Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. January 19. 1950 JANUARV !?r.y Reflects . . I Print1- Kunert Antndfwndfnt flnHy nev..i,apr -v..Od u, the upbuiMii,. ant ml mmmiimiin rnmpri tns northern and central " ! EASIER LIVING BUT Paternalism And Absenteeism Hitting British Coal Mining Bv EDWIN SHANKE i LONDON (AP1 You can see coal-blackened 1 MrlnT. itX1 TYPT "ttrnr',n wpt Sunday bv ' i rtuctJiupm D-.uly Nrs's I,td.. 3ni Moniif. Prince Riii.,.rt British Columhla . . . f ji f Reminisces. CLEARA among the worst offenders. They take home an averape weekly pay of $21.80 to 27.B0 and can earn it in four days. The basic work week Is five days with a bonus of a day's pay for working five days, giving them six day's pay for a five-day week. But many colliers said: "Why should I tear my body apart just to give the state six or nine shillings93 cents to $1,401 in the pound for taxes?'' British Income tax is paid on (Continued Page tii Good Vorrn Heo In Boston, where the beans strict, if not cease, bathing. While come from, eiaht masked men, the request may meet with the Urt, Carrter. Per celi Per Monin. 75c; Per Tear. 8.00. SftT5?8tr BT M". Per Month. 60c; Per Yertr. (5 00 SHORTS-reg Soldier Is Killed 'ins. union Jacks flying over the state-owned coal mines suu and using two cms, are re- ejected that such will involve oared through United SHIRTS -Reg $4 ki n i l. . In Fighting Fire Army camp Rarson. At least 'ported to have stolen one and a much mental discipline. of Lancashire. They signify that the weekly targets nrcn s TAIN Lj. i of may mines, set by the National Coal Board, have COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. F : thirty ouildings in the huge camp half million dollars the (neatest - -On? soidier was killed,' six weit ero Stuttod by flames from' the robbery in United States history. There is an old chap from critically injured and twenty-one brush and timber f ire that broke j The cash, of course, was cold, Ppokechute others were badly burned in :uu in the foothills section of Col- ; everything else on the continent Who cannot keep warm in his yy iiuw i0f j. Men's WORK SOU being that way. lighting a raging brush fire that orado Spring." been exceeded. But" it's a temporary, or seasonal phase. Generally, . it means a "Bull Week" is - - -in progress when the miners wc,rries. If he is HI, the national work like mad to bring home Health Plan takes care of him. a bigger cheque for a blowout. In his old age he has his pen-More of these flat's fly be- hon Ancl here's a hard core Special, pair RHEUMATISM! ARTHRITIS! Their terrible pain Is often neediest suit, I a? ked "are you friz? " He said, "Yes, I is" ' So I'm off for the far Bitter . Hoot." Argyle Diamond Sfj! I To conserve the use of water in British Columbia in view of j troublesome weather, an earnest OME TO ---3 1 .5? Reg. up to $2.50 Ll !1 tries to take To brine Quick relief from pain due to rheum. appeal is made in Alberni, to re- which naturally advantage, sits HQ j. back and SayS tiam,rlhritui. ciatire.luinhaKO and oeuritt. j '; fore a holiday. Thei produc- A lumber company in British tion slips back into a steadier Columbia in 1949 showed a net: and lower tonnage. Why? profit of $5,700,000. Something; M.liniy lt appears to be a ha. evidently been done to ease j !ack ol- incentive in Britain's th? housing problem. j state owned mines. "the State will look after me Absenteeism eoys ana Vjirls ln people wton have aurrered from aLalihina, throblinR. muactilar ai'Uec end paina due to these comliliona cannot know wlmt jny and i comfort may be in atore for them until ttiey try IJOI.C'IN. Profit by the eanurience of . 1(011: piece SNOWSUiT! Absenteeism is a major prob- 1 tluxsaiida who have been hntped hy 1)1)1. ( IN. I lem of Britain's coal-fields. The i"iu ht emmt. . i y ikji.i in for wool. Reg. $9.95 ! joi inn rs BRITISH COLt,M3IA GtW GOLF percentage rate, com voluntary ,nd pain.. imia in mhi.t. ey u take, i kjow nnrl iiivuliintarv. for 1043 was 1 1""' ,lon " w,,h ,' lt , i now onlf "Tne miner has learned to live on a certain standard a o-rwiri tnhle and a pood I Hearth I Politically speaking, next month should not be without interest. ; " i (U IN ahow yu how maul aiay neip you J r lil Come to the Empress Hotel Canada's warmest w point higher than in 1948 and 1"""";" Zl,-""", Boys' SWEATERS. Jn Great Britain, the people will one colliery manager determine who's Vho Attlee or sai1 Cbui rhill. In Canada, the legis- ; t ...m oi- rtnti "0"ce he nan those and has almost double the . rate in 1938. u- oi ';v ',- -' . ! ,MH1ollvofTtnoMr.lw(rtuo-oiMeyeryhlll. Vool, from o, ilJ tit J, . $i.j: rl'iTwite . . . where mild Pacific (President Trumnn announced recently the development of a Mine managers say tne cot- j(;t yor hoi.cin i.iay--wo prerwiu tu-1 ''?' "'"i&r . breezes refresh vou . . . nnrl k j-rS) a utile iiiuney irii uvt-i kh oersp.ece worKers wno are ine a few leia tit only arui the lerue, lauruiniy- iie 5HI-talil-t liotlle nwle only lu.tXl. Vouf Jiukcj.i haa IHNA'IN lot . hydrogen bomb 'more powerful And in British Columbia sport and leisure, he has few best-paid of all miners are food, service and hospitality are in the will sit m tne legislature lor inc. in present uranium fission traditional Canadian Pacific manner, P5S ( VLW wei IJinHeil, Turonta 10, Ootaila. "JtftCIAL WINTM MONTHLY RATES European Plan Nov. 1 March 31 first lime. ' . Life is a flame that is always j burning itself out but it catches ; fire again every time a child is 4 bo: p..-George B. Shaw. . : TENNIS , gle Outside Room with Bath from $135.00 weapons news item). A bunch of the atoms were . whooping it up, In the Pile Saloon Draw Two' When into the scene, Came stumbling a lean Hydro, the Atom-and blue. "Why must they take me," poor Hydro weeped. "When Uran is yet far from through . . "Twas me," a voice said, And way Back in the lead BROADWAY CAf n r Doubt Outside Room with Both from $195.00 v, i AlSO SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON DAILY KATES OR TWO WEEKS OR LONGER -I i , Travel on fast, comfortable Canadian Pacific : ttauw and thips. Information and reservations from any Canadian Pacific agent or write Hotel Manager. NEW OFFICIAL ; OF C,N,R, NAMED WINNIPEG L. H. Bousefield j has been appointed engineer oi, survey: for the Canadian Na- 1 Best F, t mm - -s5Si SWIMMING in Warmed Sea-Wataf A. f finest Cooki. Was the lady that's known as tional Railways Western Region, Blew. with headquarters in Winnipeg, t I love you dear Hydro," the lady according to an announcement did say., "And handsome, why by G. G. Baird regional manager j kid . . .," then she threw of real' estate. He succeeds J. H. , rW . Hours 7 a m. tr i For Toke-Home Orders Phone 200 Murphy who has retired. Her arms to envelop Big Hydro and melt up, 1 His strong heart and that's How he blew. Poor Uran is tinkling the pian l J j 1 ar Values for You so sad. He says, "And to think I am X J m vats 1 1 I ami . Lunch Kits Pyrex Ware Pocket Knives Percolators Thermos Bottles Covered Roasters J , CANNED FOODS ! through," 'Why all I have done' "For nothng, non, .non," "For the lady that's known as Blew." With apologies to Robert W. Service. ; .',. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. U PHONE 79 PHONE 79 BfHIERV TREATS IHaUarr jmtrntani To Start the New Year Right Baked fresh daily RUPERT BAKERIES LTD. 1U! 3rd Ave. Phone (!13 HOURS Weekdays -. , 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE 1 aiBlhirrsr 6l Tri light Lamps, silk shades W Boudoir Shades ' Boudoir Lamps Table Lamos silk shades 1 THIS !S KNITTING TIME We have a wide selection of popular brands of wool in all shades also Knitting Needles,' Knitting Books, etc. Gainsday Ironers '.. General Electric Radios .... . .. 19.95 to 26? Single Burner Hot Plates Electric Heaters 9.30 to 4J General Electric Washers with pump control Sim. See us for your complete Knitting Supplies NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. 0 : ' Y-4'l - Kesner Block PRINCE Rl'PERT, B.C. Phn' 8TEWARTJ SI 8 3rd Ave Box 1 118 Red 4011 MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGE ii TOMATO JUICE For the Modern Housewife FINE PRINTING at , REGAL PRINTERS O Apartment M RtonHorH ujllh warming oven $22' Serve Libby's piping hot! Serve it A and C which you want to protect, this way when dad comes in from Steaming hot Libby's will capture shovelling snow, when the children compliments for you, and benefit come in from skating! Just heat it, your family, too, for an insufficiency don't boil, because Libby's is an of these vitamins may lessen the excellent dietary source of vitamins resistance of the body to infection. O Apartment M PHONE 24 222 Second Av. W..W.e ViVW.WrViW.W, Deluxe, with timer and min- . ute minder $21 O Kitchen with full oven, warmer and two storage, bins. i j Under Hew Management It's a good idea to serve Libby's at least once every day. FIRST IN FAVOURFIRST IN FLAVOUR Ii--- ii Ini TP12-49 prj rimer a. mm-ufp minder $J MOFFAT ; I he stork shoppo j ' AT BEE GRANT 1303 3rd, Ave. Blue 810 1! pAVAv.VkVv.v.v.v.Vav.vv.We1v.WaWWM