest of drawers, one simali table and bed head stand, one square linoleum, set of curtains with rod, small mirror, one trunk. All goods In use but In reasonably good shape. What's offered for lot? Bargain. Call at former Empire office any time between 12 and 4 or In evening after 7. tf FOR SALE 4 room house near Seal Cove. Owner leaving town. Full price, $1,400. Unfurnished, $1,300. Apply Col-lart At McCaffery. (109) FOR SALE 28 R. gillnct boat with 5 hp. Eistnope engine. Phone Blue 505 after 5 p.m. (tf FOR SALE 22 ft. ges boat. 5 h. "p. Viv'an motor n; good shape. $250. Box 230 Dally .News.(109) 1. Two Choice bulldiiyj lots on Third Ave. West near McBrlde. 2. One lot on Second Ave. West near Civic Centre. Modern five roan bungalow near Seal Ccve; Grand harbor view. Ideal for anyone desiring privacy. Reasonable; Terms; Owner leaving town. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342. (112) FOR SALE-General Electric washing machine In excellent condition. Ph6ne Black 29G. (109) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR LEASE FOR LEASE - (1) Terminal Lunch and Newsstand. First class opportunity lor 2 working partners. (2) Terminal office or store space. Location where traffic Is ready made. Apply Northern Distributors. (tf) BUSIEST MUSCLE The diaphragm Is the busiest muscle In the human body; it completes 500,000 movements In an grdlnary lifetime. INJURED ZOO ATTENDANT IN BURST OF TEMPER Glaring from behind the bars of his cage In the Philadelphia zoo, where he threatened the life of his keeper, Ralph. Davis, before-bemg driven off by .quick work of park attendants using a fire hose, is "Bamboo," 400-pound giant gorilla. Severely mauled by the big fellow's sudden attack, Davis is. In, a Philadelphl hospital. Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Tony tne Troubaaor 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Little Concert 4: 45--Tales tf Texas 5:00 Popular Playnouse 5:30 People Ask 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 Freddy Martin's Onch. 0:15 On the March 0:30 Perry Cotno 0:45 To be announced 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CDC News Roundup 7:30-Eventlde 8:00 Vancouver Theatre . ' 8:30 Story of Music 9:00 Sports Review 9:15 Fqints of View 0:30 Pacific Showcase 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Sportsman's Guide 10:30 Les Brown's Orcri! ' ll:00 Weather and Sign Off. FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 3:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:C0-BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert. 0:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11 :3Q Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert Iti.llcr baling imtiU stur.Iy Irps. Sluriljr legs nerd ulroilR I..H..S. Vilnniin "" huiUU liallliy Loni-H. SliN-KYl'E U 1iiiiii'h "C" Fnrlifinl. The tlirtll nf lecl in nlieels use lip energy. i Cool and clear SllN-HYI'K In a (rniul refresher. A w-lrime treat for playtime rest periods ... S I N II Y V E . . . innile from (nin-riprneil II. C. Applen . . full I y ..r aiuulllNI Hllll 11 ppnrkling heallh. 50 HOYS "to" for SUN-KYPE 6 oKoxiotyyaobta6otfd66(yot) Whiff lets From The Waterfront When the SS Princess Louise leaves Vancouver for the north May 10 It will be the first sailing allowing a through bill of lading for non-perjshable freight to the Yukon via White Pass and Yu ¬ kon route. This will connect with boats to Mayo, Dawson, Stewart River and Auln points. Rev. Peter Kelly, chief of the Halda Indians, Is seeking a vessel suitable for use as a missionary craft to operate from Alert Bay in the United Chur;n service. Chief Kelly will have personal charge of the boat which will be the latest addition to the church's mission fleet. The former luxury yacht "Sans Peur," owned by the Duke of Sutherland, and which performed valued servlee during the 4-ar, Is being offered for sale lri Hall-fax by the War Assets Corporation. The "Sans Peur" was fre quently seen as a transport at . . . ' T-l 1 J 1 1 II,. rjiuce nupcii, uunug mu caujr stages of the war. She was In Queen Charlotte Sound. It was In May 1941, she aided H.M.q.S. Prince Henry in landing the crew of one of two German ships which had been scuttled. P.M. 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Houi 1:30 Recital, Halifax 1:45 Needlepointers 2:00 National School r Broadcast 2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45 Messer's Islanders 3:00 Cowboy Troubador 3H5 Serenade to America 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News and Com. 3:55 King Gordon Mont. Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALIY'tIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) ,a: Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 ''' camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. . QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May 7 and 19, June 1 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prhve Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 588 MARKET DROP HALTS FUR MARKET SALES A responding drop in the London fur market ha left Canadian and American ftfr dealers holding large quantles of pelU for which they can find no re-ajs- oTvable maiket, according to J. E. 'Orrrneim, local Hudjqns Bay Cc. fur buyer who is closing ud his seasonal operations a month earlier than usual this year because of the situation. The recent HuoVyGn's Bay Co. fur sale In London saw prices on oractlcally niytVpe of furs 20 per cpnt belowJthe market price last winter, he said, blam-IrMfthe tfrop on vaRusslan fur rymort.s during 'the last few months. 'W!ifh the exception cf mink, all furs sold for 20 per cent less than they did pt the sale lat nter. and only about 40 per font of the funs offered were !old," he said. Canadian and American operators lost heavily as a result of the market drop. Prices and demand for mink remain unchanged from lait wWer's level. h 3c4ed. He attributed the drot) to Rus-M!n exnorf? of fur' which, he 'aid. have hdd a vulue of $G7.- 000.000 and have lieerr dumped on the fur trading eafitals of tho world. Tills has reduced the demand for North American fur: "Areori1ir.r ty information I have received, the Russians have exported 67.03& marten peWs, and 7.000.C00 snulriels. Further export on a similar scale are feared." he de'bred. Market conditions are causing Mr. Ormhelm to closs up his buying operations' for the summer. Ordinarily he does not do so until June. He ic saiWni tonight on the Prince Ruwrt for Vancouver where h will spend the summer. PINOCU1AR PERFECTION To prevent du?t and dirt from enterlns binocular?, workers assemble them in air-conditioned, electrically-cleaned atmosphere. PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing Printing Enlarging Coloring PORTRAITS and PASSPORTS Chandler & Cowgill 21C 4tri St; P.O. Box CI5 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS Sanitary COMMODORE VMU We Are Most Anxious to Serve YQli BREAKFAST MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH In a well ordered Banquet Hall we serve Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets and cater to parties' of all kinds. (Call' 17 for full particulars). A Constant Supply of Ice Cream Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYBHAVN, Proprietor. JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's moceassin front Oxfords See them while sizes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES B24 THIRD AVENUE Next Commodore Cafe HATCH COVERS SEASONABLE IDEAS (Continued from Page 4) constantly. Beat e3 yolks with cold water and blend with first mixture. Sift tcgether the dry ingredients and foid Into first mixture with the vanilla. Line shallow pan dOVi" x 15 V) with waxed paper, allowing erfge of paper to extend 2" above sides of nan. Orease pan and paper thorcuhigry. Pour batter Into pan and bake In a hot oven 400 dt-srefs F. for 12-15 min utes. Turn out on damp cloth, trim off edges and roll cake with cloth as -for Jelly rool. Cool. Unroll and spread with whipped cream to which the sugar has been added. Re-roll and slice. Classified Advertising Paysl fp Mtti ttie dm I WW-ST TRY THIS TONIGHT! Life is much brighter if you can start the day with a smile. If you wiken tired and listless why not do as thousands today are doing just drink a cup of Ovalrine af bedtime each night. For Ovalrine acts in three ways, to help make. you alert and glad to be alive. Tint, taken warm at bedtime, h fosters sound, refreshing sleep, without dry p. Second, it supplies essential food elements to rebuild vitality while you sleep! Third, it also furnishes important vitamins and minerals in delicious, more natural way foi all-round health and vigour. So why not try Ovaltint beginning tonight and get off to a good start in the morning. UWtiite- Efficient W. T. COOPER, Manager. SAILS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 1C0 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) rfnfc ttttpcrt 2?af!p rectos Thursday, May 8, 1947 All MHA1 RAZOR i . and Blue made ly, and from the caused by QUICKER You save EASIER ior vjiucixe . ,a.w AOMl today's Gillette Blade. Precision, they fit exact- . protect you aoupie edges mean double cccaoixiy. SHAVES .CO V Gillette BLUE BLADES With the ..r(S edaei ever hr,nAl h- " rM The Ideal Giift for "Mom" SEE THE May We Suggest Before Taking That Holiday TrirJ . . . . You See Our Stock of Accessories FOR YOUR CAR'S SPRING CLEAN-UP Kleener Sponges, Wax, Soap, Chamois, etc. ACCESSORIES Fog Lights, Fender Flaps, Midget) Vacuum-Cleaners, Chrome Grill Guards, Wheel Wrenches, Hot Patches, Jacks, Miscellaneous Tools, Seat Covers, and many other items. Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 Frlnce OUR PRICES ARE GOING DOWN! New Prices on the Popular i. , CHAMPION OUTBOARD MOTORS 4.2 H P. Positive Cooling. Easy Starling. NEW SHIPMENTS ARRIVING REGtTLAREJf f See Them On Display at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Announcing . . (Mrs. C. SPECIALIZING IN WORKINGMEN S MEALS GOOD HOME COOKING Third Avenue discomfort misfit blades. money, too, .ar EASIEST SHAVING COMBINATION MONEY CAN BUY- For faster, better. looking shaves, use the" omers tai DISPLAY'AT PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. . . . 't ( Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 NOW 15700, wr .reopening of; C. Swanson) 5 kf ff FRIED CHICKEN AN Ntf 7 km. to? 12 p.i KNOX HOTEL ' A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PEMIShS' UNDER NEW'mANAGEMENT f Managers: TOSI PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN . , . - J ? t r. - if i