m rll- !! 1$ prfnrc Rupert :DafIp j3cUj0 Wednesday, April 23,"lf7 Classified Advertising - - i - - Classifieds: JSC pr word rr Insertion, minimum charge. 50c Birth Notices. 60c; Cards of Thanks. Drain Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. .isiktii xoncr. HARVEY Born to Mr. and "Mrs. Howard Harvej. nee Dorothy Wilson, at Great Falls, Montana, a daughter, on April 21, 1947. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for the expressions-of sympathy and beautiful floral offering -for the iate Jack Mc-Isaac. Special thanks to the 'Canadian Legion, Rev. Fred Antrobus and the pallbearers. Ir. and Mrs. John Johansen and family. FOlC SALE FOR SALE-3 ft. flat bottom skiff. 112 11th St.4-5pjn. 197)' FOR SALE-3G ft. boat, fully equipped for halibut and'sal-mon fishing. Call Black 511. tf) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite. like new; Mantel Radio $5.00: .. Trilight $5.00. Green 943 after 6 p.m. (101) IFOR SALE New tuxedo, prewar material, 48 medium height. Never worn. Patent shoes to match. "2 tailored dress shirts, 18, never worn. Appiy "C Green Rooms. 93 FOR SALE R.O.P. White Leghorn Pullets 8 weiks old. Selling April 26. Sl-ia cach. 10c a week thereafter. Free cockerel suppled. Ala) young fryers and broilers l"i-2 to. average AprH 2G, 60c each. Shipments cash. F.O.B. Kitwanga, B.C. M. ROWE, Kitwanga, B.C. . t99K FOR SALE 100 b.p. Model T59 Mercury Industrial power unit, complete with frame, power take-off. silent multiple drive , chain and outside sprocket Ccmpietely overhauled. Phone 651. (95) FOR SALS Bta?k seal coat, size (15. Phone Blue 896. (98) jFOR SALE-Restaurant, stove, two ovens. Terrace Hotel, Ter ! race. (97) FOK SALE 31 ft. trolling boat Eider, at New Floats. (97) FOR SALE Rebuilt 45ft. seine-boat. Can be seen at Dodge Ccve. B. Bendickion. (93) FOR SALE General Electric Radio, table model, 7 tubes. -shortwave, $45.00; Chest ol Drawers, $18.00; Chesterfield Table, $3.95; Glass Bookcase or China Cabinet, $12.00. Miscellaneous articles. Green 818 .Kergin Apts. (94) FOR SALE 7 h.p. Easthope engine. Call 1110 6th .East (96) FOR SALE Five room house. furnished, vicinity of Cold " Storage, Seal Cove. Write Box 223, Daily News. (tf) FOR SALE 2 metal cribs com- ,plete; 1 high chair; 1 commode chair; 2 dozen quart size pre serve Jars. Black 695. Suite 9, Besner Apts. (94) FOR SALE Restaurant and property. Good' location. Reas onable price. Apply B.C. Lunch Hazelton, B.C. (110) FOR SALE Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Black 889. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen Sets from $14. SILghtly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Palls from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugslovely designs from $1.65. All kinds of other useful articles. Come In and look them over. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Resort ilte on Lake Lakelse. Price consistent with assessed valuation. Writ? Frances Poe. 147 Linden Av enue. Wthnette, Illinois. (104) FOR SALE 36-ft. troller, ccm pletely equipped. At Imperial Oil dock. Phone Black 511 (tf) FOR SALE Scrap lumber for firewood. Reasonable price. Phone Green 471. (97) FOR SALE 65-ft. beam trawler "Colnet," completely equipped, Al condition. Reasonable price. Phone Black 304. (04) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use :the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Three-piece prewar, chesterfield; velour davenport; piano First class condition. Other articles furnl- - ture. 1C58 7th Ave. East. Phone Black 515. 95) FOR SALE Tiny registered Mexican Chihuahua puppies, famous champion stock, mostly American. To tend Kennels (Reg'dJt 654 Richmond St.. Burnaby. B.C. M HELP WANTED WANTED Seamstress. Apply Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. (96) HELP WANTED Woman to help with housework. Several hours weekly. Phone 452. (95) WANTED la Ids for Prince Rupert lOeneral (Hospital, Apply Hospital. (ti) WANTED Men for fish floor and cold storage operation, work starting first week In May. Apply now in person at Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Ca Ltd., Seal Cove, Plant Superintendent's office. (97) HELP WANTED A.n tor work at Valetln Dairy. 95) FOR RENT FOR RENT 4 room house, unfurnished. 616 6th Ave. West. .Phone Green 6DS. (97) FOR RENT-U room furnished cabin. 953 Sid Ave. alter 5. (94) FOR REST 2-room cabin. $14 permonth. Apply 221 5th East. (99) FOR RENT Furnished apart ment from .May 1. Phone Green 6S8. WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Married woman will lock after child of working mother. Blue 325. (95) WORK WAN! ED Woman with girl 4 years w'ants housework for gentleman or family Live in. Red 807. (94) WANTED WILL Pay Cash for good late model car. Phone Black 496 WANTED Good hand sewing machine. Will trade good treadle machine. Box 224 Daily News. CJ5) IN THE SUPKEME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP THOMAS KENNEY, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THOMAS KENNY. DECEASED IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, made the 8th day of April. A D. 1947, I was appointed administrator of the es tate of Thomas Kenney, otherwise known as Thomas Kenny, deceased. All parties navlne culms acamst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified. to me on or before the 15th day of May, A.u. 1947, alter which Claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And all pArtles indebted to the are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth with. DATED this 9th day of AprU. AX). 1947. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 94 Posh Feather Hats Favored By Aussies MELBOURNE, Australia C Feathers replaced flowers as favorite adornments in the millinery mannequin parade held at the Melbourne Town Hall to forecast fashion trends for the Australian autumn and winter seasons. Australian designers showed Itfs always possible to start something new in women's hats by featuring models of every used. Hats sport drench feathers, hackle strip and glycerine feathers. Veiling Is still popular, worn i over the face to give a mystic air, under the chin, or hanging straight like a birdcage, -while sequins, filigree work and, of course, ribbon Uways have TO TAX HOUSEBOATS RICHMOND, B C. O' Houseboat residents here are preparing Icr another boost in living costs. Houseboats, previously exempt from taxation, are to be taxed up to five per cent, the municipality has decided. FUNERAL OF NATIVE YOUTH (Funeral of Dalney Benson, 17-year-old Kincolith youth who died at Miller May Hospital or. Saturday, was held at GrenvMr Court chapel Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Basil S. Prockter officiated and the service was attended by a number of friends and r!.i. FOR RENT Two-room cabin, Uves .interment took .plan 'at furnished, full bathroom plumbing. Green 838. (88) Fairview cemetery, with James Leeson of Greenville and Charles McKay, James McKay and Fred White of Port Simpson acting as pallbearers. During the service, the congregation sang the hymns, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and "Breathe on Me, Breath of God." George L. Stewart was organist Deceased had been a student at Albernl resi dential school from 1940 until last fall when he entered Miller Bay Hospital. JAY-BIRDS BEWARE OTTAWA 0 City traffic police has served notke they will prosecute Jay-walking pedestrians in the capital. KIKKLAND LAKE, Ont. ff Klrkland Lake District hospital board has decided to launch a campaijn to clean up bad tlfbts. A check-up showed patients' delinquent accounts running Into thousands of dollars. PERSONAL MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf). HAVE YOU FILED YOUR IN-COME TAX RETURNS? All personal returns must be filed by April 30L Have your return filed by a competent Income Tax Accountant. ConsultS.G. Furk, Room 6, Stone Building, Phone 563. (101) PERSONAL For touchy nervous stomach conditions. .re'i fast lasting relief with "Golden Stomach Tablets. The stom ach prescription for gas dis turbances, acid indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, hyperacidity. Ask for "Golden Stomach Tablets" at all drug stores and drug departments. lEDDY KILOWATTSVouf Electric Servant Housecleanlng'j really such a bora When you've no vacuum cleaner; The rugs get grimy, gritty loo To clean them nothing's rncnerl i GARDEN BACHELOR'S BE IT ON Bachelor's Buttons (centaurea cyanus). also called cornflowers, are hardy annuals of easy culture. Thev rcsnand to aocd rich color, siiape ana size. Tne irena lSoil pTopet cultivation end wat is ior ott-'ine-iace-nais, m sitik-ing color combinations, while feathers are most frequently ering during periods of drought. There are both single and double varieties in white, rcsc. pink, purple and blue the latter being especially valuable because true blue Is rare omong flowers. As a cut Hewer It is unexcelled but needs plenty of water to obtain long flower stems. Seeds can also, be sown in kite Xall or early spring and the earlier the better. Sowing in the open ground Is preferable to starting in the house, although setOlings should be thinned down to stand .8 -to 10 inches apart. Sewn late ln the fall, the seed win remain until spring when germination takes place during the cool spring days. Growing 2 to 3 feet high, the plants-may "need staking, if it can be dope to give a natural appearance. It Is a ?ood plan to sew three or more seed In a spot in the border, in locations a foot apart. Thin to one-plant In each location. Less seea Is required and thinning Is reduced to a minimum. Saparate colors may be had if a color scheme Is desired. The effect Is better when the seeds arc sown for mass effect. The plant Is native to Southeast Europe but has become naturalized in different sections of this country. It can be sown In the spring as soon as the ground Is free from snow and other conditions are sew. if the first try falls. never spade garden soil London Girl Flying Here Will 'Visit 'Wiih'Her Uncle. at 'Llshthwuse A young London girt', who has chosen to exchange life In the world's largest metropolis for a while for one on a lonely roek iff Canada's west coast, arrived in Canada today by plane and to speeding westward tc Prince Rupert where she will be met by her uncle who Is a Wghthouse keeper. Mi Deldre Biggs, of London. Wt England Monday night by aircraft on her way to visit with her widowed unric, JohnBiJ tenr of the Lawyer Island light. In Chatham Sound 10 miles west of Prince Kupi rt. Mr. Biggs has lived alone at Iilnnd since he was hansferred there a year ao. He has been In the Department of Transport lighthouse service since 19W, serving at Langara, Triple Istand, Holland Rock and now stationed at Lawyer itiana A veteran of submarine service with the Royal Navy In the first World War, 62-year old Mr. Biggs has lived felone on hfe various rocky posts since the death of Ws wite several years ago. VICEROY'S AUTOGRAPH SUDBURY. Ont. The Sudbury sea cadet corp has received an autographed photograph of Itself frcm Viscount Mount-batten, viceroy of India. It came about this way: The corps, named after Viscount Mountbatten, sent two pictures to the viceroy. He kept one, autographed the other and sent It back. It Is dry enough to crumble, because the clods which rrsult may trouble you all sea; n. Seeds sown betuie the so'.! is warm need all the protection you can give them againstwo'uld t,v. o rhnnP nn Mr.v sow- t'and fungi, .which have more I time "to formrwhen termination iTYi- because vou can always te- But is slow. Easiry appnea lunsi- before .dal dusts will protect the-seed. JBBi PANCAKES OR BUCKWHEATS.W 1) M 1 1 But happy is the housewife wije Who spends her hard-saved cash On one of these electric "sweeps' A rug's done in a flash! . . . . . - , SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 ICO East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) A minimum of cara of course And you'll have perfect service; . A true life-saver we mean .'wffe-saver" Don't you agree with us? WW .25 YEARS AGO April 23, 1922 A. A. Cox, 'Vancouver consult ing engineer, who had been au thorized to make an Inspection of Booth Memorial School, re ported that he considered It "In its present state unsafe for human occupancy." He claimed that matHlals used in building the school were Inferior In quality and workmanship was "not the best." Hen. and Mrs. A M. Mansor. were farewelled by a large number of friends as they sailed Hi take up residence In Victoria Mr. Manson was provincial attorney general. Mill rate for 1922 was set at 37.3 mills as the budget brought down by the civic finance committee was adopted by council. The mill rate was made up of 19.5 mills general; 9.4 schools and 8.2 special. The 1922 rate was an Increase of 7 mills over 1921. JAIL. DEER SI-VYER YORKTON. Sask. 0 Sentence of two months In Jail on a charge of hunting deer during the close season was given John Cyr of the nearby Lestock dis trict when he appease! In R.C. j M.P. court. BOVINE LOUNGES CHILLIWACK, B.C W Now It's leunses for bovine aristocrats. Reeve W T. Richardson said that the "cow lounge" Is a covered shelter where bossy may pend winter months lazily lolling or idly sauntering on a floor deep in dry. ciean straw. For Tired Eyes Two Drops give Quick Relief MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY EYES TIHEDT Sooths and refresh them In ; seconds with two drops of safe. cjoalW ; Marine In each eye. You jst i QUICK ItlltF.lnstantryoWtyeslcelM. I treshed. Murine's skllrul blend ol 7 Jn- qrodioms cleanses ar.d sooth js eyes Qui are Uroct frr.-i overwork or exposure to sun, wind and duix ! 1 frTDTXTP iVlUJtUlNX-, FOR YOUR EYES Geo. ' Now Just a short word to the wise: To save you time and trouble ; ; Be sure you've many outlets 'round, Or have some put in doublet An electric vacuum cleaner is one of "the housewife's busiest servants. The newer models have many separate attachment! which save time and trouble, as well as tiresome work. Wouldn't this be a good time to enquire about getting one? J. Dawes THF. AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bide) PHONES: Bus. Blue 115 Res. Red 127 Ask for George ""Iff rum n W&agjEfc I In either the tin or the pliofilm pitkiie.in fm. I rind, Fort Carry Coffee it roaitr-f reth . M tnjoy rort utrry in, to. DOUBLE DUTY COTTONS that'll see you through the day at home in comfortable gaiety. Fast color, washable cotton coat, cleverly dttailrd. In sizes 10 to 38. Come in and see our entire selection. NEW SHIPMENTS DAILY See -our White Dresses for lodges. If USE OUR CONVENIENT Bl DGET F. NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES A. MacKenzie Furnitu Phone 75 . I.IM1T1I) " " "A GOOD TLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT K7 TbW I For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE ai ion tunoiu. . j c.,r.V CHOW l1 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn- Don't be Satisfied with your Watch UNLESS YOU CAN HELY AHSOU TKUTHITLN18 ON ITS thiS"' two of If it varies-do one It ... or iret a new one. f.M .v.- laHrr Dlan i l11"' If yon think It Is, you can f'"" many dependable watches. ( them " 'V And we can prove WATCHMASTER regulars n $30 to ffiO for the guanine f: