Trinca Rupert Daily Nawi Tuesday, February 21, 1950 fnrA u, N Glen 'MAN TODAY 7-9 p.m r ;,7 "M0!i Seen At . . Civic Centre K Prince Rupert D. McKay, R. McKay, J. J. Haakln, C. Fitzgerald, A. Dixon, lit. II. Rldork, Courtenay; E. Bullion, Mildred Bolton, Port Esslng-j ton; Mrs. H. Ilclln, Port Simpson; II. F. Tanner. Annette Island: Mr. Art Club Kcj. uary mcelipg of the NOTHING You Ey,. J The " im 1 1 ill fH ? i i Its 2 4 l A 9 Art Club will be neia on xtiurs-;and Mrs sllcif Ross Nicholson Towels The Best Is None Too Good! Especially Since They Cost No More day in the Ladies Lounge oi me R. E. Walker. Vancouver. Civic Centre. 'Ihe program from H h. Church, H. Rindal D the January meeting, which was cancelled due to the power shortage, has been saved lor the com- LLsson-Smith, J. Barry, J. B. MacDonald. A. L. Bell, A. J. Vre-bosch. Q. Reld. M. Younu. E. S. H . , i AT WALLACES a a m n ; m lug gathering. The lime has been Bailey, Vancouver! J. Pschcnit-used to invite visitors, many ofRChnigi w. Meidi, H. Kluln, D. whom it is hoped will become ;RCit.Sma, William O'Toolc, Tyee; permanent niembers. It Is felt j v. Boda, S. Alionen, Mr. and that there are many people who;Mrs K Benjamin, J. McArthui do not necessarily wish to draw Mr and Mrs R M Bernard,, Porl OF COURSE 1 hand towels and!! For bath towels 1 , be pleasantly. face cloths, you'll pleased at Wallace's selections and reasonable prices. JJ but would en.:oy the Art cnio. j Edward; W. II. Trotter, A. Fisk.i They could help with advice W. N. Campbell, Prince Geore; i alvmt the pictures done by:s E Acker, A- B. Ingram, R. C. others, simgesi places in the vi-: Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Luwe. '. cinity that woukl make good P'e.-,watson Island; Harry Sampson,; tin es, loan objects for still lifec(.y: e. Joseph, Burns Lake; M. studies and Km with the others nuzdegan, m. Wilkinson, Edition-1 in tho enjoyment of the lecture ;(o. Mr nnci Mr!i w. Cowpar, ' on Art. iorande Prairie; W. Sutherland Miss Fame lias, after rcnueshs, w Cnrrlc, Masset; W. Scales extended her tal on prehistoric North Vancouver; J. A. Playe art la include work found in the Masset; Mr. and Mrs. MacKinnon eaves of Spai". as will us those andfamily. Port Simpson; L. A. In soul hern France. These places Hi nenstle, Victoria; A. 8. Ward, have been visited by her and she porti elements; T. B. Heslop, 'TKI.EVISION COLOR ADAPTERS FOR $5 Frank Gambuzza, of Brooklyn. N.Y., Is shown measuring the size of a video linage on a Icli visioM lube, as lie holds the three-color wheel he has developed. Oiambuzzu's system is the same as that worked out by W. Killy. of Hoselle, N.J.. who startled engineers by inforning Ihi ni he was receiving their color transmissions. It had been lh. hi".! 1 1 thai President Trillium and a few television officials were Ihe only ones receiving the experimental transmissions. But Gam-bi:.';i e'.aims Hint lie too has been receiving the transmissions and he v aim i Id be iiady to market his adapter within a very short linn . He claims his ridiculously inexpensive adapter will sell, cmnpli ieiy installed, for a maximum of $5 and perhaps as little as 3. JSS "'NE WYATTW tjv SHOWS AT CFPR Rodio Dial 1210 Kilocycles 1 (Subject-to Chattel as a numoer oi sivciciies Snj0 Manitoba; Mrs. Hilda lies- ; them which should prove inter lop and baby, Hazelton. P K c c I ,i JZ'ZZZZl ; ! Jjffl FINE PRINTING," ! ! WSi REGAL Pill .rtilK Double Crossing And Dishonesty esting. The members and visitors who wish to draw the living model are to come at 7:30 if possible, while those who wish to just hear the talk and see the nle- ........ rinn hr ilin ploh. members ' Ouurl i Pint . ! Cream ifilllSKEIS i .13 ' 21 nint DISS, Norfolk. A candidate, Peter Baker, UIV. VlUl'V u i.,v .... .. . i speaking here declared the Bi'i- i TUESLAJ -P.M.' 4:15 Slock QiKitation and Int. 4:30 The Orey Owl 4:45 Trio Tunes 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Perry Como 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 The Inside Story1 7:00 CBC Ne 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Ullll lli lU.'k ..VVM ...,v t -fr irh ' 'nniM iii tish Government s dealings with the Canadian government und merchants amounted to double come until an r.our iaier. xi, is hoped tha' tn" visitors will find .33 fv. Avon in r nipaxntih Pnoiltrht to fresh fruit Bananas, lb 1 Auiiies. cookiivj. 3 lbs. Fancv Macs. 3 lbs .Lemwis. iarce Cal. dof . , Grauefrnit 3 ' i Navel i . til v f r. .30 29' ..42, .29 .1r .25 for .22 Ijj gHIONK 21 222 Sj II CCD 12 K C -A v V1CKERS IS DISTILltD IN CANADA AND IS DISTtllUTED IvCalVfrt 1'iiis advertisement is not published or dil-nljt'cd by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. make them decide to come again, crossing- and dishonesty. He ' s (called Socialists "Men of straw blown bv the stcrmv winds of f'er.s Medium cartons Pullets, cartons Hutler First Grade, lb. Margarine, lb Cbcfse Canadian Cheese lb. Milk Evaporated MiJu. u-oz. tins, 2 lor ..... Case Flour Pastry Flour, 7 ibs. . Flour, 4J's, No. 1 Wheat Flour, 24 s business wise to advertise. ideology." 33 It's 7.1j0 . Not Evedi) Stock Reduat! BING ! Va7- v : i . . .2!)! ... .10' ... .151 .11.. ! .27 ... .08 ... . 13-lfl .. .2!) . . .2.) ... .25 ... .07 .33-38 47 21- . 07 1G'?: Tea ana Coffee Coffee lb 6282 Tea DeLuxe auantitv lb .,.1.05 juices Wk 0 .,5 nines Dales Yeiiel.ioics (' h : . lb liaiiDwib. 2 lb Heei.s. bunch'V. bunch Tiirnins . " h'lht.icii. 2 lbs. cello . Kailislir.s. buncli 7 Mu--iiri.ims. lu Hi ad Let I uce Cook'tie mions. 3 lbs.. C inlii low: r Hi Tomatoes. Colli'. !b I'aOb.u'i' 10 'l ooi.i i u.-.i. No 1 lb Vol, does. 1(1 lb Ciiee.lliLf rs. Ii Vei'eianle Marrow, lb. .. oi ::.n. lb ; Cai::Ctl vttetalilcs, iDill Pickles, ea: . Cut Green Beans, fc.v ' Nil .) t 'f as. ,i tjcv MN"d V'-'-:elal)lns i I !e."l HciMs, ner ur. BANG ! BIFF! OranuO' Juice Blended Grant fruit Broadway 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Nation's Business 8:30 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 8:45 Musical Prog. 9:00 Solo Guest 9:30 Record Album ' 0:00 CBC News , 10:10-CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Claremont Hotel Orcli. U'.OO-Weather and Sign OH WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock With Spring on the Wayl Toma toes. 20-oz. ea 18 1 -4 I The Biggest ::::::: ' Vi ) 28-oz .:. gallon Annie. 20-oz. .tin. 2 ior 48-oz , latined rruiis Pineapple, crushed Pieces, 20-oz . A orients. 20-oz. Clierries, aney, 20-oz. .. BUILD THROUGH N.HA Consult ... i.r.s1 ; 17 .. . .18 .25 Iti .21 2for.3.r) .- . .25 2i Basketball Battle In Historyf Rotary Giants Wax )"' ans. i'!ioii-e Mixed liens and eurrcts 2i ' : A ; t'uioiil iii 2 for i 'l, VII o,. Im .. Ktk-tl liran:;, 15-o.v tin en Loganberries. 20-oz Peaeties. choice I.ara Pure, lb Shortening Soau Greer & Briddem 1-1 .17 .33 oz. ea. i Toi'ia'oc . 20 ! 4iJ-o:. . boaD. lace, bar f 'World Circling Stars i'.UOCBC New? 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:lo Mormikg Song 8:30 Music lor Moderns 8.45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comly 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson Kobison 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen OO A . v t 'i -5 i 14 L versus YOUR LOCAL BUILDER For Plans & Estimates 215 1st Ave. West Phone Black 307 I I .45 IGyro Giant-Killers Laundry, cake ; Soun Powders, larae .. Glill i- H 1 Ch. rries, '2 lb. pKt : Coconut, lb. Almond Paste, lb Fruit Cake Mix, lb. I Dates, lanev. 1 lb r kt j Seedless Raisins. 2 ibs. ! .Seeded Raisins, 2 ins Shelled Walnuts. V, lb. Shelled Almonds, (i oz. i Slu-lled Brazils. 0 oz. .. I .Shelled Brazils. IA, lb. Jams are. 1 Strawberry. 21 -oz "Hometown Kids" . MARCH 2 CIVIC CENTRE Fishermen! rwr Kinder,.,;irten Ifoiuiiiii)) Time 'aiber Report Af-sstiRe Period Ki corded Inter! mlu IVrsotial Album P IV, M ! Dav Melodies CUC New? Pi ouram Resume I5.C Farm Broadcast Ke-onhal InU ihiile A 1 1 errtoon Concert 1! rnie lir.iden Cooiiy, Mother !!. C .School Broadcast It. ennls at, I.'u'.kU m ;i!R Presents '1 I ie Music Boy Doii Messer and His I:;!aii(iers Iiilenialioiial (aiininent. Divertiiiieiifo !ll:15 11 ::1 11:35 !!:-!: ! ! .' .I 12::::. 12:311 - 1 !:...) l:no 1 l:.:ii 1:15 2:li" i '' - ( s 2:15 3:00 ; 3.15 ; 3:;i'i Mitchell & Cutrie lii Feature 8:30 Pcliminary 7:30 .45 .39 .45 M .33; .2b I .45 Mo .35 .42 , .55 ; .40' .81 .h4 .' 70c .(5 .011 ...85 .72 .5-! .03 .70 .85 .98 .70 .4 .41! ..") . .iiH .OJ Builders and Contractus fospffrJTr : Qood Food - For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes' a 8i-cially CHOP SUEY SAYS URANIUM WENT TO RUSSIA FROM CANADA Dr. Philip L. Merrill, who was in charge of procurement for the U. S. "Manhattan Project," which resulted in the first atomic bomb, is shown as he testified before the House Un-American activities committee in Washington in connection with alleged shipments oi uranium to Russia. He said that the sale of 1,000 pounds or uranium compounds to the Soviet in 1943 was made by r.n agent who was aware of the U.S. A-bomb project. Merrill identified the agent as Boris Pregel, sometimes called the uranium king, who at the lime had sole control of the Canadian uranium and radium corporation.. Dr. Merrill said Pregel had a contract requiring him to offer all uranium supplies from the Eldorado mines in Camilla to the Manhattan project, but that to his knowledge this was not done with the 1,000 pounds in question. riiv poetry. 24 w, Blackberry, 4-lb Cherry, 24-uii Bench. 4 lh Apricot. 4-lb Meats Turkey Uoastinu Cliieken. II). Ham. oiiiiim ami rolled Bacon, side, niece Col late R ill. lb ! Liver Sausage, lb i I- resh Pork Ham. lb. I Boi k Clams, lb ': Steak. T-Hone. lb j fork Tenderloin, lb . i Haul, icu, lb lb. WHEN IN PRINCE RUPERT TELL YOUR 5 TROUBLES' TO THOvU THE SHOP THAT UNDERSTANDS MARINE ! SALE Stock Reducing I-Kilouna. lb Werners CHOW MEIN RexCate SHEET METAL ! Game Sansav-e. lb Hat-mi, jik:. V-i lb. roil: .San.saae. In Steak, round. II). i i tierc 1 1 im v be PRICE ITEMS varial ions m CALL BLACK 884 1 X s ' nncrs in various stores iIcihuki-iti! on whether suecial or standard uoalitiej, art listed.) All Ski Boots and Ski Equipment '2 ;!nit Ave. 0ip. Kuprrl lintel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. rim)r.173 for Outside Orders THOM SHEET METAL LTD. All Bone China Cups and Satf Entire Stock a jACKtf BOYS' PARKAS, SNOWSUITS ( f f NDY OCT 53': . ...VX, BTtLJlRL SAL! 19.50 Men's Worsted GABARDINES. From 12.95 to Now Reduced to $9.95 French BINOCULARS '",' 7x50 Power Coated LENSES Reg. Price $98.00. Now $69.50 FUR COATS clearing at the lowest prices in years SPECIALS Coney Coats $75.00 Electric Seal : $125.00 Persian Lamh (sides) v $145.00 Muskrat Flank . $195.00 ; " . Every Coat Guaranteed as; wool Pulo,t' P' rordiaan SwcoW BOYS WEAR Trousers Reg. $3.75. Now $2.25 no SO H5" Rcq. Price FowuE&iurni Men's Gladstone iH Icq- ' hr, :fjvr Hivnicnt is not published or Jr-pUytuJ jy 'he I itiuor Control Board or y die Government of British Columbia. Limit vd Leather Dcg- - - I un iv . Star Gauntlet Govcs Reg. Price $1.85. Now $1.19 Heavy All Wool Socks -Reg. Price 85c. Now 59c Knee Length Short Sleeve Combs. Reg. $1.75. Now 99c Locker Plant liiihliilt ChiiliKs' III. Pork aDc lb. Sec for Soc Civic lit" 0. Mi . "I gained another five pounds I'll have to cut down on movies." lnT no w orrli'H Vntar fxM'ker will have nmiiv 8llf,ftcU ciwtuni erx UUh spi-in r Cusiunn is ulu.iit i.iwir mpat huudIv. Thev know thev are assured of a pliMiTiul suppiv ol I li? finest meat ulitulii- Many At UBrlff S'wcster Hats Reg. $1.75. Now $1.09 atale. TninsportHtion difficulties? Nonet They Just cjme down to tly! Lo -i-.i-r IMunt and pick out steak, utew. roust or hamburger em they desire. No hunting from market Lo market or the m.ial Unit is not U"'j(iln thoKOv happy peop e rent a locker, save time, niotu-y and worry bv purciuiaiiiK iiiulity meuUi ty tlie quarter from the Ixjcker Plant. Rupert Freezing Compassy Ltd. m,, nun 230 and Avenue riionu lied 3(i7 ! is tf ting flu 622 V I FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Inferior Painting and Decorating Call- SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 . 233 1 1 Street See These Buys at The Sports Shop