2, Prfnrr Rnprrt Oaflp r?cto3 Saturday. December 10, 1'j49 $C1uirchS 'lest a promise having been lift to us of entering in any of you come short ot it through unbelief." Further there was a promise of orotec'tion "Benoiu 1 am with Xrnas Giftc IN THE SUPREME COt-RT OF BRI.' . TISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN TliE MAT1F.R OP fi t K-sTAlfi OP NFI.S UND. DECEA.SF.U I TAKE NOTICE tlmt by or.tcr of the Bupirinc Court of British Oul- nmhla litur Priih.. t.. ..f .1... Services c7-pra rPTTn"! pte? GKv Carrier. Prr ic aoc. ? Mrsin, T8c. Ttt Tear IS OG Hj Mim, ivr Montfi. 50c. fr er. 3Uu Hen g 3 thee and will keep thee." Jacob 1 wl)1 of Np1, Ll,icl. .,, dl,.d on u, 4 DIRECTORY SATURDAY SERMON Real Sat Mnlm In all rhunhr at II a-m. nl p.u.; Mimta? .s-Ihmi .it 12:15 excrpt a hon. was a fear-stricken fugitive,' 20th day 01 D.c-mixr. isum. at uxring the anger of Ms brother j rl for the dirty trick he had played ah persons indebted to the wild in him. Twenty-years later hei-181 . "7 .JMU('"' ," r,ay th'? . . , .. . amount ot their lndebtlues to me Still says I fear him When ht forthwith, and ll persons having is about to meet his brother on claims aginst the estate ure required ri tn thp hnmplanrf finl 10 ta P""'""" thereof with me nis return return to tne nomeiana uo.i duly vprl(1Pd on or m,m the 2th promises him protection, and day of December. 1949. fu-r whirh equally he promises the same 1 to diMiiouu. ti,, , . , , . euite to thuee antitled. hnviiiK re- 6s, tor the sense of fear, both guru only to such jiaim a, 1 shall Prices r ' JACOB'S VISION Archdeacon E. Hodson. St. Peter's Church. Verses in Genesis tell the story of a crafty' KPriPTTIPr' vhr rrainaH Viic Virnt Vipr'e hirt ViricrVit hv b b " ----- ---. ,of lhe known an(J of the un. smart treacherous dealing. We see how man s ex- ) known is a common heritage tremity becomes God's opportunity. First we note f us an. Yet there is promise ii-u-Uij i .it , n ' e al! after promise in the Bible to the benighted wanderer. Jacob fleeing from the isoothall a Chrtaltan., fpars then have received notice. Dated at Prince Rupert, B C. tins 28th dav of November, 1MU OLOP HANSON Executor Prince Hupcrt, B. C. (2!'8 Men's DRESS SH big selection . Men' T t E S gifts. Latest she from Men's SWEAT L pullover and b, styles, wools, all from Have you ever tried reeitlnq wrath of his brother Esau, 'Vent out from Beer- sheba . . . and h lighted upon the one hundred and twenly- fiETTIXfi IJGTTER RADIO PRINCE Rupert's radio listeners, who have suffered in silence so long now that they have just about resigned themselves to accepting anything that goes and do nothing about it, will be gratified that the member for Skeena has taken right to the if jij- of Parliament the demand for better radio service here. More gratifying still was the statement of the minister who hinted that something might be done right soon to remedy the situation. Everyone will hope that, as a result of Mr. Applewhaite's importuning, we will at long last get the full CBC network programs from CFPR before Christmas. It would be a real accomplishment for tn'e Member for Skeena. HOW TO HE HAPPY up to your ears in things. This si the one sure BE way to happiness. It doesn't much matter what you are up to your ears in. Babies, ideas, driving a truck, tatting these are all ways to happiness if you really work at them. People are generally happiest in early middle Prince Rupert Florists t ! Flutters fur All Occasion J 300 3rd Ave. nx 310 Tel 77 a certain place, and tarried j,els of God ascending and des- first psalm when fear has take.i there all night, because the sun cending on it." - hold of you? Well may .Out was set" a terrified fugitive constitutes the work of Lord ask us "Why are ye so running for his life. A crafty.1 the angels. "They are minister-' fearful. O ye of little faith?" selfish, over-reacbUnr schemer, inir sDirit-s sent, forf.h to minis JtVOI.If.AN CATIIKhmL 4tn Ave W at Dunsmulr St. Hoi; Communion 8 30 am. Su-icny school 2 00 p m. Canon Basil S Prockter. B A . B D Rector: (Elu Tlii FIRST BICTIST 8th Ave. B at Young 8 Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobua (Green 8111 FIRT PRF.SBVTFRMX 4th Avenue East FIRST I NITKD $3 6th An West Rtv. L. O. Sit (Green 613) 1 1 LI. GOSr-KL TABKKN AfLE 202 6th Ave. West Pastor : C. Pawcett (Green 331) SALVATION AK.MY Frmaar Stteet CO.: Capi. W. Poulton Lureotory Crasa 2 :30 p m. Sunday School 3 :00 p m. (BUcs 30H ST. PAIL'S 1.1THEKAN 5th Ave. at McBriUe St. Pastor: K. Soli and (Biuck 610 8T. PllfclTS ANGLICAN Seul Cov Archdeacon B. Kodson Sunday School 11 00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7.30 p.m. (Blu 327' UkblLVK BAPTIST 629 th Ave. . Pastor. Leonard A. Thorpe Services 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sundav School 12 15. Men's TR0USE: dress, all wool Perfprt n.ft went t.'om Men's all wooi with a keen eye. to the main ter to those who shall be heirs i;hiice, trying to avoid lh 0f Salvation." Then God promised to Jacoo His own abiding presence, ' I will not leave thee until I have! done that which I have spoken , result of his treachery ) As soon as the ladder is set to thee of." When Jacob awoki up toe unguis aits cufuuig anu ... I heavy SHIRT-J.C going. How quifkly they take "c lmu ,,",uc a But schemer or no schemer Cod was seeking to gain, a hold on Jacob, the supplanter, lor in him God saw "Israel a - prince of God." "And Jacob awakened out of advantage of any opportunity good shades bargain Moving, racking, Crating, Shipping and General Cartace and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd ai;d Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones fill and G8 for service! In Jacob's dream hp "ls sleep ana ne sala: Burllv racoiuoi o ai,i i the Lord ls In this place, this is Men's All Wool COATS Cover So "he lighted upon a certain three.fold iie .none other than the hou.se of place.' Ah! Those certain I God and this is the gate ot places, experiences and places He receives a revelation of, heaven." Unto which we run unawares. God. "Behold the Lord stood' To ja,-oh iiuin, i th,i r,M, new shades and age. The may feel better and be more hopeful in i youth, and they may know more when they are j yet we often find that they are above it" (I.e. the ladderi and aae It was a surprise to find .places where God has arranged makes three promises to Jacob.1 that his father's God Is to be .0 meet with us. He is to be given possession, of tound so far from his father s I tit. Real bargain Men's SOX selection, new good quality, fro: Bovs' SHIRTS 4 i I It may be a chance meeting the land whereon he is lying tent. It takes men a long Ume1 vith some Christian soul,or a "the land whereon thou liest to to realize that no matter where Message that comes to us in thee will I give it and to thy we roam we can never get awa" God's house, or even some deep seed." Later uod said to Jacobs from God Read for vourself the affliction or sorrow. Jacob, like- posterity: "Behold all the land 139th Ps.. verses 7 to-12. From the self-righteous sinner that is before thee, eo in and nns-! pverv . on .th v, i shades, from Boys' SWEATER assortment fron Boys' All Woo! he was, thought that he could sess it." Through lack of faith means of contact with heaven. SPECIALIZING In Designing and Remodelling "Russ" Gatzke CONTRACTING 'I JACKETS nnod t ,1 make a success of life by deceit in God s promise Israel failed to and smart dealing. He needed do so, and wandered for forty a lesson to show that the way years in the wilderness because to really successful living had says the writer of the Hebrews its top in heaven. So, as he of their belief. "Let us fear" sleeps with a stone for his pil- . , You &piw it In The. News Advertise in the Dally Nws bargain prices i older. But in middle age, on the average, they are too buy to ponder long on whether they are happy ;ornot. Resourceful old people get around this by planning ahead. They lay out jobs for themselves that will take less physical and nervous energy, but will-still le a shade harder than they can conveniently do. Young folk with their long, long thoughts and longer college educations have a hard time of it. But eventually most of them get working at something and brighten up. By the time they are short-winded and aching they will have too many trbubles to be unhappy. DISINTERESTED all over Canada have been com- NEWSPAPERS mentis g unfavorably on the affair of the feiKral minister of justice and the delay in making 'ram u Boys' Dress Rtii Kox 15.18 Phone Itlark 270 low, he see a wonderful "ladder set up on earth and the top of it reached unto heaven." 1 RAINCOATS- from Sheriff's Sale I his lar rlpr hp.fimAa f r.vno iv- ..... Boys' ond Gir!s' cfe la rnniiw i7L SwVaiiaMiit 1 m of Him by whom alone we cah -h-hanhon 1 umbeh A:,a t.mber companV. um.ted. Piauuu, 1 vjLr nuit u tr. First Presbyter iai. Church a7scend T.. the, shall "'If- the uiiaer and hv vim. n-... . ... court Z r,era ,aclBS 1SK '" bovt see and to m. di. Dnector of Music: n angels of God ascending and, 1 h . Z M '0 mn uiiniii Smith DECEMBER 11, 1949 aescenaing upon tne Son 01 series, 240 aawli t aim tneir contents, toola and acces- j Nifl I " .".H 86 CftmP- n "' Croi. trowing, 500 soo mot. more or , less, Man." "I am the way" he says, ceoj.r Morning Service livs i in tne wootLs near the .said camp EBY-&S0NS Contractors ItKPAIKS - KKMOOKI.I I VO FOUNDATIONS Let lis help you plan that new home uihUt the N.Il.A Phone Green 8K1 Kox 5X6 Tha larirtof V Ito hou vuice arail nor&es n. B. chattels mav h. "eiea. at a.siJ. oooda anti ,,11Jca u.C ltrn riuin eartn for man.s salvation was December un Thursdiiv EvervEvP , w.. w V: at in of 00 o'clock in the forenoon at th 4 Beverley Ma tson & Isobel Taylor Man Himself but the top of it I?,b"c auct- the right, uue' and int. cri... o... t . i' . . . above goods and chattu rtii of tnt duleudaiii Hi m- "i'""' -tiiiei n. iwuinu, reacnes upto heaven for the Tm oi i. Fh Th,. , , Subject-"India and Yunan" ladder of the cross reaches up Municipal Aid Tax. ls 8UbJect to tht 8"c,al Security Evening Service . , to the throne of God's holiness. Dated1'''?'?'- r Bny bld ni,t neceh"art'y accepted. Special Young People's Service I Jacobs ladder of human r'"ce HuPert' Bc- tia sta day oi December. io. 1291) . " M oinrnMU, Kt-AL LbTAi. INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS !: II. K. MOKTI C'! 324 2nd Av. . N. :ir p Speaker: Rev. James A. Munro fmartness and cleverness failed Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. B.C. in fitr nppt Pa rth anri Vioa van 1 a do all the ladders m by wx ttKKvKKwxxxxx' GIFTS FOR THE YOUNG SubjecWYoung Canada" Solo "The Holy City John Davey. Young People's Social following the evening service in the Church Hall. That Will Thrill and Oive ! LuoplneltM.. m pttHc th-v4ort. of tha combines commissioner on thi4'lour nulling industry. Many newspapers have been talking about the incident which has also been reviving much candid discussion in Parliament. .-"-However, the public, which should be most deeply concerned, has not become very excited m the general effect upon the country seems to he about as impressive as a bucket trying to stop the flow of a river. This is typical, it seems, of the day in which we live. We become excited about hockey, baseball and such like but Canadians do not got interested in public affairs any more. The fight for freedom of speech and freedom of living was won so long ago that the victory belongs to history. P.ablic-spiritedness and determination, we think, seem to be getting obsolete. Even a government scandal doesn't bother us very much. Printed Word. CHIROPRACTOR luhn F. L. Hiiglirn, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Pbooe BLl'E 442 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 12::1 p m. rid 2 to 6 r n-t: iimm'ih Monday and FrlUay, 7 30 p m. for those unablp to come during tlf day. RECEPTIONIST lu nuriKl-anc afternoons. ci lasting neujiure a , uirii rui ucui Ignuituib 'Ul V God's righteousness, and seek- . y ing to establish their own, they J do not subject themselves to the righteousness of God." Rom.'? 10, 3. The ladder formed a means I of communication for the ser- CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT .STl f.) Film I'inisliiiic l.i h-Flash I'hotft Taken if ! C.C.M. Bicycles, S Tricycles and Joyrjd- ers, Sunshine Bicycles ' and Tricycles,' Roller Skates Wnnnni noil i ItlillUIJ.lIt I.AT 11C31 CHURCH i Fundamentalist) 639 East 6th Ave. Phone Green 389 ii'M' ulc ui aiiciA ucouiu uic an- y 1 V PRINCE RLTFKT. , zt - if. Mif Buggies, Skates, i First Baptist Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobos Phone: Res. Green 812 I Slei9hs and Ski Equip- S ment. Drop in and see our excellent stock. A small de- posit will hold any article until Christmas WE DELIVER 2 t CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS Thursday Afternoon, Dec. 22 i Near High School) ' Pastor Leonard A. Thorpe SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 194S 10:30 a.m. Lord's Supper will be observed. 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. Topic: "JUST REWARDS" (Solo Mr. R. Weicki (Junior Choir Will Sing) ; 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. ! 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. ; Topic: "THE GREATEST j SEARCH" ; Special Music Male Quartet Mon. 7:30 p.m. Hi-Young Peoples. Salvation Army Bazaar Enjoyed dale and Mrs. R. Scherk and assisting in the kitchcen were Mrs. B. Erlckson, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. L. Timms and Mrs. Rudolph. Actine as serviteurs were Miss THE SWEETEST Gl i oucresMui was me annual Joyce Scherk, Mrs. J, Green. At 2:30 p.m. Christmas Tree for the Primary and Beginner's Dept., and their parents and friends. Friday, Dec. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Tree and Program for the Junior and Senior Depts. of the Sunday School. US McBride Street Pbone 111 Moirs XXX Lowneys Neilson's Smiles n' Chu Russell Grant' from 95c to $6. udaar oi tne Home Lenue of Miss Joan Ryan and Mi.ss Virtue Salvation Army which was Kjnia Clark.. lild in the Sons of Norway hall '. Thursday afternoon. In charge of the event was Mrs. J. Wilkie. E- T- Applewhaite, MP. for Stalls were in charge as Skeena, and Mrs. Applewhaite f'ilows: are leaving Ottawa next Thurs- . Home cooking Mrs. John '.ay for the West after spending Lfcney. ' the past few months in the Capi- . Fancy work--Mis. J. Cham- tal while the session of Parlia- Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thur. 3:30 p.m. Mission Band Fri. 8 p.m. Ambassadors , (Senior Young Peoples) THE OLD-TIA1E GOSPEL Week of Prayer Jan. WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRAPPINO First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber Mcfand M.'T'Garr "iTlZ Z Z .Society Second Avenue West " . flKI I 1 1 J fl 1 N U M 1 I I I M UVDGr Itlullan? pl?aiinani U,y--ivu.s uiona Morven. ; Christmas recess by the train a JlTLwei'P Mrs- M.Waks-jWeek from tonight. r tl m ,v''.!i, v-ompiere e eetion nf ill; I'l.i f Sixth St. & Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Branch of The. First Church of Christ Scientist, In Boston, Mass XMA E GIFT SUNDAY, DECEMBER JL 1949 ll:a.m.-Mornlng Worship .: Sermon: His Coming. , . Children's Story; Snowflakes and People. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Sermon: Finding God for Yourself Special Music ATTEND THESE PRE-CHRIST-MAS SERVICES Sunday Schools at First Church Juniors and older at 10 a.m., Beginners and Primary at 12 15 At Conrad Hall all at 2 p m PEIA Subject of Lesson Sermon: "God the Preserver of Man" Services Every Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday School Convenes at 11 a.m. Wednesday Evening Meeting Second Wednesday of Each Month at 8 p.m. Reading Room Open Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. I v " J Zippered Club KNrf ) I r ,;- " '3 . Bq9 1 Shown $25.00.. 1 '.N Buy with Confidence i GEORGE COOK, Jeweller ) Remember the 25 tax ls off all Jewellery ( I 527 3rd Ave. ' , J Stationery ranging from 90c to $3.50 Leather Writing Cases in both Letter and Note sizes $4.50 up Pocket Wallets by Tillie $5.75 up All Above Leather Goods Gold Stamped Free of Charge 25 Attractive Cards with your name imprinted in black or gold only S1JK5 Ready in 24 Hours - y MESSERT 1 fi'SIM Ueucacies I MARCIIAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing; & Heating- Alterations : c5f That's What People Say About Oui Cakes and Pastries Baked Fresh Daily SMITH & ELKINS LTD. RUPERT BAKERY LTD. BESNER BLOCK, 3RD AVE. PHONE 231 PHONE 174 BOX 274 I I CIS 3rd Ave. Phone 643