6 C Han j cone prec Hett for was' A used Bah; that able pret Prln fter : son, dd Ire: u ai f "J by i INJ G1V Ittat isma tlon mai the 'his lent He he, whs the curi I r i!" ' 'I- I ! a I'" 'I', B i! ? a i is! if!'.; I! i : if! ?! I! 1 1 rnicr Unprtf Dnllp J3rto3 Wednesday, May 23, 191T (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) PubllshSd every afternoon, except Sunoay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Brltlsh-Columbla. a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. II. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Aivlndependent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all, communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. L , SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, rr By Mall, Per Month. 40c; Per Year, $4.00. An Asinine Situation There was irritating illustration yesterday of the effect upon Prince Rupert of a completely asinine customs situation whereby Massett and Tulsequah are the only original ports of entry or departure for; foreign aircraft on the British Columbia coast nortK-of Port Hardy. Believe it or not, there persists a regulation that prevents foreign aircraft from legally entering or clearing the country at Prince Rupert unless by special permit which, as in the case yesterday, had to be secured by wire from Ottawa. How such a ridiculous regulation ever came into being is difficult to understand. How it is allowed to remain is beyond all comprehension. lif is not necessary to labor on the inconvenience that is imposed on aircraft from Alaska, for "instance, which, if they want to come to the important city of Prince Rupert, must do so by way of Massett,-where there is a part time customs officer under the local office, and, likewise, on leaving,- have to go out by way of Massett. Its utter ridiculousness is apparent. Nevertheless, there it is. Fortunately, the Prince Rupert Cham-ber of Commerce is on the job and it is to be hoped there will be no delay in having the stupid state of affairs rectified at once. The illustration yesterday was that of the aircraft of a newly-established air service at nearby Hyder, Alaska, having flown in here unaware of the regulation requiring the entry at Massett, and being held up here for several hojirs awaiting a special permit, because Massett was blanketed with fog, when it wanted to get back with an important mining man on board. The inconvenience and delay is what mentioned thus far. There is also the tactor of danger of having to hop hundreds of miles around the coast, for no other reason than to satisfy a foolish government regulation which no knowing officials' could possibly have been responsible for and who, we are confident, will never permit it to, continue once they do know about it. . 3k iu7 6e wen J 'Hyaif-Mtia! Ufa, j, , f t947 Cy9fi Long 7.00; we have possible n 1 m resr ivAe? you amVe oa po iilacr willi ln rfT.t in a irwUl.fiuulileit!iCM Jr. M.ijr I)riv. Yet you get litrltcr erformauce, beltrr eroinmiy, aiwl greater nitty tlian you li in oM-faJiiuiml Imin-. Ilydra.Malic I)rie is the dy fully lirv,rJ, fully out. matte dri( n.l it' at ita Ial in tUt I'MTOMmiioUU! your UasnoMe 'AIR MAIL IS SOUGHT HERE Chamber of Commerce and City Communicate With 1'ostmaster fieneral Mayor Nora Arnold has telegraphed Hon. Ernest Rertrand, Postmaster General, urglnsr that a scheduled alnnail service bs set up immediately after the inauguration ot the dally air service between Vancouver and Prince Kupert, set for June 15, she informed city council on Monday night. The aldermen approved the action. The city, in its message to Mr. Bertrand, backed up a similar message sent on behalf of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce setting forth the importance of immediately Instituting air mail service betw een Vancouver and Prince Ruwrt row that a licence has been granted to Canadian Pacific Airlines for a scheduled air seivlc?. "We consider air mail one of the most imwrtant, if not the most Important feature of the whole set-up," said the Chamber of Ccmimerce menace in urging Immediate action. SuTOort - of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia and othv local organizations fnr th(? air mall application Is also being sought RAND PAMF RACK TO PR. RUPERT For at least half of the members ol the band of Olzeh Temple which visited Prinze Ruoert with the Shrine ceremonial at th.e end cf. the week it was a matter of renewing acquaintance with Prince Rupert. James Miller, the band leader and some 15 members of the colorful musical organization, were here ith the band back In 192S when the previous ceremonial was held 'n the city. RaiJ''av Coaches Are Beiner Cooled With warm weather coming to this district, Canadian National Railways have staited icing air conditioned cars .on the Prince Rupert-Smlthers line. Endako has been the warmest spot on j the local line during the current ; heat wave with 82, Smlthers and i Prince George registering 80, . J-Jeuk's an up-to-the-minute erim, o( that -rand old tune, "In .My Merry OMml,ile' In the new words you'll find one of the niitftamling reaMns why OUsmoI.ile owner are enthusiastically siting tle 1(rais,.g of tw mi 0,lgmobile. What a smart looking car it is! . . . I,,,," ailj ow an, gn(M,t, its lines-tailored just to your ta.Me. It's a smart jK-rformer,' too, an.l it offers all the features you want. iusf forget - a you co I o yi !, are thanka f. ,,,r 1.e den..lu for -Mat.e l)r.ve i au s iere reeU the H.p,. e..neienlly wl '"-v',4 .,t,ng for your new OU.moUIe.-our patience ,lr ,rilae tl) your His.lom. OUI.mohile ,ene C. Vlr.: wiJeN,.d tliat ,it tliU -realf. . ' Male auie o..r ..r.... f! J Motors Hotel... arrivals Prince RuDert L. H. Monk, Vancouver; H. Bunn, Vancouver; C, Bunn, Van? couver: J. Bunn. Vfinomver: E, Harris, Stewart; , R. W. Israel Vancouver; Capt. H; Dolron, Vancouver; O. C. Young, Vancouver, J.. A, Youiig, Victoria; Hugh Scott, Vancouver; b. E. Chilton, Smlthe-a; a. Little, Kwlnltsa, Mr. and Mrs. O. T, Adams, Edmonton ;"T. Berg, Vancouver: C. Williams. SeatUs;. Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, Port Essington; 0. Robinson, Vancouver; A. Bellos, Dawsim Creek; It. C. Balden. Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. Erlckson, Ketchikan; H. Hamilton, Vancouver; L. Suss. Edmonton; F. C. Parsons Ka-mloops; W. J. Laird. Terrace: P W. Beckon San Fran cisco; Miss -C. Paulson, Terrace; J. Rodscay,' Terrace; J. Long, Vancouver; Dr. H. Procter. Ot-. t.wa; James Park. Smithers; Mr. and Mrs, J. Sadler Prince George; P. Small. Burns Lake. Classified Advertising Pays! As required by the Income War Tax Act, this will advise our shareholder - customers (including; members only) as referred to in. the said Act, as amended, that in accordance with the terms and conditions, and within the times and limitations contained in the said Act, as amended, it is our intention to pay a dividend in proportion to the 1918 patronage out of the revenues of the 1948 taxation year,- or out of such other funds as may be permitted by the said Act, and we hereby hold out the prospect of the payment of a patronage dividend to you accordingly. MASSETT CONSUMERS'-COL-OPEIIATIVE ASS'N Massett, B, C. Operating: The HAIDA CO-OP STORE at Old Massett, B.C. and ' The DELMAS CO-OP STORE at New Massett, B.C. r f t6e cufc6 and gear s sfartcseefi , IKxI.lldl Hn.llillg Mjih GM-static l)rie not even a lalin the car. And all gear ' ia automat!. -II . D - .UaVUEl, It forwanl afnl; Jut take the. an wi)iuuuiie and sit Uock in cvmnrt, enjoving llio. mouthe.i Jriring J'Hi've eec Lnuwnl u fc. Ihrougl, the waiting permit " - gui'riy uj your u.M dealer. 0-14IA A flODUCT Of CiMIAl MOIOII, Cor. 7th and. 3rd Avenue C.N.R. Photographer is Visitor to City Harry Rowed, Ctnadlan Na tional Railways publicity department iphotogrcplvr from Winnipeg, has been In the city for the past few days carrying out photographic work locclty In- the course of a western tour. He arrived In the city at the end of the week. Pioneer Fisherman Passes Away Andrew Vootmu.nd, pioneer Prince Rupert fisherman, died In tle Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital after a brief Illness Tuesday afternoon. Born Ln Denmark, he had lived in Prince Rupert for the last 35 years. He was "i3 years old. He was un- BIG WORIST The Thompsons are busy as bees, getting their place in shape for the tourist season. 'This year, with three more cabins, electricity and a modernized kitchen, they hope to do even better than before. They were able to make these additions because last fall Mr. Thompson drove to town to see his bank manager. "He knew about tlie nice little business the. Thompsons had built up; a bank i loan was quickly arranged. Now tlie Thompsons can handle more tourists and increase their, income. At the same time Canada will benefit from the. extra tourist dollars they take in. IfONJOItO If Sails HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 ICO East marrletl and us survived by re-iai.vefi in Dienmats' Puueial services will be held Thursday IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA , IN PROBATE IN THE MATTEK OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOSEPH ANCTIL. DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order ol His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher mado the 13th day ot May. A D. 1947. I was appointed Administrator ol the Estate of Joseph Anctll, deceased, and all parties having claims against the suld estate are hereby required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of June, AD. 1S47, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had .no knowledge. AND all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this I3th day of May, A.D. 1947. GORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, (123) Prince Rupert, DC. SAS0N AHEAD ! Yo'itt.'.tANK Thlr UltAl Ml OilCUbUU Fhone Ktu 561 n n J. P. MOTJ.PP PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave. Easi PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture ln all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs ot all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: vittren 488. Red 8J4 boat Construction DESIGNING-41EPAIRS Pine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Qrecn 391 PAINTINO and P.APERHANQINO Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing. and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.C Box 214 U It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. Seiving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Welching BLUE 980 Radio Sen at its best . .1 If your radio falls to IrJ clearly; If distorted or static J enjoyment . . . CALL THE EXPERTS AT RUPERT RADIO AND Elffl Ormes IlJ TZfm Pioneer Druqgiiti I PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL 570 PHONE 31 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 axt UHI SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon t2 7 p.m. till 9 pjn. Announcing . . .bbopexino of ROYAL CAF (Mrs. cl n. f?wanson) SrCCIALIZINO IN FKIED CHICKEN .1 WOUKINGME-VS .ME.I OOOII HOME COOKING Third Avenu m 7 nl1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 73c up 60 Rooms, not and Cold water PRJNCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS IT'3 SPRING Time to repair recondition your home r 9 I 1 I KTAv. i Wf p., ... - UUV AIT M. . I - v. the full " - V.UUI. Agent for Pacifjf GEORGE Public Aerm,,.. in.. "tome To o. Bsner Block p N, Kllborn DDTlmir. 1 .1 Ym . n... Freight . Phone l Night Call) Dt3TlTn A. R l Weddlnir Deslznx c Bulbs - MODERATE Prompt attend Sixth Street uu l 11 H BOOK (Over Wi roll.--- ri. . COLUMBIA Oh WAR ASSETS Screened Lump sacked .Mine Run HYDE TRA' pbo.vk ! GREER & BRIDK BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Repairs Construction AHjJ