THIS AND THAT Prince Uupcrt Oailp rectus Monday, September 13, 1948 Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections . Published every afternoon except Sunday by .,' Prince RupeA Dally Newi Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, BrltUh Columbia. . O. A. -HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. An Independent dally newspaper devoted to tne upbuilding of Prince Rupert and aU communities comprising northern and central Brlttah Columbia (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Postr Office Department Ottawa) MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION apples are first rate?" "Oh yes," came the reply "Lots and lots especially Northern Spies and Mcintosh Reds." SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, $7.00; By Mail. Per Month, 40c; Per Year. MOO. BONILLA ISLAND SAILING AIDS Liberal Association to Join Chamber of Commerce in Representations The Prince Rupert Liberal Association Is appointing a special committee to collaborate with the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce in continuing representations to the Department of Transport looking to the establishment of major lighthouse and aid to navigation facilities on Bonilla Island so that approach of deepsea shipping to Prince Rupert through Hecate Straits from Ever since there has been a Prince Rupert, the city of Vancouver has had a good deal to say about rain reflecting, in no sr. ill degree on the general at tractiveness of the town. Mor; recently, however, Vancouver has been going all out, but in a different way. Through the simple expedient of Adding the letter ' B" to "rain," the word becomes "Brain." Thus, Vancouver sings a different song. We Regret But It Is doubtful if Mr. Molotov, though pretty smart, was able to grasp the point. ! ; Newfoundland will bring more thai new problems and a sturdy and progressive class of people within the Canadian fold. It Is a favorite tfiSta., the Introduction the south may be facilitated This would eliminate the neces sity of travelling the longer distance by way of Dixon's En trance, around the north of tha 5 What's in a r.ame? Plenty, sometimes. For Instance, a M". Goodfellow Is the welfare minister in the government of an Eastern Canadian province. Just now he is seeking to have- old age pensions substantially Increased and, if possible, put on a contributnry basis. Queen Charlotte Islands. of which is now pending, it Ls called "fish and brewse" and sounds as if It might score a hit In Rupert. Made of cleaned, soaked salt codfish, sea-blscu't and onions, the whole fried i i pork, it is regarded as a repast that puts a .man In proper shape to go out and meet the world, the fle.,h and the devil, or anything else that sticks its nee out. The Liberal Association has decided to pursue the matter further after receiving a com munication from the Depart ment,of Transport saying that "Well, you objected, to my getting out of bed every night for a snack !' Now and then a story with a its officials did not agree upon the necessity of installation of First winter's t that you, condition or for cull 361 Pur Mt). consult . . PRICK of every single tng in Prince Rupert THE has now advanced. The Daily News is sorry but, after Ion? hesitation and much consideration, we have been forced to fall in line. Today we announce a. gentle increase in, our subscription rates. Since everybody- has been expecting us to, do this, some of our friends having even been wondering how it was we did not do, it before, there is no eed to apologize and probably no reason why we should even attempt to explain. We shall just tell our readers, as doubtless they must already realize, that everything that goes i&to the production of a newspaper lias, advanced, sharply since last our subscription prices went up. Newsprint costs us 100 percent more. Wages are up forty percent or so. These are just the principal examples of our rising costs. There was just nothing else we could do. Our only hope is that we will be able to. stay at this-level. We are just as unhappy about having to charge our good friends with higher prices as. we are to. have to pay higher prices ourselves. All things considered, however, we have a feeling that our readers are still getting a good five cents worth of news and advertising. The healthy increase our circulation continues to sho.w might be taken as some indication, of appreciation, we think. such navigational aids on Bon- LETTERBOX Hotel.. ilia as a large lighthouse with direction finding, echo sound Arriyls glint of playfulness emerges ."ronj the solemn sittings of representatives 'of Soviet Russia and the United Nations, t a recent meeting, Mr. Molotov is reported to have remarked that he had not tasted a good apple since he had been in the United States. And Uus moved General Marshal lto turn to General Mac-Nauchton. and inquire: "I've ul- MitchJ TERRACE CELEBRATION Editor, Dally News: The people of Terrace are at a loss to understand why you pub- NEW SALT INDUSTRY SAI.DA.NHA BAY, South Africa, (P A new industry covering more than 2.000 acres, to extract salts from sea water, is being established here. It was announced recently. The plant wl!i concentrate on production of a lew varieties ot common Prince Rupert W. E. Eckert, Buxuaby; D, O B"i(jfr, ing and radar equipment. In view, of the 45,-mile width of Hecate Straits, these officials were of the opinion that they could quite safely be navigated without such additional aids and that, in view of heavy expenditures with which the Department was already Involved, there should be no definite commitment at this time in regard to Bonilla. lished In. Thursday's issue such Bickersou, Vancouver; A. Philip, an inaccurate report of the La- Vancouver; R.. Baily, Courte-bor Day celebration sponsored nay; E. Q, Donegani, Vancou-by our Civic Centre Association, tver; Mr. and Mrs. a J. Shep- TRY A ways heard your Canadian! salt You state "most of, the rapes scheduled on the program were pard, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. G, Saaoff. Prince Rupert; Md. and Mrs. H. Holt, Vancouver; S. J. MeClay, E. H. Parr, Vancou completed despite a ffiw. shower.) , After some dissatisfaction had been expressed at a meeting of , but the loggers.' contests, which, i i ver; p. C. Lande, 1L Hednian, Butedale; F. J. Kavanagh, Montreal; E. Grey, Vancouver the Liberal Association last were expecieo. pc in leavuiy week as to this stand by the attractions were rained, out dux-department, decision was made ing the afternoon." Actually ail to follow the matter of improv- the, races were -run off, and the ed navigational facilities at i program of loggers' sports was Bonilla together with, the Prince completed with the exception of World Peacemaker MR. KING THROUGH AERONAUTICAL PIONEER In, 4,00 B.C. Archytas of Tar- O ALL INTENTS and purposes, Mr. Mackenzie Rupert Chamber of Commerce. entum made a wooden, pigeon that could fly. T i T King is finished, as Prime Minister of Cana4a the log burling, w(hich was, cancelled due to the high water. You also state that "there were more pounds of barbecued aim n Liberals beef than' there were people tod result of emergency arrangements hurriediy made In. our zeal to cover the celebration fo'.-lowine the failure to arrive in eat it." This is also a gross mis On Fishing statement. Four quarter of beef were barbecued aad, by 4 time of the report of our regular Terrace correspondent which nri" (if ihf wW p.m.. it was all gone, much ti. report, Incidentally, has since Moiliii cr. l b r r!.( the disappointment of the huge E. T. Applewhaite Tells of Resolutions Passed at Convention reached the office and is pub crowd. t 4., n f.i : lished today. Ed.l. This was the biggest and most In 1 he v r ill Speaking at the week-end, E:T. successful celebration evet held. ily Mcil gtily ill Applewhaite, Liberal candidate m Terrace. for Skeena in. the next lederalj C J NoRRINOTON, ol our own rulion. except for representing the Dominion as honored head of its government at the forthcoming Com-tlnonwealth Conference in London and the United Nations Assembly in Paris which he left today for overseas to attend Mr. St. Laurent takes over now although the formal assumption of office will not take place until the latter part of October When Mr. ' King returns. Meanwhile Mr. St. Laurent is relieved of his im-porta at office of Secretary of State for External ! Affairs by the capable and experienced L. B. (Mike) ,' Pearson whose appointment must be greeted with I general approbation even though he is not from, the ; ranks of Parliament. Exterpal affairs loom larger ; and larger in the current troubled international i picture and it is well that the best possible man ; should have been selected regardless of political ; ' aspects. The fact that Mr. Pearson has never been actively in poltics might well niake him an even ; better qualified man to represent the Dominion J with the authority of high cabinet rank in t,he im- portant dealings that be will have to undertake. ejection, oeserioea as pemg ui: Treasurer. Terrace and wnf llierau dp' in more nl District Civic Centre. local interest a resolution on, the fisheries which was adopt (If there was inaccuracy ,ln the huiijiry inilli"' 1 report of the Terrace ceiebra ed at the recent national Liberal Convention in Ottawa nhlrh Uo attenricrl "Thp T.ih- Chy Merchants City merchants are asked in future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to- the Hon above referred to, ltis re To Iwlp iJ" lw by the Daily News, as I era party." said Mr. Apple-lotted whaitP "recoenizes the imoort-1 well known, has the most friend part of r?r) U inv.-lnl in pi ant Dart nlaved bv fishimr in ly feelings towards and has at endeavoured to promote dismal Im.B'1' llir the national economy and the ways Terrace and all Its undertakings. u, provide ' w life of the nation." The comprehensive resolution ' regutoe hour for. publication. It might be explained that the report complained of was tru! niiiiii,ry l' on fishing approved by the convention urged: Career Girls To?iorroio inveM in . . v.,u Iwlp F1 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TODAY iiroure C2 l.rlp lay .SEEING. THE; NORTH EVERY Prince Rupert resident who takes FOPs a trip to Alaska scores journey And in i the most of cases, Ketchikan ha been, tb I northern limit of the most of Prince Rupert people's I travels. Business, social and family reaaona, of ! course, explain why so many go. south, But if; one is free to choose and footloose, we coukl find the great regions between here and Whitehorse, or further, full of an interest that does not fade. The ;...more one sees, the deeper the desire to keep on The extension of the programs of- fishing development. Including inshore and offshore fishing, to increase the stocks ol the valuable species, thereby adding to Income and continuity of fishing. The institution of new programs designed to widen the domestic and foreign markets for fish with Inspection ot fish from sea to table and Improved methods of preparing, storing and marketing. Low - cost fishing equipment, establishment of adequate landing facilities, of safe anchorages, adequate aids to navigation, and encouragement of Improved fishing practices. Choose your wardrobe with, care. Be Smarts-Be tTact,!-cal See Sweet Sixteen's selection of . BLAZERS. , SWEATERS. SKIRTS 9.nd BLOUSES You'll want to see our new shipment of lovely TAFFETA DRESSES swish for dancing. . MtKC HAMS tu ou know that the Daily Newfc is the most going. SCARE. WHIVk HUNTING IS THE shooting season. Don't mar it by THIS killing a man instead, of a, deer. It's often happened in the woods around Prince Rupert. Don't ; be in too much. of a hurry! Somehow haste and a ; loaded rifle don't go together. Don't fire just be-' cause you se something move!- Better to miss, for :-the rest of your life, all the game left on earth, "than send a bullet through a man's heart or head. effective, medium, of advertising Itr tiff4, ' ':"s;Wtjezzz - Wi:ft 4 'fri And to protect you in fall and winter weather . . . GABARDINE COATS Wines, greys, greens. n Prince Rupert? No one nisses your message if it's ad-'ertise4 in, the Newt. It's the eajly efficient way of putting over. tf. We have Just received a large variety ot WOOL DRESSES. Plaids are thi highlights. " Use Our Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges r , 1 , 4 - VENETIAN BLINDS Strongly made with steel; or 1 1 1 1 1 L aluminum slats, In a variety f PEP THE yob W of smart colors with harmonizing tapes. Ask to have our estimator call. We measure yoiu windows and " lnstal the blinds. at Two sailings per week Six VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE 1 vy xm 1 - furniture , . ., nfe and nc Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun to rw Kaien Co-op Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM . . new W.. JUST ARRlVEP w'ii rpnnholster them, P"1. ' . rep" Besides, Upholstering ad JV car se Drapes to order and '7'', PROMPT SERVICE Call on our skilled men for all plumbing emergencies. Dependable repairs assured. PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schumart ' (Old Post Office Building) a1 Sundays, 10 p.m. FOK Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS t.a. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. . . FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Ruuert Aaent Phone 111 McBride Street A SMALL SHIPMENT OP GOLD SEAL RIGS AND HOOR MATS, CIDiCK pVR, STCOCK. 0 MOIEK AND JASPE INLAID. LINOLEUM, BV THE VARD, See the New PatUrni In, Table Qllcloth, PHONE WRTTB DROP IN Pbone 179 Box 1121 251 3rd West V I Hj andMr LO Next to CFPR by Mr. Mr. (Now operated, A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY N1CW8 WILL BRING RESULTS Third Ave. Phone 568