TODAY to WED. trliuc Utiuctt Oallp JScUijj Tuesday, March 22, 19 JO OrCXIXG OF NORTH (Continued from Page 1) Better English By D. C, WILLIAMS TERRACE OUT FOR LIBRARY SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING Regular Prices INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT FOR CARNIVAL HERE The Civic Centre Carnival committee meeting, Friday night, attended by carnival chairman W. F. SUme, Orln Odegard, 'A REBEKAH FASHION SHOW WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 8 P.M., MARCH Zl ODDFELLOWS' HALL Admission 50c FASHIONS' BY x-ry fa--. sources will have to be replaced in such a way that they will go on in perpetuity. By that I mean as timber is cut for its use new plantings will be made so lhaWor all time that industry in its given area will have sufficient timber to sustain it. That is what 'Forest Management License' means. You can easily see the importance of that legislation when it deals with a concrete case, such as this. I "As far as the government's ' plan to advance is concerned, it ; has already been indicated that we propose to exiena me Kaiiway from the north end of the line, which is Qucsnel, at " r " : Prince George. By that acuon we shall be undertaking some- thing which has been wanted for many years by the people in that area and even talked about before, but never actually accomplished. It will be done by this government. No one can say what actual effect (hut will have on the road itself or the development of the territory through which it passes but that it will have an obviously good effect goes without question. It will open up vast timber resources in and around the Quesnel area which at the' present time are lying dormant and could not be used in any event with out rail transportation. By virtue of its geographical loca- lion, it will also rnahlo AIRLINE HAS LARGE DEFICIT , OTTAWA (P TransCanadii Airlines had a combined deficit of $2,932,240 on its North America and overseas services during 1913, Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of trade and commerce, told the House of Commons to- KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service Call 53 718 Second Avenue West Women's l"i,tilute Will Also Call Fall Fair Public IWrrtinf i TERRACE A public meeting will be called soon to form a library committee for the setting up of a public library in Terrace. This decision was reached by the members of the Women's Institute at Thursday night's when a letter. from the Board of Trade WM read It WM feU lhat the maf . was too ,arge for u tute t0 hande aloue Another matter that was felt, In hp tnn lnrcp fnr iUa ,la l-.n,j I hug of the Institute was the FaU Fair, p!ans for wWch an toIVU Therefore a Fa rn rommiUee will be formed at a public mceting to be arranged rnr Ki,m-iiv The March meeting of the Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. S. Stevenson and was well attended, Mrs. Philip pie-siding. Cookie week for the Girl Guides was explained by Mrs. Clifford and boxes of cookies will be put up for the Guides to sell to increase their canip fund. A registration fee of 50c v. ill be charged to non-members Who wish to enter the hobby classes. It was decided to (ry and arrange for a rest room for motners and their babies at the Civic teas will be put aside for a "gift 1 some student passing out of! hi,hB.hnni.nH0Ln ,nT,n. 1 versity for the first time Mrs. Bain gave an outline of picture hanging and Mrs. Bru- ,al Beauty Culture with j 1, , , JesUlg- , 1?! o M tt vnr. Auction' and brought $5.75. I The members were asked to bring their favorite recipes for the compilation of a Women's Institute Cookery book. j At the close of the meeting re-1 freshments were served by the : refreshment committee. ; 'nln at lhe May 24 celrbra-to dustry that may develop there reach the prairie markets on i ,s Knmet.hinor lii-o Q , ,.f. I Thc m"'y from the hiecUrg Style Beauty Parlor 1. What is wrong with this sentence? . "I rarclv ever eai It-I. 'Vi, 2 i What is the correct pronunciation of "mystery"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Annulment, annoint, annihilator. 4. What docs the word "inviolable" mean? 5. What is a word beginning ! with imp that means "threatening to occur soon"? Answers 1. Omit ever. 2. Pronounce mis-tcr-i, both i's as in it, and not mis.tri 3. Anoint. 4. Proof , - 1. t breach, etc. "The most inviolable attachment to the laA of our country is everywhere acknowledged a capital virtue." Hume. 5. Impending. MAS5ET BUSY DIGGING CLAMS Practically thc entire community of Masset is digging clams, reports E. T. Applewhaite who made .a week-end trip to the Queen Charlotte Island community. The co-operative there is rushing up an order for 100.000 pounds of clams to fill a contract for bait supply to Seattle. The digging is taking place about 15 miles out on the nortH beach toward Tow Hill. Mr. Applewhaite reDorts that T a5?e" are 'd VV ?elPnt by a Prlnce RuPert company tif the Limberlost resort on the Sangan ' Piunr Thow nniii.,ntA 4i - : g an mfmx of ,Wto ,, M, Chari0tte isiands tourist altrac. "on Is receiving Is also ap- Predated. ' Mr Applewhaite's trip was primarily for the purpose of ok fi i i t.. city as Liberal candidate for Skeena in the forthcoming fed- cral election. He was gratified with the friendly reception he received and with the nrnsmvH generally. Art Beaudin returned or Thursday from a trip to Vancouver. He was accompanied by his brother Joseph of California who will spend some time here. Al Cordincr of the Norman Smith Lumber Company, Edmonton, is a business visitor in town. A "working bee" was busy on Saturday afternoon cleaning up' and burning around thc United' Church. The back porch has been taken down. What is pes-' sible to salvage will be salvaged.' A well-patronized dance was held in the Oddfellows' Hall on iruuay evening wnen snappy dancing was enjoyed to tlia leB'n 0 Will iCARDp (LEGION JJ vanar im . Aux"'arycarir ' ua three v, bage in nia under conven lam Rn,.... 1 during theevtrj; John ,..., IWJMiQ, p., wt-'re: Cribbag. Mrs. A. Murray jj. Waliegham, 5jru: You'll find it m :! ection ot fn;M Gray Flannri fist and Slwrkskin Sate To roniplinifnl )t. cIhhimc a (onm Coat. Still at $34.95 ACM CLOTHING SI SHOWS AT 7 and 9:25 p.m.- SUIT OVER BLOCKADE BERLIN tf-The Russians threatened today to sue a western German firm which has been unable to deliver orders to the Soviet zone because of the Allied counter-blockade. The firm is German Metals a Hanau in the United States zone. The Russians will get an answer from United Stales that the Soviet started the blockade and can restore free trade by lifting It. Classified auenisirig aiay brings results. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C Ph.C. 21-22 Besncr Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOl'RY 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a in 6 pm. f. i:mm;h Monday and Friday. 7:30 p m. fui tbosa utinhle to romo during the aay. receptionist to attend ance aflernoona. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT WRATHALL'S ! PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies TOM GOWAN has taken over the Style Beauty Parlor, formerly operated by Miss Connie Michel. MR. GOWAN is thoroughly experienced in all types of Permanent Waving and all lines of Beauty Culture, as he has had 18 years experience. in this business He is ably assisted by MISS EILEEN MORRISON of Vancouver Your continued patronage appreciated (69) - " ""O "- wuip, uwc iUil . basis which could not be done otherwise. ,for "The whnln nhiopt. i.r '' mnvn i an f the great hinterland of the1 norm, ana so cxnana our ec onomy. It is, of course, only'3 part of the final greater pro-! gram-the development of "he ' Feace River area where lies the last great north as far as our province is concerned. f . CONRAD STREET ! CARD PARTY I The Irish motif, inspired by proximity to St. Patrick's Dai-was evident at the Conrad St. Parent - Teachers' Association card party held in the school basement last Thursday evening. The decorations were madj by the school children. There was a good turnout at the party, bridge winners being Mrs. B Eyolfson, whist, Mrs. P. Dvor- nek and cribbage, M, F. Saunders. Master of ceremonies was-T. G. Bateman. Committee in charge of refreshments consist- I i ed of Mrs. D. F. Baldwin Mrs B 1 Z Bellamy. Mrs. W. D. Griff itlS ' Mrs. T. G. Rutpman anrf M n , J. Knutson. Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. Dc Kergonuucaux, Terrace Reporter Maurice Brydges, Don Forward. T. Norton Youngs, and Allan M Hurst, recommended that em- phasis be placed on development of a large, varied industrial and commercial exhibit. Mr. Stone said that Edward Mussellam, of . the Junior Chamber of Conv merce, which conducted the first industrial exhibit last year, had agreed to take charge for the forthcoming carnival. Dates of the Carnival were announced as August 13 to 20. The meeting also decided to recom mend to the directors that It investigate the possibility of building a temporary protecting floor to cover the gymnasium. Mr. Forward sold that the present tymnasiuni floor is In "beautiful condition" and that carnival l'owds would damage It. He had Jeen advised, he said .that the 5ym floor cannot be sanded again, so that some type of pro tection is necessary. The directors will consider thc recommendations at a piecting Monday night. WHEAT PRICE IS PROTESTED ADELAIDE, Australia J -tralian -Aus-have wheat growers trongly protested the worlcf T.hrat .heat nrirn price agreed n rrfH linnn upon by the international wheat conference In Washington last Friday. T. C. Scott, general secretary of thc Australian Wheat Growers' Association, told reporters last night that the Federation had sent an emphatic protest to the British delegation at the wheat talks and to Prime Minister C. R. Attlee. You Saw it in The News. BLACKHEADS two eanaw of poraxlM pouter (ran four druKXitl. Sprinkto on a hot. wot eltvt nd applf to tho ffto sontlr. Ziurj nlovk-hejd will bo aittotvod. Tho ono r, tmi ond ottnplo war to roatOT lak4. " iltITn?fTl '"ilinif'1!' lH'll,liP!"il'Htf Tif,M',It'Mt:"'Tf BUILDING LITTLE BUILDING BIG WHICHEVER IT IS YOU'LL GET SATISFACTION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US CONSTRUCTION IS OUR BUSINESS D MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors rilONK 363 liiiisiimnH 'MMiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiJiiii.iiMiiiiHiiitiittiiiiiiiiti illilU'lliillllliil ir . A Product af Gnrol Foods r gc or and like fhml WHIAT , MO PAumn day. The deficit was In spite of the heaviest traffic for one year on record. In 1947 the combined deficit was $1,624,739. The deficit for North America was $757,119. FORMER FEDERAL MINISTER DEAD I PETERBOROUGH On t. (P-Hon. G. N. Gordon, K.C., min ister of immigration in Mackenzie King's Liberal government in 1925, died today at the age of C9 years. He was a keen political student and one of Canada's keenest campaign fighters. He suffered a stroke last Wednesday. SCAMPERS ( M.rV Keg.). Your fuvimrilc play kIuhs is bnrk . . . more iillmi'livc, more inifi.rLilil' lliarl rvcr before in a new iikm ain drxi'sn.' Korp your f'rt cihiI anil rmrrlal)lc nil siiiimikt l'n willi a pair of Sisniiin Srainprm on ilisplu ul onr More. OF PRINTING- OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY Phone 231 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR, SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam.March 11 and 25, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s Coquitlam, Mar. 4, Mar. 18, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prhice Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5CG Your Line Tells All FASHION FOOTWEAR FOR ALL TYPES GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS SEE Major Toddie, architect, ar-HUSKY NONAGENARIAN rivcd town on Saturday mor-ERSKINEVILLE, Australia .fining' on business in connection Up to the time of her recent 'with ,hc innovating of thc for-death at age of 90, Mrs. Sophia mer military hospital as a pro-Haxley managed a flour and feed ! vincial infirmary, store here. She was able to lift1 HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in Dihh Print iiiif Co. 1.1 n."i.. rsi , 1 Onoti frnm nm if i n m vai u in ,y w lVi Srw.rinli7n in ChiflCSC mm si try CHOW) FOB OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE IS George Martin returned oil Thursday evening's train from Prince Rupert to which point he accompanied Mrs. Martin on her journey to Vancouver. Gordon Little and family of Pact Tf . ll'initon stn ntn f r', t . ,7 01 T"y L JtJf left "uiuajra passenger train. w A1Ser it on Thursday's late train on a business visit to No "Jut! : Fl day. . . r. in .he j keep - ( A'jyM arc I imole wlien 11, rm -VISIT A Mai KEN FURNlM im OIK STHjMg SMTES is (Mmi ,.,;,.l:,l Walnut it-ptt ?,nSLJ t'dlnnial Ml ' is kidding! health comes first.., every nickel counts! can't aff-onl rating off . .'. mnnry i,,,ly ,rlu mrny . gnl to ,, ,, fl,.,illg , . . M my J, h"-'00' n"H' " V"r.,,u''1 Hf.!i1r,l jorr.riiini!i.. OU ,l!.-t: " ,,Tri,r flP" aUC,, U ,H k wf Bran Flakes Pl.,,,ly jV nalural bulk vou ncerl to hrln foo,J wa,eS ,,in? - lielp )ou rr(aill vim .nd 'sor. njoy wl.olesome wheal liom islunent too - 1W. Dran FI.Le uin r lakes with other parts of wheat. riumbins or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 PACIFIC one en a or a 100-pound bag of: chaff while a customer lifted the .wou n -ju iu a uuck. 1 Advertise m the Uaiiy News! lit 4 1. V il J I.V7 -A I J t Hit the Nail on the Head! Bcsner Block NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) This Is Serious 1 Aplirlizili" a a rprrnl. n. Stevedoring & Contra ma.le into light, ( ,lrr ,ran Tl)ni'n. Foil. rceipe on package. I wo nizcs: la 1 COMPANY I'l''11,r' regular. IiimsI 011 I'ost Hran. General Stevedores and Coniraj Stevedores for Canadian National ,E ADDRESS 1 1 D . VrT. ( CABLE "PACIFICO" Sure she needs BRAN FLAKES WITH OTHII PARTS OF THFRF'Q M AN SONS i!!rH!lL On a A , . , , A bird in ' ' A! . tti i?lNG t xr cc your IUU rUKCHAoti. 'kiiQ Wedding Gift a 20 Cash j?! Perfect Diamond i cmr vnn cauf S20 CA 7 r 5 Manson's Jewellers To Select the Most Cherished Gift of All . . . 1 " .i,.ititlll Mm . . lvm,i i i 1 11 wl'c'n , niatii- burets lM , , , v""u,lc,lwufLn two in uio bush. bush, So bo remcmlier, renicnwer, ' , .. . . - 1 i ' .1 !' I I I I I lf.;f',lTl?,ft' soe 11,(3 lar- election of Perfect GuarauU Her Eiwueenumi . Ring .vriiaaiy n bjhW 'S-Your Friendly Jeweller. jewdhr. ' - " Pree iMurance-rtee Inspection and PoUsUns Strvlce-Evcty Ring cuun'""1 rice".