Prince Rupert Daily News "l!- Wednesday, Octobpr 18, 1950 , piumc-i, stt hin above the tem-i ' pies on a stiffened Jersry mount , i The snow then soars Into the I Cards Pilot Steps Down Business and profe' , Glengarry . bonnet . fur , , felts ,. of . Blackwood On Bridge By Edsley Blockwood London Hat Show Kas Globe Theme By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer better acquainted with my' LONDON -Travel and the Place fw Danish-born Thaa.up,; ritz New York backgrounds. as Jf mind were on something else. This IS CPpCC-glamor of distant lands provide leads the way to the eastern . . . , prmcess Margaret who some- y v. i ui. the theme of a hat show given countries. One example is a tlttends the hat shows wB3 ' Jally true if his partner has been haranguing him by Agae Thaarup. the royal Burn, pagoda bonnet in black ftbsent on ft ..We about a bid or play he should have made. ... milliner. velvet with pom tea crown en Drobablv make . nit;e r J , China. Burma, Tibet and Slam oil ln-irl thnl- iii ct-i r,o tinri Trt Thaarup's autumn show, en- tiny temple bells suggest the titled -Round the World in 35 tinkling measure of a temple f ; MThee A notice to mariners from tHe global trend starts with' China comes next with an a flower-girl bonnet in hand- enormous black velvet coolie hat Department of Transport ad-ki?i, ..n,r. in,,.i., Prieed with tinv Bold tassels, and vises that Red Cliff Point beacon I want you to become friend, Mr. Abel, who CAM usually does. Too often East-west vumerame, Nurtli j (Mr. f'luiiiiiliiii 3- K Q 4 3 H 6 5 4 D K 2 C K 7 6 5 West (Mr. Abel) fust (Mr. ItHlf) s - 7 6 88 5 ha k 10 7 3 1 9 8 3 D 10 8 7 3 C A Q 10 hotitll (Mr. Ma s a j io a H J D A Q 6 4 C 9 8 3 The bidding: Smith West North 4 8 All pass 3 3 Pass like 1 3 Pass icct Ka,ue wnen tne the cut lor partner was made. Mr. t IVlJlLLCTll Ul ill. JV dOU nrviit , iiuvum- ed to suggest the flower-girls of Loner's Pica lilly Circus. Scotland is represented by Abel was fortunate enough to eastern states. ,"While waiting araw Mr. Dale, the old master lor a plane at Great Falls Mon-and expert on bridge Humanics tana, we saw jet bombers in the One of the kibitzers razzed Mr. air. At first you could only hear , Dale about his bleak chances A ' them, they were going so fast. winning the rubber. The old Then they came Into sight as boys eply was, "Don't worry they levelled off after diving i about me. Abel and I always get downwards." recalled Mrs. I 0y Seagram's Seagram's "V.O." Seagram's Seagram's Crown Royal Seagram's King's Plate Seagram's HELEN'S BEAUTY. SHOP Permanent Waring Beauty Culture in u Its branchea ?04 4th Street- . ' Phone 655 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houib, 10:30-13:30 ft 8-5 Evenings, Mdrf. & Frl. f:30 Phone Blue 442 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for' the flneat In Musical Instnimenta PIANOS TUNED AND REGONDITIONED ?10 4th fit. Ph. Black 889 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS U AUDITORS Dernier Block Phone 387 P O. Box 130 HANDYMAN HOME SRVIGE UKNrHAI. I )NTRA(TORri Rulldiiiir utut ht'lmlif .if kI klndt ROOFS O H 1 M N B V S OIL BURNERS PHONb-Black 334 Hen mm P. O. Bbt 1(T)fl' MATTSON'S UPHOL8."ERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue, Prittoe Rupert, B C. MARGARET, Rooi Wit STONg mi t) P0 BOX il SIDNEY GC1 OPTOMtihj Complete Visual , OFFICKH01 Mezzunlfit-1 Geo. Cook s , Telcphune : gordoTTdI! OIL BURNffl SI New wick or jt supplied All type, and stoves scrvked I'uiJjlUifiul gnaw teetsiiUfifartiunc , .- kfvii V 733 St'h'wen For Dowiitru'Jdr: i. ' find Wom I ". Q MAC ' SHoinoa Buy Hip B. -fi i . ?amiius ELECTRO.: Cleaner and Air ! Small supply m R. W. COIL Aulhoriwu D PHONE 4: Contact above ' SERVICE & 51 gay lartan greens wun magnni-, cent cockades. One has a flam- j lng brush of tangerine osprey. i the other an elaborate natural I , , i Denmark, a natural stopping circled oy tnin Danas or gut beadins. Decoratlnsr SDravs Jf o - " o - Iran inspires a black jersey tur- ban-swathe with cheeky double swirl of sou topaz paradise displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by FOR SALE FOR RALE Fu-condMnrt kitrh- en range. Phone Black 1G7 (245p) i?OR SATF.-Plav pen.. Phone Black 579. (244p) FOR SALE 1940 Ford deluxe tandem coupe. Call Black 49S. 243ei FOR SALE Oil ranee in good condition rfiti,,n alone ain with !, i,m two a?. 45-! "i. oil drums and connections.: Phone Black 496. (243o FOR SALE Man' bicycle, cheap. Black 236. (247c i , FOR SALE Maico hearim; aid in first class condition at reasonable price. Phone Green 789 between 6 and 8 (244c) for SALE Blue winter coat, sl oi., it. i Keo rph 471 41. m (f . FOR SALE One muskrat coat.i S17e 16 phone 747 (243c) 1 FOR SALE New chesterfield, oeas: Deas comnieie: un 1 )aini laiiit" ' ed chest of drawers: sewiiwi This advertisement is not published or play bridge better' than Mr. Abel plays carelessly, Looks Like War (Visitor To New jYork Impressed "It looks like war," says Mrs. Henry Stangbye, 103 Ninth Avenue West, who has returned from visiting relatives in New York. "Sailors on the coast, soldiers coming and going on leave: just it was here during the war," American cities she passed stangbye. i She reports that general food-' Miffs ar chear thari Cana-1 dian prices, but restaurant meals are higher- Work is plentl- ful, with high wages going to the skilled worker Poor weather followed Mrs. Stangbye In her first air trip . which took her In six changes of planes across the continent, "But weather is something you get everywhere," says Mrs. Stangbye, who returned to Prince Rupert to find the house -: hold begonias nipped by frost, i while in New York state Mrs. 1 stangbye visited the families of Ar 1UK, Mr, A i MsGaw, her daughter and son-in-law,' at! cdensburg, N.Y., and Mr.- and Mrs J. M. Lane, her sister and tiother-ln-law. at Delhi . PORTRAITS ri'ms Di-velopeu and Printed PKOMP"!' SKRVICE I HANDLER'S STI'DIO ti iUi Street Box 645 (ii-wn 389 Prince, Rupert Costume Jewelry GEORGE COOK Jeweller Classified Advertising Is payable In advance Plea e refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, ?.c pe. 0rd per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fur eral I lot ices. Marriage ami fcngacinent' Announcement $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Sf. LOUIS' W Eddie Dyer stepped down this week as manager of the St. Louis Cardinals while club officials said no new manager had been se lected as yet. The Cardinals finished fifth in the league standing this year after winning the World Serie? in 1948 and coming second In the National League for the next three years. , HT7 HOW TO MIIIVI IN THE PAIN JOINTS Worn offacrad part. .Si Rub in worm oil. Kop covorod with warm flannel. At druaaiitV for 85 ytan. bT 3 -f' Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping a.rI General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliunle and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd , Tor Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cn 2nd and ark Avenues Est. 'MO til ! I!V Heat Your Home The Modern Way! " " "r " ' USE HOT WATER HEATING We Stop Your "Cold War" vVHave our heating man coll ond give you estimates on hot water or steam heat- No Job Too Big No Job Too Small Call MI L 84 6 SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING Cor. 4th Ave. ond McBride To Gel in Shape and Keep in Shape have a Sfeam Bath Often planetary regions with a mer- ury capy,n hBand.knltted blttrt. ! and-white candy stripes- Above a peakbrim, folds of material suggest a visor, topped by two mercurian wings in DiacK paten. leather. "l1" Jl Scottis'n cau 0 remeniber her," . . .K. in Graham Reach Is reported not burning .It will be attended m ai mc in si. uPt-.. m.... Sure "83" Special Old the Government of British Columbil LISTINGS WANTED- FREE APPRAISAL, Beared to n-espnt pronertv market. See .. n ll Tallinn UH11, nome lor prompt action ann wnit.inor buvers. We have an urgent need for 4-room houses in good condition. Phone Arm - strona Agencies at 342 or Green 2P7 (eves 1247) W ANTEa ', . ; WORKING COuI-E require fur- nished accommodation b- o- 31 Lo;al references. Green t.76 afier 6. (2tipi ' I REWARD FOR 3 -room nished anariment. Red r0u, i (244p) WANTED 2 or 3 room unfurnished suite Phone Blue 455 days or Black 971 eves.. (247p WANTED TOP MARKET PRICKS PAID lor sciao iron steel, brass. coDnei . lead, etc Honest tnadlne. Pi.imot Day men t made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd . 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone 'Pacifir 6357. Uf) .... . WANTEU-mv cnnoren want to room nouse iurnisneu or uo- furnished.. Good rent. Please phone Green 438- (24Gpi WAN'I HL - rit:uO cast. Draa Conner, oaiienes anu raui Phone 543. Call 629 r,U west. (tf) PERSONAL THE YOUNG PEOPLE of the various churches are conduct-ins a canvass for funds for the Bible Society this week. This worthv cause is dependent largely on donations to carrv on the work of translating a"d Diintin" the scriptures in over 1000 languages. Doirt fail to do your bit. (248c) ROBERT ARCHIBALD Colqu-houn. If vou will call at Room 4 Besner Block (above Northern B C. Power Company 1 . vou will be a 1 v e n Information which will be useful to vou. Mm LOST On Third Ave. or Mc Bride St.. sterling silver dress clip one of pair with sentimental value to owner, Please phone Green 406. utpj FOUND FOUND Medium size black doe. VJICKII UUt. l,-IJlJf ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Inom lax sneclallst. H. li. ruTK Stone Building. Red 5S3. (SOfn1 BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS PLUMBIN( and Hetttlne -Sheet Meal work Tar ani Gravel Roofine. Call 629 6tr. West Phone 543. Letourneat nn sons ti, MODERN Paintlntt and Decor n -,Snence and Matulk Phone Black 215 evenings of noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. (tf) COMPLETE builders sunnlies fast service. Island Cltv Build-Ins Sunnlies. Blue 820. (18m) REPAIRS WATCH Rerair Dromnt efficient service. Georee Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran- - OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove Service & Repairs. O. D Ronson. Black 503 (tf) DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED APVKKTISKMKNTS BRiSO IT'S TOPCOAT Til At William F. to ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs. Joseph Cloutier of Prince Rupert. B C . announce the eneapement of their daughter, Florence Marie to Mr. Richard Ernest Schafer of Vancouver, B.C. The wedding will take nlace Oct. 26 in the Church of the Annunciation. FOR SALE NATTOV1TJY KNOWN NAMES Fra!""beiiM?wdr AtS- i-rai's Draeiines. Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. B.'ac f Tun Koad Maintenance ouJoment: Owen Clamshell Bucets and Rock Grannies; T 1.. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Porklift Trucks: Nelson ftiiket lenders for Stockoile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Ontrifuaal Pumns: Na-1 tional Draiine Scrai)ers and B;irkets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists:' National Portable Sawmills: National R itarv Screens and Conveyors. Fill Intormation from Na- "iS":r" CJ- UmiW; Vancouver. B.C. (ti, FOR SALE 1950 4-door deluxe Chev with new G.M. heater, new tires on car u!us 2 brand new snares Verv reasonable nrice Terms accepted. Phote Red 985. (243p) . lt'e model. Green 279. (tfl ' FOR SALE 14-foot row boat. 5 h p Johnson motor. Both in A-l condition. Phone Green 753. (248p) FOR SALE McClarv white en-; ainel range with Silent Glow i oil burner 811 Fraser St. t 245p)i FOR SALE-1946 Chev. 4 door' sedan. Phone Blue 814 after 6 p.m. (248pi ; rT. TT T ' FOR SALE Pot oil burner Stove. with barrel Dump and tink.i Phone Blue 733 ,245c,j avatwill Li Koats-.-M Topi machine: kitchen stoves: heat- hve with Daddy, will some-ers: hardware: scores of other body rent a two or three bed- ti.- an v,,i a mv v,vpcTrn : IS aiong an rignt." ; , This remark was not lost; on Mr. Abel. I noticed hml brighten at once. Apparently ne was ex- pected to play well and he did. Against the four spade bid he opened the king of hearts and followed with the ace of that suit Mr. Masters ruffed the sec- ond lead and led two rounds uf spades. Next he took three rounds of diamonds, discarding the five of clubs from dummy, Now he trumped his last dia- mond, led dummy's last heart, and ruffed It In his hand. This completed the stripping of all red cards from closed hand and dummy. Mr. Masters planned to duck a ciud lead into Mr. Dale's hand, Mr. Dale would then have to give dummy a club trick or lead a heart which Mr. Masters would 1 ruff in dummy wnile discarding, a losing club from .us own hmu ; This was a clever plan but I Mr. Abel upset it very neatly I "-".. ic.o of clubs at the tenth trick, Mr Abel hopped right up with the J ack . and-thafs all, brother uo Do you want your partner to play ' good cards? Then make hl ,h, k h f-nnfldpiire condenc fln? ,thlnT? outv,,ye In him. If he thinks you expect him to play well, he will try. TT1 roVl tctiiirtc? A nrfiaM n ta c r . i pnrprpn ... in nnnmipntB' rnBimn rJ -"7- on the score sheet. i Tomorrow I will show you another good play by Mr. Abel--the result of Mr. Dale's expert partnership tactics. Try a l iillv News Class. tied TlmliiT al X AYAH Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister at Victoria, B.C.. not liter than 11 a.m. on the 7th dy of November. 1950. lor the purchne of Licence X 49548. to cut 3.200.000 f b m. of Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar, on an area comprising part of Lot 829A. situated near Tow Hill, north coast Gruham Island, Queen Char lotte Islands Land District. Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. 10-17-24-31 PRINCE RWPKKT. HC NOTICF OP INTKNTION TO APPLY TO LKAHE LAND In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situated In Useless Bay Porcher Island, Kunge 5 Coast District. Take Notice that I. Jessie Kelman Murray of Prince Rupert. B. C. occupation Married, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted North West corner of lot No. 4447 Range 5 Coast District In Useless Bay, Porcher Inland, thence Southerly to 8 W. corner; thence West 10 chains, thence 28 chains North, thence 10 chains East to point of commencement, containing 20 acres) (more or less). Date of Staking:. Sept. 18, 1950. Signed by Jessie- Kelman Murray. (H) , JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue WRATHALL'S , PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. ,v 820 - 3rd Ave. W. fabric i HOWFC BrlSfANT. C" I'1 In a variety of model and hade ;X: "f j io (un every iaie. Keguian, nun and tall. 45. CAVTyitt the cloth of tomorrow that't htre toduu. );!M HO INCREASE useful furniture at lowest, nrlces. See B.C. Furniture. 1 Black 3Z4. Uf)1 I HI - POWERED QPnDTiMn1 RIFLES Larger assortment! and better values. Write for! latest catalog listing various bargain prices. SCOPES SALES CO. LTD., 326 Qjeen St.. Ottawa. Ont Ul) FOR RENT FOR RENT Room for quiet man in desirable arjartnient I ApplV Box 812. Daily News. Ufnc) ; t with . ii ti hhJ; u I 41' ,tyr' krenvule a, Court. H Fraser le- Ph"2? St. ' FOR RENT Large rumpus1 room. Also rooms for rent. areen 401 (947m iu du r HELP WANTED FEMALE Columbio Cellulose Co. requires the services of a typist clerk immediately. Prospective applicants please apply in person to Personnel Office, Watson Island. ?44 FOR SALE Dropside couch and ' ; mattress. $15; wood and coa'JFOR RENT Two room apart-; ieater. $10; piano, like new, I ment. No children. 743 Ninth ,. $375: 5-drawer chiffonier $10.i Ave. W.. afternoon. (24Upi .-, .Phone Blue 988. (244ci i - FGR SALE rHWsehold Roods ! P9SHN?11 V... OF 01, mm son feSfeORTOPCt RENT-Sleeping-room. 215'' Fourth East. Call after 5 p.m. (Z4ip) iFOR RENT Single hou.sekeen- hje room. 900 First West. A3-; miv i riim mst unci Gentlemen . As long'asPI RENT Gararce, 900 10th' will be no mn-: Pick your fob'ic B!-L nur StV' .Pick your color -Inchidint? bed-chesterfield and ' chair and McClarv Crown I ranKe. 320 Fifth St. West. 1 , (245p; CAR FOR SALE 1932 CHEV , j "fod condition, radio and heater new tires. Phone Black I West. (24pijpoR FOR SALE McClarv all enamel ; rani?e. . Phone Green 360 (eve-i ft (n,n., FOR SALE Household furnl - r ture. Chesterfield suite, in - , I-, riuuiin' minus auu new carpet: a x iu. fnone uiacK 33. (246piFOR e FOR SALE 1 Chesterfield suite.! 1 bedroom suite, springfllied j mattress. 1 single bed and mattress l Kitcnen iacKKnuei , table and chairs. 1 standing , lamp. Phone Red 911 after 6 p.m. (243p) FOR SALE 1945 dump truck, $1200. Steel deck. Phone Black 140 after 5 or 9 evenincs (243p) FOR SALE Mantel radio combination and table model radio wit.n morine band. Phone Blue 930, 552 Eighth East. (245p) FOR SALE 1936 LaSalle. Good tires and motor. $550.00 or best offer Terms. Suite No. 5. Belmont Hotel. (245p) FOR SALE 1941 Chev.. radio ...and heater. Apply 613 Eismth East, eves- 245p)'j nat suit or W your next prices b bouht 8 P: : - way If! I Kast. (245p) I - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 40 acres cultivated' farm land rve nn- mom new farm hn'iiri. lngs. 6-vear-old team chick-' ents. farm implements, etc. I Located outside of Piince! YJiJ C?Z fer, ,'".;! City. (Hp) FOR SALE House, full base-j ment with furnace. A real' familv home. Two cultivated lots. Terms can be arranged. Phone Black 480 after 6. (245pi FOR SALE Large six -room; house, two view lots. Section Two. Spring occupancy. Green 706. (245ci our popum. garrn" ' ? hold deposit will (tv guarantee you f(-'re At Todoysl-3 , This offer only PJ f, . et stock If OPEN AT 4 EVERY AFTERNOON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NORTHERN SPORTS AND HEALTH SPRINGS Phone 658 now, wnne u-. j WILLIAM F. . : . Clothes of