it'll piinci nnpd Danf rsms Thursday, June 2, 1949 " mmjd -''- WELL PLEASED WITH ISLANDS 1 and Aero camps in CUmshewa cock, Smithers and Telkwa to Inlet where attentive hearings hold meetings. He will. be. ac-were given A A. Forcier pres- companied on -pare of this trip jby Douglas Frizzell and will be ided at the Aero meeting. "this1 Joined later by WU . WatU Following the visit here Terrace, Burns Lake and other Week-end on his behalf of Hon. will be vftd interior points Robert Mayhew, minister of "The Islands, as a whole, look much better than uad expected," said Ted Applewhaite, Liberal candidate for Skeena in the forthcoming federal elec- lE BIRDIE! (Gf x tlon following a campaign tour ! fisheries, Mr. Applewhaite win to all Queen Charlotte. points, leave Saturday morning, for - - Mnrran.J Advertise in tne Uauy ixews. xt.. ,.. .cu. -.. at. redarvale. the Hazeltons, Wood-' lliry taov " " o 1 5 fandfa. im&ws$tA ' unawares. . you , on t- t up ff! Order your coal supply now and be sure of a - .- ? , , ' f snu.; comfortable winter ahf'ad. - , , " CALL 651 to place your order. ! ' ' f - ' , t?p ' S f ml . Hi 'Cf"'t ''.4 v jtmi Mir ' ; H - t ) ' ;. i m-PHI POTT, EVITT & CO. ' : r f" " : V 4 Lumber Building Supplies gl MONTREAL, Juned-Time o )S AVlZ . drrmw nifa is to do what the big woollen wills do-u LA KVLX. i to ?jh tolUrrnl Kxcell.nt roa.on. uU why Irvcx a houoM "buyword" in thousands o Canadiau Louies! M N An Yom Thm Betiar Halft . . .'Everybody talks aJout not undcrestimat- Tmmc-.. iiD? the power ot a woman. YV e re supposed to Bpend most o the money ' iv... uui.;iili for (Jlh family Your Eyes work hard for you every finale day . . .' and even though mil Tiifllf Tllt 4 I ! :45 Outdoor Stories :00-The Haijpy Time :30 Western Five :45 Supper Varieties Rltadio 1240 Kilocycleii uiai auu - . . . budnet.- All the ada. fay we an- the . a: I,.. flia mnn nm ! 5 jt;.f (ft Change T2PEET AND THAT'S ALL BOA Robert Bean (lefti, director of Chicago's Brookfield Zoo, Is shown measuring the 22-foat python that arrived at Hew York's Idle wild Airport, enroute to tiw am. The auiiiul cigo, including elephants, timers, leopards, and monkeys valued at $5,000, was the largest ever to be freighted by air. On tneir flight from Java, the animals attended by pretty 24-year-old Jt'iinie Cuprys, known to ww men as "Jungle Jenny," shown holding the snake's head1. :00 Musical Program r.M. G greatest mnurnre. uuv n.o . u rountry. Way, U why Aouldnt about which men run we have a say tiie country . . . and how they run itf, Well, we have! Our vote w our pro-tertion. Tlmt' the way we can atate oir o.kiion and help make the kind of eov eminent we need. There a an tne Troubadour : 15 Freddy Martin and Orchestra :30 Musical Varieties : 45 Smoke Rings :00 CBC News Jucic Quotations and k.erlude 10:00 Ellen-Harris . realize it t!i"v " mw1 to e tired! That's why I fugff"-.-.t lh:tt you give them tlir enre tliey do- -serve. I usi Ml KINK aitiiiWand morning and always marvrt tlia quiek. wukwmc JjrM...-.. helpinit to banish that tired, 4ted-' up feeiine when eye pet .waury! Containing (.even infrxeiienttliat blend pcrVocilv with thtr twtural fluids of the eves, Munnd ijinf and coothes delicate cy4Mies Rently as .a tear. Just put 2 drop! in each eve! Ask your drugjiiit for Murine to-day ... use rftrji-laTly even bejvre your eyes cuin- Lily Wicken AID PLAN I PRESENTED U:15 Morning Melodies : 10:30--Round-up" "Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies. 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells ' ' " " "a Story . 11:15 Songs of Yesterday Cmia eTeco "C 'ia this country has a vote of her ? oa 2d rSSwnAould that vote.. Make eure tl.a you it" to PPort 7he party which will do mot to mprov your lot and by making Canada a still better place to live. yl d t-,Vfimilv t PR&E.SSIVE CONSERVATIVE Candidate in your the that will do most to make a better party rid Vote to sipport nK JZ Canadian family. Tho ProgrosMivo Con-lervluve Vnomber of 1 fa for every Sty I tbc famUy party. For . better future, vote Progressive 7:35 CBC News Roundup ' 7:0- Eventide . - 8:00 Sw.lal Credit National 8:15 Recital ." . -8:30 Watcha Know, J' . 9:00 Canada at Work 9:15 Music in Three -quarter , Time 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC NW! 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Emma Caslor United Nations Moving Further to Help Backward Nations Economically LAKE SUCCESS The Uni plain! 11:30 Weathef Forecast ' . . . Couservative. 11:31 Message Period U:33 Rec. Int. . ted Nations today presented an eafiftftnrwfl nlan to boost eco June H.t Awwr Seen A. Farount. Monti, For Br.des. Perhaps that's because its supposed to be Ji iky... " Happy the bride the June sua "?' J is that vny month can t-e lucky truth of the matter Z a 1 ride if she encourages Rood luck wi h good manement for her finaaee. And J!' 10:30 T.B.A. nt eii ifiii f j i 11:00 Weather and Fli.h nomic development of backward countries. j The report on the plan em-j Dhasized. however, that progress. 11:45 -Famous Voices - P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies .2:la -CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. B'arm Broadcast J2:55 Recorded Interlude 1 VA Cin- . her " tn n husband can have a hnnt n?)frrMd Account, which save Will make together. it so Or much you easier caVVTith to deal w ith Wll b Ik . 1 ou iljt know jiM '. of economic development must be measured in decades rather than years and that the present plan is only a pattern for further action. Arrivals FRIDAY-A.M 7:00 Musical cixk 745-Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 6: 15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Mo;err.s 8:45 Little Cf-ncer ". 9:00 BBC News and Com'fy 9: 15--Morning Oevytions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9 59 Time Signal . . j The plan would ne carriea out m d'lj I 1;00 Intermezzo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Piano Tree 3:00 Musical Program, 3:15 Serenade 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Commentary derella Complexion", that s what a " Woodbury Facial Coc-vtml il And lierfi's how to u this " magic wand " to make vour fkm mootii-as-Ratin petal - fie?h; , W ork up a ercamy-ncU latlier ith WOODBURY FACIAL fOAP Massage thoroughly over face to cleanse and soften. Follow with two rinea a warm and a cold. It's so refreshing . . . leaves vour complexion wonderfully fresh and Ktowin. For Woodrmiv Faciai Soap contains a ismoothine beauty-'reara inKixxl,ent-- u)l in fine iaee creams. Th(f latber is extra-mild . , . leave no dry, taut feelinR no "i4m Xrxly a beautv "djseovery 't by the United Nations itself and its specialized agencies such as the International Labor Organ!-! E?onomirt. tells me Bwilt ninij mak.-. tl e " inA n .Viect nies imaginable! And to add to vour oB'B iurtf-'Uid Swift Vople have put out a zation and food and -agriculture nJ organizations. jWfr RECIPE theml For your free copy of Sf"ix im cartou topjta p,mi. Y' ,k ( nsceut St.. Montreal, l'.ti. me jiiinmrA ui' "": - .... w - : f MRS. GILCHRIST u nn H i r K wdfreffrct. that gay. reM..ffJU carimvc. Hero's a colorful m-rvmg "''"J de rts . . . i ;. Ai-mnire mm I canm a ICS: 1- i DIES IN SOUTH After a long illness which commenced in Prince Rupert, Mrs. Martha Gilchrist, wife William Gilchrist and pioneer, woman of this city, passed away in Victoria on Friday of last iXut .rym: Place a lw broken LT hollow of each peach; -then cover with mu "mon JelW. Chill. You'll find with clJ Ui tliw arc desert Jllv l'owdei-s. a host of iutnguiug uick and eapy to make! art Cm- if m disc n 7 " r ; : 9 ' 1 -. J yyvs O ' week. Cremation took place in .Victoria this Monday and the ashes will be brought here later Itlt't A " Gloomy" Day for Baby . . . here's one of tho e'-"t wnv I know to put him in a haprV moo. aam Shto to a bowl.ul of delicou, 5 Minute "Cream ot, Wheat"! He'll love it! And so will you ... for it cooks to full digestibility-even for balnc-m ul6 minute ot toiling. And it's eo good for baby for burial alongside the remains of deceased's daughter, Margaret, who died here years ago. In addition to the widower, there is a daughter, Mrs. Anne Hill, at Zeballos, Vancouver Prose-Winning Saoifj . . . saladt with lots and lota of appetite appeal . . . have one thing in common. .Secret of their suceca" is a really good dressing skilfully -flavoured with any one tho delicious IIK1XZ VLNEGAHSt Whether the salad is served toeted and green in a wooden bowl .. .or eolourliillv arranged in fruit dishes tho dressing makes a world of difference... and when it's, rnadt with Heiuff White. Malt or, ll.-r Vinegars it's bound to be good! It's wise, "salad insurance to make vour dressings with the best vinegar vou can buy just as von make them wilh the best' fruits and vegetables That's why I nrga you to ask vour grocer for linn Vinegars aaed and mellowed in wood! . . Heinz White Vinegar ... marvelous for light ealads and smooth, boiled dressings . . Hems Malt Vinegar delicious lor heartier salads! Iron ana it imra w - it contains . , , &fput list! charm if they're not daisy- . Ummt Clothes !o Klf their Thjrt "maKical" the way Lin.t puts the "new back clothe! " Clothe, laundered U.t ny d.-cr . urr tofiorr too! This is ccau,e Lmjt gently and i.roiects the fibres o the cloth. It eov penetrates ami holds down the tiny surfare hairs that, catch the 4 look that o. s so wel with that daisy-fresh d So tor Sumner -io; to tan-h vour clothes Hit easy, lovely "Linit" way 1 Hammers at Gov't Trade Pplcies w k r ' OTTAWA P) Solon Low-leader of the Social Credit party r,nunrtpd at the government'! . '. A i Jan. i n,;j- (19491 or are celebrating your Silk (Twelfth) Weddin? WHethe, You wi hoit 0f feminine hvene. Jhoiisand, U wai t to know f" X.yA, Amuversary-yoii h-ntv ,ouvenient and effective.. -'lhe INJURY MAKES ALY A SPECTATOR Holding crutches he has been using since he suffered an ankle Injury, Prince Aly Khan is shown ringsiding at a Paris bullfight with his bride-to-be, Rita Havworth screen beauty. They were married last week on the Irade policies In a -campaign ogress rnntendinft that Can ot lst J""1'-" lite mal mppositorie are powerfully germ- ada faced such . an intensive trariP crisis that the Liberals had Riviera In a civil ceremony. 1 V. i heln anwer anv question ym ..- .. Canada. . and to n MP""" Mores all across ,qCrea,v!1, Ht, Montreal, P.Q-for your to you iu a plain wrapper. , I. .l m fe' ,s . I Ii 1 " decided to ,go to the country "before the situation became too embarrassing." BROADWAY By CHICK YOUNG Fine l ine quality... qnainy... II Short Changed, As Usual! , BLONDIE , . 9 CAFE "BUILD B.C. PAYROLL" Delicious Y0$m Economical !( Pacific ; "''s.ti"" -pin".", iji iipe iiiP1 7 4mmM OAOWWlAr NOECK, WES sl OW'WlSri STENTS) fertT OU GIVE MB ) CW 7; Nahoh srlerts young tea leaves. flavor . . . Nabob tea leaves are harvested at flavor peak. Satisfying strength . . Naltob blends to perfection. All three in Nabob give you "tea as it should be." BEST FOOD BEST COOKING You'll find adcred flavor, extra nourishment .and unvarying quality in the familiar Pacific tin. For healthy, tasty meals . . . and of course for the babies' formula, you'll realize Pacific's goodness. PACIFIC MILK CHINF.SE DISHES A SIWIALTY nr. Enjoy Nabob. It's your best tea value. -What's Your License Number? av i ill I FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS Irradiated and Vacuum Packed G08 West Third Avenue 1 Ko's that oh.' t suess S Ji M, I minute rS) U "- 1 L S aAi ON THE FRONT VWCLL, OAISV S i SzZ WP" . .v V' PACIFIC Velii'1 Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY UMITKI) General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways .Tr,a nuAn OFFICE (rce TABLE (UJimiiw - T. ( PACIFIC0" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ; T i