7 Prince Hupcrt Dan? JUrtes Thursday, April 7, 1949 HOTEL ARRIVALS ! R. G. Hopkins, Mayor Nora Arnold. Honorary President is Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Honorary Vice-President is Mrs. J. B. Gibson. The financial report, read by Treasurer J. C. Gilker, showed that receipts for the vear total- MUSEUM BOARD ANNUAL MEET Board of Directors of the Museum of Northern British Columbia heard reports on last your New Home! BADMINTON- CHAMPIONS (Continued irom Page 6) beat George and Mary Viereck 15-8, 15-7 J. B. MacDonald beat J. McKay and L. Basso Bert 15-8 14-18, 15-5 R. McClymont and B. Payne beat J. and B. MacDonald 15-1, 15-2. year's operations, elected newjled $1,133 with expenditures of ' OR AN ADDITION WE HAVE THE BUILDING MATERIALS YOl' WILL NEED INCLUDING: SIDING All Types FLOORING Fir and Hemlock SASH and Door Stock Men's Doubles, First Flight S. Cornwell and R. McClv - mont beat J. MacKay and Bill Lambie 15-10, 15-8. , J. MacDonald and B. Mur- ray beat G. Viereck and H. Pluym 15-11, 15-7. Ladies' Doubles, First Flight F. Cross and L. Basso-Bert beat H. Mork and F. Rivett cers it was decided that ap-15-4, 15-5. jpointments to the directorship B. MacDonald and J. Cross should be Invited from the beat B .Payne and D. Balagno , Prince Rupert Junior Chamber POTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED phone of the Dominion. Deep concern is felt over diflculties in disposing of stocks of fish which have accumulated The Council decided the only thing left to dc was try and boost the sale in domestic markets through extensive advertising and consumer education. TO SELL ! p HOME j LiwrURC of dollar-, j I ountrie s, is seriously , I intprniiliojlfll ! Hiaua .3 "' ? . ,..,ir(iinE to what! 'the fourth annual! ne Fisheries council $912, leaving a biilance of $221. Largest expenditure, with the exception of salary, was repair of the building which excluding of ,the cost rai? .two totem poles, ' was $109 Total ine tsoard moved to send a copy of the financial statement to the provincial Department of Mines, owners of the museum building, pointing out the sum spent on the building and suggesting that work on the mus- eum grounds would be appreci ated. Board members felt that the Department of Public Works ! might undertake the repair of , the lawn and construct a fence to separate the Museum grounds fiom the adjacent Health Unit. Curator C. E. Cuiiia reported. 1 ih.it. during Hip tnnrut. spnsnn last year, there had been 775 paid admissions to the museum and that the Association had 100 members. Receipts from memberships and admission fees totalled ,$305 which w;is $187 greater than the previous 1 year. IMPROVEMENTS j Retiring President Theo Col- J lart reported outstanding piob- i lems and events during the last year, listing the renovation of the upper floor of the museum and the raising of two large totem poles at the front of the building as major changes. SecroLary Basil S. Prockter :old the meeting that the museum is in process of losing the argolyte totem pole collection which was the property of the late George Cunningham, and suggested that .pending its eventual disposal by the present owner, a request be made to in business COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIRY ! I Your Dally ' ALL-WEATHER SERVICE BUSINESS AND DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 ARROW CARS 24-Hour Service PHONE 646 Prompt and Courteous Service BALAGNO FLORISTS 322 W,est Third Avenue PHONE GREEN 787 Box 1193 Prince Rupert, B. C. INTERIOR DECORATING PAPER HANGING and SIGN PAINTING R. RAHMER PHONE BLUE 836 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 750 972 10th East DRY KINDLING WOOD 50c Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire PHONE B Si W TRANSFER Green 188 BYTOWN MACHINE ' WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of In 1 dustrlal Engines are invited to our showroom to view our vart ous engines and talk over equip ment problems. ROCK and CONCRETE WORK FOR YOUR CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heela nd Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 ftecontf Ave. 1 . - , K- , ( I I ",,, . "4 -: J'i ' J - V- tJ - . . ( ', , : V ' W-':4 J be ' , ?J ' 's. 13-15, 18-15, 15-5. Men's Singles, First Flight S.. Cornwell beat Geo. Viereck 15-9, 15-4. R. McClymont beat Bob Mac- ; Donald 15-5, 15-3. I Mixed Doubles, 2nd Flight 1 II. Home and S. Home beat M. and J. Kullander 15-9, 11- 15, 18-13. K. Aird and C. Worskett beat S. Vickerman and D. Becker 8-15, 15-8, 15-10. K .Aird and C. Worskett beat H. and S. Home 6-15, 15-9, 15-10. M. Hanson and H. Mr.rk beat S. Jamnicky and R. Jacobson 15-0, 15-2. M. Hanson and B. Mork beat Art Hinton and G. Cade 15-4, 15-2. , Bob MacDonald and J. Cross beat N. Stromdahl and Dot White 15-5, 15-12. Mixed Ilouliles, 3rd Flight E. Bluin and F. Partridge beat S. Ferguson and E. Rivett 15-6, 15-8. E. Blain and F. Partridge beat L. Astoria and E. Shep-pard 15-10, 15-10. B. Bacon ' and M. Jackson beat M. Wightman and K. Reid 15-3, 8-15, 15-9. F. Symes and S. Tremeer beat F. Goertzen and M. Anstey 15-8, 5-15, 15-10. Men's Doubles 2nd Flight K. Aird and M. Wightman beat S. Jamnicky and S. Ferguson 15-fi, 15-7. H. Home and S. Vickerman taeat N. Stromdahl and N. McLean 15-11, 12-15, 15-13. H. Home and 8. Vickerman beat K. Aird and M. Wihtman 15-4, 15-7. . ... Ladies' Doubles, 2nd Flight K. Reid and F. Sheppaid beat S. Tremeer and M. MacDonald 15-6. 15-0. S. Home and M. Viereck bat C. Balagno and M. Jackson 15-9, 15-5. S. Home and M. Viereck beat V 1MB CA 251 Third Avenue PHONE 179 I m m KEN'S RADIO CLINIC Fof Satisfactory Service Call 9,i 718 Second Avenue West PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN - HOME SERVICE OENGRAL CONTRACTORS Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PHONES I Black 687 Red 894 evening! P.O. Box 1670 t BRYDGES and McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Income Tax Returns Compiled Besnrr Block Room 31 PHONE 600 MATTSON'S - UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 528 330 Second Avenue , Prince Rupert, B.C1; i A. P. GARDNER &:CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C MARGARET McLE.OD ; OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE .... . ...v . , K . Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. fncoma Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone .387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in i all Its branches - j 204 4th Street 1 Phone 655 I Well Cartage Ltd. j Complete Movlnp Service I Crating Packing Cartage; I I BLUE 780 RED 516 Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage - For Complete, Reliable fend Efficient Service, caU Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 ; Phones 60 and 68 & Contracting 1 -1 1 1 LS3LMEIi! I Prinee Rupert Commissioner John Shirras, Victoria; T. A. V. Tremblay, Vic toria; M. Nysorak, city; J. Cook, Vancouver; E. Eivemark, Van couver; E. G. Cook, Vancouver; G. McLellan, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ewart, city; R. F. Rudd Vancouver; H. Herget, Edmonton; J M. Bennett, Vancouver; G. E. Wilson, Vancouver; D. Anderson, Vancouver; George Kear- ley. Prince George; T. Carson Vancouver: W. J. Mills, Vancouver: T. S. Lockie, Vancouver; W. D. Wilson, Vancouver; P. E Turner, Queen Charlotte City; E. P. Harris, Prince George; M. Young, Vancouver; H. Diether Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc- Donald and son, Vancouver. . BELLEVILLE, Ont. Allan Turncliffe has been remanded for a week on charges of failing to support his five young child- the cldest eZM. them alone in a shack for lb days. His wife was ill in hospi tal another maternity case. have it housed in the museum this summer. The collection, composed of more than 50 finely carvefl pieces, has been for years one of the major examples of native artifact in the museum. Rev. Mr. Prockter reported that Mayor Arnold had received a number of native articles, through gift and on loan from Jack Scott, provincial forester, on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Additional exhibits will be sought. For repair work on the mus eum steps, which were found to be in . a weakened condition during the totem raising operations, the provincial Public Works department will be askeS to supply materials and the city to provide workmen. 'Bulger's Will you send up a pound of Diamonds . and a dozen string of Puarls?' It Pays Off PRESENT IH.R WITH FLOWERS AND ASK HER TO DINNER . . . She'll appreciate your thought-fulness and the chance to leave the kitchen range. FOR RESERVATIONS and "Chicken In the Rough" PHONE RED 705 I 1 officers and laid plans for the coming season at their annual meeting held in the Civic Cen- tre last night. The Board set June 1 as the ..... . opening date this year and re- appointed C, E. Cullin to post of Curator which he has held for the last two years. During the election of offi- of Commerce and the Business and Professional Women's Ciub both of which have shown active interest in the museum in the past. In anticipation of these- appointments, two positions were left open on the five-man board. New officers and directors are: President, F..E. Anfield. First Vice-President, J. K. McLeod. Second Vice - President, J Harry Black. Secretary, Canon Basil a Prockter. Treasurer, J. C. Gilker. Directors Gordon F. .Forbes, K. Reid and F .Sheppard 15-2,. 15-10. C. Worskett and D. White beat M. Anstey and O. Jokano-vich 15-10, 15-8. C. Worskett and D. While beat F. Partridge and G. Cade 15-8,15-8. Men's Singles, 2nd Flight M. Hanson beat D. McAllister 15-0, 15-0. M. Hanson beat N. Pavlikis 15-12. 17-15. E. Blain beat S. Ferguson 15-7, 12-15, 15-6. F. Symes beat Harry Home 15-7, 15-8.- F. Symes beat E. Blain 15-10, 10-15, 17-14. N. Pavlikis beat B. Bacon 15- 8. SPRING STYLE 7 ' , BARATHEA SLACKS-Finety tailored, these slacks are available in two shades of brown. Priced at .... $1 !.!)" SCAMPERS Moccasin style wii.h erene soles. Priced at i.00 and 1157.00 SCAMPER S Single strap style in Burgundy red with red lug soles. Priced at ACME CLOTHING STORE SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS GARDEN NEEDS and EQUIPMENT ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Oil. rxMPANV OF MIIIA LIMI I M) Vancouver, B.i:. Itiilrinil(-llt ( herron i ane nf Hie miH-r at hki i(KrKtnrfl hu Unvr ktMtfiJ uf B.l'. priMtitrli. myself ;., diir biminm ,al cinlnnirr . . . ho lrivp regularly hmun Us Sution father tail I irralf n. Iliii-tl iniliinirt imiil '',, of ur trtilf. .ii ..malm naki" our our buinr buinr priiiM"r. rwionm prefer to ileal " note own our own Ihrv like our pmilurti? krr .! Vinel 00 I wlnt Ihey about lirrmr (tl!np IDil ,ir(lil. biiililinR t (noil, .uh for ourelvM Krtme s Service, m 1 "Thank Yon'' Ciilnr nutumrri thu've helped ?! STANDARD HKUISII I Marine Bulldfaift. Vic Mrk.fti, tirr f Waruuvrr. t titn 31)11 wrvir t iimiii u tmrkit m NfOUR isuros' f ALL YOUR "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 kitchen, too..., , . . Automobile Owners or course It Is ridiculous No one buys jewellery by the pound or by the dozen. Jewellery is something that must be examined, compared and selected according to individual taste. . - WITH THE LUXURY TAX OFF-KVEKYTIIING IN BULGERS COSTS LESS - Choose what you like, when you like Quality is always in style at go-op FREEZE-UP DANGERS ARE OVER. IT IS TIME TO pRAIN OFF ANTIFREEZE AND POWER FLUSH THE COOLING SYSTEM. A CAN OF CHRYCO RUST RESISTOR WILL THEN KEEP THE COOLING SYSTEM IN TIP TOP SHAPE FOR WARMER WEATHER DRIVING CONDITIONS. THIS SERVICE IS INEXPENSIVE AND MAY SAVE YOU A LOT OF TROUBLE LATER ON. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD.; PHONE 8C6 PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK 'HINTING REQUIREMENTS m Boat Owners IF YOFR BOAT NEEDS New Stacks Exhaust Pipes Ventilators Mufflers Tanks Halibut Shutes rilONE BLACK 881 WF ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL TYPES OF METAL WORK THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 253 First Ave. E. llcgal Printers (ED. SAUNDERS) PHONE 21 P.O. Box 123 HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home B0 Rooms, Hot end Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml' P.O. Box 1M . . i YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR m Ave i i U.. A a $Gry Reserve Y Urmes Drugs PACIFIC mm Stevedoring COMPANY LIMITED KENNETH SPENCER Thc Orcat American Basso lvic (entre7 Thursday, April 14 General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways'- CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT, B.C; Civic Centre Dining Room 1 .. ... ii DELIVER" r T 1 V I' K " PHONE 81 .' . y "WE