'the earlh. TI12 manufacture of 1 "teddy bears" became big busi-j ne.ss and probably no one wa,-- Prince Rupert Daily Hews Fluorine' in VVater Cure For Stocky Ray Reflects . . . Poultry Scourge ! In Fraser Valley Friday, April 21, 1950 more amazed that the man ho thought of them first, but, that's the way with I.vds and fancies. ... and Reminisces Bad Teeth A NEW WESTMINSTER 0 An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern "and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, poultry seourf.e, new to BrjtUh Columbia, has .caused destruction of almost 50,000 egg-produc- P.T. Ass'fi Alarxnf C 350 Experiment Suggested - "inUB, Iron curtains are quite unnecessary along the borders of Russia in Eurorte. Where they REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED British Columbia ; a total of $179.72 was netted tng and breeding stock of chick phone or a radio or 1 car or air travel or television or double time or a movie or ice cream. We couldn't. Yet, it's not so long ago, all were totally O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director ; by the Conrad Street School ens In the last few weeks. Parent-Teacher Association at The slaver Newcastle disease are really needed is in ine nooie- Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! Its annual whit elephant sale threatens the existence of one nays of Canada to tnrow around ! in the school on ADril 1. accord- nt the mninr industries of the a mob of dangerous, indecent R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR By Carrier, rer Week, sOc; Per Month, 75c; rer Teat $8 00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. -si styles Vry SpecUi ing to a report submitted by fertiie lower Fraser Valley which fanatics that, togetiier with a treasurer, Mrs. Darrow Gomez supports an estimated 3.000.000 few detachments of well armed , New Yoi tvn; an uui. In wel- ( at the regular monthly meeting cnickens ' patrols, under strict orders. coming three hlps of the Royal , of the association Tuesday eve- Th. diy,2SP is a virus infection Canadian Navy. There has been r.ing. The money will be used for improvements or additions to school equipment. The final j James j. a fast gro-th. When the coasts comparable to Influenza la hum- Who remembers first beheld the well-worn Ni-Eee ans. It attacks mature stock. Jeffries? Plenty, evidently. The sales are not waverlne but former heavvweiaht champion ofce and Haliiiww it seems like Where We Are Losing M cnoqse itom ProDj ; sizes. Reg. y;a Dr E. W. Wvlde. New Westmin- is seventv-iive this month, and yesterday and Borden also, decision as to the spending of 1 the money will be referred to .... i ster health officer, advised last greetings, gifts and salutations thundered in Ottawa, the great, night that eggs be well cooked are coming to him good and majority of Canada's youths had in case the disease could be plenty. He lives in California. He never even seen the sea, let alone inr, voir.iUN LitiVIUL.KALli', are ; the new executive next Sept- losing the cold war through our failure to pro- j ember- ject to n, the free t peoples i of ,1 the world 1 1 the ideals .1 , it thac. ported President thati according Harold Thorn to mfor- re made us great, savs Bruce Hutchison writine in the Imation made available to him. had enough sense to save his,""' munn. Now Mart's Cabirdij, transmitted. Stamping out of his finish disease monev. Had he not. the made In England J takes time, authorities say. would, like enough, been similar . Dr. Duncan Black, director of "ig. ow the Prince Rupert Health Unit, Strict quarantine, plus ruth- to the , end cf other leather- , l"c ""uu"" 1 had conducted a survey of tfie less eradication of infected birds, pushers brok.? and forgolten. J a century since the first j Three shadts, Uppers, real but From condition oi tne city s uraae are tne cnier counter-measures 'teddy bear. U s odd what strikes One children's teeth at the re- now In force. Infected farms New telephone directories ire popular fancy. Put on the mar- quest of the Prince Rupe.t and such equipment as, feed being dii.tribui.ed in Prince Hu- ket fifty year& ago, It pleased Parent-Teacher Council. trucks are fumigated. pert. Imagine r.ot having a Ule- counties little owners all over ys' sweathJ At 1 showed Dr. Black s survey J Mi 2 'IliiT &e tefy auiun liai hWB iun rrnuMltUirJ nf tit- Paintina i r) to keen Mil rmii ! Vbfl nnri;nn growing OMi. WALLPAPffi j trHk ii-tii ui i- -CH SPENCE & i tv i.i that approximately 80 percent of Grade 1 children in this city have defective teeth, a condition labelled 'appalling' by the Conrad P.T.A. A possible solution to the problem was suggested by President Thorn. This was that to the effect that the Parent-Teacher Council be asked to communicate with the Provincial Department of Health in Victoria, requesting that this city and vicinity be used as a test district in which to conduct experiments In the use of fluorine in. drinking water, experiments over the past five years having shown successful result in decreasing tooth decay. This suggestion will be brought to the next Parent-Teacher Council meeting for action, If Council considers It practicable. P.T.A. members decided to hold -a "Wind-Up" party to close Pbone B!i ! 115-1 $AVH SPAJEI t GIANT CWMirfl 1ASIIY POUTASiel OPERATES ON JS Oil W crcu i NicBrlde St. Phone 31). I i Htre U the in door opened bv ,ht . T 1 , JL. ' ' - Roral Built . . . is Hiluix. 16!. ': ' liCc; C THE BANK WITH. , ea.tl ' opened pioneer hramh in . "', J it y- BSmT """" dunnic ihe ww. " yk Safin PRODUC ji DAY OK NIGHT Jj fa current issue in Maclean's Magazine. Charting the onward course of Western influence during the past few years, Hutchison writes that superficially the answer lies first, in our complete miscalculation of Russia and secondly in the altruism, and ballyhoo of San Francisco where we thought peace could be realized and guaranteed on paper. Disillusionment followed with the massive economic transfusion of the Marshall Plan. Says Hutchison: ''It is now obvious that the Marshall Plan, after its spectacular beginning, will fail of its purpose to make Europe stable by 1952. In the dollar defeatism of Europe, in its secret distrust of American prosperity and intent, the dollar gSp is not being closed , and will not be closed, as planned, by increased exports into America. . . ." In armaments, Hutchison quotes Dr. Harold C. Urey, architect of the hydrogen bomb plans that "we may have already lost the armament race. . . Sums up Hutchison: "It is in the realm of ideas, not in the realm of military power or economics, that we are in peril, for if we were winning the war of ideas, the military and economic problems would solve themselves." "The North American technique tuk not the North American idea is conquering the world. ..." Is ore potent, more valuable than money or tech-tpues to the world is our Democratic Idea that pon which our civilization was built from the beginning: the supreme importance of the individual Iniman creature in a society which places him above . everything else, Hutchison writes. ,"" He adds: "We cannot force this concept upon Qther people . . . we can only live it, then share its fruits with those who find our life worth imitating. It is right here where we have failed. Whatever Individuals may have done, as a people, as a system, jve haven't shared anything with anybody." 1 By giving only to the point of convenience, by giving only an amount which would not imperil for a moment our own standard of living, by giving iiot sharing we have encouraged only suspicion, resentment and envy where we sought to achieve goodwill and imitation of our way of life. Walls, Wood ana tarn off the terms activities, jii June 2. Thomoson H Cc.J New President Of Canadian Press Mmcttm, N B. One of the Iwnk'f newer branches d- itntJiomuh Jmauh the the charac charac- Motinj, Faduid V t ernna m aarrc,. f JU U t ter Ut UK e Oil Burner j Service ? If your oil burner does not give perfect service call GORDON RONSON The NEW phone number BLACK 503. Gordon D. Ronson Oil Burner 'Specialist All 'work is bucked by on unconditional guarantee 733 5th West Black 503 TORONTO f Herve Major, news . editor of Montreal La . Presse, was yesterday elected President of the Canadian Press, i Canada's co-operative news serv- i ice. He succeeds Victor Sifton, J publisher of Winnipeg Free Press, j president for the last two years. Shipplnj tri Cartapsia! Complete Reliat)!1 lent Service, al-Canadian Liqii! ' for Oxygen. Aw; welding suppllei I 1 t" ""11 'i -it -r- ..hi FAMOUS VOLCANO I Mount Etna in the Italian Lindsay'i Ca FRONT DOORS... One of these doors is near you ... it belongs to the local branch of The Royal Bank of Canada in your community. To you and jour neighbours, your local branch is The Royal Bank. Because The Royal Bank of Canada is not a big bank with branches; the branches themselves are the bank. There are over 730 branches of this bank in Canada and abroad. In Canada alone there are 669, jn cities, towns and villages from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island. ! Each branch, keyed to the needs of its own community, offers you the strength and varied services of one of the world's largest banks. 'our local Manager has behind him the experience, knowledge and organization of the whole iustitution. I Ie is there toserve you in every way he can. Alps has a record of more than Storage Lit irmn, N.5.. where a hne n h...lrt in has - fi I 120 eruptions. i 1 cor. 2nd and ft arisen on fh nt i k ni.t u burned down on Friday ind reoi Est. 1910 Fbl in temporary qusners ktom &he Hreci. on mumnyi RADIO REPAIRS' WE PICK UP AND DELIVER 48 HR. SERVICE-PHONE pLUE 3! tllla4!,r.sfrTf Kim-mttt, 0e where the Rnril Risk ot ( antd. rcenil opened brinch to h i formerfr s prime home. KEN'S RADIO CLINIC 713 2nd Ave. West I t:;::r:l J ri I THE ROYAL BANU OF CANADA ' " V .' f i VPimm,m Um . ks-.k eJ. ing the tpiru of ihe i Q 9- .fM Ovar 730 brantfwt In Canada, Argentina, Brazil, SrirUh Guiana, trltith Handurai, Colombia, Psrv, Uruguay, Veneiuela, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominican public, Iritiih Weil Indiat. Offics ki New York, London nd Pari. Corrctpondormi His world evar. rmei ii;0 YaC LviMx"r oiT .i i e?ij ,v : I I 'iJrM can Gun (itltU' Smallpox S MALLPOX has not been conquered although so , great has been the reduction in the number of cases that there did exist the assumption that the '(disease had been practically overcome. -! The recent outbreak in Glasgow, still being if ought, and which has included a number of deaths, jmakes it plain that defeat of a malady of this nature, should never be taken for granted. It is just as well to remember the old maxim 'that eternal vigilance is the price of safety.' It is thought that in the present crisis the malady came (originally from Europe where, still suffering from the effects of war, the country ean spread affliction and distress. In view of what is happening in Scotland, deep sea shipping is taking precautions. The less infection in distant ports the better. rhe Pioneer 0n PRESCRIPTION v Daily Delivery Service ' ...... PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH - - - D. W. G. STEWART, Monoger ' II III Phone 81 Uig...or small YQ.MG 0 0LB..V all travel in comfort on the C.N.R. CCITIIEITAL LIMITED RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED When You Buy C Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to the Job YOM BUY THE 15 $41.95 K" Oimfurtalde ir-coudilionrii Wyinn car , . . modrn diners . . attractive lri-rootn-Juoge can and cafiu . . smooth travel via the - low altitude rout through the Korkiea . . . all coniiiijie to make the C.N. war top In rail travel from coast to eat. For Information Call or Write Bicycles Tricycles Joycyclef THE DOUKHOBOKS T MAY BE REASONABLE to inquire if fifty i. years of boundless patience, forbearance and temporizing where the Doukhobors are concerned have been to Canada's credit or discredit. But, whichever, the time has come to call a halt and do something, j It is doubtful if anywhere else on earth, these misguided migrants could have gone to the same jengths they have here. j About all that can be done now is make the punishment fit the crime, with fearlessness and understanding. They must be rid of the apparent notion that fanaticism and nudity can induce clemency in a court of law. If they contemplate spending much of their future life in a penitentiary, they are going the right way about it. nowfl Mil f on display PRICES: include Darex the fifth ingredient In Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard $16.00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard .. $17.50 per yard 8 1 x Sacks Cement to Yard .$18-95 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: . Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete buggies bc per day , Seven cuhlc feet capacity ' Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per day ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO DELIVERY Fhenes: Office 60; Plant 564 j CITY TICKET OFFICE , 528 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. j JintoforaJl Trant-Atlantic llnei. CAMUUAJf